Bible_Study_8 Flashcards
In the Parable of the Tares, what is the furnace
In the Parable of the Tares, what is the Barn
Millennial Kingdom and Heaven
In the Parable of the Tares, what is the overall point
There will be a time of judgement at the end of the Tribulation period during which the saved and the lost will be divided. The lost will be cast into Hell and the saved will enter the Millennial Kingdom.
What does the Treasure represent
Israel, purchased out of the land.
What does the Pearl represent
The Church, purchased out of the sea (the Gentile World).
What is Jesus’ 13th Parable
A rent cloth and a ruptured container: Some of the disciples of John the Baptist and of the Pharisees ask why they fast but the disciples of Jesus do not. Jesus explains that the friends of the bridegroom (Christ) do not fast while the bridegroom is with them, but that when he is gone, “then shall they fast”. Fasting is still scriptural for believers today. (They were concerned with the external obedience in matters such as fasting and tithing, while Jesus focused on internal issues of the heart such as forgiveness and love.)
What was Jesus explanation of the 13th parable
- One does not put an unshrunken patch on an old garment lest when it shrinks, it creates a larger tear.♦2. One does not put new (unfermented) wine into an old brittle wineskin lest the remaining old (fermented) wine cause the new to ferment, releasing expanding gases and causing the wineskins to burst. ♦3. The point of the first to parables is the same. The new wine of Christianity and the Spirit filled life cannot mix with the old wine of the Pharisaic legalism and external righteousness. Likewise, Christ’s message of Salvation and peace with God by Grace cannot mix with the Pharisee’s Message of Salvation by Works.
Why Did Jesus Use Parables
- To reveal truth to His Disciples.♦2. To conceal truth from His Rejectors.♦3. Principles concerning the proper interpretation of parables.♦a. Parables are meant to illustrate one central truth.♦b. This truth may have sub points, but we must not make parables “walk on all fours”, creating meanings out of our own imaginations which are not actually taught in the text. ♦c. We must not invent new truths out of the symbolism of parables which are not clearly stated elsewhere in Scriptures.
Characteristics of Demonic Influence
- Total or near nakedness♦2. Obsession with violence and anti-social behavior♦3. Obsession with death♦4. Obsession with the Spiritual realm the occult, or false religions, but antagonism toward the true Jesus Christ.♦5. Sadistic behavior, cruelty, enjoyment in causing others pain.♦6. Self-destructive behavior, masochism, drug or alcohol abuse, obsessive sexual behaviors, suicide.♦7. Unusual strength.♦8. Mental problems.♦9. Constant depression♦10. Withdrawal and isolation.♦11. Uncontrollable rebellion.♦12. Overt manifestations such as demons speaking audibly.
The First 3 Truths Drawn From The Account of Lazarath and the Rich Man
- This passage again supports the fact that there is a literal Fire in Hell.♦2. This passage refutes both the doctrines of soul sleep and annihilation.♦3. This passage teaches that the dead in heaven and hell do have some knowledge of what takes place on Earth.♦4. This passage adds light to the abode of the saved dead before the cross (which was not yet Heaven, John 3:13).♦a. All the dead once went to the same place, generally designated as “Sheol” (Hebrew) or “Hades” (Greek), the abode of all the dead.♦b. There were 2 compartments in this place “Paradise” or “Abraham’s Bosom” and “Hades” - the place of the rich man’s fiery torment. There was a “great gulf fixed” between the 2 compartments.♦c. After Christ paid for sin on the Cross, the saved could be and were brought into God’s presence in Heaven by Christ. ♦d. Believers now go immediately and consciously into the presence of God in Heaven.
Four Steps of Church Reconciliation & Discipline
- If a brother offends you, go to him privately and seek reconciliation.♦2. A second attempt at reconciliation is to be made with 1 or 2 witnesses. ♦3. A third attempt at reconciliation is to be made before the entire Church♦4. If all attempts at reconciliation fail, then he is to be excluded from fellowship.
Illegalities of the Trial of Jesus
- The judges were not only impartial, they openly hated Jesus.♦2. The entire trial was begun and carried out with no formal charge or accusation against Jesus.♦3. The trial was carried out at night, which was illegal.♦4. A guilty verdict could not be rendered until the day after the conclusion of the trial.♦5. The search for hostile testimony was illegal. The trial started without any witnesses to His guilt, which was illegal.♦6. The accused could not be convicted on His own evidence (testimony). Jesus was not only convicted on His own testimony, the judges sought throughout the entire trial to discover even a charge from Jesus’ lips.♦7. No valid legal evidence was ever presented against Jesus.♦8. Jesus was struck during the trial.♦9. There is no evidence that the quorum of 23 judges was ever present. ♦10. Capital cases had to be begun with reasons for the acquittal and could not begin with reasons for conviction. ♦11. No acquittal could ever be reversed to a guilty verdict. Jesus legally should have been set free after Pilate’s multiple declarations of “no fault in him”.♦12. Trials could not be held on or the eve of Sabbaths or Festival days.♦13. The locations of His trials were illegal.♦14. Witnesses were bribed.♦15. Witnesses were not solemnly warned against false testimony.♦16. The accused had to be released if there was a failure of agreement between witnesses.♦17. No two (or even one) witnesses (even false ones) were brought on the charge for which Jesus was actually convicted.♦18. The High Priest tore His clothes, which was unlawful.♦19. The charge was changed during the trial. Even after the conviction on charge of blasphemy, the Jews requested Roman permission for execution for an entirely different charge, civil treason. ♦20. The only charge of which Jesus was convicted of was claiming to be the Messiah, the son of God, which only would have been an offense if the claim were false!
Feast of the Tabernacles
- Celebrated God’s provisions:♦a. During the 40 years of Wilderness Journeys.♦b. Water - 12 million gallons DAILY in the desert.♦c. Light - the Pillar of Fire.
- Significance of Jesus’ statement in John 7:37-39♦” In the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried, saying, ‘If any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink. He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.’ (But this spake he of the Spirit, which they that believe on him should receive: for the Holy Ghost was not yet given; because that Jesus was not yet glorified.)”
a. As the people shouted “Raise thy hand”, the priests with the water and wine pour both into long silver funnels which lead into the altar. This outpouring of water, universally understood by the Jews as symbolic of the prophesied outpouring of the Holy Spirit, was the central object of the entire day’s ceremonies. ♦b. Then the priest made the circuit of the Altar 7 times singing again the words of Psalm 118:25 (They had done one circuit on each of the previous days). This pictured the end of their wilderness wanderings with their victory at Jericho, symbolizing the ultimate victory of the Messiah over all Gentile kingdoms at the establishment of the Millennial Kingdom.♦c. Psalm 82 was then chanted together to trumpet blasts ending with “Arise,God, judge the earth: for Thou shalt inherit all nations.” ♦d. The people then shake the leaves off their branches as the praise reaches its climax in an almost fevered pitch and then the entire congregation falls upon their face before God in absolute silence.♦e. Probably looking or pointing to the four giant Candelabra standing just a few feet away, but now extinguished, Jesus makes His bold declaration “I AM the Light of the World.” Thus declaring that He is the Manifest Presence and Glory of Jehovah God. He is the One who inhabited the fiery Pillar of the Shekinah Glory Cloud of God! He is the One who spoke the Law from Sinai and the Tabernacle! He is the One who called Moses at the Burning bush and declared the words “I AM that I AM”!
Jesus’ Message on Divorce
The Pharisees tempt Jesus by asking him”…Is it lawful for a man to put away his wife for every cause?”
School of Shammai (Stricter)
The rabbinic school of thought which allowed divorce only for the sin of adultery. This view was seen as too narrow and too intolerant by most of the common people of this day.
School of Hillel (more Liberal)
The rabbinic school of thought which considered uncleanness to be anything that displeased the husband and therefore permitted divorce for “every cause”. As divorce had tragically become common place at this point in Israel’s history, this view had the overwhelming support of the Jewish people.
Jesus’ position on divorce
He took an even stricter position than the Shammai because he was unconcerned about politics or popularity. a. He explained God’s original intentions for marriage. He goes all the way back to Genesis where God created male and female and where God joined them into a life-long, one flesh union.♦b. He boldly declares no man had the authority to “put asunder” what God had joined together.♦i. The focus of the Pharisees was on when it was OK to divorce your mate.♦ii. Jesus answer is that God never intended that any marriage should end in divorce!♦iii. Jesus is asked why Moses commanded divorce. Both schools believed that divorce was commanded, not merely permitted, under certain conditions. The Talmud and Rabbis actually spoke of divorce as a virtue almost on par with marriage and even as a religious duty akin to separating yourself from uncleanness.♦c. Jesus responds that Moses only permitted (suffered) divorce. He did not command divorce. There was no circumstance whatsoever where it was commanded of God that people must divorce. The only reason that divorce was even permitted was because of the “hardness of your hearts…but from the beginning it was not so”.♦d. Couples who have wrongfully divorced and remarried are to confess their sin and obtain forgiveness from the Lord, but they are not to end their new marriages. To do so would be committing the same sin again. Once the sin has been dealt with, the couple is not living in perpetual adultery.
Abomination of Desolation
This is a term that references Daniel 9:27 and Daniel 12:11. ♦a. As Antiochus IV Epiphanes set up an idol in the Holy of Holies and defiled the Temple, even so the Anti-Christ will enter the Holy of Holies at the mid-point of the Tribulation proclaiming himself to be god and setting up an image of himself, the image of the beast. ♦b. At this point, the Anti-Christ will break his peace treaty with Israel as the reject his demands for worship. He will then attempt to slaughter the Jews. They are to flee without even taking time to gather any belongings.
Parable of the 10 Virgins
This parable pictures the Judgment of Living Jews after the Tribulation.
In the Parable of the 10 Virgins, who is the Bridegroom
In the Parable of the 10 Virgins, who is the Bride
The church
In the Parable of the 10 Virgins, who are the 10 virgins?
The guests being called to the Public Feast (Millennial Kingdom)♦♦5 of the virgins (Saved Israel) were prepared to be guests at the wedding feast (the Millennial Kingdom) when the Bridegroom (Christ) returned.♦♦5 of the virgins (unsaved Israel) had no oil (regeneration by the Spirit) in their lamps and were denied entrance to the wedding feast (the Millennial Kingdom). Being a Jew will not be enough to gain salvation. No man is ever saved by his physical birth, but rather by the new birth.
Parable of the Separating the Sheep and the Goats
This pictures the Judgment of Living Gentiles after the Tribulation.
What are the main points of the Parable of Sheep and Goats
- Some teach that this is a national judgement which determines the position of nations in the Millennium, based on their treatment of Israel. This idea is based on an assumption based on the word “Nations” in verse 32.♦2. This cannot be proper understanding of this passage since the goats are cast into Hell. The word “Nations” simply refers to the fact that all “Gentile Nations” (as opposed to Israel) will be gathered to this judgement where they will be judged as individuals, not as groups.♦3. This is the Judgment of the Gentile Survivors of the Tribulation as to whether they enter the Millennium or are cast into Hell.♦4. This Judgement is based on the outward fruit of kindness to the Jews (oppressed and hunted by the Antichrist) which is a manifestation of the inward root of genuine Salvation. To protect one hunted by the Antichrist will be to risk death and will only be done by those who have rejected the mark and received the Savior themselves. There is an important application for us to day: How we treat others (the least) is how we treat Jesus and we will give an account to God for this one day.
What is the significance of Jesus’ statement in Matthew 26:39 “O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt.”
Jesus is praying that if there is any other possible way for men to be saved other than His torturous death on the Cross that He would not have to drink this cup of suffering. Heaven’s answer is that there is no other possible way for men to be saved other than the Cross. If good works or religion could save any man, Jesus never would have had to go to the cross.
What is the significance of Jesus’ statement in Luke 32:43 - “Verily I say unto thee, Today shalt thou be with me in paradise.”
a. Deathbed Conversions ♦i. There is one deathbed conversion in the Bible, so no dying man will despair. ♦ii. There is only one, so no living man will presume. ♦b. Salvation is by Grace through faith alone, thereby refuting:♦i. The doctrine of sacramentalism. (He was saved apart from confirmation, sprinkling, Holy Communion and church membership.)♦ii. The doctrine of Baptismal Regeneration (This thief was saved without baptism=long after some of the baptismal regenerationists’ key proof texts, had been given by Christ, negating their counterargument that baptism was not yet required but is now).♦iii. The doctrine of Purgatory (This thief had done nothing to earn his way from Purgatory to Paradise. His sins were not burned away by the fire of Purgatory, but were rather washed away by the blood of Christ.)♦iv. The doctrine of Universalism. (Only one of the 2 thieves was saved.)♦v. The doctrine of Soul Sleep (Jesus said the thief would be with him in Paradise “today”, not after a long period of unconscious soul sleep until the resurrection.)
What is the significance of Jesus’ statement in Matthew 27:46 - “Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? that is to say, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?”
a. It was at this moment that God “made Him to be sin for us” and then turned his back on Christ because God is “of purer eyes than to behold evil”. This was the only moment in all eternity when the fellowship of the Father and Son was broken.♦b. At this moment, all of the guilt of all of the sin of all humanity throughout all time was poured out on Christ. This was the true horror of the Cross for the sinless Son of God, being even more awful than the physical pain He endured.♦c. Christ then died in full payment for all of the guilt of the human race.♦d. These exact words were prophesied in Psalm 22:1.
What is the significance of Jesus’ statement in John 19:30 - “It is finished.”
Significance: When Jesus shouted “Tetelastai” He signified that total price of all sin was completely paid and salvation was complete!
What is the significance of the veil being torn
- It was torn from TOP to BOTTOM to ensure that no one could take credit for tearing it (it was way too tall to be able to reach the top). ♦2. It symbolizes that the way to the Holy of Holies was now open to all, meaning that all Saints can now boldly approach God’s Throne of Grace.
Subtitle of James:
The ‘Proverbs’ of the New Testament “Faith in Action”
Author of James:
•James, the half-brother of Jesus and the full son of Joseph and Mary♦•He was an unbeliever prior to the resurrection. His conversion was apparently brought about by a personal appearance of the resurrected Christ. He was one of the 120 at Pentecost. ♦•He was a pastor of the Jerusalem Church.♦•He died a martyr for Christ, being thrown down from the Temple and then stoned as he prayed for his persecutors.
Recipients and Occasion of Writing of James:
It is a pastoral letter to a scattered flock. written as the most Jewish New Testament book to his Jewish Christian congregation, which was scattered from Jerusalem by Saul’s persecution following Stephen’s death. It is written to a leaderless, scattered, and persecuted flock, now deeply tempted to compromise in the face of their dispersion and sufferings.
Key Word of James:
Faith that Works
Theme of James:
The Evidence of True Faith - Works of Spiritual Maturity.
Date and Place of Writing of James:
AD 45. This was the first book of the New Testament. James remained in Jerusalem throughout the persecution there and wrote his letter from there to his scattered flock.
The Message of Paul (in James):
Faith Alone Saves
The Message of James:
The Faith that saves is not Alone
God’s Wisdom in Trials
o Wisdom is seeing all of life, including suffering, the way God sees it and responding as Christ would respond to our circumstances.•Wisdom is the ability to comprehend that God has a plan and a purpose in our suffering.•Wisdom is the ability to comprehend that God’s purposes may be beyond our understanding.•Wisdom trusts in God’s plan even when we cannot comprehend it, because it understands God’s trustworthiness. Wisdom understands that God’s way are as high as the heavens above our ways.
God’s Help in Trials
♦The Lie in Suffering: We are not to err in our trials, by believing Satan’s lie that the evil in our lives comes from God. This lie casts doubt on God’s love and character.♦♦The Truth in Suffering: When we face suffering, we must remember that God is the source of every good thing in our lives. ♦♦All of the suffering in our lives is ultimately the result of sin, Satan, and self.♦♦The Security in Suffering: We must remember that God’s goodness and His love for us never changes.
The Role of Faith and Works
Faith that never produces works is as dead as a body without the spirit. ♦♦A man may say that he has faith…♦♦But only if he can show that he has works…♦♦Can we see that the claim is genuine.♦♦Note that the “works” in mind here are expressions of genuine love for brethren without partiality.♦♦This makes the message of James identical to the message of John who tells us that those who claim to love God and do not love their brethren are liars.
First Three Steps to Victory in Spiritual Warfare
♦Humble yourself before God in order to receive His Grace. God will give us victory if we humble ourselves, but He will literally fight against us if we are proud.♦♦Submit to God.♦♦Resist the devil and he flees from you.
James 1:22
But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.
James 2:10 (MEMORIZE)
For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all.
James 4:17
Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin.
1 Thess. 1:9-10
For they themselves shew of us what manner of entering in we had unto you, and how ye turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God; And to wait for his Son from heaven, whom he raised from the dead, even Jesus, which delivered us from the wrath to come.
1 Thess. 5:9
For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ,
Romans 5:9
Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him.
Galatians 5:16
This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh.
Galatians 5:22-23
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.
1 Thess. 4:16-17
For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.
Romans 4:5
But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness.
Romans 5:12
Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned:
Romans 11:16
For if the firstfruit be holy, the lump is also holy: and if the root be holy, so are the branches.
Romans 12:1-2
I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
Romans Road
Romans 3:23♦Romans 6:23♦Romans 10:9-10♦Romans 10:13
Romans 10:9-10
That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.
Romans 10:13
For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
Galatians 2:21 (MEMORIZE)
I do not frustrate the grace of God: for if righteousness come by the law, then Christ is dead in vain.
Three False Ideas That Contradict James 2:10
♦So called “little” sins are not as “big” sins.♦♦One sin is not as bad as many sins. ♦♦Certain “big” sins or a large enough number of “little” sins can cause us to lose our salvation.
Subtitle of Galatians:
The Magna Charta of Christian Liberty
Theme of Galatians:
Salvation by Grace, Through Faith and our Freedom from the Law
Key Words of Galatians:
Liberty in Christ
Author of Galatians:
Apostle Paul
Date and Place of Writing of Galatians:
AD 49. This was Paul’s first Epistle, written from Syrian Antioch between the First and Second Missionary Journeys.
Recipients of Galatians:
Churches of Southern Galatia. (Paul writes to the cities he evangelized during his First Missionary Journey.
Content of Galatians:
This book was written to defend the Gospel of salvation by Grace and the Apostleship of Paul.
Background and Occasion of Writing of Galatians:
♦After Paul founded the churches of Galatia and returned to his sending church, Antioch of Syria, a group of Judaizing legalists arrived in Galatia, teaching that the works of the law were necessary for them to earn the keeping of their salvation. The Galatians accepted this false gospel with the same zeal they had Paul’s true gospel.♦♦In order to attack Paul’s Message of Grace, these false teachers also attacked Paul’s authority and apostleship as the messenger of Grace. Paul writes this Epistle to defend both the message and the messenger.
The Grace of God and the Purpose of Christ’s Death - Galatians 2:21
I do not frustrate the grace of God: for if righteousness come by the law, then Christ is dead in vain.♦♦This passage clearly states that if we are saved or kept by good works, then Christ died for nothing!
The Gentiles are saved by grace, not by works of the law.
♦Condemnation by the Law♦♦Salvation was never by the Law.♦♦The Dangers of trusting in works for earning favor with God.
Condemnation by the Law
o The law can only condemn.•The law cannot save.•The Law demands absolute perfection. Therefore, no man can be saved by its standard.
Salvation was never by the Law.
o The Law was predated by Salvation by Faith•The Law’s purpose was to bring us to Christ.
The Law was predated by Salvation by Faith
o The Law was Incidental, given 430 years after the Abrahamic Covenant and its promise of justification by faith through the single Seed of Abraham (Christ).•The Law was incompatible with the Covenantal Promise of Justification by Faith.
o The Law’s purpose was to bring us to Christ.
The Law was an Insertion.♦♦To Restrain sin.♦♦To be temporary.♦ The Law was inferior.♦♦The Law was given by angelic mediators between God and man and thus involved both in a conditional covenant.♦♦The Promise was given by God alone and is therefore unconditional.♦ The law was impotent - unable to save.♦♦If there had been any set of commandments which could have brought salvation, then righteousness should have been by the works of the Law. ♦♦Righteousness could not come by the Law because all sin and fall short of the standard of the Law. Therefore, we can only be saved by faith. ♦ The Law was instructive - to bring us to Christ.♦♦The Law was only a “schoolmaster” to prepare us for Sonship in in Christ. Roman children were put under a “schoolmaster”, a child trainer, a slave who cared for and served in authority over a child until adulthood. ♦♦We now possess full Sonship in Christ.•As sons, we are free in Christ - from the Law.♦ Having been saved by faith, we are no longer under the Law, our “schoolmaster”.♦ We are now the “children” (literally: adult sons) of God by faith in Christ and have put on Christ.
The Dangers of trusting in works for earning favor with God.
o If you trust in works, “You will be in bondage -“•If you trust in works, “Christ shall profit you nothing”♦ The tragic conclusion is that all who trust in Christ plus works to save them negate their trust in Christ by their trust in works.♦ No one can be saved by trusting Christ plus works. They must trust in Christ alone.•If you trust in works, “Christ is become no effect unto you”.♦ Trust in works destroys trust in Christ.
Subtitle of 1 Thessalonians:
Reviving Rapture Writings
Recipients of 1 Thessalonians:
The Church at Thessalonica
The Church at Thessalonica
♦This church was evangelized by Paul during his 2nd Missionary Journey•Paul arrived at Thessalonica fresh from beatings and imprisonment in Philippi and preached 3 weeks in the synagogue, resulting in the conversion of some Jews and a multitude of God-fearing Gentiles.•This provoked the jealous unbelieving Jews to instigate a riot against the house of Jason where Paul was staying.•They then dragged Jason before the rulers of the city crying, “These that have turned the world upside down are come hither also”, and accusing them of treason against Caesar. Paul then leaves under the cover of night.♦♦The City of Thessalonica (modern Salonika) was, according to Cicero, “in the bosom of the empire”.•It was a Roman colony with a population of 200,000 and was the capital and chief seaport of the province of Macedonia. Its location on the Agean Sea and on the Egyptian Way (the chief road from Rome to the Orient) made it an important trade center and an important site for the spread of Christianity.
Background and Occasion of Writing of 1 Thessalonians:
♦After leaving Thessalonica, Paul had traveled to Corinth. Here, Paul received word from Timothy (who had returned to Thessalonica to strengthen the new church) of their great progress. Paul then writes this Epistle from Corinth to encourage the Thessalonians to continue in their faith. ♦♦Paul also writes to answer a question. While at Thessalonica, Paul had taught that Christ’s return was imminent (it could occur at any moment). ♦♦Now, some of their members had died and the Thessalonians were concerned whether their departed brethren had missed the glorious promises associated with Christ’s coming.
Content of 1 Thessalonians:
How to live in Holiness and Hope in Light of the Rapture
Key Word of 1 Thessalonians:
Author of 1 Thessalonians:
Apostle Paul
Date and Place of Writing of 1 Thessalonians:
AD 51. This is the 2nd of Paul’s Epistles, written from Corinth during Paul’s 2nd Missionary Journey.
Importance of 1 Thessalonians:
It contains Scripture’s most important and extended passage on the Rapture.
These passages promise that we will escape the wrath to come:
1 Thess. 1:9-10 “For they themselves shew of us what manner of entering in we had unto you, and how ye turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God; And to wait for his Son from heaven, whom he raised from the dead, even Jesus, which delivered us from the wrath to come.”♦♦1 Thess. 5:9 “For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ”♦♦Romans 5:9 “Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him”
This passage speaks of the implications concerning a Pre-trib Rapture:
1 Thess. 1:10♦”And to wait for his Son from heaven, whom he raised from the dead, even Jesus, which delivered us from the wrath to come.”♦♦They were waiting for the Rapture - “And to wait for His Son…“•At the Rapture, Christ will Rescue from wrath. - “Even Jesus, which delivered us from the wrath to come.”•This “wrath to come” speaks specifically about the coming 7 year period commonly known as the Great Tribulation.
7 Things from 1 Thessalonians that are God’s Will For Us:
♦Live in sexual purity•Control our bodies•Control our desires♦♦Do not defraud others (cheat others) - It is possible to defraud someone sexually by stirring desires which cannot be righteously fulfilled - by seductively clothing, words, or actions.♦♦Do not despise others - To despise Man is to despise God♦♦Love the brethren♦♦Do not talk too much♦♦Stay out of other people’s business.♦♦Supply our own needs by honest work.
Imminent Return of Christ
Paul writes “we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord.” Paul clearly expected the Rapture could occur within his lifetime. He thus clearly thought he would be among those that “are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord.” If Christ were not to Rapture the saints until the middle or the end of the 7 year Tribulation then His coming would not be imminent. We would know that the Rapture will not take place for 3.5-7 years.
Subtitle of 2 Thessalonians:
The Coming of Christ and Anti-Christ
Key Word of 2 Thessalonians:
The Day of Christ
Content of 2 Thessalonians:
Encourages Suffering Saints. Explains the day of the Lord and Exhorts Sinning Saints
Regarding 2 Thessalonians, Warren Wiersbe writes
the purpose of Bible Prophecy is not for us to make a calendar, but to build character. Paul emphasized this fact in both of this Thessalonians letters…Someone had deceived the believers into thinking they were already living in the Day of the Lord (the Tribulations). The teaching probably first came through a prophetic utterance…and then…by a letter claiming to come from Paul himself…To calm their hearts and stabilize their faith, Paul explained himself…To calm their hears and stabilize their faith, Paul explained that they were not in the Day of the Lord….that day could not arrive till certain other events had taken place. Paul then stated for them the prophetic events that make up God’s time table.
Regarding 2 Thessalonians, J. Vernon McGee writes
There was circulating in the Thessalonian church a letter or report, purported to have come from Paul…This false report claimed that Christ had already come…These people were being persecuted…they were suffering…it was easy for them to believe that they had entered the great Tribulation…
Theme of 2 Thessalonians:
A Proper Understanding of the Day of Christ
Author of 2 Thessalonians:
The Apostle Paul
Background and Occasion of Writing of 2 Thessalonians:
Paul wrote this to straighten the Thessalonians out on the 2nd Coming.•They were continuing to suffer persecution.•They were being Misled into believing that they were now enduring the Tribulation and had somehow missed out on the Rapture. A false letter, purportedly from Paul, claimed that the Day of the Lord had begun.•They were becoming idle because they believed Christ would return at any moment and they were simply waiting until He arrived.
Date and Place of Writing of 2 Thessalonians:
AD 51. It was written a few months after 1 Thessalonians from the city of Corinth.
Importance of 2 Thessalonians:
♦It contains one of the New Testament’s 2 most extended and important descriptions of the Anti-Christ♦♦It contains one of the most important pre-tribulation Rapture passages in Scripture.
Christ comes in the AIR.♦Jesus comes FOR His Saints.♦A Mystery (UNREVEALED in the Old Testament)♦NO SIGNS in heaven♦A BLESSING of Rescue for the Saints.♦Occurs instantaneously and thus INVISIBLY♦Involves the CHURCH.♦Occurs BEFORE the Tribulation.
Christ comes to the EARTH.♦Jesus comes WITH His Saints.♦REVEALED throughout the Old Testament♦SIGNS in the heavens.♦JUDGEMENT on the Lost.♦VISIBLE worldwide♦Involves ISRAEL.♦Occurs AFTER the Tribulation.
The passage on the Restrainer and the Antichrist is in
2 Thessalonians 2.
Two Events That Must Precede the Tribulation:
A falling away/departure and the revealing of the Antichrist.
Event that must precede the revealing of the Antichrist:
The removal of the Restrainer (the Holy Spirit) and therefore also the removal of believers at the Rapture.
The Revelation of the Antichrist is
the starting point of the Tribulation. The 7 year clock of the Tribulation officially begins with the signing or confirming of a Peace Treaty between Israel and the Antichrist. It is at this point, not before, that he is revealed and can first be identified.
The Spirit of God cannot be removed until believers are taken out at the Rapture because
He is joined to them eternally.
Subtitle of Romans:
The Righteousness of God
Author of Romans:
The Apostle Paul
Recipients & Occasion of Writing of Romans:
Having heard of a growing body of believers with no Apostolic leadership in the capital of the Roman empire, Paul desired to visit this influential city to instruct this new church in the foundational truths of the Christian faith. Unable to visit them as planned, Paul sends this epistle for the purpose of grounding them in the faith until he can make an actual visit to Rome.
Content of Romans:
It is the most complete and systematic presentation of God’s plan of salvation for sinners, sanctification for saints, and sovereignty over Israel in all of Scripture.
Key Word of Romans:
Righteousness (used 62 times)
The Absolute Security of our Salvation
♦If God loved us so much that He gave Christ to die to save us when we were sinners how “much more” shall He keep us safe from wrath through Him now that we have been declared righteous by His very blood! Would He die to save us and then have insufficient grace to keep us? ♦♦If Christ’s death reconciled us while “we were enemies”, how “much more” now that we are friends will His resurrected life keep us saved?•If His grace was sufficient to save us when we were His enemies, spitting in His face, how dare us doubt that His grace is sufficient to keep us saved now that we are not only His friends, but His blood bought children!•We are saved by His death and kept by His life. How dare us doubht the power of the resurrected Christ to keep us saved!
Paul mentions 2 Old Testament individuals who were saved by faith in Romans 4
Abraham & David
Views and Truths of the Effect of Adam’s Sin
♦Adam introduced sin into the Human Race and the world.♦♦Adam introduced death into the Human race and the World.
The relationship of Sin to God
God so hated sin that Adam’s One Sin was sufficient to condemn the whole world.
Pelagian View of the Effect of Adam’s Sin
It merely provided a bad example.
Semi-Pelagian View of the Effect of Adam’s Sin
It merely weakened our ability to not sin
Augustinian View (The Federal and Natural Headship ) of the Effect of Adam’s Sin
o Adam’s sin GUILT was IMPUTED to all Mankind.•Adam’s sin NATURE was INHERITED by all mankind.
The Truth of the Effect of Adam’s Sin
♦We are guilty because of Imputation♦♦We are guilty because of Inheritance♦♦We are guilty because of Involvement and Participation
Adam introduced death into the Human race and the World.
o Physical Death - Separation of the spirit of man from the body of man.•Spiritual Death - Eternal Separation from God.
Go before or proceed
Caught up
Restrain or hold back
To be declared righteous
Satisfaction of the holy demands of justice for the punishment of sin
To be set apart
To Credit to another’s account
Four Steps (in order) of the Plan of Sanctification (Romans 6)
- Know (that we are dead, buried, and raised with Christ)♦2. Reckon (Accept and personally apply our relationship to Christ)♦3. Yield (to Christ)♦4. Obey God’s Commandments
Wrong Preservation of Sanctification (Romans 7):
Self effort to keep God’s commandments
Power of Sanctification (Romans 8):
Dependence on the Spirit
Key to interpreting Romans 9-11:
Knowing Paul is discussing Nations, not individuals.
Occurs gradually throughout the life of a believer.♦Removes the power of sin.♦Removes the Growth of sin.♦Makes us righteous.
Occurs instantly at the moment of Salvation♦Removes the guilt of sin.♦Removes the penalty of sin.♦Declares us righteous.
Disciple chosen to replace Judas
Annas & Caiaphas
Former High Priest and Current High Priest (Responsible for leading in the crucifixion of Christ). Both Questioned the witnesses.
Ananias & Sapphira
Lied about their giving. Both Lied, both died.
Lawyer and teacher of Paul/Saul.
Was falsely accused of blasphemy against Moses and God. Stoned by a demonic crowd and by Saul. Died praying like Jesus.
One of 7 Deacons. Witnessed to the Ethiopian Eunuch. Traveled to Samaria and opened the doors of the church to the hated Samaritans.
Simon the Sorcerer
Claims to believe as a result of Philip’s ministry. Occult leader. Attempts to buy the power of the Holy Spirit. Rebuked by Peter.
Or Tabitha. Had the gift of service dies. Raised by Peter.
First purely Gentile saved. A Roman Centurion who was lost, but seeking salvation. Tries to worship Peter.
Herod Agrippa I
Persecuted the church. Beheads James. Imprisons Peter on death row. Grandson of Herod the Great and Nephew of Herod Antipas. Praised as a god by people of Tyre and Sidon and is immediately struck ill by an angel. Dies 5 days later.
James the Apostle
1st Apostolic martyr. Beheaded by Herod Agrippa I.
A prophet who predicted a famine. Warns that Paul will be bound in Jerusalem.
Fearful to go to Saul. God predicts that Saul will become a chosen Vessel and a missionary to the Gentiles and kings, and a suffering servant. Ananias lays hands on Saul, healing him.
Vouches for Saul to the Apostles. Sent out by the Church of Antioch with Saul and John Mark.
John Mark
Sent out by the Church of Antioch with Saul and Barnabas.
Sergius Paulus
Roman Proconsul, pictures the Gentiles embracing the Gospel.
Jewish sorcerer, “Child of the devil”, temporarily blinded by Saul’s first miracle. Picture of Israel’s spiritual blindness as they rejected the Gospel.
James (1/2 brother of Jesus)
Pastor of the Jerusalem Church. Gives the verdict that the Gentiles are not under the law, but that they should not offend Jews unnecessarily.
½ Jew ½ Gentile who joins Paul and Silas in Lystra. Is circumcised to avoid being offensive to the Jews.
A wealthy business woman who is saved and baptized, becoming the first European Convert.
Aquila & Priscilla
Godly couple who were tentmakers. They hosted Paul in Corinth. Inform Apollos that Christ has come and been resurrected.
Eloquent Bible Teacher and disciple of John the Baptist. Preached the scriptures, but didn’t know Christ had come and been resurrected. Informed by Aquila and Priscilla.
Fell asleep while Paul was preaching Fell from the balcony to his death. Resurrected by Paul.
A Gentile that Paul was accused of bringing into the Temple.
A wicked governor, known for his sinful indulgence. Hears Paul’s witness, yet defers to a “more convenient season.” Hoped that Paul would bribe him for his release.
Has the Jews come to Caesarea to accuse Paul. Suggests sending Paul to Jerusalem to please the Jews.
Agrippa II
King who is living in an incestuous relationship with his sister Bernice. Also Drusilla’s brother. Listen’s to Paul’s defense, which includes the message of salvation. He states that Paul ALMOST persuaded him. Sends Paul to Caeser.
King Agrippa II’s sister, who is in an incestuous relationship with her brother.
Kind Roman Centurion on the prison ship that Paul sails on to Rome. Paul warns him not to sail on. He ignores Paul, only to sail into a wicked storm.
Ruler of the island that Paul’s prison ship crashes. His father is healed by Paul.
Roman Emperor who beheads Paul in AD 67.
Acts 1
The Ascension of Christ
Acts 2
The Day of Pentecost
Acts 3
Peter & John heal lame man & preach
Acts 4
Apostles Arrested
Acts 5
Ananias & Sapphira lie & die
Acts 6
Deacons Appointed
Acts 7
Stephen Martyred
Acts 8
Philip evangelizes Samaria & Ethiopian Eunuch
Acts 9
Saul Converted
Acts 10-11
Cornelius (first Gentile) Converted
Acts 12
James Martyred & Peter released.
Acts 13-14
First Missionary Journey
Acts 15
Jerusalem Council
Acts 16-18
Second Missionary Journey
Acts 19-21
Third Missionary Journey
Acts 22-28
Paul’s Imprisonment & Voyage to Rome
End of Matthew
The Resurrection
End of Mark
The Ascension
End of Luke
The Promise of the Holy Spirit
End of John
The Promise of Christ’s Return
First Missionary Journey
Paphos, Perga, Antioch of Pisidia, Iconium, Lystra, Derbe, Antioch of Syria
Second Missionary Journey
Lystra, Troas, Philippi, Thessalonica, Berea, Athens, Corinth, Ephesus
Third Missionary Journey
Ephesus, Philippi, Corinth, Troas, Miletus, Tyre, Caesarea
Moses brother
Moses sister
Moses Father-in-law
Moses wife
Gershom & Eliezar
Moses sons
Said to kill all the Jewish babies.
Thutmose 1
Pharaoh who put Israel into bondage
Amenhotep I
Pharoah’s daughter
Pharaoh of the Exodus
Amenhotep II
First commandment
Thou shalt have no other gods before me.
Second commandment
Thou shalt not make into thee any graven images.
Third commandment
Thou shalt not take the name of The Lord, thy God, in vain.
Fourth commandment
Remember the Sabbath daykeep it holy.
Fifth commandment
Honor thy father and mother.
Six commandment
Thou shalt not kill
Seventh commandment
Thou shalt not commit adultery
Eighth commandment
Thou shalt not steal
Ninth commandment
Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.
Tenth commandment
Thou shalt not covet
Which commandment is not repeated in the NT?
Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy.
Where daily burnt offerings were made - picturing the cross
Brazen Altar
For priestly, daily cleansing - picturing daily confession and Bible study
Brazen Laver
Holds 12 loaves of bread - picturing Christ as the Bread of Life
Table of Shewbread
7 oil lamps which continuously burned - Christ as the Light and Spirit as oil
Golden Lampstand
Continuously rising incense - pictures prayer
Altar of Incense
Chest where once annually, blood was sprinkled on its lid to atone for Israel’s sin - pictures Christ’s ascent to heave
Ark of the Covenant
Step 1
The Beginning - Need for a Savior (Gen. 1-11)
Step 2
The Hebrew Fathers - The family of the Savior (Gen. 12-50)
Step 3
The Exodus - Freedom from Egypt
Step 4
The Promised Land - the Land of Israel
Step 5
The Judges - anarchy in Israel (Judges, Ruth, I Sam. 1-7)
Step 6
The Kingdom - (I Sam. 8-II Sam.; I & II Kings, I & II Chronicles, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon, Most of the Psalms and Proverbs, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah)
Step 7
The Bondage Exile - 70 years (Daniel & Ezekiel)
Step 8
The Restoration - (Esther, Ezra, Nehemiah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi)
Books of the Exodus
Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deut.
Time of the Exodus
400 years, (1805-1405 BC) ♦(Liberals attack early date of 13th Century ((1290BC)))
In the Book of Exodus
10 Plagues & 10 Commandments, 80 years, Pictures our Salvation
In the book of Leviticus
Continuation of the the giving Law at Mt. Sinai, 1 month, Pictures our challenge to total surrender to the Lordship of Christ
In the book of Numbers
People numbered at Mr. Sinai, Kadesh-Barnea (10 spies), entire generation condemned to die in the wilderness, and return to Jordan and numbered again.
In the book of Deuteronomy
Spans 1 month & pictures God’s giving us a second chance
Authorship of Pentateuch
Main Content of Exodus
Babies murdered, Moses saved, burning bush, Moses goes to Pharaoh, 10 plagues, Exodus, Fiery Pillar of God, Red Sea crossing, Golden calf, 10 commandments, building the holy Tabernacle of Jehovah)
Theme of Exodus
Redemption of Israel - External bondage (Israel out of Egypt) & Internal bondage (Egypt out of Israel)♦Duty follows deliverance♦Egypt represents the world
Recipients of the book of Exodus
Children of Israel in the Wilderness
Importance and Distinctives of Exodus
Exodus is Israel’s foundation, beginning of the sacred calendar, Passover & Sabbath observed, Manna, Tabernacle constructed (Ex. 40)♦OT revolves around the Exodus♦More miracles than any other book of the Bible, with the possible exception of Revelation
Date of the Exodus
April 15, 1445 BC
Number of Men in the Exodus
Total number of people
2.5 Million
Main Content of Leviticus
Worship and walk of Israel, Levitical Priesthood, duties, sacrifices, shedding of blood as atonement for sin, laws of worship, and laws of cleanness & uncleanness.
Author of Leviticus
Date of Leviticus
begins exactly 1 year after the first Passover and spans exactly 1 month
Background of Leviticus
Commandments of God for the Levites, for the operations of the Tabernacle, restoration of broken fellowship, and maintaining holy fellowship with God
Importance and Distinctives of Leviticus
Claims divine inspiration over 50 times - God speaks from Sanctuary
Greedy prophet hired by the king of Moab to curse Israel (blessed them instead)
Harlot who hid the spies at Jericho
took the accursed thing out of Jericho, bringing Israel’s defeat to Ai
People who tricked Israel into a treaty by claiming to be a distant country
1 of the 2 spies who pleaded with Israel to go in and possess the promised land
Israel’s home in Egypt - protected from the plagues
Mt. Sinai / Horeb
Where God met Moses with His call and commandments
Kadesh- Barnea
Fear and Failure - Place where the Israelites sent spies out from, and where they failed to obey God and trust Him
Marched around city for 7 days
Defeated Israel due to Achan’s sin.