Bible_Study_9 Flashcards
Burning Bush
Exodus 3
Crossing the Red Sea
Exodus 14
The Blessing & the Cursings
Deuteronomy 27-28
This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth, but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success
Joshua 1:8
Hear,Israel: the Lord our God is one Lord
Deut. 6:4
Ye shall not do after all the things that we do here this day, every man whatsoever is right in his own eyes.
Deut. 12:8
Now therefore fear the Lord, and serve him in sincerity and in truth: and put away the gods which your fathers served on the other side of the flood, and in Egypt; and serve ye the Lord. And if it seem evil unto you to sere the Lord, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood; or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.
Joshua 24:14-15
And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thing heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might.
Deut. 6:5
Reference for the great pro-life statement
Exodus 21:22-23
Feast of Passover
NT - speaks of Calvary♦OT - commemorated the Exodus and sparing of the Israelite firstborn
7 Day Feast of Unleavened Bread
NT - Christ as the Bread of Life♦OT - Hasty exodus from Egypt the morning after the Passover
Feast of First Fruits
NT - The Resurrection of Christ♦OT - commemorated the Crossing of the Red Sea
Feast of Weeks or Pentecost
NT - Coming of the Spirit (occurred on this day)♦OT - commemorated the ending of the wheat harvest 50 days after the first fruits (after 7 weeks of 7 days)
Feast of Trumpets
NT - Rapture and 2nd Coming♦OT - Memorial trumpets were blown on the 1st day of the 7th month (blown 7 times)
Day of Atonement
NT - The Tribulation♦OT - National Atonement - sprinkle the blood of the slaughtered bull and goat 7 times upon the Mercy Seat in the Holy of Holies
Feast of Tabernacles
NT - The Millennium♦OT - commemorated the Wilderness Wanderings
Provisions of the Dietary Laws
Eat only animals with cloven hooves and chewed the cud. Only fish with scales and fins were to be eaten.
Which 3 feasts required all adult Jewish males?
Passover, Weeks/Pentecost, & Tabernacles
Main Content of Numbers
Received the Law and Constructed the Tabernacle.♦Numbered the people at Mt. Sinai.♦Refuse to obey God and enter the Promised Land at Kadesh-Barnea.♦Condemned to wander in the Wilderness.♦New generation travels to Jordan River on the edge of the Promised Land.♦”Get Going!” - needed 50 boxcars of food and 12 million gallons of water per day.
Author of Numbers
Date of Numbers
1444-1405 BC - Begins exactly 1 year and 1 month after the Exodus - Spans almost 40 years (38 years and 1 month)
Title of Numbers
English title comes from the numberings of the people at the beginning and end of the book. ♦Jewish writings entitle it - “In the Wilderness”♦The 1st numbering was of the former generation, but the 2nd numbering was of the new generation.
Main Content of Deuteronomy
Final 3 farewell sermons of Moses - repreaches Israel’s History, Law, and Covenant all to a new generation
Key Word of Deuteronomy
Authorship of Deuteronomy
Moses (finished by Joshua)
Date and chronology of Deuteronomy
1405 BC (Covers 1 month)
Background of Deuteronomy
No one over 60 (except for Joshua and Caleb) would hear the messages of Moses, so he repreaches the History, Law, and Covenant of Israel.
Title of Deuteronomy
English title means “second law” - the book is an expansion, exposition, and application of the original Law given 40 years earlier.
How to pass your faith on to the Next Generation
Have God’s word in your own heart. Teach the Bible in practical ways with practical applications in daily life in informal normal daily settings. Saturate your life and theirs with the Word of God. Communicate the meaning of the 10 commandments. Tell the motive (why) they should obey God. Tell the purpose of redemption. Tell of the Blessings of Obedience. Tell of their spiritual heritage.
Legal Testimony and Perjury
2 witnesses required for conviction. False witnesses received the punishment for the crime of which they falsely accused another.
Main content of Joshua
Records the conquest of Canaan, the land originally promised to Abraham.
Theme of Joshua
The Possession of Israel
Practical purpose of Joshua
How to face our own spiritual battles with sin and temptation by faith and dependence on God.
Joshua is the Hebrew form of what Greek name?
Meaning if the name Joshua
Jehovah is Salvation
Reasons for the Death penalty
To remove guilt from the land, to put away evil from among them, to deter crime, and to bring about equal justice.
What were the two schools in Jesus’s day that taught the meaning of the term uncleanness and thus two views on when divorce is acceptable to God?
Shammai and Hillel
What did the School of Shammai teach? How was this view accepted?
Divorce only for the sin of adultery./The view was seen as too narrow and too intolerant by most of the common people of this day.
What did the School of Hillel teach? How was this view accepted?
Uncleanness was anything that displeased the husband and therefore permitted divorce for every cause./As divorce had tragically become commonplace at this point in Israel’s history, this view had the overwhelming support of the Jewish people.
What were some of the acceptable causes for divorce according to the school of Hillel?
Appearing in public with her head or arms uncovered or with disheveled hair./ If he didn’t like her cooling or if she burned a meal or put too much salt on the food./Being childless./Speaking to other men or having a bad reputation./Insulting her in-laws or speaking badly of them in her husbands presence./Brawling in the house(defined as speaking loudly enough for the neighbors to hear) or being quarrelsome of troublesome./If he disliked her or found a more attractive woman.
What were the two reasons the Pharisees asked Jesus about divorce?
- Having earlier heard Jesus’s strict teachings against divorce, they hoped to cause Jesus to publicly agree with the School of Shammai and therefore damage His popularity. No matter how Jesus answered someone would be angry. 2. They were in Herod’s (Who had beheaded John for the same issues) territory and hoped Herod would behead him as well.
Why did Jesus answer shock the Pharisees?
He held a stricter position than the School of Shammai unconcerned about their politics or popularity.
What does Jesus explain about God’s original intentions for marriage?
He goes right past Deuteronomy 24 and straight back to Genesis where God created male and female and where God joined them into a life long on flesh union. He says no man had the authority to put asunder what God had joined together.
What was the focus of the Pharisees vs. the focus of Jesus on the subject of divorce?
The focus of the Pharisees was on when was it ok to divorce your mate. The answer of Jesus is that God never intended any marriage to end in divorce.
What is the history behind the question the Pharisees asked Jesus? “Why did Moses command divorce?”
Both schools believed that divorce was commanded not merely permitted, under certain conditions. The Talmud and the Rabbis actually spoke of divorce as a virtue almost on par with marriage and even as a religious duty akin to separating yourself from uncleanness.
What was Jesus’ answer to the Pharisees question on why did Moses command divorce?
Jesus says Moses only permitted divorce. He did not command divorce. There was no circumstances whatsoever where it was commanded of God that people must divorce. The only reason that divorce was even permitted was because of the hardness of their hearts.
What do people do who have already divorced and remarried?
A couple who have wrongfully divorced and remarried are to confess their sin and obtain forgiveness from the Lord, but they are not to end their new marriage. To do so would be committing the same sin again not correcting it. Once the sin has been dealt with, the couple is not living in perpetual adultery.
Where will the Abomination of Desolation take place? At what point in the tribulation?
In the Temple Holy of Holies/Second Half
The Abomination of Desolation is a reference to what two passages? What is it a reference of?
Daniel 9:27/Daniel 12:11/Antiochus IV Epiphanes set up and idol in the Holy of Holies and defiled the temple.
What is the Abomination of Desolation?
The Anti Christ will enter the Holy of Holies at the mid-point of the Tribulation, proclaiming himself to be god and setting up an image of himself the image of the beast.
What will the Anti Christ do at the time of the Abomination of Desolation?
He will break his peace treaty with Israel as they reject his demands for worship. He will then attempt to slaughter the Jews. They are to flee without even taking time to gather their belongings.
What does the Parable of the Ten Virgins picture?
The judgment of Living Jews after the tribulation.
What does the bridegroom represent in the Parable of the Ten Virgins?
What does the bride represent in the Parable of the Ten Virgins?
The Church
What is the Parable of the Ten Virgins a story of?
The bridegroom has already escorted the Bride back to His Father’s House to privately consummate the Marriage (the seven years in Heaven during the Tribulation on earth.) Now the Bridegroom comes to call the 10 virgins similar to today’s bridesmaids (Israel) as guests to the public Feast. (Millennial reign.)
What did the 10 virgins in the Parable of the Ten Virgins represent?
The five that were ready were saved Israel. The five unprepared were unsaved Israel. They had no oil (regeneration of the Spirit.)
What does the parapble of Separating the Sheep and the Goats picture?
This pictures the Judgment of Living Gentiles after the tribulation.
What is the significance of Jesus’ statement in Mt. 26:39?
Jesus is praying if there is any other possible way for men to be saved other than his torturous death on the Cross, that He would not have to drink this cup of suffering. Heaven’s answer is that there is no other possible way for men to be saved other than the Cross. If good works or religion could save any man, Jesus would not have gone to the cross.
What is Jesus’s statement in Mt. 26:39?
O My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from Me: Nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt.
What is Jesus’ statement in Luke 23:43?
Second Cross Utterance Verily, I say unto thee, To day shalt thou be with me in Paradise
What facts does Luke 23:24 demonstrate about salvation?
Salvation is offered to anyone anywhere. Salvation is by Grace through faith alone.
Why is there only one death bed conversion in the Bible?
So no dying man will despair, and no living mad will presume.
Salvation by grace through faith disputes the doctrine of sacramentalism how?
He was saved apart form confirmation, sprinkling, Holy Communion, and church membership.
Salvation by grace through faith disputes the doctrine of Baptismal Regeneration how?
The thief was saved without baptism. This was after some of the baptismal regenerationists key proof texts (like John 3:5) had been given by Christ, negating their counter argument that baptism was not yet required but is now.
Salvation by grace through faith disputes the doctrine of Purgatory how?
The thief had done nothing to earn His way from Purgatory to Paradise. His sins were not burned away by the fire of Purgatory, but were rather washed away by the blood of Christ.
Salvation by grace through faith disputes the doctrine of Universalism how?
Only one thief was saved.
Salvation by grace through faith disputes the doctrine of Soul Sleep how?
Jesus said the thief would be with him in Paradise today, not after a long period of unconscious soul sleep until resurrection.
What statement did Jesus make in Matthew 27:46?
Fourth Cross Utterance Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani. or My God My God, why hast Thou forsaken me?
Why did Christ make his statement in Matthew 27:46?
It was at this moment that God made Him to be sin for us and then turned his back on Christ because God is of purer eyes that to behold evil. This was the only moment in all eternity when the fellowship of the Father and Son was broken.
What happened to Christ at the moment of his statement in Matthew 27:46?
At this moment, all of the guilt of all of the sin of all humanity throughout all time was poured out on Christ. This was the true horror of the Cross for the sinless Son of God, being even more awful than the physical pain he endured.
After all our sin was poured open him Christ died__________________________.
In full payment for all of the guilt of the human race.
What was Jesus’ statement in John 19:30?
Tetelestai or It is finished
What is the importance of Jesus’ statement in John 19:30?
When Jesus shouted, Tetelestai He signified that total price of all sin was completely paid and salvation was complete.
What does the tearing of the Veil symbolize?
The way to the Holy of Holies was now open to all, meaning that all Saints can now boldly approach God’s throne of Grace.
What is the Chapter ID for Matthew 13?
Parables of the Kingdom
What is the Chapter ID for Matthew 17?
What is the Chapter ID for Matthew 19?
Jesus on Divorce
What is the Chapter ID for Matthew 24-25?
Mt Olivet Discourse
What is the Chapter ID for Luke 16?
Rich Man and Lazarus
What is the Chapter ID for John 10?
Good Shepherd Sermon
What is the Chapter ID for John 14?
Sermon on Heaven
Which Chapter is this the ID for “Parables of the Kingdom”?
Matthew 13
Which Chapter is this the ID for “Transfiguration”?
Matthew 17
Which Chapter is this the ID for “Jesus on Divorce”?
Matthew 19
Which Chapter is this the ID for “Mt Olivet Discourse”?
Matthew 24-25
Which Chapter is this the ID for “Rich Man and Lazarus”?
Luke 16
Which Chapter is this the ID for “Good Shepherd Sermon”?
John 10
Which Chapter is this the ID for “Sermon on Heaven”?
John 14
What is Matthew 5:44?
But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;
What is Matthew 6:33?
But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.
What is Matthew 7:1?
Judge not, that ye be not judged.
What is Matthew 25:40?
And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.
What is Matthew 28:19-20?
Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.
What is Mark 16:15?
And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.
What is John 10:28-29?
And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father’s hand.
What is John 14:1-2?
Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.
What is John 14:6?
Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
Who was Malchus?
Servant of High Priest whose ear was cut off by Peter and healed by Jesus.
Who was Annas?
Powerful former High Priest who led in the crucifixion of Jesus.
Who was Calaphas?
High Priest who led in trial of Jesus.
Who was Joseph of Arimathea?
Man who buried Jesus in his own tomb.
Who was Simon the Cyrene?
He carried the cross of Jesus.
Who was Barabbas?
He was released by Pilate instead of Jesus.
Who was Pontius Pilate?
The Roman procurator who issued the death sentence of Christ.
What happened at the Pool of Bethesda?
Jesus was on his way to Jerusalem for a feast and goes to the pool of Bethesda. Here many people waited to be healed after a angelic troubling of the waters. Jesus approaches a 38 year invalid and asks if he wants to be healed. The man answers first with excuses and then says he has no one to help him. Jesus commands him to take up his bed and walk. The man is rebuked by the Jews for carrying his bed on the Sabbath. He tells them he does not know who healed him and told him to carry his bed. Jesus found the man and warns him to sin no more least something even worse happen to him. He tells the Jews that it was Jesus who healed him and they seek to kill him for healing on the Sabbath.
Who was Jarius?
A synagogue official who requested that Jesus heal his terminally ill daughter. His daughter dies while Jesus is talking to the woman who touched his cloak. Jesus raises her from the dead.
Jesus preaching headquarters was in?
What year was Jerusalem destroyed? Who was the Roman general?
A.D. 70; Titus
What was the cause of death on the cross?
What is the greatest proof of Christianity?
The Resurrection
What is the greatest proof of the Resurrection?
The fact of the empty tomb
The Triumphal Entry was made when?
The exact day predicted by Daniel’s 70 weeks prophecy. (Daniel 9)
In Daniel 9 what is predicted?
The Triumphal Entry
What are the four evidences that Jesus claims to be God from John 5?
(1) He claims to be the Son of God making Himself equal with God. (John 5:17-18)♦(2) That those who believe on Him have eternal life♦(3) He will judge all mankind.♦(4) His miracles prove his Deity.
Regarding the unpardonable sin Jesus clearly states that ____ other sins and blasphemies are forgivable. This means that there is ____ other unpardonable sin.
All; No
Regarding the unpardonable sin not that whatever the exact nature of this sin, this is a ______, absolute, ________, and _________ act.
Final; Deliberate; Willful
When was the pronouncement that Jesus was demon possessed made by the Scribes?
After well over a year of being faced with undeniable miracles, fulfillment of Scriptural prophecies, and truth.
You can not _______________ commit the unforgivable sin.
What are the two parts of the unforgivable sin?
(1) Final rejection of the Spirit♦(2) Final rejection of Christ
The context clearly reveal the _____________ of the unforgivable sin. The seeing and attributing of Christ’s miracles to Satan can’t be done today.
The Application of the unforgivable sin is ________, determined, and absolute ________________ and repudiation of the Holy Spirit’s _______________ ministry of the Holy Spirit in drawing him to salvation through faith in Christ, that sin is __________________.
Final; Rejection; Convicting; Unpardonable
No ______________________ can commit the unforgivable sin.
No person who desires _____________________ has ever committed the unforgivable sin.
The unforgivable sin is so much more than a careless evil __________.
This sin is more than ___________ rejecting the Holy Spirit’s conviction. It is _____________ rejection.
Initially; Final
This sin is certainly not the statement that certain false miracles or teaching may be of _____ instead of the Spirit, for _____________ Himself made this statement. In fact we are commanded to __________________.
Satan; Jesus; Try the spirits
What does Matthew 13:55-56 refute? How? What is the argument against it? How is the argument refuted?
The doctrine of Perpetual Virginity of Mary; Christ had brothers and sisters; They say the word should be interpreted as cousins; The Greek word means literally to share the same womb
Since the beginning of His ministry, Jesus has been offering the ______________________ to Israel if they would accept the ______________.
Promised Kingdom; King
The _____________ of Israel, although they have been critical up to this point, no _______________________ Jesus as the Christ, Messiah, and King.
Leadership; Officially Rejects
After rejection from the religious leadership Jesus turns from offering the ____________________ to describing the intervening ________________________________.
Promised Earthly Kingdom; Mysteries of the Kingdom.
Israel rejected her ___________________ and forfeited for now her _______________, a literal reign of Christ on ______________, which will ultimately be fulfilled in the _________________.
Promised King; Promised Kingdom; Earth; Millennium
The Mysteries of the Kingdom are?
The heretofore unrevealed truths concerning the intervening Age and Kingdom between the rejection of Christ as Messiah and Israel’s ultimate acceptance of Christ as Messiah at the Second Coming.
The term ___________________________ is used only by _____________ while the term ____________________ is used by all four Gospels to refer to several concepts.
Kingdom of Heaven; Matthew; Kingdom of God
What is the primary meaning of the kingdom?
The literal reign of Christ on earth in the millennium.
The literal kingdom is revealed where?
The Old Testament
No ___________ person will enter the kingdom during the millennium although some________________________.
Unsaved; Will be born into it
What is the secondary meaning of the kingdom?
The literal reign of Christ over believers from His rejection to His acceptance by Israel.
The secondary meaning of the kingdom represents what? It was unrevealed when?
The mysteries of the kingdom; Old Testament
No __________ persons may enter this secondary kingdom and one must be _______ to truly enter this kingdom. However many false believers associate with it and the term is sometimes used to refer to all of ___________________________.
Unsaved; Born Again; Professing Christendom.
One must enter the first kingdom ______________ if you want to enter the second kingdom _____________. If you accept the _________ now you can be part of the _______________ later.
Spiritually; Physically; King; Kingdom
The concept of the Kingdom is broader than the __________ or the ______________. The Kingdom includes all believers from _______________ through ______________ (which ends at the ______________) and also through the ______________ and the _____________.
Church; Church Age; Christ’s rejection by Israel; Church Age; Rapture; Tribulation; Millennium
Israel had begun their rejection of the King and had temporarily forfeited their _________________. The anticipated and prophecies literal kingdom is therefore postponed and Jesus now for the first time explains the _______________________ with ___ parables.
Literal Kingdom; Intervening Spiritual Kingdom; 9
Jesus uses parables to?
(1) Reveal the truth to His Disciples♦(2) Conceal the truth from His Rejectors
What are parables meant to illustrate?
One central truth
A parables one central truth may have __________, but we must not make parables “_______________________”, creating meaning out of our own imaginations which are not actually taught in the text.
Sub-Points; Walk on all fours
We must not invent new truths out of symbolism of parables which are not __________________________.
Clearly stated elsewhere in Scripture.
In which passages is the parable of the Sower found? Where is the interpretation of the parable of the Sower found?
Matthew 13:1-9, Mark 4:1-9, Luke 8:4-8; Matthew 13:18-23, Mark 4:10-20, Luke 8:9-15
In the parable of the Sower…who is the Sower?…who is the Seed?….What are the Soils?
Jesus; The Word; The hearts
In the parable of the Sower what are four types of soil the seed falls on?
(1) Wayside or Roadside Soil♦(2) Stony, Shallow Ground♦(3) Thorny Ground♦(4) Good Soil
In the parable of the Sower what does the wayside or roadside soil symbolize?
A person who receives the Word without understanding and has the deed devoured by birds, picturing Satan.
In the parable of the Sower what does the stony, shallow ground symbolize?
One whose initial response is joy and yet who only makes a head not a heart decision for Christ and who then quits because of problems. Because of his lack of depth or roots, when trials or persecution for being a Christian arise, he is offended and falls away.
In the parable of the Sower what does the thorny ground symbolize?
One who initially receives the Word, but never bears fruit because of distractions. He is drawn away and the Word is choked by earthly concerns.
What are the cares of this world? What is the deceitfulness of riches? What is the desire for other things? What are pleasures?
Too busy with other concerns; too interest in money; too desirous of earthly things; too interest in having fun.
In the parable of the Sower what does the good soil?
One who receives the Word with an honest, sincere and understanding heart. This one alone bears fruit (though in varying amounts). The salvation of those represented by this soil alone can be determined with certainty. Fruit evidences salvation before me but only God truly knows the heart.
What is the parable of the tares?
A man scatters good seed in his field. An enemy then plants tares that night. The man orders that the tares not gathered lest the wheat also be uprooted. His plan is to await the harvest and then have the reapers burn the tares and collect the wheat.
What is the explanation of the parable of the tares?
The man is Christ. The field is the world. The wheat are the believers while the tares are the unbelievers. The enemy is Satan. The harvest is the end of the age. This occurs at the second coming at the end of the intervening spiritual Kingdom and before the millennial Kingdom. This is not a reference to the Rapture, but to the Judgment at the end of the tribulation. The Reapers are the angels. The furnace is hell. The Barn is the Millennial Kingdom and Heaven.
The parable of the tares clearly teaches that there will be a time of judgment at?
The end of the Tribulation period during which the saved and lost will be divided. The lost will be cast into Hell and the saved will enter the Millennial Kingdom.
What is the interpretation of finding a fortune in a field? What is the application?
The treasure is Israel purchased out of the land. The one who sacrificed all is Christ; As Christ sacrificed all to provide salvation, even so, we should be willing to sacrifice all to obtain it.
What is the interpretation of the parable of the pearl of great price? What is the application?
The pearl is the church, purchased out of the sea, the Gentile world. The one who sacrificed all is Christ; We must be willing to sacrifice all for Christ.
In the parable of a rent cloth and a ruptured container some of the disciples of John the Baptist and the Pharisees ask why they _______ but the disciples of Jesus do now? Jesus explains that _____________________________. ___________________ is scriptural for believers today.
Fast; The friends of the bridegroom (Christ) do not fast while the bridegroom is with them, but that when He is gone then shall they fast; Fasting
Jesus clarifies his 13th parable with a __________________ parable. The three parts are?
Threefold; One does not put an unshrunken patch on a old garment lest when it shrinks it creates a larger tear; One does not put new unfermented wine into old brittle wineskins least the remaining old fermented wine cause the new to ferment releasing expanding gases and causing the wineskins to burst; A drunkard will never desire the better new unfermented wine, even so the Pharisees wrongly assumed the corrupted old was better and refused to even try the new.
In his 13th parable the point of the first two sub-parables is the same. What is that point?
The new wine of Christianity and the Spirit filled life cannot mix with the old wine of Pharisaic legalism and external righteousness. Christ’s message of Salvation and peace with God by grace cannot mix with the Pharisee’s Message of Salvation by works.
What are the 12 characteristics of demonic influence seen in the 12th recorded miracle?
(1) Total or near nakedness♦(2) Obsession with violence and Anti-social behavior♦(3) Obsession with death ♦(4) Obsession with the Spiritual realm, the occult or false religions, but antagonism toward the true Jesus Christ.♦(5) Sadistic behavior, cruelty, enjoyment in causing others pain.♦(6) Self-Destructive behavior, masochism, drug or alcohol abuse, obsessive sexual behaviors, suicide. ♦(7) Unusual Strength♦(8) Mental Problems♦(9) Constant Depression♦(10) Withdrawal and isolation♦(11) Uncontrollable Rebellion♦(12) Overt manifestations such as demons speaking audibly
Who was the Pharisee who rose to his feet to defend Jesus, no longer ashamed under the cover of night?
When Nicodemus defends Christ what false accusation do the other Pharisees make? Why is it false?
No prophet arises from Galilee./Jonah and probably Nahum were both from Galilee.
Who aids Joseph with the burial of Christ by bring 100 pounds of myrrh and aloes?
What blind man came to Jesus and said “Lord, that I might receive my sight.”? Jesus replied “Go thy way, thy faith hath made thee whole.”
Who, on the Road to Emmaus, was joined by Jesus after the resurrection?
Why was Cleopas sad?
Because Christ was dead, and he would not be able to redeem Israel and their were unfounded rumors of his resurrection.
What does Jesus rebuke Cleopas and his companion for? What does he explain to them?
Their unbelief/Expounds the Old Testament Messianic Passages to Them, Beginning with Moses
Who invites Jesus to lodge with him for the night after walking with him to Emmaus?
After Jesus takes and blesses the bread who recognizes him?
Cleopas and his companion
After Cleopas and his companion recognize Christ what happens?
Jesus vanishes from their sight. They return to Jerusalem and tell the disciples that Jesus has walked and talked with them, and they learn that Christ also appeared to Peter.
During the procession on the day of Hosanna Rabba the most important group proceeded to the Pool of ________________. This is fed by what?
Pool of Siloam/The living waters of an artesian spring.
At the Pool of Siloam what happened?
To the sound of trumpets flutes and other instruments the procession followed a priest bearing a golden pitcher. As the priest dipped the pitcher into the pool and the people bowed to drink, they would chant the words of Isaiah 55 and 12. They then returned to the Temple through the Water Gate.
What happened at Gethsemane on the Mt. of Olives?
- Jesus asks Peter, James and John to watch and pray with him.♦2. Jesus experiences the agony of the hour.♦3. Jesus prays his first garden prayer. “O My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from Me: Nevertheless, not as I will, but as Thou wilt”
How many OT prophecies did Christ fulfill?
What type of problem is unbelief?
Unbelief is a moral and spiritual problem, not an intellectual one.
Name reason 1 that Christ’s trials were illegal.
- The Judges were not only not impartial, they openly hated Jesus.
Name reason 2 that Christ’s trials were illegal.
- The entire trial was begun and carried out with no formal charge or accusation against Jesus.
Name reason 3 that Christ’s trials were illegal.
- The trail was carried out at night which was illegal.
Name reason 4 that Christ’s trials were illegal.
- A guilty verdict could not be rendered until the day after the conclusion of the trial.
Name reason 5 that Christ’s trials were illegal.
- The search for hostile testimony was illegal. The trial was started without any witnesses to His guilt, which was illegal.
Name reason 6 that Christ’s trials were illegal.
- The accused could not be convicted on his own evidence. Jesus was not only convicted on His own testimony, the judges sought throughout the entire trial to discover even a charge from Jesus’s lips.
Name reason 7 that Christ’s trials were illegal.
- No valid legal evidence was ever presented against Jesus.
Name reason 8 that Christ’s trials were illegal.
- Jesus was struck during the trial.
Name reason 9 that Christ’s trials were illegal.
- There is no evidence that the quorum of 23 judges was present.
Name reason 10 that Christ’s trials were illegal.
- Capital cases had to be begun with reasons for acquittal and could not begin with reasons for conviction.
Name reason 11 that Christ’s trials were illegal.
- No acquittal could ever be reversed to a guilty verdict. Jesus legally should have been set free after Pilate’s multiple declarations of no fault in him.
Name reason 12 that Christ’s trials were illegal.
- Trials could not be held on or on the eve of Sabbaths or Festival days.
Name reason 13 that Christ’s trials were illegal.
- The location of His trials was illegal.
Name reason 14 that Christ’s trials were illegal.
- Witnesses were bribed.
Name reason 15 that Christ’s trials were illegal.
- Witnesses were not solemnly warned against false testimony.
Name reason 16 that Christ’s trials were illegal.
- The accused had to be released if there was a failure of agreement between witnesses.
Name reason 17 that Christ’s trials were illegal.
- No two (or even one) witnesses (even false ones) were brought on the charge for which Jesus was actually convicted.
Name reason 18 that Christ’s trials were illegal.
- The High Priest tore His clothes, which was unlawful.
Name reason 19 that Christ’s trials were illegal.
- The charge was changed during the trial. Even after the conviction on charge of blasphemy, the Jews requested Roman permission for execution for an entirely different charge, civil treason.
Name reason 20 that Christ’s trials were illegal.
- The only charge of which Jesus was convicted was claiming to be the Messiah, the Son of God, which only would have been an offense if the claim were false.
What is the first step of Reconciliation and Church Discipline?
If a brother offends you, go to him privately and seek reconciliation.
What is the second step of Reconciliation and Church Discipline?
A second attempt at reconciliation is to be made with one or two witnesses.
What is the third step of Reconciliation and Church Discipline?
A third attempt at reconciliation is to be made before the entire church.
What is the fourth step of Reconciliation and Church Discipline?
If all attempts at reconciliation fail, then he is to be excluded from fellowship.
What is the goal of church discipline?
How seriously does God take offenses among church members?
Very seriously. The offense must be dealt with or the offender must be dealt with.
What four truths does the parable of Lazarus teach?
- This passage again supports the fact that there is literal fire in hell. 2. This passage refutes both the doctrines of soul sleep and annihilation. 3. This passage teaches that the dead in heaven and hell do have some knowledge of what takes place on Earth. 4. This passage adds light to the abode of the saved dead before the cross.
What is the first thing the parable of Lazarus explains about the abode of the dead.?
All the dead once went to the same place generally designated as Sheol(Hebrew) or Hades(Greek) the abode of the dead.
What is the second thing the parable of Lazarus explains about the abode of the dead.?
There were 2 compartments in this place, one called Paradise or Abraham’s Bosom and the other simply called Hades, the place of the rich man’s fiery torment. There was a great gulf fixed between the two compartments.
What is the third thing the parable of Lazarus explains about the abode of the dead.?
After Christ paid for sin on the Cross, the saved could be and were brought into God’s presence in Heaven by Christ.
What is the fourth thing the parable of Lazarus explains about the abode of the dead.?
Believers now go immediately and consciously into the presence of God in Heaven.
What is the three fold look of the Feast of Tabernacles?
- The Backward Look-To God’s provision during the 40 years of wilderness journeys. 2. The Upward Look-In thankfulness for the Completed Harvest. 3. The Forward Look-To the ultimate harvests at the rapture and return of Christ.
During the Feast of Tabernacles what were they celebrating God’s provision in the wilderness for?
- Celebration of God’s provision of water-12 million gallons in the desert daily. 2. Celebration of God’s provision of light-The Pillar of Fire.
As the people shouted ________________, the priests with the water and wine pour both into long silver funnels which lead into the altar. This symbolizes what?
Raise thy hand/the prophesied outpouring of the Holy Spirit, was the central object of the entire day’s ceremonies.
The priests made the circuit of the Altar _____ times singing again the words of _________. This pictured what?
7/Psalm 118:25/Then end of their wilderness wanderings with their victory at Jericho, symbolizing the ultimate victory of the Messiah over all Gentile Kingdoms at the establishment of the Millennial Kingdom.
What was chanted, at the Feast of Tabernacles, together with trumpet blasts? It ended with?
Psalms 82/ Arise,God, judge the earth: for Thou shalt inherit all nations.
As the people shake the leaves off of their branches as the praise reaches its climax in an almost fevered pitch the entire congregation does what?
Falls upon their face before God in absolute silence.
During the Feast of Tabernacles, during the period of silence, who rises to his feet? What does he say?
Christ/If any man thirst, let him come unto me and drink. He that believeth on me, as the Scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water. (this spake He of the Spirit which they that believe on Him should receive.)
During the Feast of Tabernacles what affect does Christ’s proclamation have on the crowd?
The effect on the crowd was instantaneous…that vast assembly was not brought fact to face with Him in whom every type an d prophecy is fulfilled.
By saying I am the light of the world, what is Christ declaring?
Jesus thus declares that He is the Manifest Presence and Glory of Jehovah God. He is the only One who inhabited the fiery Pillar of the Shetinah Glory Cloud of God. He is the One Who spoke the Law from Sinai and the Tabernacle. He is the One Who called Moses at the Burning Bush and declared the words, I AM that I AM.
The Pharisees try to tempt Jesus on his stance on divorce by asking what?
Is it lawful for a man to put away his wife for every cause?
What did Deuteronomy 24: 1-4 command?
If a man was going to put away his wife because he had “found some uncleanness in her,” then he had to first write her a legal “bill of divorcement,” before he could “send her out of his house.”
Subtitle of Psalms is…
The Hymn Book of Israel
Main Content of Psalms: ♦What are the Psalms for the nation of Israel?
The hymn book, the worship and devotional guide
Main Content of Psalms: ♦The English title, “Psalms”, refers to…?
songs of praise or “music” accompanied by stringed instruments
What is the Hebrew title of Psalms?
Book of Praises
Main Content of Psalms: ♦The Psalms are the inspired responses of..?
human hearts to God’s revelation of Himself
Main Content of Psalms: ♦The Psalms record deep devotion, intense feeling, exalted emotion, and dark dejection… It is the ______ book which contains every experience of a __________ ________. The Psalms run the psychological gamut. Every thought, every impulse, every emotion that sweeps over the soul is recorded in this book.
only ; human being
Theme of the book of Psalms
The adoration of Israel
What is the key word of Psalms?
The Great Psalm of the Sufferings of Christ
Psalm 22
The Great Psalm of the Lord my Shepherd
Psalm 23
The Great Psalm of David’s Repentance
Psalm 51
The Great Psalm of Universal Millennial Kingdom Praise
Psalm 100
The Great Psalm of Praise to the Word of God
Psalm 119
The Great Psalm of Praise
Psalm 150
The authorship of Psalms?
The Majority of the Psalms were written by David.
Who is believed to have complied the Psalms into their final order?
Ezra the Scribe
Date and Chronology of Psalms:♦Although most of the Psalms were written during the ______________ _____________, they span a total time period of ________ years, from the __________ (YEAR?) to the _______________ (YEAR?).
United/Single Kingdom ; 1,000 years ; Exodus (1450 BC) ; Restoration/Return (450 BC)
The book of Psalms pictures…?
Worship in the Christian Life
Importance & Distinctives in the book of Psalms: ♦Psalms is the most ___________ Old Testament book, being filled with prophecies of the King and His Kingdom.
Importance & Distinctives in the book of Psalms: ♦The book of Psalms is _________ more in the New Testament than all the other Old Testament books combined.
Who were the other authors of the book of Psalms?
Korah, Asaph, Heman, Ethan, Solomon, Moses, King Hezekiah and some are anonymous
Author of at least 77 books of Psalms, including the Shepherd Psalms, The Sinner Psalms, The Suffering Psalms, and the Satisfied Psalms.
Author of some Psalms. The “sons of Korah” were Levite decedents of Kohath through Korah who served in the Temple as Musicians.
Author of some Psalms. Levitical Choirmaster appointed by King David was of the Sons of Gershom, one of the three families of non-priestly Levites who served in the Tabernacle. At the time of David, these Levites were organized for the Musical worship of God in the Temple.
Author of some Psalms. A leading Levitical Singer of the family of Kohath & Korah.
Author of some Psalms. This Counselor of Solomon was a Levite of the Sons if Merrari.
Author of some Psalms.
Author of some Psalms.
Author of some Psalms. This godly 13th King of the Southern Kingdom of Judah repaired the Temple, organized an orchestra, and re organized the Levitical Singers. He authored 10 Psalms and added a total of 15 to the Book. He also helped prepare the book of Proverbs.
King Hezekiah
What are Penitential Psalms?
Psalms that are confessional hymns of repentance over sin