Bio Wk 18 Flashcards
What are the 3 KINGDOMS of classification we have talked about last week & this week?
(HINT: 2 are from previous weeks)
What are the 4 DOMAINS of Eukarya?
Protista, Fungi, Plantae, Animalia
BONUS: What do the ALL have in common?
(no, the answer is not “They SUCK!”)
“Trash Can” Kingdom
What are some characteristics of “animal-like” protists?
Heterotroph (means no chloroplasts)
Movement: zooflagellates (animal-like with flagella),
Ways to differentiate protists:
movement, reproduction, feeding tactics, …
Movement: flagella (zooflagellates), pseudopods (amoeba),
2 Types of Reproduction:
Asexual: does not require eggs/sperm
Sexual reproduction: sperm & egg meet
BONUS: Which are more genetically diverse?
Which reproduction has internal and external forms?
What is the difference?
Sexual reproduction,
external = fertilization occurs outside the body,
internal= fertilization occurs inside.
BONUS: What is fertilization?
Tell me about amoeboids:
Movement: pseudopods
Reproduction: Asexual or sexual
Feeding: heterotroph
(BONUS: freeliving vs. parasitic)
Ameoba’s 2 special vacuoles:
food vacuole: store food
contractile vacuole: stores ? (Slide #12)
Tell me about the ameoba foraminiferans living in the ocean secreting CaCO3.
They are ameobas that have pseudopods,
with calcium carbonate “shells”,
move via pseudopods.
BONUS: What do they have to do with the
“White Cliffs” of Dover (England)
How do ciliates differ from flagellates?
Ciliates have many “hair-like” projections
that typically surround the entire cell to move it,
vs. flagellates a few longer flagella.
BONUS: Google “flagellate” (/flogging)
Ciliates have an “oral groove”
oral groove: indentation (like a mouth)
on side of ciliates with adjoining food vacuoles
that take nutrition to lysomes.
BONUS: Explain a lysome (lyso-/lysis- means to…)
Slide #15
The job of a ciliate anal pore is:
The ciliate anal pore :
expels waster material of the cells
sent by food vacuoles.
BONUS: What does “moveable” digestive system mean?
Slide # 15
Ciliates seem to have defense/distancing
mechanism called trichocysts ,
explains yo-self…
Trichocysts: long hollow hair-like structures
shooting out to form a protective barrier
Slide # 16
What is a nucleus?
What is a macronucleus?
What is a micronucleus?
Nucleus: where genetic material for a cell is stored
Macronucleus: where original genetic material
is stored for a ciliate
Micronucleus: stores a copy of ciliate
macronucleus DNA for “work”/copying,
then divides via meiosis (NOT mitosis) #17
Does a ciliate macro- or micro- nucleus
undergo meiosis?
What part of the ciliate is used to
“transfer” genetic material?
Ciliates’ micronucleus divides via meiosis so that it can use a copy of the genetic material to swap with another ciliate bia the anal groove.