Bible_Study_13 Flashcards
The Significance of Jesus’ Statement in John (7:37-39): ♦The people then shake the leaves off of their branches as the praise reaches its climax in an almost fevered pitch and then..?
the entire congregation falls upon their face before God in absolute silence
The Significance of Jesus’ Statement in John (7:37-39): ♦Suddenly, the loan figure of Christ rises to His feet and cries out, “If any man thirst, let him come unto Me and drink. He that believeth on Me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water”. What did he speak of?
This spake He of the Spirit, which they that believe on Him should receive
The Significance of Jesus’ Statement in John (7:37-39): ♦The effects on the crowd was _______________… The vast assembly was now brought face-to-face with Him in whom every type and prophecy is fulfilled.
Probably looking or pointing to the four giant Candelabra standing just a few feet away, but now extinguished, Jesus makes His bold declaration. Jesus declares what?
I AM the Light of the World
The Pharisees tempt Jesus by asking Him, “..Is it lawful for a man to put away his wife for _______ cause?”
Deuteronomy commanded that, if a man was going to put away his wife because he had “found some uncleanness in her”, then he had to first write her a legal “______ ___ _____________”, before he could “send her out of his house”
Bill of divorcement
In the days of Jesus, there were _____ rabbinic schools of thought concerning the meaning of the term “uncleanness” in this passage and therefore two views of when divorce was acceptable to God.
What was the name of the stricter school that allowed divorce only for the sin of adultery which is seen as too narrow and too intolerant by most of the common people of this day?
What was the name of the more liberal school that considered uncleanness to be anything that displeased the husband and therefore permitted divorce for every cause? As divorce was common in Israel’s history, this view had the overwhelming support of the Jewish people.
Jesus’ answer must have shocked them as He took and even _________ position than Shammai, unconcerned about politics or popularity.
Jesus explains God’s original intentions for marriage. Then He goes right past Deuteronomy and straight back to…?
Genesis where God created male and female and where God joined them into a life long, one flesh union.
Jesus boldly declares that no man had the ___________ to “put asunder” what God had joined together.
What was the focus of the Pharisees about divorce?
When is it ok to divorce your mate?
So what is Jesus’ answer about divorce?
God never intended that any marriage end in divorce
Jesus is asked, why then did Moses commanded divorce. Both schools believed what?
That divorce wasn’t commanded, but merely permitted, under certain conditions.
The Talmud and the Rabbis actually spoke of divorce as a ________ almost on par with marriage and even as a religious duty akin to separating yourself from uncleanness.
Jesus said that Moses only permitted divorce. He did not command divorce! There was no circumstance whatsoever where it was commanded of God that people must divorce. The only reason that divorce was even permitted was because…?
Of the hardness of your hearts… but from the beginning it was not so
What about those who have already divorced and remarried?
A couple who have wrongfully divorced and remarried are to confess their sins and obtain forgiveness from the Lord, but they are not to end their new marriage. To do so would be committing the same sin again, not correcting it. Once the sin has been dealt with, the couple is not living in perpetual adultery.
The Abomination of Desolation will be unveiled in the?
Temple Holy of Holies
The Abomination of Desolation is a reference to Daniel 9:27 and 12:11. As Antiochus IV Epiphanes set up an idol in the Holy of Holies and defiles the Temples, even so…?
The Antichrist will enter the Holy of Holies at the mid-point of the Tribulation, proclaiming himself to be god and setting up an image of himself, the image of the beast
The Antichrist will break his peace treaty with Israel as they reject his demands for worship. He will then…?
Attempt to slaughter the Jews. They are to flee without even taking time together any belongings.
What does the parable of the 10 Virgins picture?
The Judgement of Living Jews after the Tribulation
What does the parable of Separating the Sheep & the Goats picture?
This is a second picture of the Judgment of Israel and a call to faithfulness and preparation
What is the significance of Jesus’ statement in Matthew 26:39?
Jesus is here praying that if there is any other possible way for men to be saved other than His torturous death on the Cross, that He would not have to drink this cup of suffering. Heaven’s answer is that there is no other possible way for men to be saved other than the Cross! If good works or religion could save any men, Jesus never would have gone to the Cross!
The Significance of Jesus’ Statement in Luke (23:43): ♦Who is Salvation offered to?
Anyone anywhere
The Significance of Jesus’ Statement in Luke (23:43): ♦Are deathbed conversions valid?
They are indeed! There is one deathbed conversion in the Bible, so no dying man will despair and no living man will presume.
The Significance of Jesus’ Statement in Luke (23:43): ♦Salvation is by..?
Grace through faith alone.
The Significance of Jesus’ Statement in Luke (23:43): ♦Since Salvation is by grace through faith alone, this refutes…?
The doctrine of:♦1. Sacramentalism♦2. Baptismal Regeneration ♦3. Purgatory ♦4. Universalism ♦5. Soul Sheep
The Significance of Jesus’ Statement in Matthew (27:46): ♦It was this moment that God…?
Made Him to be sin for us and then turned His back on Christ because God is “of purer eyes than to behold evil”. This was the only moment in our maternity when the fellowship of the Father and the Son was broken.
The Significance of Jesus’ Statement in Matthew (27:46): ♦All of the guilt of all of the sin of all humanity throughout all time was poured out on Christ. This was the true horror of..?
The sinless Son of God, being even more awful than the physical pain He endured
The Significance of Jesus’ Statement in Matthew (27:46): ♦Christ then died…?
In full payment for all of the guilt of the human race.
What is the significance of Jesus’ statement in John 19:30?
When Jesus shouted, “Tetelestai”, He signified that total price of all sin was completely paid and Salvation was complete.
What is the meaning of the tearing of the Temple Veil?
The Temple Veil is torn in two, from the top to the bottom signifying that the way to the Holy of Holies was now open to all, meaning that all Saints can now boldly approach God’s throne of Grace
The book of Acts is the story of?
the explosive worldwide growth of the early church.
The book of Acts is the account of the first..?
Men who heard the Great Commission and reveals what anyone can do who takes this Commission seriously.
Acts is a ______________ and _______________ bridge.
Historical and transitional
Acts is a historical and transitional bridge: ♦From Christianity as a small primarily __________ religion to a worldwide primarily ___________ religion.
Jewish ; Gentile
Acts is a historical and transitional bridge: ♦From the Gospels to the _____________.
Acts is the only historical sequel to the?
4 Gospels
All of the Gospels funnel into Acts as the last event recorded in each of the 4 Gospels is also found in Acts 1.♦- Matthew: _____ _________________♦- Mark: ____ ______________♦- Luke: ____ ___________________♦- John: ___ _____________________
Matthew: The Resurrection♦Mark: The Ascension♦Luke: The Promise of the Holy Spirit♦John: The Promise of the Return of Christ
Acts gives the only historical background of the founding of the _____________ to which Paul addressed his ___________ and thus contains much of the context needed to understand them.
churches ; epistles
The book of Acts has been entitled “Acts” or “The Acts of the ___________” since at least ___ ____
Apostles ; AD 150
The terms, “Acts”, from the Greek word, “___________”, refers to heroic exploits of outstanding men. The title refers to both the _________ of the apostles and the amazing ________________ of the gospel
Praxeis ; deeds ; advancement
Theme of Acts
The Evangelization of the World and the Expansion of the Church and the Gospel to the uttermost parts of the Earth
Keyword of Acts
Witness, found in its various forms and some 21 times in Acts
Key verse of Acts
Acts 1:8
Key chapter of Acts
Acts 2 - the Coming of the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost
Chronology and Date of Acts: ♦The book of Acts was probably written in ___ ___, during Paul’s first ___________ ___________________. The book of acts covers approximately ____ _______, from Christ’s _____________ and AD 32 or 33 to just before Paul’s _______.
AD 62 ; Roman imprisonment ; 40 years ; Ascension ; trial
Acts pictures the …?
responsibility of every Church and every individual Christian to witness for Christ.
The author of Acts
Luke is the author of this book as well as the Gospel which bears his name.
Acts is the second volume of this two part history of ________ _____ _____ _________.
Christ and His Church
Luke was: ♦- A Beloved _____________♦- A _______________ Companion of Paul
Physician ; Missionary
Luke was: ♦_ A __________, the only __________ author of a New Testament book♦- A Precise _____________
Gentile (x2) ; Historian
Luke was a ________ writer. Luke actually wrote more of the New Testament than any other writer, including _______, who wrote the largest number of books and chapters, but not the greatest amount of material
prolific ; Paul
Recipient of the book of Acts
Theophilus. The name means “lover of God” and he was perhaps a prominent Gentile living in Rome.
Purpose of Acts: ♦To be an apologetic or _________ of early Christianity. Christians were regularly being persecuted throughout the Roman empire and the book of Acts showed the Romans that this persecution was only due to religious opposition or vested interest, not any political conflict with Rome.
Purpose of Acts: ♦- To confirm the apostolic authority of ______♦- To reveal the universality of Christianity as a religion for _____ peoples
Paul ; all
Acts 1:8
But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto Me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.
Acts centers around three great Crusades as outlined in Acts 1:8♦1. Obeying the Local Commission: (meaning & ref?)♦2. Obeying the Regional Commission: (meaning & ref?)♦3. Obeying the Global Commission: (meaning & ref?)
- Witnesses in Jerusalem (Acts 1-7)♦2. Witnesses in Judea and Samaria (Acts 8-9)♦3. Witnesses unto the Uttermost Part of the Earth (Acts 10-28)
The word Apostle means?
Authorized messenger or accredited proxy, with absolute authority to speak for the One who sent them
Distinctions between OT & NT (Covenant) ministries of the Spirit: ♦Jesus commanded His Apostles to wait in Jerusalem for the “Promise of the Father”. This promise is a reference to the arrival of the Holy Spirit in His ______ _________________ ministry on _______________.
New Testament ; Pentacost
Distinctions between OT & NT (Covenant) ministries of the Spirit: ♦Since both the omnipresence of the Spirit and the many mentions of His active ministry in the Old Testament demand that the Holy Spirit was present on Earth before Pentecost, then what is meant by references to His coming and arrival at Pentecost?
That the Spirit is being poured out in a new and greater New Testament ministry. This new ministry is associated with additional blessings for New Testament believers individually and with corporate empowerment for New Testament Churches.
Distinctions between OT & NT (Covenant) ministries of the Spirit: ♦The OT prophecies of the NT predicted a _____________ role for the Holy Spirit under the NT than under the old.
Distinctions between OT & NT (Covenant) ministries of the Spirit: ♦The precise nature of all of the distinctions between the OT and NT ministries of the Spirit is _______ ____________ _______ ________ and some of the details are a matter of friendly discussion among believers, but it is clear that important decisions do ________.
not always 100% clear ; exist
Distinctions between OT & NT (Covenant) ministries of the Spirit: ♦It should be clarified that salvation has always been 100% by ________, accomplished entirely by ______, and genuine believers have always been eternally secure. Distinctions between the Old and New Testament ministries of the Spirit do not alter these facts.
grace ; God
Distinctions between OT & NT (Covenant) ministries of the Spirit: ♦The Holy Spirit has always played a role in salvation. Meaning?
No one could ever have been saved without his convicting ministry
Distinctions between OT & NT (Covenant) ministries of the Spirit: ♦The exact nature of this role change from the Old to the New Testament with the New Testament believers receiving …..?
additional ministries of the Spirit upon his salvation.
The Old Testament prophecies did not distinguish between the two Comings of ________ or the two outpouring of the ________
Christ ; Spirit
Outline of the Spirit’s modern and future ministry:♦1. The Spirit out poured on __________.♦2. The Spirit Removed at the ____________. ♦3. The Spirit out poured at the ___________ ____________ and the beginning of the _____________ _____________
Pentecost ; Rapture ; Second Coming ; Millennial Kingdom
Outline of the Spirit’s modern and future ministry:♦The Spirit will be removed at the Rapture in the same sense that He came at Pentecost, in His distinct _____ ________________ ministry and also His ______________ ministry. The omnipresent Spirit was here before ______________ and will be here after the _____________.
New Testament ; restraining ; Pentecost ; Rapture
The conditions for receiving the Spirit in Acts 2:38: ♦”and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost”.♦This is _____________, _______________, and __________________ upon “the remission of sins” (at ____________).
universal, automatic, and unconditional ; salvation
4 aspects of Christ’s Return gleaned from Acts 1:10-11: ♦As the disciples gaze upward, two heavenly figures appear and promise that Jesus will return “in like manner” as He Ascended. His Second Coming will thus be..♦1. ________ - Contrary to the Jehovah’s Witness who teach that Jesus returned invisibly.♦2. ___________- Contrary to the New Age Movement, which says the Christ spirit returns when anyone is enlightened.♦3. __________ - Contrary to Liberalism. ♦4. To the ________ __ _______
- Visible ♦2. Personal♦3. Bodily♦4. Mount of Olives
Acts 4:12
Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved
Acts 16:31
And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.
Unlearned Human Language View: ♦Bible tongues were instances were believers were given the supernatural ability to speak in a ___________ language they had ________ learned.
Human ; never
Unlearned Human Language View: [Evidences]♦____________ tongues were obviously unlearned human languages. This is not even debatable!
Unlearned Human Language View: [Evidences]♦Peter said the later tongues at ____________ were identical to the tongues at Pentecost.
Unlearned Human Language View: [Evidences]♦The same vocabulary is used of tongues in (2 references), which are the only two instances of tongue speaking in the New Testament.
Acts and 1 Corinthians 12-14
Unlearned Human Language View: [Evidences] ♦The Bible never redefines or clarifies any distinction between…? (2)
Pentecost and later tongues
Unlearned Human Language View: [Evidences] ♦In the explaining Corinthian tongues, 1 Corinthians 14:21 quotes _________ 28:11-12 which definitely refers to ___________ ________________ (the language of the enemy armies who would conquer Israel)
Isaiah ; human languages
Unlearned Human Language View: [Evidences] ♦Ecstatic utterances (the heavenly prayer tongue view) would _____ be a miraculous sign to unbelievers, especially in Corinth where ecstatic utterances (Fasley believed to be a tongue a prayer to the gods) were common among the _________ ___________ _____________
not ; Pagan Mystery Religions
Unlearned Human Language View: [Evidences] ♦Jesus warned against ________________ out prayer for tongue-babbling in prayer. The Greek words in Matthew 6:7 specifically warned against prayer where you speak without ___________. In spite of this, some claim they talk in tongues without thinking or knowing what they say (without conscious control) as a prayer language.
non-thought ; thinking
Unlearned Human Language View: [Evidences] ♦The Ecstatic Utterance view of tongues is actually the ________ view. Ecstatic tongues were spoken by the ________ mystery religions in Corinth and ancient Rome. Many modern false and _______ religions continue to practice ecstatic tongues
Pagan (x3)
Unlearned Human Language View: [Evidences] ♦The Ecstatic Utterance view of tongues is the __________ view. The non-human ecstatic utterance view was introduced by liberals who _________ Bible miracles and inspiration of Scripture.
Liberal ; denied
Unlearned Human Language View: [Evidences] ♦The Ecstatic Utterance view of tongues is the _________ view. Many _______, such as Mormonism, have practiced ecstatic tongues.
Cultic ; cults
Unlearned Human Language View: [Evidences] ♦The Ecstatic Utterance view of tongues is the __________ view. Many in the _________, including overt Satanists, practice ecstatic tongues.
Occultic ; occult
Acts 2:38 does NOT teach that baptism is necessary for salvation because the preposition for “for”, which is ‘_____’ does not necessarily mean “in _______ to obtain “ but may also mean “____________ of obtaining” and Greek prepositions normally vary greatly in meaning depending upon context. Therefore, never base a doctrine upon a ______________.
‘eis’ ; order ; because ; preposition
Acts 2:38 does NOT teach that baptism is necessary for salvation because “Be baptized everyone of you in the name of Jesus Christ” is a _________________ phrase
The proper understanding of Acts 2:38, based on agreement in the Greek language, is: “Repent for the remission of sins and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost (all in ________ agreement) … And be baptized everyone of you in the name of Jesus Christ” (all in ___________ agreement), with the emphasized main point being, “__________”
Plural ; singular ; Repent
Acts 2:38 does NOT teach that baptism is necessary for salvation because _________ himself (who preached these words) does not include baptism as necessary for salvation in his next sermon.
Acts 2:38 does NOT teach that baptism is necessary for salvation because _________ himself (who wrote these words) does not include baptism necessary for salvation.
Acts 2:38 does NOT teach that baptism is necessary for salvation because question in Acts 2:37 is the ___________, “What shall we ____?”, not the more narrow, “What must we do to be saved?”, as in Acts 16:30 where ________ answer does not include baptism.
broader ; do ; Paul’s
Acts 2:38 does NOT teach that baptism is necessary for salvation because salvation is by ________ not works and Baptism is a work
Acts 2:38 does NOT teach that baptism is necessary for salvation because the ________ on the cross was saved without baptism
Acts 2:38 does NOT teach that baptism is necessary for salvation because ____________ in Acts 10:43-48 were first saved as shown by there having received the Spirit, and spoken in tongues, and only then were baptized
What happened in Acts 10?
Cornelius and the first Gentile believers were saved and instantly spirit filled and performing miracles, all before baptism
The purpose of Tongues is to be a _______ gift.
Tongues are NOT to be a __________ ____________ gift.
Private Prayer
Tongues are NOT to be a _______ edification gift.
Tongues are not a ___________ gift. A sign to have purpose must be _______.
private ; seen
The purpose of Tongues is for _________________.
The purpose of Tongues can NOT be for the ____________ or ____________.
Church ; believers
Tongues are for a sign of what?
Judgement to unbelievers
Tongues are for a sign to who - what believers?
Jewish unbelievers
What is the purpose of Tongues?
To be a sign of Judgment to unbelieving Israel
Acts 1:8 gives the outline and purpose of the book of Acts. What are the 3 places/people in order that the Gospel went out?
1.Jerusalem and all Judea - Jews (Acts 1-7)♦2. Samaria - 1/2 Gentile and 1/2 Jew (Acts 8-9)♦3. Uttermost parts of the Earth - Gentiles (Acts 10-28)
The dual theme of the book of Acts is the positive record of the Gospel going to the __________ and the negative message of the temporary setting aside of _________ in Judgement for their rejection of their Messiah.
Gentiles ; Israel
How the outline of Acts fit into the purpose of Tongues: ♦Acts 1-7 is…?
Jerusalem and in all Judea - Jews only
Tongues are spoken by Jews only to an almost exclusively ___________ audience gathered for the Feast of Pentecost in Acts __
Jewish ; 2
The Jews are warned of _____________and ____________ if they do not repent of their sin of rejecting their Messiah.
judgement ; captivity
Israel’s response to the 1st warning of judgment and captivity: ♦Their rejection ________, the apostles are threatened, arrested and beaten, and this ends with the first Christian martyr and the beginning of a great _____________.
grows ; prosecution
How the outline of Acts fit into the purpose of Tongues: ♦Acts 8-9 is…?
Samaria - 1/2 Gentile, 1/2 Jews
The Spirit is a given to and apparently Tongues are spoken by this half ___________ group in Acts ___.
Gentile ; 8
The Jews receive their second add more serious warning that God is moving _________ from them as the Spirit and Tongues are given to a half Gentile group. ___________ and ____________ is coming if they do not repent.
away ; Captivity ; Dispersion
What is Israel’s response to the 2nd warning of judgment and captivity?
Their rejection grows
How the outline of Acts fit into the purpose of Tongues: ♦Acts 10-28 is…?
The Uttermost part of the Earth - Gentiles
Tongues are spoken by Gentiles in Acts ___.
The Jews receive their third warning that God is now __________ turning from them to the Gentiles in Judgment for their unbelief. ____________ , ____________, and ___________ are coming.
totally ; Judgment ; Slaughter ; Captivity
What is Israel’s response to the 3rd warning of judgment and captivity?
Their rejection grows and becomes final
As Israel’s rejection became final, her judgment became what?
In AD 70, the __________ captured and burned Jerusalem and the Temple. The ___________ slaughtered over 1 million Jews and sent the rest into an almost ___________ year dispersion.
Romans (x2) ; 2,000
Since the purpose of tongues was to be a sign of judgment upon unbelieving Israel for their rejection of the Messiah and since this judgment fell when Jerusalem fell to Romans in A.D. 70, the purpose of Tongues was _____________.
When? To what event does the sign of tongues point?
Tongues was a warning sign of judgment upon unbelieving Israel, which judgment fell in A.D. 70 with the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple, the slaughter, dispersion, and captivity of the people because of their sin of rejecting their Messiah.
No tongues are recorded in Scripture or in church history after the fall of Jerusalem (except among isolated heretical groups) until they were claimed at the beginning of the ______ _____________.
20th Century
For those who claim that every person who was saved in the book of Acts spoke in tongues, it is vital to note that the Bible does NOT say that any of the ….?
3,000 converts on the Day of Pentecost spoke tongues
The problem discussed at the Jerusalem Council:♦What was the problem?
Must Gentiles keep the law order to be saved?
The problem discussed at the Jerusalem Council:♦A group of ______________ __________ ___________ from Jerusalem comes to Antioch, teaching that Gentile converts must be circumcised and thereby submit to the _____ and in effect join the Jewish religion in order to become Christians and be (or remain) _________.
legalizing Jewish believers ; law ; saved
The problem discussed at the Jerusalem Council:♦What is the root question here and who disputed strongly against these legalists.
- Are works necessary for obtaining or keeping salvation or is it entirely by Grace? ♦- Paul and Barnabas
Who is Matthias?
Matthias is the one that replaces Judas
Who were Annas & Caiaphas?
Annas was the former High Priest & Caiaphas was the current High Priest and they were responsible for leading in the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.
Who were Ananias & Sapphira?
Ananias & Sapphira were a couple that lied about their giving. They were also guilty of hypocrisy, tempting God, and materialism. Peter confronts Ananias about it, then he is struck dead by God making him the first NT believer to commit Sin unto Death. 3 hours later, Sapphira arrives and Peter ask her whether she sold the property for the claimed price, she lies and also dies.
This highly respected leader was the teacher of Paul (Saul of Tarsus). He advised, Let them alone, If this be of man it will come to naught, but if it be of God, you cannot fight against Him. Who is this?
Lawyer Gamaliel
This man was chosen as one of the first deacons, falsely accused of blasphemy, and was stoned in the presence of Saul of Tarsus.
This man was chosen as one of the first deacons, became a great evangelist and a soul winner that went across social status and racial barriers.
This occult leader attempted to buy the power of the Holy Spirit with money and later became a great heretic and enemy of the church.
Simon the Sorcerer
This godly woman with the gift of service was raised from the dead by Peter.
This Gentile man seeking salvation had a vision of an angel telling him to send for Peter in Joppa, he was later saved.
This king beheaded James and imprisoned Peter and was the grandson of Herod the Great.
Herod Agrippa I
This first Apostolic martyr was beheaded by Herod Agrippa I
James the Apostle
The prophet who predicted a famine in Jerusalem and that Paul would be bound when he went to Jerusalem.
The young girl who was at the door when Peter was set free from prison by an angel. She was so excited that she left Peter standing outside as she went to tell the others.
God calls this man to go and anoint Saul after he was struck blind on the road to Damascus
This Encourager vouched for Saul to the other Apostles and accompanied Paul on missionary journeys.
This man went along with Paul and Barnabas on the first missionary journey but left them before it was finished.
John Mark
A Gentile Governor (a Roman Proconsul) in Paphos who was interested in the Gospel
Sergius Paulus
A Jewish Sorcerer who opposed Paul and was temporarily blinded because of it. His name means “son of salvation” but Paul rightly calls him “son of the devil”.
Bar-Jesus (Eylmus)
The Pastor of the Jerusalem Church who gave the final verdict at the Jerusalem Council that the Gentiles were not under the law.
James, the 1/2 brother of Jesus
He was commissioned to deliver the letters with the verdict from the Jerusalem Council and then stayed at Antioch until he went with Paul on the second missionary journey
A half Jew and half Gentile who joined the missionary team in Lystra and was circumcised so as not to be an offense to the Jews.
A wealthy business woman who was preached to, saved and baptized becoming the first European convert.
Paul meets this couple and stays with them because they are tentmakers also. Paul leaves them in Ephesus
Aquila & Priscilla
An eloquent Bible teacher and disciple of John the Baptist who Aquilla and Priscilla correct about the complete teachings of Christ. He later becomes the Pastor at the Church in Ephesus.
The young man that falls asleep during Pauls preaching and falls off a balcony and dies. Don’t worry, Paul raised him back to life.
The Jews from Asia wrongly thought that Paul had brought this man, a Gentile, into the Temple, and they stirred the crowds to attack Paul
The wicked governor known for his sinful indulgence who Paul had to witness before.
Paul witnessed before this man and he had the Jews come to Caeserea to accuse Paul. He suggests sending Paul to Jerusalem as a pleasure to the Jews
This King was an expert in Jewish matters an was living in an incestuous relationship when Paul was accused before him. Paul almost persuaded him to become a Christian.
Agrippa II
Sister and wife of King Agrippa II
The Roman Centurion guard assigned to Paul on the trip to Rome who treated Paul kindly.
The ruler of the island where Paul and the shipwrecked crew were shown hospitality. He had a sick father that grew deathly ill and Paul healed him.
The Roman Emperor who killed Paul in AD 67
What chapter in the book of Acts is about The Ascension of Christ?
Chapter 1
What is the Chapter ID for Acts Chapter 2?
Day of Pentecost
What chapter in the book of Acts is about Peter & John heal lame man & preach?
Chapter 3
What is the Chapter ID for Acts Chapter 4?
Apostles Arrested
What is the Chapter ID for Acts Chapters 5?
Ananias & Sapphira lie & die
What chapter in the book of Acts is about Deacons Appointed?
Chapter 6
What chapter in the book of Acts is about Stephen Martyred?
Chapter 7
What chapter in the book of Acts is about♦Philip evangelizes Samaria & Ethiopian Eunuch?
Chapter 8
What is the Chapter ID for Acts Chapter 9?
Saul Converted
What chapter in the book of Acts is about Cornelius (first Gentile) Converted?
Chapters 10-11
What is the Chapter ID for Acts Chapter 12?
James Martyred & Peter Released
What chapter in the book of Acts is about First Missionary Journey?
Chapters 13-14
What is the Chapter ID for Acts Chapter 15?
Jerusalem Council
What chapter in the book of Acts is about Second Missionary Journey?
Chapters 16-18
What chapter in the book of Acts is about Third Missionary Journey?
Chapters 19-21
What chapter in the book of Acts is about Paul’s Imprisonment & Voyage to Rome?
Chapters 22-28
Give the places in order and the events that happened at each place on Paul’s 1st missionary Journey.
1) Paphos on Cyprus - Sergius Paulus saved and Bar-Jesus is blinded♦2) Perga of Pamphylia- John Mark leaves ♦3) Antioch of Pisidia - Paul’s first recorded sermon, mad Jews reject, glad Gentiles accept the Gospel♦4) Iconium -many believe, Jews oppose the Gospel♦5) Lystra - Paul heals a cripple, crowds attempt to worship and then stone the missionaries♦6) Derbe - They teach, preach, return edifying and organizing chuches♦7) Antioch of Syria - First mission report and the writing of Galatians
Give the places in order and the events that happened at each place on Paul’s 2nd missionary Journey.
1)Lystra - Timothy joins the team♦2)Troas - Paul receives Macedonian call and Luke joins the team♦3)Philippi - Conversion of Lydia, the Demoniac Girl, and the Philippian Jailor(The Gospel reaches Europe)♦4)Thessalonica -Paul preaches 3 Sabbaths in synagogue, unbelieving Jews assault Jason’s house where he is staying♦5)Berea - Group study Scriptures to see whether these things were so, Paul is forced to flee by Jews from Thessalonica♦6)Athens- Paul preaches his famous sermon on Mars Hill♦7)Corinth- Paul meets Aquilan and Priscilla, sees Crispus converted, a vision from God, his case dismissed by Gallio, Sosthenes beaten, writes 1 & 2 Thessalonians♦8) Ephesus -Paul makes brief preaching stop and leaves Aquil & Pris here
Give the places in order and the events that happened at each place on Paul’s 3rd missionary Journey.
1)Ephesus - (3 yrs) Paul encounters:disciples of John the Baptist, failed exorcism attempt by sons of Sceva, burning of occult objects, riot by defenders of Diana,writes 1 Corinthians♦2)Philippi - (1yr) Paul preaches throughout Macedonia and writes 2 Corinthians♦3)Corinth - (3 months) Paul writes Romans♦4)Troas -Paul preaches all night, Eutychus falls asleep, falls to death and is raised up by Paul♦5)Miletus-Paul preaches a tearful farewell to the Ephesian Elders.♦6) Tyre - Paul is warned about Danger in Jerusalem♦7) Caesarea- Paul visits Philip and is warned by Agabus of Danger in Jerusalem
Logical Evidences That There Is A God (Argument?): ♦Based upon the Law of Cause and Effect. If there is no God, then the question must be asked, “Where did everything come from?” An infinite Creation demands an infinite cause, an all powerful, all knowing, uncaused first cause, or simply put - God. Just as the existence of a watch logically demands the existence of a watchmaker, the existence of Creation demands the existence of a Creator!
Cosmological argument
Logical Evidences That There Is A God (Argument?): ♦The existence of Design implies a designer. The intelligent design, purpose, and order of the universe indicates an intelligent Designer.
The Design or Teleological Argument
Logical Evidences That There Is A God (Argument?): ♦The fact that Mankind’s Innate Knowledge of God’s Existence is a universal phenomena is evidence that this knowledge was placed in us by God Himself. All of humanity has an innate knowledge of the existence of God.This is true of all civilizations and cultures world-wide, including completely isolated tribes. This is because God placed the knowledge of His existence “in them”.
The Innate Knowledge or Universal Belief Argument
Logical Evidences That There Is A God (Argument?): ♦Since the concept of God is infinitely greater than man’s finite mind, it cannot have come from man’s finite mind and therefore must have been revealed by God Himself. Skeptics often purpose that it was man who created God, rather than God Who created man. If man had created God from his own imagination, what kind of god would her have created? The answer is clear. Man would have created gods made in man’s image or in the image of things man can see.
The Ontological Argument
Logical Evidences That There Is A God (Argument?): ♦This argument is especially potent in the light of our natural antagonism to the moral restrictions that God’s perfect nature places upon us. If we had imagined God, we would have imagined the perfect God of the Bible, but one far less demanding, restrictive and hard to understand.
The Ontological Argument
Logical Evidences That There Is A God (Argument?): ♦Man could not, and would not, have ever imagined the infinite, holy, just, and loving God of the Bible. This happened in the pagan culture of the world. Immoral finite men would have created gods who were merely exalted men. Men would imagine immoral finite gods (the fickle and fleshly Greek and Roman gods). Man would have worshiped things he doesn’t understand (animals, sun and stars). Man would have imagined gods who justified their hatred and desire to kill their enemies, to rape their enemies’ wives, and steal their enemies’ lands, (such as Allah).
The Ontological Argument
Logical Evidences That There Is A God (Argument?): ♦Man’s mind, rationality, and self-consciousness could not arise by chance from mere molecules. The immaterial cannot arise from the material. Atoms do not know that they exist. They are not self aware. Man’s self-conscious, rational nature implies a self-conscious, rational Source or Creator, the God with eternal mind. Man’s mind, soul and spirit could only have been created by a God Who is Spirit, a God with mind, emotion, rationality, self-consciousness, self-awareness, and will.
The argument from Consciousness or Mind
Logical Evidences That There Is A God (Argument?): ♦This argument demands a self- conscious and moral Maker. Though man’s conscience is often weal or ignored and may even become seared, it nonetheless exists in all men and tells us we ought to do right. This implies a moral God who planted a moral nature within us.
The Argument from man’s Conscience and Moral Nature.
Logical Evidences That There Is A God (Argument?): ♦If the universe and man were merely random chance arrangements of atoms and chemicals, then no morality could exist. Yet absolute morals DO exist. It IS wrong to torture children for pleasure. It is admitted by those on both sides of the debate that there is no logical basis for any absolute morals if there is no Creator/God. Therefore, we can only reject the existence of God if we are wiling to reject the existence of ALL absolute morals. The fact that absolute morals do and indeed must exist implies a moral Maker, Lawgiver and Judge.
The Argument from Morals
Logical Evidences That There Is A God (Argument?): ♦All evidence for miracles, fulfilled Bible prophecies, the inspiration of the Scriptures, and the resurrection of Christ are ultimately evidences for the existence of God.
Evidences for Supernaturalism
Logical Evidences That There Is A God (Argument?): Has 3 Points;♦Changed lives - When multiplied millions of persons century after century profess to the total life changing power of the New Birth. ♦Personal Relationship - Millions of believers can profess what love, joy, peace, and sense of God’s presence and providence a daily personal relationship with God brings them. ♦Answered Prayers - Hundreds of millions of testimonies could be given of amazing supernatural and natural answers to specific prayers.
Personal Evidences
Jesus states, “God is a Spirit” _____ __:___ (reference?)
John 4:24
Jesus states, “a Spirit hath not flesh and bones” _____ ___:___ (reference?)
Luke 24:39
Jesus states that the Father is not “flesh and blood” _____ ___:___ (reference?)
Mathew 16:17
There is one God, Who exists in a union of…?
three individual and distinct personalities, Who co-exist in a perfect unity as three co-equal and co-eternal Persons.
What are the three groups that deny the Deity of Jesus Christ and of the Holy Spirit? These along with other major world religions believe in one God, but reject the Deity of Christ and the Trinity.
Jahovah’s Witnesses, Christian Science, and Mormonism.
The True Bible doctrine if the Trinity is denied by the _________.
The true Bible doctrine of the Trinity is denied by ___________. This heretical view of God teaches that the Trinity consists of three __________ Gods. Many groups who reject the Trinity often falsely accuse or misunderstand those who believe in the Trinity as holding this position.
Tri-Theism ; separate
Oneness, Jesus Only, or Jesus Name Movement, also known as Modalism which ..?
deny the true Bible doctrine of the Trinity. They accept that God is one but deny that God is three. They declare that there is only one God and that He does not exist as three distinct personalities. They teach that the Father, Son, and Spirit are simply three roles (or modes) by which the One God reveals Himself.
The United Pentecostals, the Apostolic Church, and others deny that God is __ in any sense whatsoever.
What are the 3 evidences that God is 3?
- They have individual Locations (The baptism of Christ when all 3 appear separately) ♦2. Individual Wills♦3. They Pray to One Another (The Garden of Gethsemene where Jesus prayed to the Father “not My will, but Thine”)
The One True God is Holy! ♦Defined:♦God is absolutely __________ from and exalted above all His ___________ (and creation), and He is _________ separate from all moral evil and sin.
separate ; creatures ; equally
The One True God is Just and Righteous!♦Defined:♦His perfect ________ _________ of always perfectly dealing _______ and _______ with all that is holy and unholy, of justly punishing all evil and rewarding all good.
moral nature ; rightly ; justly
The One True God is Self-existent! ♦Defined: ♦God’s existence is ___________ and arises from His Own ________ nature. God is not dependent upon any outside source or creative force. God is ___________ and simply exists because ____ _______.
uncaused ; eternal ; originless ; He exists
The One True God is Self-existent!♦Elaborated:♦God is not _____________ upon any outside source for His thoughts, His decisions, His power, or His counsel.
The One True God is Self-existent!♦Discussed:♦The answer to the question “Where did God come from?” is - God, there is and can be no further answer. Explain this..
God is the uncaused First cause Who logically must exist for anything to exist. All else that exists was created by God. Only God Himself is or can be Self-Existent.
The One True God is Self-Sufficient!♦Defined:♦God’s infinite divine nature is so _________ that He has no spiritual, emotional, mental, relational, physical, or material _______ outside of His Own divine Being.
perfect ; need
The One True God is Self-Sufficient! ♦Discussed:♦God’s self-sufficiency is related to His divine _____-__________. God has never had and indeed cannot ever have in the present, the Eternity Past, or in Eternity Future, a single need of any kind that is not entirely fulfilled within His Own infinite and perfect ________.
self-existence ; Being
The One True God is Eternal!♦Defined:♦God is the One and only Being Who has existed for all of Eternity _______, Who will exist for all Eternity _________, and Who actually exists outside of and beyond the realm of _______, as the Creator, not the servant of time.
Past ; Future ; time
The One True God is Eternal! ♦Discussed: ♦God’s eternal nature is also distinct from that of His Creatures (Men and Angels) who will exist _________, in that He not only _____ exist for all eternity, but He _____ existed from all eternity and beyond even this, He does exist in all eternity.
forever ; will ; has
The One True God is Eternal! ♦Explained:♦Got does not exist within _______ time. He exists ________ time. “…God is absolutely free from the tyranny of time. In Him there is no past or future, but one always and never-ending _________. He is neither conditioned nor confined by time.”
linear ; above ; present
The One True God is Infinite!♦Defined:♦God is ____________ in time, space, power, presence, knowledge, essence, love, grace, and moral perfection.
The One True God is Infinite!♦Discussed:♦God has no external _____________ outside of His Own Holy _________. God is ________________.
limitations ; Nature ; measureless
The One True God is Omnipresent!♦Defined:♦God is __________ everywhere with His whole being at the same ______ at ____ times.
present ; time ; all
The One True God is Omnipresent!♦Contrasted:♦A sharp distinction must be drawn between the Bible doctrine of God’s omnipresence and the Hindu and New Age heresy of ___________. God is indeed everywhere, but Pantheism wrongly declares that God is __________ or that ___________ is God.
pantheism ; everything ; everything
The One True God is Omnipotent!♦Define this.
God is all-powerful. He has imcomprehensible and absolute power.
The One True God is Omnipotent!♦Clarified:♦God can do anything that is consistent with His Own ________. God cannot be other than He is. His true to Himself. He cannot be _______-like. God cannot lie or sin. Can God do anything? _____. He __________ ___________ His Own nature.
nature ; ungod ; No ; cannot contradict
The One True God is Omniscient!♦Define this..
God is All-knowing. God has always perfectly known all that can be known.
The One True God is Omniscient!♦Elaborated: ♦God has (without the need for learning, observing, or having caused) absolute, ________, and total ____________ of all that has been, that is, that will be, that could have been, and that can be. An interesting thought here is that God cannot learn, for He __________ knows all that there is to be known. God never has, never will, and actually cannot learn, for to learn implies that there has been a time at which God did not know all.
perfect ; knowledge ; already
The One True God is Omniscient!♦Clarified: ♦Much confusion, debated and misunderstanding has surrounded that nature of God’s omniscience concerning the future, God’s foreknowledge. The question has long been asked: If we cannot choose other than what God already knows we will choose, then are we truly able to _________? Some have imagined that solution to this apparent tension between God’s foreknowledge and man’s free will is to conclude that man cannot choose. This issue has been debated for centuries and has resulted in an erroneous view of foreknowledge. The problem is that, if God cannot know all unless He causes all things, then He cannot fore-know the sinful choices of men and angels unless He _________ all of these sinful choices. This view _________________ makes God the author of sin, and indeed of all sin.
choose ; causes ; blasphemously
The One True God is Wise!♦Defined: ♦God’s Wisdom is His ability to apply omniscience in such a way that…
..He always chooses the Highest good for the greatest number for the longest time and the most excellent means to accomplish that purpose.
The One True God is Wise! ♦Applied:♦God’s wisdom has practical meaning for us in that we can always trust His _____ to be far better than our ______.
Will ; Will
The One True God is Immutable!♦Defined:♦God is unchangeable in His __________, ____________, _____________ and ___________.
Essence, Character, Attributes, and Purpose
The One True God is Immutable!♦Explained:♦God is above even the ____________ of change. Change must be either for the better or worse, both are ___________ with God. There is nothing better than what He ____ and He cannot become ______ and still be God. Absolute infinite perfection cannot change in a _________ way, for there is no other state in which God could exist which is equal with Himself.
possibility ; impossible ; is ; less ; neutral
The One True God is Free!♦Define this term..
God’s will and purpose are unlimited by any outside force and He is unrestrained in His will and plans, except by His Own nature.
The One True God is Free!♦Applied:♦Whereas God’s freedom is part of His _______ and _______ nature, freedom is therefore a good and holy virtue. The God who is Free exercises His _____________ over His Creation, while at the same time extending freedom to His subjects. God is not a dictatorial tyrant Who robs man of free will.
divine ; holy ; sovereignty
The One True God is Free!♦Applied: (Continued)♦-God created man in His own ________. One aspect of this creative act is that man is created with _______ ______. God created man with the ability to ________ accept and love God or to reject and rebel against God. ♦-God’s creation of both man and angels with Free Will provides the ___________ answer as to why there is sin and suffering in God’s once perfect Creation.
image ; Free Will ; freely ; ultimate
The One True God is Free!♦Applied: (Continued)♦-There are only two alternatives to the question of evil. Either God _______ free will and then angels and men chose sin or God __________ and causes all things and is therefore the author of all sin. There is no third alternative. ♦-We do not exalt God by _________________ one of His perfect attributes at the cost of _______________ other of His attributes. The attributes of God are in perfect unity and balance. There is no conflict or tension between the perfect attributes of God.
gave ; controls ; overemphasizing ; deemphasizing
The One True God is Sovereign!♦Defined:♦The authority of God over all things is __________. He is the ______ ruler over all that exists. God is in _________. He is on the ________. He rules as ______.
absolute ; sole ; control ; Throne ; Lord
If God is sovereign, how do we explain the presence of sin?
God has allowed for (but NOT arranged for or caused in any way) sin to enter this universe because He has allowed both men and angels to possess free will.
The One True God is Incomprehensible!♦Define this term..
No finite being can ever hope to even remotely grasp or begin to understand the infinite God.
The One True God is Incomprehensible!♦Applied:♦This is why all attempts to really picture God (by graven images, drawn images, or ween mental images) are always ____________.
The One True God is Inscrutable!♦Define this term..
God is unquestionable in His inexplicable and mysterious ways.
The One True God is Inscrutable!♦Elaborated:♦This attribute is similar to ___________________, but it carries this truth one step further. Theoretically, God could be _________ our understanding, but not always do what is best. But God is both incomprehensible and inscrutable.
incomprehensibility ; beyond
The One True God is True!♦Define this term..
By truth we mean that the attribute of the divine nature in virture of which God’s being and God’s knowledge eternally conform to each other.
The One True God is True!♦Elaborated:♦- Truth is therefore anything factual about ______. The child of God may well say, “I ________ (or serve) the truth”, but only God can say, “I _____ the truth!” ♦- God is the ultimate and only ________ and ___________ of truth. This is why the Bible describes the “God that cannot lie”, and concludes that it is utterly “impossible for God to lie”.
God ; speak ; am ; Source ; Standard
The One True God is Faithful!♦Defined:♦God always keeps His __________. He never fails to love, tend, and care for the needs of His __________ and His ____________.
promises ; children ; Creation
The One True God is Light!♦Define this term…
He is both the source and strength of all illumination. This is true not only to those golden beams of energy radiating from the sun and stars, but also of the moral, mental, and spiritual rays of information and inspiration.
The One True God is Good!♦Define this term…
Goodness is the eternal principle of God’s nature which leads Him to communicate of His own life and blessedness to those who are like Him in moral character.
The One True God is Good!♦Elaborated:♦”The goodness of God is that which disposes Him to be kind, cordial, benevolent, and full of good will toward men. He is _______________ and of quick sympathy. By His nature He is __________ to bestow blessedness and He takes ______ pleasure in the happiness of His people.”
tenderhearted ; inclined ; holy
The One True God is Merciful!♦Define this term…
Mercy is that eternal principle of God’s nature which leads Him to seek the temporal good and eternal salvation of those who have opposed themselves to His will, even at the cost of infinite Self-sacrifice.
The One True God is Merciful!♦Elaborate on this…
Mercy is not getting what we deserve, namely Hell.
The One True God is Gracious!♦Define this term…
God’s unmerited favor, goodness, and blessings manifested toward the undeserving.
The One True God is Gracious!♦Elaborated:♦Grace is that which is ________ _________. It is God’s _____________ Love for us. It is His _________ Favor. The favor of God is not restricted to salvation itself. When God grants favor in life, this favor extends to every area of life.
given freely ; Undeserved ; Unmerited
The One True God is Gracious!♦Contrasted-♦What are the distinctions between Grace and Mercy?
- Mercy is God not giving us the punishment in Hell that we deserve. ♦- Grace is God giving us the favor and salvation in Heaven that we do not deserve.
The One True God is Love!♦Define this term…
The manifested unconditional and unselfish concern of God, in emotion, volition and action for man’s highest good.
Recite 2 Timothy 3:16-17
All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.
Recite 2 Peter 1:21
For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.
Definition of Revelation
The Impartation of the Message from God to man. - The ministry is complete and has ceased. It was perfect and without the possibility of error.
Definition of Inspiration
The Impartation of the Message from Man to Scripture. - The ministry is complete and has ceased. It was perfect and without the possibility of error.