Bio Week 10 Flashcards
DNA that’s “cleaned up” and wrapped tightly
around histone proteins forms a ______ .
A little section of DNA that code for certain traits is called a ______ .

DNA’s shape is called a _______ ________ .
DNA stands for ________ ________ .
double helix
deoxyribonucleic acid
(dee - oxy - ri - bo - new - clay - ic )
The “rungs” of the DNA ladder is composed of 2 groups: ______ and _______ .
Which group does each of the 4 nitrogen bases belong to?
purines (have the extra ring) : adenine, guanine
pyrimidines : thymine, cytosine (the “Y” ‘s all stick together ! )
A nitrogen base (ATGC) plus a deoxyribose form a _______ ,
and a chain of these form _______ ________ .
hint: (the “NA” in DNA)
What are the base pairs?
A and T , C and G
(think Catherine Gasper, your fav mum!)
Name some differences between prokaryote and eukaryote cells DNA.
Prokaryote : single DNA loop, no nucleus, much less DNA material
Eukaryote : many “strands” of DNA (how many exactly?) ,
has a nucleus,
What is the enzyme that “unzips” the DNA helix?
Next DNA polymerase comes along and takes ______ floating
around the nucleus and turns them into chains called ______ .
nucleotides/monomers link to form polymers
WTH is a leading strand and lagging strand of DNA?
leading strand is the copy of DNA that forms in order
lagging strand is pieced together out of order (Okazaki fragments BABY ! )
DNA codes for over 100,000 proteins in the body
And these proteins that are built from just 20 ______ _______ .
amino acids
(which are also built from the DNA “blueprint” ! )
___________ are the protein factories of the cell.
They are found 2 places, IN the _________
or ON the ________ __________ .
endoplasmic reticulum
To make proteins, how does the gene “blueprint”
from DNA get to the ribosome?
RNA (what does RNA stand for?)
Explain how you could determine
which genetic materal is RNA?

RNA is single strand (not double helix)
RNA has ribose “sides” / backbone
RNA has uracil, not thymine
mRNA is a disposable copy of a _____ from the DNA
which transports that section of code to outside of the ________ ,
where the ribosome uses the code to make _______ .
What is the enzyme that “unzips” DNA to make a copy for mRNA?

RNA polymerase
BONUS: What is different about the mRNA “copy” of the gene?
What does transcription mean?
THINK! The root word “scribe” means to write
What are promoters and terminators in mRNA transcription?
Promoters and terminators are the “start” stop” point of
different genes that the RNA polymerase attaches to start copying.
What are introns and extons in mRNA transcription?
What are codons (after transcription)?
introns are the non-coding DNA parts that can get cut out
extons are the important parts of the gene that get spliced together
codons are the 3 letter groups ribosomes use to make proteins
Codons will always be one of 4 letters, which letters?
A, C, G, U
AUG is a start codon, what does that mean?
What letter does all stop codons start with?
Start codon is the place on mRNA
that tells a ribosome to start “reading” the code.
stop codons always start with U (UAA, UAG, UGA)
Translation is different than transcription (copying DNA to mRNA),
this is when the ribosome uses mRNA to _____________ .
Translation is when the ribosome reads mRNA to
decipher/translate codons and make amino acids.
tRNA activate during translation.
tRNA consists of 3 bases called an _______ ,
that pair up with mRNA codons.
Each tRNA is paired up (BFF) with a particular ______ _______ ,
that the ribosome uses to create proteins.
amino acid
Explain the steps of protein manufacturing.
Include the terms transcription, translation.
Transcription: DNA copies to mRNA
mRNA exits nucleus to ribosome where translation begins.
ribosome finds a start codon
and begins pairing tRNA anticodons to mRNA codons.
Ribosome links amino acids attached to tRNA to form proteins.
Mutation is a mistake in the DNA replication process.
What are the 2 types of mutations ,
what causes the mutation,
and which one tends to be more severe?
gene mutation: caused by DNA replication errors, mutagens (UV damage, etc)
chromosome mutation: errors in crossing over during meiosis, more severe
substitution mutation
point mutation
Trick question: substitution and point mutation are the same,
they occur when one base in a code sequence is replaced
by something different
BONUS: what are silent, missense, and nonsense point mutations? #72
Frame shift mutation is occurs because of insertion or deletion.
Insertion and deletion occur when an extra base is jammed IN
or karate chopped OUT of the code sequence,
shifting all the bases along the frame.
BONUS: What is the “frame” called/made out of?
chromosome mutations:
match the mutation to the letter in the picture:
deletion, translocation, duplication, inversion, insertion

BONUS: What helps to “fix” base code errors? #79

What are things we can do to reduce the chance of mutations?

Wash hands (to avoid bacteria & viruses)
Put that cigarette out (reduce gene exposure to chemicals)
Bathe in that sunscreen (avoid radiation exposure like UV & xray)