Bio Week 17 Flashcards
Bacteria are :
a. prokaryotes
b. eukaryotes
Name which eubacteria or archaebacteria
belong to each statement:
- Have peptidoglycan
- Live in EXTREEEEEEME conditions
- Share more DNA similarities with eukaryotes
- eubacteria have peptidoglycan
- archaebacteria love extreme conditions
- archaebacteria share more DNA similarities
with eukaryotes than eubacteria/prokaryotes
What are 4 ways to identify bacteria?
- Shape: cocci, bacilli, spirilla (what are these shapes?)
- Cell wall: Gram+ and Gram- (which one is purple?)
- Movement: flagella (wiggle vs. slime)
- Energy:
autotroph vs. heterotroph (what does this mean?)
chemo vs. photo (what does this mean?)
Crystal violet dye is absorbed
by ___________ in the cell wall,
staining Gram ______ bacteria purple.

What is a source of energy for autotrophs vs. heterotrophs?
What is a source of carbon for autotrophs vs. heterotrophs?
Carbon: autotrophs = CO2
heterotrophs = organic compounds
Energy: photo = light
chemo = chemical compounds
What is the difference between
fermentation and respiration?

Respiration require oxygen!
What does aerobic and anaerobic mean?
Explain obligate vs. facultative bacteria
Bacteria Reproduction, explain:
Binary fission:
Binary fission: splits into 2 identical cells
Conjugation: share DNA parts via connecting tubes
Spores: DNA copy surrounded by
thick walls = endospore
Bacteria Jobs
Decomposers : what are they decomposing?
Nitrogen “fixing” : who cares?
A harmful microbe is called a ______ .
BONUS: What are 2 ways pathogens harm tissues/organisms?
What are the 3 parts of a virus?

Pnvelope Proteins

**DNA** Viruses replicate via 2 paths, explain:
Lytic Cycle
(Fun Fact: root word “lyse” means to break apart)
Lytic Cycle: virus invades each cell and replicates destroying the cell
Lysogenic: virus invades cell and allows cell to replicate initiating the lytic cycle later via many cells
**RNA** Viruses are called __________ .
They replicate using reverse transcriptase which does what exactly?
reverse transcriptase: RNA enters
ribosomes backwards twice to form DNA
What did the scientist Louis Pasteur do that was sooooooooo damn important? ***eye rolling***
Made the connection between pathogens and disease/illnesses !
What does high temperatures/heat and cold temperatures do to mose bacteria?
Heat: kills bacteria
Cold: slows reproduction
What is a disinfectant?
Give an example.
Disinfectant is a chemical that kills bacteria.