Bible_Study_15 Flashcards
Meshech, the brother of Magog, settled in the area of modern ___________.
_________, the brother of Magog and Meshech settled in the modern city/province of Tobolsk
Ezekiel says that the invaders of Israel come from the “uttermost parts of the ________” (literal rendering). A quick glance northward from Israel on any map reveals that only Russia fits this description.
Allies of the invasion of Israel - ___________, (modern Iran), Portions of Iraq were also included and some prophecy students think it may be part of this future war.
Allies of the invasion of Israel - ________- literally “Cush”, allied itself with Russia in 1974. Cush is also the father of other black, north African Islamic nations as well, such as Chad, Sudan, Somolia and others.
Allies of the invasion of Israel - ________, literally “Put”, has been allied with Russia since 1969 and represents other North African Arabian Nations, such as Algeria
Allies of the invasion of Israel - _________,this refers to Unified Germany. The Germanic tribes were united on Oct. 3, 1990 for the first time besides a 70 year period since Ezekiels time.
Allies of the invasion of Israel - Togarmah - This is _________and perhaps Syria. Also includes Southern Russia, the Cossacks, and the Armenians, including former Russian republics such as Kazakstan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan.
Allies of the invasion of Israel - Daniel informs us that ________ will also be involved in attack on Israel with the King of the North.
The opponents of the Invasion- ♦_________, obviously this prophecy could not have been fulfilled until it became a nation in 1948
The opponents of the Invasion on Israel - Sheba and Dedan - _________ ________ (and perhaps some of the small surrounding Arab states such as Oman, Yeman, or the United Arab Emirates.)
Saudi Arabia
The opponents of the Invasion on Israel - Tarshish - representing one of two nations, _______ or Spain.
The opponents of the Invasion on Israel - The young Lions of Tarshish - If Tarshish is England, the young lion or cubs of this would include the _________ ________.
United States
The opponents of the Invasion on Israel - Daniel 11 indicates that the unified ___________ is also involved.
Ezekiel’s Seership: His Extended Temple Vision - The departure of Judah from the _____ of God.
Ezekiel’s Seership: His Extended Temple Vision -The prophet goes to the northern gate of the Temple. Here Ezekiel sees Jewish women weeping for _______, their false god.
History of the Religion of Tammuz - Satan’s church officially began at the tower of ________ in Genesis 11:1-9. The purpose of this tower was to “reach to heaven”, not so much just physically, but rather spiritually, for the purpose of worshiping the heavens, the sun, moon, and stars.
History of the Religion of Tammuz - The first full time minister of Satan was ___________, Noah’s wicked great grandson and head of the Babel project
Secular history and tradition tells us that Nimrod married an evil and vile woman named _____________.
Semerimus knew God’s promise of a future Savior and claimed her son __________ fulfilled this prophecy.
Semerimus claimed that her son was conceived by a sunbeam and was, in fact, the reincarnation of Nimrod. He thus came to be worshiped as the _______ god.
Semerimus set up a Mother goddess-child religious system that has been known as Venus and Cupid, Baal and Ashtaroth, Diana, and _________who was originally worshiped as the Moon god in a false pantheon of Arabian gods.
Subtitle for the Book of Daniel
The Old Testament Book of Revelation
________ contains the history of the world written in advance, outlining from his time to the end of the Gentile nations and God’s timetable for His dealings with Israel.
Daniel is the story of a young teenage captive who became a prophet and ________ ________.
prime minister
The Theme of Daniel?
The Revelation of Israel’s Prophetic Future.
Daniel’s 70 Weeks Prophecy is in this chapter.
Daniel 9
Daniel means?
God is my Judge
As a teenager, Daniel was one of those of royal blood taken captive by Nebuchadnezzar during the _____ Babylonian siege of Jerusalem in 605 BC.
In captivity Daniel served without compromise under the administration of several kings including Nebuchadnezzar, __________, and Darius.
Ezekiel wrote about Daniel’s righteousness and wisdom 3 times. Daniel is one of the few well known Bible characters about whom nothing _________ is ever written.
While Ezekiel was the prophet to the Common Jewish man among the captives, Daniel was the prophet to the Gentile _______ reigning above the captives.
While skeptics often attack Daniel’s authorship of this book, ________ Himself declared that Daniel was the author.
Daniel ministered throughout the entire ____ year captivity.
Daniel is written to the Jewish Captives and Returnees as well as to the Gentiles of the _________ Empire
The book of Daniel spans the entire Babylonian _____ seeing that Daniel was captured in the 1st invasion
Daniel ministered throughout the Babylonian Empire and then even past its fall to the ____________ Empire at the end of the 70 years.
Daniel is the most __________ book of the OT and is (along with Zechariah) the OT parallel to the NT book of Revelation.
Daniel’s prophesies are so astounding that skeptics have attacked this book more than any other Bible book because if the prophesies are authentic, they provide irrefutable proof of the __________ of Scripture.
Daniel ____ alone has over 100 specific historical prophecies which have already been literally fulfilled.
The prophecies of Daniel are so accurate that the only claim skeptics have is that they were written _______ their fulfillments took place.
Many of the prophesies in Daniel were fulfilled after Daniel had been accepted into OT canon and copies of Daniel have been found that are ________ than many of the fulfillments in the book.
Some of Daniel’s prophesies are even fulfilled in the life of _________ after he quoted from the book.
The book of Daniel is the ______ and foundation to understanding both God’s prophetic plan for the last days and the book of Revelation.
While the bulk of the OT is written in the Hebrew language, Daniel 2:4-7:28 is written in ____________.
Daniel is one of the __________ books of the Bible. The others are Ezekiel, Zechariah, and Revelation. These are books that contain visions of prophetic symbolism.
Daniel was carried captive in Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar’s 1st invasion of Judah in ________.
605 BC
Jerusalem and the Temple were destroyed in the 3rd invasion in _________.
586 BC
Babylonian captivity lasted ______ years.
Recite Daniel 1:8
But Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the King’s meat nor with the wine which he drank: therefore he requested of the prince of the eunuchs that he might not defile himself.
Nebuchadnezzars image - What did the GOLD head represent?
Babylon - Modern Iraq
Nebuchadnezzars image - What did the SILVER Breast and arms represent?
Persia - Modern Iran
Nebuchadnezzars image - What did the BRASS Belly and thighs represent?
Nebuchadnezzars image - What did the IRON and CLAY legs and feet represent?
Nebuchadnezzars image - Who is pictured by the smiting stone in Daniel 2?
Jesus Christ
Who is pictured as the 2 horned ram in Daniel 8?
Darius of Persia
Who is pictured as the 1 horned goat of Daniel 8?
Alexander the Great of Greece
What event begins the 70 weeks of prophecy found in Daniel 9?
The decree to rebuild Jerusalem
What a “week” means?
7 years
What occurred after the 69th week?
Messiah cut off and Jerusalem and Temple destroyed
After Daniel’s 69th week, there is a time gap in which the _________ _______ occurs
church age
One week (___ _____) from the Rapture until the Millennium.
Seven Years
On the 1st day of this final seven year period, the _________ will confirm a 7 year covenant or peace treaty with Israel. This event begins the seven year clock of the Tribulation!
Israel came into existence and Europe became an economic union in ________ and Europe achieved political union on Jan 1, 1993
Peace negotiations with Israel and her Arab neighbors began after the Gulf war and an initial treaty was signed in Sept of _______.
Exactly _____ years after the peace treaty, the Antichrist will break this treaty and defile the Temple with the “abomination of desolation”. From this point on, the Antichrist will launch an insane and intense war against the Jews (and Christians) who refuse to worship him as God.
Exactly at the end of the 7 year period, the true _____ will return and defeat the Antichrist, then establishing His Millennial Kingdom.
The Captivity lasted 70 years to allow the land to rest for the ______ years that Israel had failed to keep the 7th year __________.
490 ; Sabbaths
Daniel chapter _____ contains over 100 fulfilled prophesies.
What are the six books of the restoration?
Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther, Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi
Returning Events - Return #1 - Led by Zerubbabel - The ________ Rebuilt
Returning Events - Return #2 - Led by Ezra - The People _________.
Returning Events - Return #3 - Led by Nehemiah - The _______ Rebuilt
Book of the first two returns from captivity and rebuilding the Temple
Book of the 3rd return from captivity and rebuilding the wall.
Book of Salvation of the Jews still in captivity
Dynamic Duo who stirred the people to continue rebuilding the temple
Haggai and Zechariah
Book of reviving the people
Subtitles for Ezra
Israel’s second exodus, The hostages set free!
Ezra tells of the first 2 of 3 major returns of the Jews to _________ from the Babylonian captivity, of the rebuilding of the Jewish temple, and of the perils of the early settlers.
Ezra is a continuation of the history of 1 & 2 ___________- which is continued on in the history of Nehemiah.
Theme of Ezra: The _________ of Israel’s Temple and People.
The Author of Ezra?
Ezra the Priest
Ezra led the ______ return from captivity.
Ezra led such a great revival of the people that he is credited with actually saving both the Jewish nation and the Jewish religion from _____________.
Ezra organized the __________ form of worship to teach the people the law.
Ezra authored _________________, Ezra, Psalm 119, and many believe Nehemiah. He also arranged the book of Psalms.
I & II Chronicles
Ezra collected, selected, and organized the books of the OT, thus the _______ was actually selected by an inspired author of Scripture.
Ezra founded the order of ________ who meticulously hand copied the OT manuscripts with a precision unbelievable to us today.
______ was written to the first 2 waves of returnees from the 70 year Babylonian Captivity to encourage them to true worship and covenantal obedience because of God’s mercy.
During the first year of Cryus’ reign, he issued the _______ which permitted the Jews to return to Jerusalem and rebuild their Temple.
Isaiah had actually called ________ by name some 170 years earlier and said that he would decree to return and rebuild the Temple.
Cyrus the Great conquered _________ and decreed that Israel could return and rebuild their Temple in Jerusalem.
_______ ordered that construction of the Jerusalem Temple be resumed. ______ restored order in the Persian Empire after it fell into chaos after the death of Cambyses.
Darius ; Darius
__________, or Ahasuerus, made Esther his queen.
Xerxes I
___________, allowed Ezra and Nehemiah to return to Jerusalem.
The Hebrew Bible combines the books of _____ and ________ as one book. It is important to remember that Ezra includes the first and the second return from captivity. Nehemiah includes the third return. These two books provide the historical background and structure of the Return Stage just as Samuel, Kings, and Chronicles do for Psalms through Zephaniah.
Ezra ; Nehemiah
Ezra 1-6 covers the _____ return and also covers the time of Haggai and Zechariah.
The book of ________ occurred during a 57 year gap between Ezra 6 and 7.
Ezra 7-10 covers the ______ return.
After a 12 year gap after Ezra, the book of _________ covers the 3rd return and Malachi picks up at the end of it.
One of the most important people in the book of Ezra is ___________; the political leader of the first return and the grandson of King Jehoiachin.
One of the most important people in the book of Ezra is ___________; The spiritual leader of the 1st return. As grandson of Israel’s last High Priest before the captivity, he became Israel’s first High Priest after the Return.
Joshua (or Jeshua)
Subtitle for Haggai
God’s House Comes First
Haggai is a call to proper ___________, to put God’s House first, to get back in the service of God, to rebuild. He calls the remnant back to the task of rebuilding the temple.
Theme of Haggai
The Construction of Israel’s Second Temple
After the 70 year Babylonian Captivity and the 1st return under Zerubbabel, opposition extinguished the initial enthusiasm over rebuilding of the temple and led to a ______ year halt in construction.
The task of Haggai and Zechariah was to stir the people’s _______ back to the work.
Haggai is a rebuke against _________ indifference. The people must reorder their priorities and finish the Temple before they can expect God’s blessings.
These two were the Dynamic Duo of the OT and were spiritual cheerleaders as part of the first return.
Haggai and Zechariah
Subtitle for Zechariah
The Old Testament Book of Revelation II
Zechariah was written to encourage the people to ________ with the rebuilding of the Temple. He used 10 visions, 4 messages, and 2 burdens to show God would send His Messiah and remind them of future importance and blessings of the Temple
Theme of Zechariah
The Preparation for Israel’s second temple
Zechariah means..?
Jehovah Remembers
Zechariah was part of the Great Synagogue that, along with Ezra and Malachi, established the OT ________.
After the return from the ____ year Captivity, Israel began to rebuild the Temple, but then delayed 15 years without completing this work. God then called Haggai and the younger ________ to stir the people back to the work and back to God.
70 ; Zechariah
Haggai and Zechariah were the Dynamic Duo of the OT, calling the people back to work on the Temple of God. Haggai was the practical prophet and Zechariah was the ____________.
Zechariah and Daniel are the two OT parallels to the NT book of Revelation. These three books, as well as Ezekiel, are the __________ books (of visions or revelations) of the Bible.
The Babylonian king who saw the handwriting on the wall.
Daniels friends who would not bow to Nebuchanezzar’s image and were delivered by God in the fiery furnace
Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego
Persian king who conquered Babylon and signed the first return decree
Cyrus the Great
King of Babylon who was tricked into signing the decree that resulted in Daniel being thrown into the lion’s den
Darius the Mede
One of Alexander’s 4 generals, took Egypt, the Southern part of the kingdom
One of Alexander’s 4 generals, took Syria, the Eastern section
Type of Antichrist, the historical little horn, defiled the Temple
Antiochus IV Epiphanes
A Jewish priest of the House of Hasman who refused to worship Jupiter and who slew the king’s representative
Led the Jewish revolt in refusing to worship Jupiter
Judas the Maccabee
Celebrates the Jewish cleansing and rededication of the Temple and the miracle of the temple candelabra burning eight days on one day’s supply of oil
Israel’s guardian angel who will help deliver Israel through the Tribulation.
King who allowed the temple work to continue
Darius the Great
King also known as Ahasuerus, who made Esther his queen
Xerxes I
King who allowed the 2nd and 3rd returns and issued the decree to rebuild Jerusalem’s walls, stepson of Esther
The spiritual leader and High Priest of the first return
Esther’s older cousin, who raised her as his own daughter
Jew hating prime minister who plotted to exterminate the Jews
Persian queen deposed for refusing to display herself and who was replaced by Esther
The enemies of Nehemiah’s rebuilding project
Sanballat, Tobiah, and Geshem
A memorial to commemorate the salvation of the Jews from the evil plot to exterminate them.
The feast of Purim
Capital city of Phonecian empire destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar and Alexander the Great over a 250 year period exactly as prophesied by Ezekiel.
Subtitle for Esther
A Jewish Cinderella Stops a Persian Hitler
Main Content for Esther: The Story of God’s Providential ___________ of His People
Theme of Esther
The Providential Preservation of Israel
Key Word for Esther
The events in the book of Esther took place between the _____ and ______ of the three returns to Israel.
1st and 2nd
In the book of Esther, Xerxes I, also known as _____________ was on the throne of the Persian Empire.
The book of Esther tells of how God protected the Jews in the empire from a cruel anti-semitic plot to ____________ the Jewish race.
Subtitle for Nehemiah
The Call to the Wall
Nehemiah records the ____ return from captivity and the rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem.
Theme of Nehemiah
The Restoration of the Walls of Jerusalem
Key words of Nehemiah
The Walls of Jerusalem
Nehemiah was the ___________ to the Persian King Artaxerxes who left a life of luxury and rebuilt the wall in 52 days. He was a layman, not a priest or prophet
The books of _______ and Nehemiah are so linked that for centuries the Jews combined them in one book as Nehemiah picks up the natural flow of the other book.
Chronologically, Nehemiah is the last in the line of the ________ books of the OT, with only one prophetic book occurring later.
Subtitle for Malachi
The Final Old Testament Voice of Revival
Malachi is a message of ___________. The Prophet challenges a complacent population’s sin with the message that while they may be satisfied with their relationship with God, God is not!
Malachi directs his message of judgement to a people plagued with corrupt priests, wicked practices, and a false sense of __________ in their personal relationship with God.
Theme of Malachi
The Preparation of Israel for her Messiah
Key word for Malachi
Malachi, the author of Malachi, was a member of the Great __________, which compiled the OT canon.
Malachi is the ______ voice for the OT. After his message, there was silence from Heaven for 400 years.
Subtitle for 1 John
The Assurance Epistle
_______ is the human author of 5 of the 27 NT books. This is more than any other NT writer, with the exception of Paul.
John (Gospel of John, 1, 2, and 3 John, and the Revelation)
John grew up as a __________ ___________. He and his brother James were the sons of Zebedee and were also called the sons of thunder.
Galilean Fisherman
History tells us that in his later years, John pastored in and around ________, ministering to the Churches of Asia Minor.
_________ outlived all of the other Apostles and was known as John the Elder. He was also the only one of the Apostles to die a natural death.
Recipients of 1 John
1 John was apparently written to the same seven Churches in Asia Minor to whom he would send Revelation.
Background of 1 John
1 John was written to combat heresy, and in particular early forms of Gnosticism. This heresy can be summed up with two basic concepts: the supremacy of knowledge. (Greek gnosis) and the evil of matter. They believed in salvation by enlightenment into their special brand of knowledge. They also denied the humanity of Jesus Christ and separated “Jesus the man” from “ the Christ spirit,” which supposedly came upon Him.
The name of the heresy that taught that Jesus only “appeared” to have a physical body. They believed He was a Spirit with no real physical substance who left no footprints when he walked.
Cerinthians believed that the man Jesus and the Christ spirit were two completely distinct beings. This heretical view of Christ is held by many of the Eastern Religions, the New Age Movement, and even some extremist within the Oneness United Pentecostal, Apostolic, and Word Faith Movements.
Since ________ felt that all matters was evil, they held two views concerning morality and the physical world.
The Gnostic view that all matter is evil and all pleasures of the flesh should be avoided.
Strict Asceticism
The Gnostic view that all matter is BOTH evil AND meaningless. These pleasures/sins were irrelevant and could be indulged in without affecting the “spirit” of the enlightened.
Rank immorality
Since Gnostics believed that people were enlightened OR unenlightened, they felt the unenlightened were so inferior as to be unworthy of even ________.
1 John is the _________ _________ and speaks of how we can enjoy the perfect _________ of our salvation through intimate fellowship with Christ and other believers.
Assurance Epistle ; assurance
The theme of 1 John
Fellowship with Christ
Purpose of 1 John: (five-fold purpose)♦ “That ye also may have fellowship with us: and truly our fellowship is with the Father,and with His Son Jesus Christ.” meaning..
To help believers discover intimate fellowship with God and one another
Purpose of 1 John: (five-fold purpose)♦”That your Joy may be full” meaning..
To help believers to experience the joy of their salvation
Purpose of 1 John: (five-fold purpose)♦”That ye sin not” meaning…
To bring about moral purity
Purpose of 1 John: (five-fold purpose)♦”That ye may know that ye have eternal life” meaning…
To give assurance of Salvation
Purpose of 1 John: (five-fold purpose)♦”Concerning them that seduce you” meaning..
To combat false teachings
Date of the writing of 1 John
AD 90
3 John was written to reveal how to ________ for true teachers.
________ is considered to be the most intimate book of the NT, second only to Song of Solomon as the Bible’s most intimate book.
1 John
_________ is the only NT book written specifically to give Christians Assurance of their Salvation.
1 John
Recite 1 John 1:9
If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
Recite 1 John 5:13
These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God, that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God.
Reference for “They went out from us, but they were not of us, for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us but they went out that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us.”
1 John 2:19
Reference for “For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost, and these three are one.”
1 John 5:7
Reference for this verse that states that Jesus is God: “Hereby perceive we the love of God, because he laid down His life for us and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren.”
1 John 3:16
Reference for this verse that states that Jesus is God: “And we know that the Son of God is come and hath given us an understanding that we may know Him that is true and we are in Him that is true, even in His son Jesus Christ. This is the true God and eternal life.”
1 John 5:20
We must ________our sins. If we _________ our sin, God will forgive and “cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”
confess ; confess
The purpose of the light is not so that we can see our sins and remain the same. When we walk in fellowship with God, God’s light (through his Spirit and through His word) reveals our sin so that we can __________, _______ of, and _________ our sins.
confess; repent; forsake
When we confess our sins, we grow into a closer fellowship with God which produces more of God’s ________ in our lives which shows us more sin to confess and grow even closer to God, which will give us more light to continue the process of an ever closer walk with Christ.
When we refuse to confess our sin, the process of growing closer to God stops and so does our __________ __________. No confession means no new light, no guidance concerning God’s will, and no new truths from Gods Word. This is why God calls us to a life of constant total surrender.
Spiritual growth
To “confess our sin” means to _________ with God concerning our sin.
When the _________ of God shows us our sin, we will see it in all its darkness, destructiveness, and vileness and we will not rationalize it away.
We must confess the awfulness of our guilt and see our sin as that which nailed our beloved Savior to the Cross. This passage speaks of no casual or flippant “I’m sorry” to God. It speaks of ____________ repentance.
This is no license to sin knowing you can easily obtain forgiveness later. This is a call to an ever closer _______ with Christ with an ever deeper level of purity and intimacy with God.
We can be forgiven of any sin we truly confess, but we will never be forgiven of any sin we _________.
When we do confess our sins, then we are forgiven and cleansed from ______ our guilt and shame. We must then accept by faith God’s forgiveness and embrace the grace and cleansing He has bought for us with His blood.
Living in self condemnation when God has declared you are forgiven and cleansed is an act of _________, not piety. It is a denial of the sufficiency of the blood of Christ to cleanse us and a ___________ of the promises of God to forgive.
unbelief, rejection
Jesus, our defense attorney, is the ___________ for our sin.
Jesus, our Substitutionary atonement, is the ______________ for our sin.
Propitiation speaks of the complete payment and the total ___________ of all of the demands of justice that the penalty of sin be ________. Jesus paid the full penalty of our sin by His death on the Cross.
Satisfaction ; Paid
Assurance of salvation comes from obedience. Nothing will cause us to doubt the assurance of our salvation faster than _________ and ___________ sin.
unconfessed and unforsaken
Those who Apostatize from the Christian Faith were never ___________.
Saved people can backslide and do many sinful things, but a total and permanent abandonment of Christ and Christianity generally evidences that a person was never really ________.
Every believer does not need to seek the __________ of the Holy Spirit because every believer already has it.
The purpose of the anointing as described by John is to give every believer the ability to ___________ and _________ the Bible for himself.
understand and interpret
When we put our love into actions for others, these actions of giving love are what gives us the _________ of our salvation in our hearts and causes us to _______ saved.
assurance, feel
Just because we do feel __________ concerning our salvation in our hearts does not mean we are not saved and forgiven by God.
The Victory of Love over ______: __________ in His love is what conquers and drives out all fears and doubts concerning our Salvation.
Fear ; Growing
Putting our talk of love into ______ is the key that ultimately assures our own hearts of our salvation. It is clear that Assurance of Salvation is the result of Spiritual __________.
Action ; Growth
An example of something that is not God’s will and that we should not pray for is a Christian who has committed the sin unto ________.
When sin unto death concerns a “brother”, it seems to indicate a believer. The sin unto death speaks about a “brother” so it can only be committed by a ________.
There is a line of ______ which we can cross over and shame the testimony of Christ, His Church and become so hardened toward repentance, that God will call his child _______.
sin, home
Anyone who thinks they have a license to sin and presume upon God’s grace does not understand what Scripture teaches concerning either ________ or the sin unto ________.
chastening, death
Subtitle for 2 John
Reject false teachers
First century Christianity was missionary Christianity and traveling Christian teachers were essential for the spread of the Gospel throughout the pagan Roman Empire. Inns of the day, however, were places of ill repute, filth, immorality, and danger. And with neither streets nor fields around cities free from danger, _______ places to stay were of great importance.
Christians solved this problem and the problem of the financial support of missionaries by opening their homes to traveling Christian _________.
2 John is a warning against accepting __________ teachers.
Key word for 2 John
Brief theme of 2 John: The duty to ___________ false teachers.
Developed theme of 2 John: The supreme Duty of Christian ________ must be balanced with a rejection of false teachers in defense of the _________.
Love, truth
Purpose of 2 John: To prevent Churches from embracing teachers who claim to be Christians, but who deny the ___________ doctrines of the Christian Faith.
Distinction: 2 John is the _________ book in the English Bible.
Subtitle for 3 John
Receive true teachers
Background of 3 John: Local support of traveling missionaries by churches was vital to the spread of Christianity. However petty jealousies, pride, and desire for personal power had led some domineering local church members to _________ these traveling preachers and even the Apostle John himself.
Content: 3 John is an encouragement for the Church to support true pastors and missionaries. It revolves around three key individuals, an __________, an __________, and an ___________.
Exhorter ; Egotist ; Example.
Theme of 3 John: Our duty to __________ and support true teachers.
Purpose of 3 John: To be a rebuke on all individuals who would seek to ______ or ________ the local church or the preacher.
run, control
John wrote 2 John to protect the truth by denying the support of false teachers. He wrote 3 John to __________ the truth through supplying the support of genuine Christian teachers.
In his second epistle, ________dealt with the problem of welcoming deceivers (which should not have been done); in this epistle, he discusses the error of not receiving believers (which should have been done).
Importance and Distinctive: Third John is the ________ shortest book of the English Bible. its message is vital concerning the support of missionaries.
Recipients of 3 John: __________ and the local church in which he was a leader or pastor. This was common first century name and should not be equated with other New Testament references to individuals by the same name.
The call to support true teachers - The encouragement of _________ the Praiseworthy Pastor
The Rejoicing of John the Elder: John rejoiced because Gaius __________ the truth. John rejoiced because Gaius _________ the truth. Notice that the greatest ______ of a preacher is to know that his converts are not only saved,but living the Christian life. John rejoiced because Gaius ___________ the truth.
Believed ; lived ; Joy ; supported
The character and sins of false teachers - The rebuke of ___________, the domineering dictator.
Diotrephes hang up was that he loved to have recognition and attention and wanted to ________ the church and the preacher.
Diotrephes attempted to occupy the ________ place, refused to receive _________, slandered the __________, refused to entertain __________ and ran off church members he didn’t like.
leading, John, Apostles, missionaries
Diotrephes did not want church _________, because if it got to big he might lose his power or position.
The Character and Righteousness of True Teachers - The Commendation of _________ the Model Testimony.
Demetrius Identity: Demetrius may have been both the bearer of this letter (3 John) and a traveling preacher sent by __________.
Demetrius Example: John exhorted Gaius to follow __________ example.
Demetrius Testimony: He had a positive reputation with all _______, the ________ itself, and ________himself.
Men ; Truth ; John
Subtitle for Revelation
The Revelation of Jesus Christ
_______ was the author of the Gospel of John and of the Epistles of 1 - 3 John.
Recipients of Revelation: The _______ churches of Asia Minor [in the western part of modern Turkey].
Background of Revelation: Revelation was written by John when exiled on the Isle of _________, a desolate island of volcanic rock in the Aegean Sea.
Background of Revelation: As the last living __________, John wrote the final NT book to reveal God’s prophetic plan for all mankind.