Bible_Study_0 Flashcards
1 ______________ was written to correct the problems of the local Church
the author of 1 Corinthians is ____
Paul writes this letter to the church in __________, a church he founded on his _______ missionary journey (Acts 18:1-17)
Corinth, second
Paul had spent __ months in Corinth teaching this church, but many problems had arisen since his departure
The church at Corinth was called out of a _____ and ______ culture
pagan, immoral
The Corinthian church was a ______ church in a ________ city
carnal, worldly
Corinth’s strategic location on the narrow Isthmus connection northern Greece and the Greek Peloponnesus between the Aegean and Adriatic (Iconian) Seas gave it control of the vital land and sea trade routs, thus making Corinth the __________ center of ______
commercial, Greece
With its population of 700,000 (500,000 of which were slaves) and large number of travelers, Corinth also became the ___________ sin and ________ capital of the ancient world
idolatrous, pleasure
The pagan temple of _________ ( goddess of fertility and sex) with its 1,000 ritual priestesses or ______________ was the center of Corinthian life.
Aphrodite, prostitutes
The term “to Corinthianize” came to mean to commit ____________
Corinthian girl was synonymous with a __________ in the writings of Plato. A common proverb of the day stated that “Not fore every man is the voyage to Corinth”.
The problem was that while these Corinthians had been ______ out of the world, they hand not yet gotten the world out of __________
saved, themselves
While in Ephesus on his _______ Missionary Journey, Paul received reports of divisions in the Corinthian Church from the house of _____ (1 Cor 1:1)
third, Chole
Paul also received a series of _________ and problems from an official delegation of the Church.
Paul writes what is actually his ________ letter to Corinth (cf 1 Cor 5:9) in response to these questions and problems.
Content: 1 Corinthians was written to correct the ________, ____________________, and flaws of the local church
problems, missunderstandings
Key Word(s): _____________ of ______ living
Correction, carnal
Key Chapter: 1 Corinthians __- the ____ chapter
13, love
Theme: Correcting the _________ of the _____ church
problems, local
Importance: 1 Corinthians is often considered the ________ most important of Paul’s epistles (________ being the first).
Second, Romans
1 Corinthians is also the ________ of Paul’s letters.
Area of confusion in the Corinthian Church: Confusion concerning M________
Area of confusion in the Corinthian Church: Confusion concerning Freedom in _______
Area of confusion in the Corinthian Church: Confusion concerning the _______ of men and women
Area of confusion in the Corinthian Church: Confusion concerning the Lord’s ________
Area of confusion in the Corinthian Church: Confusion concerning the ______ of the _______
Gifts, Spirit
Area of confusion in the Corinthian Church: Confusion concerning the R___________
Area of confusion in the Corinthian Church: Confusion concerning G______
Give the reference for this passage: And grieve not the Holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption
Ephesians 4:30
Give the reference for this passage: And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit
Ephesians 5:18
Give the reference for this passage: And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.
2 Corinthians 12:9
Give the reference for this passage: Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?
2 Corinthians 6:14
Give the reference for this passage: Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.1 C
2 Corinthians 5:17
Give the reference for this passage: For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.
2 Corinthians 5:21
Give the reference for this passage: Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.
1 Corinthians 15:51-52
1 Corinthians 13 is the _____ Chapter
1 Corinthians 15 is the ________________ Chapter
The name of Paul’s amanuensis (Scribe or recording secretary) is ____________
When Paul began preaching in Corinth, one of the first converts was _________, the Chief ruler of the Jewish ____________.
Crispus, Synagogue
Sosthenes did not believe and took over as the new ______ of the ____________.
ruler, synagogue
He later helped incite a ________ or rebellion against _____ and had him drug before the Roman Deputy.
revolt, Paul
When the Deputy ____________ the case, the angry Greek mob turned their wrath on ____________ “and beat him before the judgment seat.”
dismissed, Sosthenes
God used all of these events to somehow bring this antagonistic unbeliever (Sosthenes) to __________
The Corinthian Church possessed ____ the Spiritual ______
all, gifts
The call for ______
The first group followed _____, the ________ of the church who had a deep __________ ministry.
Paul, founder, teaching
The third group followed ______, one of the original 12 apostles and a _____ spoken preacher with messages full of practical applications for real _____
Peter, plain, life
The priority of the _______ of salvation over ________
Gospel, salvation
May are confused as to whether ________ is part of the Gospel and therefore necessary for ___________
baptism, salvation
This passage absolutely refutes and destroys Baptismal _____________ (the teaching that one must be baptized in order to be saved)
Paul clearly states that baptism is ________ and _________ form and therefore not part of the gospel of salvation.
distinct, separate
In 1 Corinthians 15:1, 3-4, God’s word describes exactly what is included in the _______ of salvation and baptism is not included.
If baptism were necessary for __________ and since Paul was sent by Christ to win the lost, why was Paul not sent by Christ to _________?
salvation, baptize
Also, if baptism saved and Paul did _____ baptize the Corinthians, how can he be said to have begotten them through the _______?
NOT, Gospel
Types of people (give the term): Lost
Types of people (give the term): Saved and living in flesh no differently from the lost
Types of people (give the term): Saved and walking in the Spirit
The _______ _______ man is caused by the Spirit to think like Christ
Spirit Filled
To be ________ with the Spirit is to be consciously and constantly ___________ to and __________ upon the Holy Spirit to live fro and serve Christ.
filled, surrendered, dependent
Carnal Man’s life is no ___________ from the lost, he is a spiritual man living s though he were a _________ man, dominated by old ______ rather than the new nature.
different, natural, flesh
Is your life filled with: E______, S______, and D___________? The carnal life is one of anger, arguing, cliques, division, offenses, fights, jealousy, and conflict.
Envying, Strife, Division
Carnal men gather around ______ rather than ______.
people, Christ
Carnal men then ________ the Lord’s _______ into camps loyal to and opposed to different leaders.
divided, church
A root problem in carnality is a focus on ____, instead of ____
man, God
If you will cause __________ in the church of God over dislike of or offense by a ___ you are carnal
division, man
If you will stop _________ the worship of God over an offense of ____ you are carnal.
attending, man
If you will stop doing the ______ of God over the dislike of ____, you are carnal
work, man
To be carnal is simply to be naturally controlled by the ______ instead of being supernaturally controlled by the ______
flesh, spirit
The steps of Restoring a sinning Brother in order:♦1. Attempting to restore by _______ the person his faults ______.♦2. Attempting to restore by _______ him with _-_ witnesses♦3. Attempting to restore by Telling the ________♦4. Attempting to restore by ____________ from him. The purpose of this step is still restoration, and the church should stand ready to welcome the person back upon repentance of sin.
(1.) Telling, Alone♦(2.) telling, 2-5♦(3.) Church♦(4.) Separation
The Purpose of Disciplining the Sin: to stop the ________ of sin
The Purpose of Disciplining the Sin: to protect the _________ of christ and his ______
testimony, church
The Purpose of Disciplining the Sin: to encourage R______________
Taking a brother to _______ is immoral
When we come to a problem we should ask this question: Does the Bible address this issue in P_________
When we come to a problem we should ask this question: Is there a clear command in Scripture that __________ this?
When we come to a problem we should ask this question: Is this issue only questionable because our ____________ of what the Bible teaches concerning this?
When we are making a decision about a questionable issue, we are to be guided by _____
The Christian is never to be controlled by or __________ to any _______
addicted, desire
Any _____ which controls us or to which we become addicted is therefore wrong on that basis alone. We are to be controlled by the ________ not by our desires or habits.
habit, Spirit, desires
Give Ephesians 2:8-9 WORD FOR WORD!
For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast
A good example of following the principle of a passage is _____________, which is repeatedly forbidden by explicit commands of scripture.
The Bible is clear that ____ begins at ___________ and it forbids murder and child sacrifice.
life, conseption
Scripture even gives the _____ penalty for taking eh life of an _______ child
death, unborn
A good example of following what the bible teaches in principle is G____________
1 Corinthians 8 addresses issues that are not wrong on the basis of Scripture, but which have acquired a questionable _________ in the minds of some, because of c________ or a________
reputation, culture, association
Natural __________-An object or symbol that is not inherently sinful, but in some settings can represent something sinful and may cause a weaker brother to stumble.
Neutral _______-A culturally accepted or known position, a thing that only one group of people does in this culture that may be completely good, but is only associated with a unreputable group
Neutral ______ or __________-There was a time when pianos were highly controversial in churches, because they had long been used primarily in only two places, saloons and harlot houses.
Objects, Activities
We are to be warned by ___________ example
We are to be ______ of the sin of prideful self-__________
wary, reliance
Ways to see Temptation afar off: Temptation is C________ to all
Ways to see Temptation afar off: Temptation is E______ to all
Ways to see Temptation afar off: Temptation is B_________ to all
Ways to see Temptation afar off: Temptation is E_____________ by all
During the Lord’s Supper, Jesus taught that the_____ and “_____” (juice to today’s standards) picture the broken body and the shed blood of Jesus Christ to be eaten “in remembrance of Me”
bread, wine
The Lord’s Supper is a __________ ordinance, not a _________
Memorial, acrament
We celebrate memorials because we have already freely received the grace of salvation, in _____________ of what ______ has done for us.
remembrance, Christ
People partake of ______________ in an attempt to Earn the grace of salvation
An accounting term which speaks of adding or subtracting of something to someone’s account. The act of God whereby He places our guilt upon the account of Jesus Christ and places Christ’s Righteousness upon our account.
The Doctrine of Imputation
Men must be saved because of the _____ of God
God is the _______, ________, and _____ of men.
Creator, lawgiver, judge
Men must be saved because; Man is created in the Image of God to know, love, ____, __________ with and _______ God.
Obey, Fellowship, Glorify
Men must be saved because: God created man as a free moral agent with the right of ____ ____ and _______
free will, choice
Men must be saved because: Man has _________
Men must be saved because: Man is a ________
Men must be saved because: Man is _________ from God
Men must be saved because: Man is _________
Salvation is possible because God _____ all men
Salvation is possible because God _______ all men to be _____
Desires, saved
Problem One with Salvation: Man is hopelessly lost in _____
Problem Two with Salvation: God is _________ and must _____ ALL ___
righteous, punish, sin
Man cannot save himself because every man is a sinner by _____ and ______.
birth, choice
Man cannot save himself because no man can live up to the holy and perfect standard of God’s ________________. Only ___ sin would be required to doom us to eternity in Hell.
Righteousness, One
Man cannot save himself because our entire nature is ________
Man cannot save himself because our corrupt nature corrupts any act of righteousness which we attempt, rendering even our righteousness as ______ ____
filthy rags
Man cannot save himself because our hearts are desperately ______ and _________
wicked, deceitful
Man cannot save himself because to even think that you could be righteous enough to save yourself is in itself a sin of gross _____.
Man cannot save himself because to attempt to be saved by any means other than Christ is to be guilty _________ Christ, as well as disobeying the Gospel of God, despising the cross of Christ, spurning the love of God refusing the Holy Spirit’s call and conviction, trampling under foot the _____ of Christ, and _____________ the Word of God, which failure to believer renders us condemned already.
Rejecting, blood, disbelieving
Plan One or getting to Heaven: A home in Heaven for Eternity could be ______ by good works of perfect and sinless _____________
earned, righteousness
Earning your way to Heaven was God’s Plan for the ______ not ___
angels, man
If we had to earn our way to Heaven it would leave all men lost for ___ have sinned and fall short of God’s standard of perfect ________.
all, holiness
Plan Two for Salvation: A Home in Heaven for eternity could be _____ freely without good words based on God’s perfect and sinless ___________
Given, righteousness
God’s plan of salvation is that God will grant his own righteousness to ______ ___
sinful man
God’s plan of salvation is that God will grant this righteousness _____ from the obedience of the law or commandments of ____
apart, God
God’s plan of Salvation is that God will grant this righteousness by _____
God’s plan of Salvation is that God will grant this righteousness as a ____ ____
free gift
God’s plan of Salvation is that God will grant this righteousness to the __________
God’s plan of salvation is that God will grant this righteousness through the payment of _________
God’s plan of salvation is that God will grant this righteousness through His ___
God’s plan of salvation is that God will grant this righteousness through the _____ of Christ
The act of Christ whereby He took upon himself the guilt and paid the penalty of our sins and then bestowed His righteousness upon us.
The Doctrine of Substitution
The bringing of mercy by the covering and thereby cleansing of the guilt of our sin by the shed and applied blood of Christ, appeasing the just wrath of God on sin and rendering the believing sinner pardoned, purged, and forgiven of sins and reconciled to God.
The Doctrine of Blood Atonement
The full satisfaction of God’s righteous demand for justice for the payment of the due penalty of our sins, by the death of Christ
The Doctrine of Propitiation
God buying us back from our slavery to sin and setting us free from its control and consequences
The Doctrine of Redemption
The undeserved love or unmerited favor of God
The Doctrine of Saving Grace
The grace enabled act of man in salvation involving a voluntary change of mind and heart including a turning from sin to Christ
The response of believing sinner’s heart when convicted by the Spirit of his guilt and lostness before God, causing him to have a voluntary and sincere change of mind and heart leading to a turn from sin to Christ
The response of the believing sinner’s heart when confronted by the spirit with the person of Christ and the truth of the Gospel, causing him to have a voluntary and sincere change of mind and heart leading to turn from his sin and unbelief to belief in Christ
The Act of God whereby He replaced the state of enmity between God and man with a relationship of friendship through the peace purchased by the death of Christ on the cross, now placing man in the favorable position with God through the covering of the guilt of our sin with His blood.
The forgiveness, removal, cleansing and putting away of our sins.
To be declared righteous. The Judicial act of God where He legally declares the believing sinner to be innocent of all sin and perfectly righteous as Christ.
The act of God whereby the believing sinner is set apart from sin (its penalty at salvation, its power in our lives, and its presence in eternity) and to God, Christ and righteousness
The Act of God, whereby the Holy Spirit gives a spiritual new birth to the believing sinner, thereby imparting to them a new nature and a new heart and giving the spiritually dead new life.
The act of Christ whereby He gives the believing sinner His position, standing, legal rights, and inheritance of a Son of God.
The act of Christ whereby He appeals for believers as our “defense attorney” or Advocate, defending us against Satan’s accusations of our sinfulness, thus guaranteeing the security of our salvation and giving us the right to approach God in prayer.
The ultimate and absolute physical, mental, and spiritual perfection and transformation into the image of Christ of all believers.
Repentance is more than ____ __________
moral reformation
Repentance is more than mere ______. It is more than being ____ that you got ______. Many lost men have had deep sorrow over ___________ of their sin.
Regret, sorry, caught, consequences
Repentance is more than _______. This is the attempt to do good deeds that make up for your bad deeds. It is a futile attempt to cover your sins.
Repentance is not the mere presence of _______, ______, or _____
weeping, emotion, tears
Salvation does include __________.
Many have denied the role of repentance in salvation, due to their desire to ______ _____ coupled with a misunderstanding of repentance as being human or meritorious ____.
defend grace, work
Salvation had to be by _____ for this is the only way it could be by grace, which is the only way sinful can could be ______
faith, saved
This occurs Prior to salvation to set us apart to the propagating and convicting work of the Holy Spirit in bringing men to Christ.
Preparational Sanctification
This occurs at the moment of salvation to set us apart from sin’s penalty
Positional Sanctification
This occurs throughout Life to set us apart from sin’s power
Practical Sanctification
This occurs at the rapture to set us apart from sin’s presence
Permanent Sanctification
Occurs instantly at the moment of salvation changing our standing before God.
removes the penalty of sin
removes the guilt of sin
declares us righteous
occurs gradually throughout the life of the believer changing our condition here
Practical Sanctification
removes the power of sin
Practical Sanctification
removes the growth of sin
Practical Sanctification
makes us righteous
Practical Sanctification
Adoption is the act of God whereby He gives the believing sinner his position, standing, legal rights, ___________ as joint-heir with Christ, and all the ____ privileges of a son of God.
inheritance, full
The new birth of _____________ changes us and imparts unto us the Holy _______ of our Father as a _____of God
Regeneration, Nature, child
___________ does not change our nature, but rather our inheritance as it grants to us our _________ and legal ________ as sons of God
Adoption, position, standing
In New Testament times, the Romans had a custom called _________, a ceremony in which they adopted their ____ sons.
Liberalia, own
In the Roman family all were recognized as _______, but only those who went through this ritual were considered ____
children, sons
In the liberation ceremony, the father would take his __ year old son, remove the toga of youth and replace it with the toga of Manhood. Now he was declared an adult ___
14, son
Until this time the Roman child had absolutely __ legal rights no special privileges, no position as as son, and no right to an inheritance. In fact, adult slaves in the household had __________ over the child.
No, authority
At adoption, the child received the ________ of an adult son with authority over slaves, all the rights and privileges of sonship, and an absolute Guarantee of his ___________
position, inheritance
Children could be ___________, but once adopted, these rights were Irrevocable. Even today, you can choose to disinherit a natural child, but not one that was _______.
disinherited, adopted
Lack of ________ (Roadblock (R) or Key (K) to answered Prayer)
faith, R
Unconfessed ____(Roadblock (R) or Key (K) to answered Prayer)
Sin, R
_________Prayers for human ______(Roadblock (R) or Key (K) to answered Prayer)
selfish, lusts, R
H____________ (Roadblock (R) or Key (K) to answered Prayer)
Hypocrisy, R
Failure to _____ and ____the Word of God (Roadblock (R) or Key (K) to answered Prayer)
hear, obey, R
Failure to _____to God or others (Roadblock (R) or Key (K) to answered Prayer)
give, R
______, thinking to highly of oneself (Roadblock (R) or Key (K) to answered Prayer)
pride, R
Failure to properly _____and _____ our mate (Roadblock (R) or Key (K) to answered Prayer)
love, honor, R
_________ Interference (Roadblock (R) or Key (K) to answered Prayer)
Demonic, R
Bitterness or ________________ (Roadblock (R) or Key (K) to answered Prayer)
unforgiveness, R
Praying in f________ (Roadblock (R) or Key (K) to answered Prayer)
faith, K
Praying according to the_____ of God (Roadblock (R) or Key (K) to answered Prayer)
will, K
Praying in _________ name (Roadblock (R) or Key (K) to answered Prayer)
Jesus, K
Praying in h________________ (Roadblock (R) or Key (K) to answered Prayer)
humility, K
Praying with __________ (Roadblock (R) or Key (K) to answered Prayer)
fasting, K
Praying in u_______ (Roadblock (R) or Key (K) to answered Prayer)
unity, K
Praying with b_____________ (Roadblock (R) or Key (K) to answered Prayer)
boldness, K
Praying with f___________ (Roadblock (R) or Key (K) to answered Prayer)
fervency, K
Praying with si__________ (Roadblock (R) or Key (K) to answered Prayer)
sincerity, K
Praying with sp___________ (Roadblock (R) or Key (K) to answered Prayer)
specificity, K
It must be understood at the outset that the Eternal Security of the believer speaks only of the truly _____
The scripture is clear that not all who claim salvation possess _________. They may be those who “say” they have _____
salvation, faith
They may be wolves “in sheep’s clothing”, “_______” among the wheat, “wells without ______”, and those who “were not of __”,
tears, water, us
The answer, therefore, to the oft asked question, “What if someone says he is saved and then becomes a complete ________, totally and permanently abandoning the faith and turning wholly to ___?”, It is not that he still is saved or that he lost his salvation, but rather that he _______ possessed it.
apostate, sin, never
True children of God may _________ and become “______…and walk as [lost] men”.
backslide, carnal
When true children of God sin, they will be _________, chastened, and even called ____, but they are still the _________ of God.
convicted, home, children
The distinction between false professors and backslidden believers can often only be judged by ___. However it may sometimes be discerned by their _____.
God, fruit
Whether someone is truly saved or not can sometimes be determined by: their heresies, their hatred, their abandonment of their faith, their total return to their ___, or their lack of _________ for sin.
sin chastening
Preservation is NOT _________________
Preservation is not God ____________ reserving only those believers who do endure because of their ___________.
conditionally, endurance
Preservation of the saints is a general truth of Scripture and is given in Scripture as an ________ of genuine salvation.
Scripture does teach that there are exceptions to this general rule, Genuine believers will not finally and fully apostatize from the faith, but they may ___ so as to be worthy of ____________ even to the point of physical ______.
sin, chastening, death
Preservation is not a guarantee that all who _______ Christ are genuinely saved, but only that those who ______ Christ will be _________
profess, possess, preserved
Preservation is not an excuse or ________ to sin- because believers receive a new nature and sinning believers are convicted, chastened and may even lose their ______.
license, lives
Salvation is wholly by grace and any mixture of _______ to keep salvation destroys _____.
works, grace
Salvation is wholly and solely by grace through _____ from start to finish.
Any mixture of works to earn or keep salvation means Christ died for ________
Christ never knew the lost, Christ doesn’t say, I once knew you, but I no ______ do!
Since God’s standard is perfection, if we had to be good enough to keep our salvation, it would only take ___ sin for us to be lost. IF this were true no one would ever make it to have, because all of us ___.
one, sin
So-called believers who completely and finally abandon the faith only manifest that they were never ______
Christ died for all men (reference that fits with this description)
Hebrews 2:9
Christ bought even the lost (reference that fits with this description)
2 Peter 2:1
Draws all men (reference that fits with this description)
John 12:32
Shares the presalvation grace of God that brings salvation with all (reference that fits with this description)
Titus 2:11
We are kept by the power of God (reference that fits with this description)
1 Peter 1:5
Those who totally and finally turn from Christ show they were never saved (reference that fits with this description)
1 John 2:19
Five Point Calvinism: (Fill in the acrostic)♦T♦U♦L♦I♦P
Total Depravity♦Unconditional Election♦Limited Atonement♦Irresistible Grace♦Perseverance of the saints
Total inability to respond to God’s call ( all men reject God )
Total Depravity
God chooses some who will be saved apart from any dependence upon foreknowledge of their response
Unconditional Election
Christ died only for the elect
Limited Atonement
God unconditionally regenerates and then draws the elect irresistibly to believe and receive salvation
Irresistible Grace
All the true elect will be faithful to the end
Perseverance of the Saints
(Arminianism-Give the term) Denies man’s total Sinfulness
Total Ability
(Arminianism-Give the term) God choice is based solely upon man’s response
Conditional Election
(Arminianism-Give the term) Christ died for all
Unlimited Atonement
(Arminianism-Give the term) The ability to say no to God’s free gift
Resistible Grace
(Arminianism-Give the term) Based solely on man’s faithfulness
Conditional Presevation
(Give the term) all men would reject God’s call so God therefore gives sufficient grace to enable all men to freely respond to His Call
Total Depravity with Enabling Grace and Free Will
(Give the term) God’s perfect foreknowledge of each man’s grace enabled genuine free will response to God’s universal drawing is involved with God’s sovereign purpose and choice. God also sovereignty chose the plan and divinely decreed that all of those in Christ would be saved entirely by grace.
Conditional Election
(Give the term) Christ died for ALL
Unlimited Atonement
(Give the term) It is true that no man seeks or would accept God. God therefore sovereignty chose to provide to all sufficient Enabling Grace so that all men may freely accept or freely reject God’s call to salvation, without any merit on their part.
Resistible Grace
(Give the term) Man’s preservation is not dependent upon man’s perseverance, but upon God’s sovereign grace.
Unconditional Preservation
We are eternally secure because: We are kept by the ______ of God (1 Peter 1:5)
We are eternally secure because: We are kept in the ____ of the Father and Son
We are eternally secure because: We are sealed by the ______
We are eternally secure because: Christ never knew the _____
We are eternally secure because: Jesus promises the saved will never:♦_________♦be _________♦be ____ ______♦be _____
perish♦condemned♦cast out♦lost
We are eternally secure because: Nothing can separate us from ______
We are eternally secure because: Sinning saints are ___________ not _________
chastened, disowned
We are eternally secure because: Those who totally and finally turn from Christ show they never were _____
Those who Christ tells to depart from Him were _____ teachers who trusted in their “works. They were wolves, not sheep and Christ said He never knew them. They said “Lord, Lord” but never did the ____ of the Father - which is to _______ on Christ.
false, will, believe
Those who escape immortality through the knowledge of Christ, but whose latter end was worse than their beginning were dogs and hogs (not _____) who return to their sin because they had reformation with ______________ (their inner nature was never _______)
sheep, regeneration, changed,
A person’s ____, not name is removed, (meaning God’s provision for their salvation is removed upon their absolute and _____ rejection of God)
part, final
Believing in vain is believing in Christ, but not the _____________.
Falling from grace is returning to a trust in works to ____ you salvation (it is not sinning so as to lose _________)
keep, salvation