Bible_Study_20 Flashcards
Divine _______ appearances would probably still be made unawares.
Angels may appear to the believer at the moment of _________.
We must study the doctrine of fallen angels _________.
Our method of battle in spiritual warfare is to first, _______and draw _______ to God and then to resist the devil.
submit; ♦and draw near
We must study the Biblical Doctrine of Fallen Angels _________
When we submit and resist, satan will ______ from you.
Greater is He that is in _____, than he that is in this world!
One of satan’s devices is _________.
We must study knowing that the _________ accounts of demons never inspire fear in us. Demons cower, cringe and beg before ______.
Biblical ♦Jesus
Only satan’s distorted accounts of demons inspire fear, such as those in _______ and the _______.
movies; ♦occult
The real danger to be aware of is demons ability to _______ us to sin and to draw us ________ from Christ.
tempt; ♦away
Demons desire to distract us from real dangers with fear of ________ dangers.
The devil and his angels must ask _________ of God before they can do anything to us.
We must study this doctrine ________, recognizing the two opposite dangers concerning demons: ___________ and __________.
carefully; ♦ignorance and interest
We are to be ________ of our enemy’s devices in order to more effectively battle against him.
One of the demon’s devices is to draw our attention away from ______ and toward them, even if that focus is on battling against them.
Some demonic spirits are __________ and therefore free to tempt and torment mankind, while others are ________.
unchained; ♦chained
Fallen angels were once Holy Angels and thus we can expect some similarity in although corrupted, _________.
We are especially warned against their most dangerous appearance, that of an Angel of ________.
Demonic spirits oppose God’s plan and attempt to prevent answers to ________and hinder our understanding of God’s ________and divine plan.
prayer; ♦truth
Demonic spirits engage us in spiritual ________ with the goal of having us _____.
warfare; ♦fall
Characteristics of demonic influence sometimes include total or near _______, and obsession with ______ and/or violence.
nakedness; ♦death
Other characteristics of demonic influence may be an obsession with and hypersensitivity to the __________realm, the occult or false religions; but antagonism toward the true Jesus Christ.
Sadistic behavior, cruelty, enjoyment in causing others pain or self-_______ behavior are sometimes signs of demonic influence.
Mental problems such as constant ________, withdrawal, isolation or uncontrollable _______ or rebellion are also sometimes signs of demonic influence, as well as unusual _________.
depression; ♦anger; ♦strength
Overt manifestations such as demons speaking audibly and/or a person with multiple or confused __________ are sometimes signs of demonic influence.
Overt _________-where demons are given direct authority to enter should be avoided.
Occult ___________ through which demons are knowingly or unknowingly given authority to enter is a method of possession.
_______ iniquity-through which jurisdiction over certain areas of one’s life are willingly, although not necessarily consciously, surrendered to satan.
The specific sin which Ephesians 4:26-27 warns against, giving jurisdiction over to demonic authority and control and allowing it to turn into bitterness and unforgiveness.
holding onto anger past sundown
Jesus warns of how God himself will deliver us over to demonic torment when we, who have been forgiven of our own great sins by God, fail to _______ others.
Parents that willingly give spiritual protection of descendants over to demonic forces is considered_____ _______.
occult inheritance
________ ______________ - through which, by the possession of occult or idolatrous objects, one gives permission and authority to Satan to enter the home and influence the inhabitants. (Deuteronomy 7:26)
Occult Instruments
Occult instruments should never be brought into the ________.
Opening ________- through which one willingly, albeit unknowingly, gives authority to demonic forces.
The common factor of all demonic possessions and influence is a _______offering of ________, _______ and jurisdiction to satanic powers.
willful; ♦authority; ♦control
Demons cannot possess anyone until _______ authority to do so.
Does demon possession still take place today?
Scripture clearly indicates that demonic activity will _________ in the last days. ♦1 Timothy 4:1
Demonization must be clearly distinguished from demon _________ or attack, which is experienced universally, although in greatly varying degrees.
Demon influence consists of ________ promptings, not internal control, as in demonization.
Demon influence is just that, __________, not control.
Demons cannot ________ us from Christ, our position in him, his love for us, or our salvation.
Demons cannot break the seal of the _____,or remove us from God’s hand.
Demons cannot touch us without God’s________.
Demons cannot control us without our _____________.
Demons cannot cause us to sin until we are drawn away by _____ own sinful desires.
Demons cannot remain when we submit and draw nigh to _____ and resist the devil.
Demons cannot overcome the greater authority a believer has in ________ or overrule our _______, unless we surrender it.
Christ; ♦will
Demons can, when permitted, wrestle against believers and _______ them when provided opportunity through neglect or when we make provision for the flesh.
Demons may buffet us with thorns in the flesh, physical _________.
Demons can gain advantage over us through __________, offense, bitterness.
They can take jurisdiction over any ______ given to them, for example, anger.
Demons can lure us away from pure devotion to _____________.
Demons plant ______ and discouragement.
Demons may “______” us (seek to destroy and our lives, testimonies, families, etc).
Demons spread division in the _______.
Fallen angels will be judged by God and by the ________.
Fallen angels will spend eternity suffering the torments of ________ which was prepared by God for them and not for mankind.
Recognize and accept the truth that _________ does not bring happiness.
Proverbs 1:10 MEMORIZE
My son, if sinners entice thee, consent thou not. MEMORIZE
Proverbs 15:3 MEMORIZE
The eyes of the Lord are in every place, beholding the evil and the good. MEMORIZE
Proverbs 20:1 MEMORIZE
Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging: and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise. MEMORIZE
Subtitle of Ecclesiastes
The Search for the Meaning in Life
Main Content of Ecclesiastes
To record the search for the meaning in life and the meaning of life as conducted by Solomon (the wisest, wealthiest, and most powerful of Israel’s Kings).
Theme of Ecclesiastes
The Exploration by Israel’s King for Meaning in Life.
Key Words of Ecclesiastes
Vanity, Man, Labor, Under the Sun
Ecclesiastes Reveals
The vanity of all Man’s labor under the sun.
Author of Ecclesiastes
Date of Ecclesiastes
Probably written in Solomon’s later years, approximately 935 BC
Ecclesiastes Pictures
The Independent Christian Life
Purpose of Ecclesiastes
The purpose of this book is to prove that life without God has no meaning.
Problems in Ecclesiastes:
Many cults and heretical groups use statements form this book to support false doctrines such as soul sleep or annihilation. These passages can be properly understood only by realizing that extended portions of Ecclesiastes give the perspective of life “under the sun”, that is, what life would be without God, which is a purposefully false perspective.
Title of Ecclesiastes
Means “one who addresses an assembly”, thus a Preacher, Teacher, or Philosopher.
Importance of Ecclesiastes
Willmington writes: “Apart from Proverbs, Ecclesiastes is probably the most important Old Testament book for young people to read. It answers their many questions. Can I find happiness in sex, or sports, or silver? In popularity, prestige, or power? In educational degree or drugs? The answer to all these is NO! Thus , numerous heartaches and ruined lives can be avoided by simply heading the advice of the man who has already traveled down those roads.” Sometimes experience is not the best teacher, for the tuition is too expensive.”
Under the Sun
It is life apart from heaven, apart from God, from an earthly perspective alone that is empty and without meaning.
Solomon proves the vanity of life by experience:
♦Human Wisdom♦♦Pleasure♦♦Alcohol♦♦Great Building Projects - beautiful homes and palaces♦♦Beautiful Gardens and Parks - Farming♦♦Personal Indulgences♦♦Cattle breeding - ranching♦♦Massive Wealth♦♦Music♦♦Labor♦♦Marriage and Sex♦♦Fame, Popularity, International Reputation♦♦Education & Literature♦♦Natural Science♦♦Military Power - armies, horses, chariots, and navies
A Call to Wisdom in Business
o Invest in good deeds everywhere you go and the good you do will come back to you. •Invest what you have in several different interests; for you cannot know which ones will go bad and this way you will not lose everything. This can be summed up by one common proverb, “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.”•Don’t wait for perfect opportunities, but work hard all the time. There will always be uncertainties about the future.
A Call to Wisdom and Rejoicing in Youth
We are to enjoy our youth, but live our lives with the judgement of God in mind.
A Call to Wisdom Before Old Age
We are to remember our Creator in the days of our youth, before old age approaches.
Four Conclusions of Ecclesiastes
♦God intends for man to enjoy the fruits of his labor, for this is a blessing from the hand of God♦♦Man is to do good and rejoice in the fruits of his labors while living in fear of a Sovereign God, with his judgement and our Death in mind.♦♦We should enjoy the fruits of our labors and accept the joy of God in our hearts.♦♦Live joyfully with your mate and face life with an attitude of enthusiasm and total commitment.
Final Conclusion of Ecclesiastes
We should: ♦♦Find God early in life♦♦Fear God throughout life.•By keeping His Commandments with our actions•By keeping his Judgement in our minds.
Subtitle of Song of Solomon
A Love Story
Main Content of Song of Solomon
This is the “Song of Songs”, the greatest Love Story ever written.♦♦Here is the first and classic tale of a poor peasant girl who wins the heart of a handsome young prince (king), the story of the first Cinderella.♦♦Here is also the classic tale of a rich, famous, and powerful young man who sought and found someone who would truly love him for himself, not for his wealth, fame, position or power. ♦♦Here is the story of Solomon’s one true love out of his thousand women. Here is a love story between Solomon and his beautiful Shulamite bride.♦♦Here is the ultimate tale of the beauty of marital love.
Theme of Song of Solomon
The Aspiration of Israel for the Love of God.
Key Word of Song of Solomon
Author of Song of Solomon
Samson’s bad woman-friend who was bribed by the Philistines to betray him.
Moabite widow who chose to worship the God of Israel and was redeemed by her kinsman redeemer.
Ruth’s mother-in-law, to who Ruth was loyal.
Ruth’s kinsman redeemer, who married her.
Samuel’s mother who prayed at the Tabernacle for a son
Judge & Priest who raised Samuel & was judged by God for failing to restrain his sinful sons.
Prophet and Judge who ordained Saul & David.
Father of king David.
10 foot tall Philistine giant who defied the army of God & was defeated by David.
Saul’s general who first supported Saul’s son, but later offered his loyalty to David and was murdered by David’s general (Joab).
Saul’s son and David’s best friend.
Daughter of Saul and first wife of David who later despised David as he danced before the Lord.
City where David was anointed King and from where he ruled Judah for 7 1/2 years.
City David captured and made his capital and where he brought the ark of the covenant.
Prophet of God who confronted David’s sin and supported Solomon.
David’s jealous general who murdered all his rivals and David’s rebellious son Absalom.
Lame son of Jonathan to whom David showed kindness.
Woman with whom David sinned and who became the mother of Solomon.
Wicked son of David who defiled his half-sister Tamar.
Daughter of David defiled by her half-brother Amnon.
David’s long-haired son who murdered Amnon, rebelled against David and was slain by Joab as he hung by his hair from a tree.
Cursed and cast stones and dust at David as David fled from Absalom.
Servant of Solomon appointed as king over the 10 northern tribes because of Solomon’s sin.
Primary prophet of 1 Kings.
Primary prophet of 2 Kings.
Drove a tent peg through the temple of general Sisera.
Caleb’s nephew who became his son in law
Left-handed warrior who brought a secret message to the King
Fat king who was murdered with a knife in his belly.
Female judge and prophet over Israel.
Made a foolish vow.
Subtitle for I Timothy
Conduct in the Church
Author of I and II Timothy and Titus
Timothy was a youthful and apparently timid and reserved individual who often suffered from ________ _________.
Poor health
Paul wrote I Timothy as Timothy pastored at __________.
I Timothy contains extensive instructions on proper Church ________.
Paul wrote I Timothy between his first and second Roman __________.
I Timothy is the first of Paul’s three _________ Epistles, the others are Titus and 2 Timothy.
Reference that refutes prayers to Mary or Saints and confession to priests by telling us that there is only “one Mediator between God and man…Jesus”
I Timothy 2:5
I Timothy 3:16 declares the _______ of Christ: “God was manifest in the flesh.”
Subtitle for Titus
Setting the Church in Order
Titus is pastoring on the island of __________ when he receives the Epistle of Titus.
Titus is a __________ ________ for church living.
conduct manual
Key word(s) in Titus
Church Organization
Theme in Titus: Titus’ Leadership in ___________ the church.
Titus was written between Paul’s 1st and 2nd Roman Imprisonments, just after the writing of ___________.
I Timothy
Titus 2:13 declares ________ ________ calling Jesus “the great God and our Saviour”
Christ’s Deity
Titus 2:13 calls the Rapture the “________ _______”, a hint of the hope of a Pre-Tribulation Rapture.
blessed hope
Titus 2:11 declares that _______ men are drawn to and have opportunity for salvation, declaring, “For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men”
Reference for “Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost;”
Titus 3:5
Subtitle for II Timothy
Paul’s Final Commission
After his first Roman Imprisonment, Paul was released and continued his missionary efforts, perhaps even traveling to ________.
After Paul was released from prison, a severe persecution of all Christians by _______ began and he was rearrested, leaving behind his cloak, parchments, or OT Scrolls.
In Paul’s 2nd imprisonment, he was a condemned criminal awaiting __________, not awaiting trial like the first time.
In Paul’s 2nd imprisonment, he was in a cold, dark ________, not in a hired house.
In Paul’s 2nd imprisonment, he was __________ by all, not visited by many believers like the first time.
In Paul’s 2nd imprisonment, many believers were afraid for their own lives because the insane and cruel Emperor _________ used Christians as a scapegoat to direct suspicion away from himself after burning half of Rome.
This Epistle is Paul’s final commission and passes the baton on to Timothy.
II Timothy
Key word for II Timothy
Theme for II Timothy
Encouraging Faithfulness in the Ministry
Purpose of II Timothy: To encourage Timothy to continue in, ________ ______, and pass on the work of the Gospel Ministry.
Carry out
Recite II Timothy 3:16-17
All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.
What does “inspiration” mean?
God breathed
Reference for “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”
II Timothy 2:15
Subtitles for Hebrews
The Superiority of Christ and Christianity, and A Call to Faithfulness
This Epistle does not name it’s author
The Early ________ was not unified on the authorship of Hebrews and there has never been universal agreement concerning the human author of the book of Hebrews.
According to the Alexandrian Tradition, the book of Hebrews was written by ________.
Hebrews was apparently written from Rome, by someone who had been or was in prison, and was a close friend of Timothy. All this fits with _________.
According to the African tradition, this person was the human author of Hebrews.
Who was the human author of Hebrews according to the Roman Tradition?
Pastor Yates thinks that this person was the human author of the book of Hebrews, if he was not directly the author, the author was deeply influenced by him.
Hebrews was written to a group of _________ believers under persecution for their acceptance of the Christian faith and now tempted to turn back from Christianity to Judaism.
The recipients of Hebrews struggled because they had stepped out of Judaism to Christianity and were tempted to turn back in order to escape ________.
The recipients of Hebrews were persecuted by the high priest ____________ who had all Christian Jews automatically banished from the holy places.
Summary of Hebrews: God’s message through the prophets was serious enough, how much more important is the saving message brought by _______,
Key word for Hebrews
The great faith chapter of the Bible containing the Great Hall of Faith.
Hebrews 11
Theme of Hebrews: The ____________ of Christ.
Purpose of Hebrews: To prevent his readers from _________ their faith in Christ.
Hebrews has been called the 5th __________.
The Gospels describe what Christ did on earth, while Hebrews describes what he is doing in _________.
The OT Rest was the ___________ - celebrating God’s finished work of Creation.
The meaning of having entered the NT Rest is therefore to have rested or “ceased from his own ________” in an attempt to earn or keep Salvation.
When we place all of our trust in Christ as the only hope of our salvation, we “_______” in the finished work of Christ and from all attempts to work our way into heaven or to earn or deserve God’s favor.
The New Covenant is superior to the Old because it is entirely dependent on ________, not _______.
God, not man
The New Covenant is superior to the Old because it gives the ________ ________ for righteousness, not just the external restrictions.
inner desire
The New Covenant is superior to the Old because it gives us a permanent ____________.
The New Covenant is superior to the Old because it gives the ____________ of God.
The New Covenant is superior to the Old because it gives the _____________ of sin.
This chapter tells of God chastening all his true children.
Hebrews 12
Reference for: “And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgement.”
Hebrews 9:27
Reference for: “Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another; and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.”
Hebrews 10:25
Reference for: “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”
Hebrews 11:1
Subtitle for I Peter
Strength for suffering
Author of I and II Peter
In I Peter, Peter wrote to the __________ and Gentile Christians scattered throughout five Roman provinces.
Peter penned his first Epistle in response to the news of the growing _________ of Christians in Asia Minor
Persecution can either cause you to __________ or __________ in the Christian life, it all depends on your response.
Grow or grumble
The key word in I Peter is _____________, used 16 times.
The Purpose of I Peter is to enable believers to have hope and joy in the midst of ___________ by looking at the eternal perspective, by trusting in the grace of God and by submission to his will during suffering.
The theme of I Peter
The proper response to Christian Suffering
I Peter was written in approximately ______ AD, somewhere around the time of the outbreak of persecution under Emperor Nero.
I Peter has over 100 parallels to the epistle of __________.
It is generally accepted that the Gospel of __________ reflects the teachings of Peter
This portion of I Peter 1:2 is evidence of the role of God’s foreknowledge in election. MEMORIZE IT
Elect according to the foreknowledge of God
This portion of I Peter 1:5 is evidence of eternal security. MEMORIZE IT
Who are kept by the power of God
This word is a military term meaning “to be garrisoned or guarded about” and was used of soldiers being placed around the city of Damascus to keep Paul in when he wanted to escape.
What is the reference for: “For even hereunto were ye called: because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow his steps.”
I Peter 2:21
What is the reference for:”But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear:”
I Peter 3:15
What is the reference for: “For Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the Spirit:”
I Peter 3:18
Our response to suffering should be this:
In order to get strength for suffering, we must know that our trials are all ___________-
In order to get strength for suffering, we must know that our blessings are all ___________
In order to get strength for suffering, we must know that trials _________ our faith and produce eternal blessings.
In order to get strength for suffering, we must know that our joy will come when we shift our focus and our love from the seen to the unseen, from this world to _________.
How to endure suffering: Recognize we are _________ to suffer.
How to endure suffering: Know that suffering in no excuse for these four things:
sin, bitterness, evil words, retaliation
How to endure suffering: Remember Christ’s sufferings in that he _______ our sins upon the cross.
A wife is to be ________ to her husband’s leadership.
A wife is to win her lost husband with her ________ not her lips, with respect for authority and a pure testimony, not never sharing the gospel, but not always sharing it either.
A wife is to be PURE and beautiful _________.
The husband is to live his _______ with his wife.
The husband is to _________ about his wife’s needs.
The husband is to esteem his wife with the highest possible ________, and to treat her with dignity.
The husband is to honor and protect his wife as a more precious and _________ vessel.
The husband is to recognize that his wife’s _________ take priority over his own.
The husband is to be considerate of his wife’s more ____________ feelings.
The husband is to value his wife’s role as his __________
The husband is to love his wife as a spiritual ___________.
The husband is to recognize that failure to treat his wife properly results in unanswered ___________.
We know that baptism is NOT necessary for the salvation of our souls because #1 - The Bible never _________ itself.
We know that baptism is NOT necessary for the salvation of our souls because #2 - The Bible teaches elsewhere that ________ is NOT necessary for__________.
baptism, salvation
Salvation is by grace through faith apart from anything or any works. Baptism by contrast is a _____.
1 Corinthians 1:17 separates between the ______ and baptism.
The _____ on the ____ was saved without baptism long after some key “proof texts” of baptismal regenerationists (such as John 3:5) were spoken.
thief, cross
Converts in Acts 10:43-48 were saved, filled with the Spirit and performing miracles (tongues) _______ their baptism.
The Bible often explains how to be saved _________ including baptism.
Notice that in Acts 3:19 and 16:30-31, _____ himself, gives the plan of _________ and does NOT include baptism.
Peter, salvation
The proof texts of baptismal regeneration do not hold water. Example - Mark 16:16 which says “he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved” but then explains the part ________ for salvation saying “but he that _________ not shall be damned.”
necessary, believeth
In the Bible the word “save” can refer to the salvation of a soul, a life, or a thing. Which of these is in view can only be understood from the ______.
How was Noah saved by water? (1 Pet 3:20b) Water here represented _____ and judgment.
Noah and his family were only saved because they were in the ___. The water without the Ark meant certain death.
This is the “like figure” (antitype) of how baptism “saves” (1 Pet 3:21a). The water of baptism pictures death and judgment of sin on the cross, but only those in the Ark, (picturing _____) are saved.
In reference to “baptism doth…save us” (1 Pet 3:21b) Baptism does NOT ____ away sin. It is not a ________ agent.
wash, cleansing
Baptism is the public _________ or pledge (“answer”) that one has “a good conscience toward God”, a ________ of our salvation.
profession, testimony
Answer is a _____ term referring to a pledge to obey and fulfill the terms of a contract.
_______ is a public pledge to obey God and serve Him, and to break with a _______ past.
Baptism, sinful
Baptism is a ______ that a person is _____ and will live accordingly.
pledge, saved
Baptism thus “saves” us from the temptation of our sinful ____ in the face of suffering.
Baptism “saves” from a bad _________, not from Hell. no believer has a good _________ with God while he is in the disobedient state of refusing baptism.
conscience, conscience
Author of 2 Peter
Simon Peter
When 1 Peter was written, the Church was facing danger from _______, in the form of growing persecution.
The persecution had intensified by the time of 2 Peter, his readers now faced a far more dangerous enemy, one that attacked from ______.
Reference for: “The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, bu that all should come to repentance,”
2 Peter 3:9
The Importance of God’s Word: Skeptics and liberals often claim that the miracle claims and teachings of Christianity were “made up” by the followers of Christ over a period of centuries after His death. Peter makes it clear that the entire message of the Gospel is based on ___ ___ ___ and the ______ ______ of those who walked with Christ and saw His Glory.
first hand accounts, eyewitness testimony
The Authority of Scripture: Peter declares that the ______ Word is surer and of greater value than even his eyewitness account of the actual Transfiguration of Christ (which is definitely more certain than any modern claim of any experience, vision, or revelation.
The Authority of Scripture: Scripture, not _______ is always to be the source of truth and inspiration for the believer.
The Understanding of Scripture: No passage of Scripture is of the _______ own private interpretation or opinion. It is _____ Word.
writer’s, God’s
The Understanding of Scripture: No passage of Scripture is to be of the _______ own private interpretation or opinion. It is what God meant, not what you understand or feel it to mean.
We are to study Scripture in order to discover what ___ ________ it to convey, not to project our feelings, opinions, or experiences into or onto it, ignoring the the original intent and context.
God intended
No ___ passage of scripture is to be interpreted apart from ___ of Scripture.
one, all
The Inspiration of Scripture: No portion of God’s Word was ever written simply by the writer’s own will or to convey ___ ___ ______ or opinions.
his own thoughts