Bible_Study_1 Flashcards
…He that shall endure to the end…shall be saved refers to enduring without taking the ____ during the Tribulation.
The breaking off of branches refers to removing nations from the position of ________ blessing
Many passages which warn of death for the righteous who sin, speak of ________ death.
The book of life may refer to physical _____.
The sins that are past are sins before the cross, not before and individual’s ____________.
Romans Road (Give the reference and which number this represents)♦All are guilty of sin
- Romans 3:10, 23
Romans Road (Give the reference and which number this represents)♦All deserve death in Hell for their sin.
- Romans 6:23a
Romans Road (Give the reference and which number this represents)♦Christ paid our debt for us and took our punishment for us by dying for us on the cross.
- Romans 5:8
Romans Road (Give the reference and which number this represents)♦Christ now offer us salvation as an absolute free gift of grace.
- Romans 6:23b
Romans Road (Give the reference and which number this represents)♦WE receive Christ by believing on Christ in our hearts and calling upon God with our lips.
- Romans 10:9-10, 13
Give the reference for this verse.♦ For by grace are ye saved though faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:♦Not of works, lest any man should boast
Ephesians 2:8-9
Give the reference for this verse.♦For Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the Spirit
1 Peter 3:18
Give the reference for this verse.♦For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.
2 Corinthians 5:21
Give the reference for this verse.♦And if by grace, then is it no more of works: otherwise grace is no more grace: otherwise work is no more work
Romans 11:6
Give the reference for this verse.♦I do not frustrate the grace of God: for if righteousness come by the law, then Christ is dead in vain.
Galatians 2:21
The only true eternal Being in existence
Besides God, all others are _______ ______, who came into existence at some point in time.
created beings
______ and ___ may live for eternity future, but only ___ has existed from all of eternity past.
Angels, man, God
The Bible declares that _____ is the Creator God, Who has existed for all of Eternity.
It is possible to accept the temporal preexistence of Jesus(before His conception in the womb of Mary) w/o accepting His _______ preexistence and _____. (wrong view)
eternal, Deity
These two religions teach that Jesus preexisted before His earthly conception. They both still reject His eternal preexistence and Deity.
Jehovah’s Witness, Mormon
To reject the _______ ___________ of Christ is the reject His nature as the _______ _______ God and demote him to the status of a created being.
Eternal Preexistence, Eternal Creator
It is possible to accept the preexistence of Christ w/o accepting His Deity, but it is impossible to accept Christ’s Deity and not believe in His ____________.
Before His Bethlehem birth, Jesus was _________ with God the Father and God the Spirit in the perfect and eternal fellowship of God. He was _________ the universe. He was was __________ the universe.
Communing, creating, controlling
Pre-Bethlehem appearances of Christ
Theophanies (a.k.a. Christophanies)
God spoke to Moses face to face for the first time at this place.
the Burning Bush
The speaker at the Burning Bush is called the Angel of the LORD in verse 2 and then is called ____ in verse 4.
Who actually was speaking to Moses from the Burning Bush declaring “I AM THAT I AM!”
John 1:18 states that no man has actually seen God (the Father). John 1:14 states that His glory has been revealed through Jesus the Son. By putting these 2 statements together what can we conclude about visible manifestations of God in the Old Testament?
All VISIBLE manifestations of God in the Old Testament were, not of the Father, but of the Son.
Views of Incarnation:♦Misunderstandings of the True Nature of the Incarnation of God as Man - 3 views
Arian, Gnostic and Nestorian
Some groups reject the Divine nature of Christ This is the position of the modern Jehovah’s Witnesses. This is called the _______ view.
Some groups reject the Human nature of Christ. This is called the _______ view.
Some groups reject the Unified nature of Christ. Called the _________ view. This ancient group believed two persons actually indwelled the body of Christ, the human person and the divine Christ. Some within the modern Oneness Movement including the United Pentecostals and Apostolics fall into this same error today.
Amazing Miracles of the Incarnation of God as man. (2)
1) That God Himself could take on the full nature of man and yet retain the full nature of God.♦2) That a human body could be conceived within a mother’s womb without an earthly father.
The bible declares that Jesus was as much God as if He had never been ____, and as much man as if had never been ____.
man, God
When the Son of God joined Himself to a body at Bethlehem, it was a permanent arrangement. He will continue to manifest Himself in this body (in its resurrected state, of course) throughout the ages. This shows….
The Eternal Nature of the Incarnation of God as man.
The purpose of the Incarnation of God as Man. The Incarnate Christ delivered us from the ______.
Curse♦The Curse upon Adam’s seed
If Jesus were not Virgin born. He would have inherited a ____ nature just as all other men. He would thus have been a ______ Himself and could not have died as our ______. His death would have only paid for His own sins were He not the sinless Son of God!
sin, sinner, Savior
What verse is: “And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.” What is this verse referring to?
Genesis 3:15♦1st prophecy of the Virgin Birth
Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.
Isaiah 7:14
For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.
Isaiah 9:6
How long wilt thou go about,thou backsliding daughter? For the Lord hath created a new thing in the earth, A woman shall compass a man.
Jeremiah 31:22
In Hebrews _:_ the Father commands that the Son be worshipped (He was also worshipped by the shepherds, the wise men and many others; and only God is to be worshipped).
In Hebrews 1 __ & __, the Father calls the Son “God” and “Jehovah” (Lord).
8 & 10
In this passage Thomas calls Jesus “My Lord and my God”.
John 20:28
In this passage Jesus is called the “true God”.
1 John 5:20
In this passage Jesus is called the Alpha & Omega and the Almighty.
Revelation 1:8
In this passage the Jews tried to stone Jesus for claiming to be the son of God, “making Himself equal with God”.
John 5: 18
In this passage Jesus claimed the name Jehovah, I AM, when He stated “Before Abraham was, I AM”.
John 8:58
He also claimed the name Jehovah in this verse when He said, “If ye believe not that I AM…ye shall die in your sins”. (Reference)
John 8:24
Reference for: “In the beginning was the Word…and the Word was God.” (speaking of Jesus of course)
John 1:1
This passage says that Jesus is “God…manifest in the flesh”
1 Timothy 3:16
This passage states that “in Him dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily”
Colossians 2:9
The promises of Jesus to be where 2 or 3 are gathered in His name and to indwell all believers prove His __________ and His ____________.
Omnipresence, Deity
The only charge for which Jesus was crucified was claiming to be _________.
Jesus must be God, because He does these four things:
forgives, judges, saves, creates
This name for Jesus means “God with us”
The True View of Christ’s death
The Substitutional View
It was Christ who had to die for our sins because only He could be these three things.
No plant or animal could die for man’s sins, only a _______.
A guilty man could only die for his own sins, that is why an __________ man had to die for our sins.
No judge would accept one man as a substitute for all other condemned men, that is why an ___________ man had to die for our sins.
Only God could become an innocent and infinite man, this is why the death of Christ was and is the ________ way of salvation.
Christ fulfilled this many prophesies
This is the number one proof of the Resurrection of Christ.
The Empty Tomb
Proofs of the Resurrection: the tremendous __________ in the lives of the disciples.
Proofs of the Resurrection: The __________ from both the Romans and Pharisees in the face of the resurrection claims.
Proofs of the Resurrection: The Mass Conversions of Jews in _______________. (based on preaching of the resurrection, 50,000 out of 100,000 population converted)
Proofs of the Resurrection: The fact that the Jews and Romans admitted the tomb was __________.
Proofs of the Resurrection: The fact that the Jews and the Romans never brought out the ________ to expose the falseness of resurrection claims.
Proofs of the Resurrection: The multitude of skeptics who have attempted to refute the resurrection by a study of the evidence have become __________ as a result.
Examples of skeptics who became Christians studying the resurrection: Simon ________, Royal Professor of Law at Harvard University; Lew Wallace, whose famous book _________ was written to prove the reality of the resurrection of Christ.
Greenleaf, Ben Hur
The Old Testament Sabbath (meaning 7th) was on Saturday, the last day of the week, to commemorate the finished work of ___________.
The OT Sabbath was merely a ________ or symbol of what Christ would come and do, just as was the sacrificial system.
A secondary picture of the Saturday Sabbath was that of a future _________ day of worship
The Saturday Sabbath was primarily a day of ______, with no regular religious services commanded under the law.
The Sunday Lord’s Day is primarily a day of _________, with rest as only its secondary meaning.
___________ is NOT actually the Christian “Sabbath” but rather a day of worship.
Giving the Lord the ________ day of the week symbolizes that we are giving the Lord both our best day and that every other day belongs to Him.
The command to keep the Sabbath is never ___________ in the New Testament.
The Sabbath was given exclusively to the ________ as a sign of God’s covenant relationship with them and was never given to the ____________.
Jews, Gentiles
The Sabbath was part of the OT _______ and we are no longer under this.
There are many clear NT passages that state that we are not to keep the ________ Sabbath today.
False Sabbatarian Views: ________ and ______ kept the Sabbath and so should we.
Jesus and Paul
Though Sunday is not the Sabbath, it is “____ _______ ______” and belongs entirely to Him.
The Lord’s Day
The most common Greek word for sin.
The Bible word for sin, Hamartema, means “to miss a _______”
The Bible word for sin, Parabasis, means, “to overstep a __________ ________”
forbidden line
Sin is far more than the absence of __________, sin is an active force.
Sin is far more than making a ______________. It is more than failure, weakness.
The two acts that brought sin into the universe and the world.
The revolt of Satan and the fall of man
The core of each of the acts that brought sin into the world was assuming ___________ from God.
Reference for, “For all have sinned and come short of the Glory of God.”
Romans 3:23
Reference for, “Wherefore as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned.”
Romans 5:12
Sin (though often used interchangeably) is distinct from ________.
How God sees sin: A __________ sin was sufficient to cast 1/3 of the angels of God from heaven, transform absolute holiness into absolute depravity and decadence, and be ultimately responsible for all the evil now in the universe.
The Effect of sin on mankind: The Curse of ________ and ________ separation/death.
Spiritual and Physical
The Effect of sin on Nature: Paradise became a ___________, Disasters, disease, decay, and death now invaded this perfect earth.
View of how the sin nature of Adam was passed on to Man: This view says that Adam’s sin was just a bad example and babies are born in innocence.
View of how the sin nature of Adam was passed on to Man: This view says that mankind is effected by Adam’s sin with a weakened will to remain sinless.
View of how the sin nature of Adam was passed on to Man: This view says that Adam’s sin nature passed on to all mankind - the scriptural view.
We are not sinners because we sin, we sin because we are ___________.
We are guilty of sin because of our _________ sin, our ________ sin nature, and our __________ in sin actions and thoughts.
imputed, inherited, involvement
There is no such thing as a __________ sin. All sins are rebellion against a holy God and acts of wicked disobedience.
Scripture makes it absolutely clear that __________ of sin is no excuse.
The type of sin when we know what is right and wrong and willfully choose to sin in direct disobedience to God, presuming upon God’s grace to forgive us are sins of _____________.
Sins of presumption are considered so serious by God that under OT law there was no provision for sacrifice and ___________ was sure.
The sin of final rejection of the work of the Holy Spirit in manifesting Jesus as the Savior and Lord is the ____________ sin.
The sin that occurs when a believer becomes so carnal that God takes him home early to protect the testimony of Christ is the sin unto __________, and results in the loss of physical, not spiritual, life.
The sin of not doing what should be done is the sin of __________.
The sin of doing what should not be done is the sin of _________.
The sins of doing what you are not certain is right before God are the sins of ___________.
The sins of doing that which, although it may or may not be wrong in and of itself, causes a brother to stumble into sin or causes the lost to reject Christ are the sins of __________.
The three steps in the course of sin: 1. ____________, 2. ___________, 3. The __________ home of the believer.
Conviction, Chastening, Calling
God allowed sin because he created both men and angels with a _________ _______.
Free Will
God allowed man to sin so that he might display his __________.
Old Testament Step 1 (206)
The Beginning - The Need for a Savior (Genesis 1-11)
Old Testament Step 2 (206)
The Hebrew Fathers - The Family of the Savior (Genesis 12-50 and Job)
Old Testament Step 3 (206)
The Exodus - Freedom from Egypt
Old Testament Step 4 (206)
The Promised Land
Old Testament Step 5 (206)
The Judges
Old Testament Step 6 (206)
The Kingdom
Old Testament Step 7 (206)
The Exile
Old Testament Step 8 (206)
The Restoration
Books that cover EXODUS Step (206)
Exodus Leviticus Numbers Deuteronomy
Time frame of the Exodus♦1. Spans approximately _______ years♦2. Beginning at __________________ (the death of Joseph) until __________________♦3. Liberals consistently attack the early date of the Exodus placing it in the __________________ (around 1290 BC) at the time __________________ was Pharaoh. ♦4. For Exodus from Egypt, scripture demands the early __________________ date and archaeological evidence for this date is quite strong. (206)
400; 1805 BC; 1405 BC; 13th Century; Rameses II; 1445 BC
Exodus tells of two different things; what are they? And Exodus pictures what? (207)
10 plagues and 10 commandments; Our Salvation
The heart of Exodus actually covers a period of how many years of the life of Moses (207)
80 years
Leviticus tells of the continuation of the giving of the Law at Mt Sinai particularly the ___________________________ __________ , the __________, and the sacrifices of Israel? (207)
priestly law; feasts
Leviticus covers how much time? (207)
exactly 1 month
Leviticus pictures: our challenge to totally surrender to what? (207)
Lordship of Christ
Numbers covers ALMOST how many years? (207)
At Kadesh-Barnea Israel refuses to enter the Promised Land after receiving evil report from how many spies? (207)
In Numbers these were condemned to die in the Wilderness who are they? (207)
the generation who refused to go into the Promised Land
At what location is the NEW generation of Israel numbered in Numbers? (207)
At Jordan on the plains of Moab
Numbers pictures what type of Christian life? (207)
The beginning of Numbers starts with the people being numbered where? (207)
Mt Sinai
Numbers tells two important stories what are they?
failure at Kadesh-Barnea (AND) 40 year Wilderness Wanderings
At the end of Deuteronomy Moses preaches the Law to whom? (208)
A new generation
Deuteronomy spans what period of time? (208)
about 1 month
Deuteronomy pictures God giving us a ________ _________for total surrender if we have been living the defeated Christian Life. (208)
second chance
Moses’ is the author of 5 books in the Bible all together they are called the what? (208)
In the book of _______________, Pharaoh’s order to ________________ Jewish male babies, the saving of infant Moses, God in burning __________, 10 plagues, the Exodus from Egypt, Fiery Pillar of God, crossing the Red Sea, sin of Golden calf, the giving of 10 ___________________________ and Law of God and the building of Tabernacle are the main content. (208)
Exodus; murder; bush; Commandments
Exodus theme is what? (208)
Redemption of Israel
In the _____________________ of Israel: _______________________ bondage was to get Israel out of Egypt? (208)
Redemption; External
In the _____________________ of Israel: _______________________ bondage was to get ______________ out of Israel (208)
Redemption; Internal; Egypt
Deliverance is always followed by: (208)
Egypt represents what in scripture? (208)
The world
Bondage in Egypt represents OUR bondage in what? (208)
The Purpose of the Law in Exodus chapters 19-40 (208)
To purge the influence of Egypt from God’s People
Who were the recipients of the book of Exodus? (209)
Children of Israel in the Wilderness
Importance and Distinctives: Exodus is what 3 things to Israel ____ __ ______, __________ ___ __________, and _____________ all in one book. (210)
Bill of Rights; Declaration of Independence; Constitution
Importance and Distinctives: of Exodus are: the sacred _______________ started, both Passover and the Sabbath are observed for the first time , and the heavenly __________ makes its initial appearance. (210)
Calendar; manna
Importance and Distinctives: The most important building, _____ __________________, is constructed in Exodus (210)
the Tabernacle
Importance and Distinctives: Exodus is the Central Event around which all of the _____ ______________________ revolves, just as the Cross is for the New Testament. (210)
Old Testament
Importance and Distinctives: With the possible exception of the book of Revelation, Exodus has more ____________ than any other book. (210)
Date of the Exodus
April 15, 1445 BC
Number of Men in “The Exodus” (211)
Total number of people in “The Exodus” (211)
2.5 million
Who was Moses’ Brother? (study sheet;217,218)
NEW Pharaoh who arose “over Egypt, which knew not Joseph” (212)
Amenhotep 1st
Who ordered the leaders of the Hebrew midwives to kill all Jewish male babies. (212)
Thutmose 1st
Moses’ sister name was? (213)
Pharaoh’s daughter who discovers Moses (213)
Hatshepsut (probably)
Who was Priest of Midian, Moses’ father-in-law (214)
Jethro or Reuel
Who was Moses’ wife, Jethro’s daughter (214)
Moses Sons were named (214)
Gershom & Eliezar
Who was (OLD) Pharaoh at the time of “the Exodus” (214)
Amenhotep 2nd
The author of the first five books of the Bible is declared to be Moses by internal evidence, other Old Testament books, Jewish and Christian tradition and _________________ ________________ Himself (208)
Jesus Christ
The account of Moses’ death was probably added by who? (208)
Date and Chronology of Deuteronomy (313)
1405 BC Covers 1 month after the 40 years wanderings, just before the entrance to the Promised Land
Who spoke from Mt Sinai in Exodus? (207)
In the years AFTER 1445 BC Moses completed what?
compiling Exodus
All of the Authorship of Deuteronomy are? (312)
Moses, Joshua
1st Commandment (243)
Thou shalt have no other gods before Me
2nd Commandment (244)
Thou shalt not make unto thee any GRAVEN IMAGE
3rd Commandment (244)
Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD THY GOD in vain
4th Commandment
Which is the ONLY commandment not repeated in the New Testament (245)
4th Commandment
5th Commandment (245)
Honor thy Father and Mother
6th Commandment (245)
Thou shalt not kill
7th Commandment (245)
Thou shalt not commit adultery
8th Commandment (246)
Thou shalt not steal
9th Commandment (246)
THOU SHALT not lie
10th Commandment (246)
Thou shalt not covet
Where are the 10 Commandments found? (243-246)
Exodus 20, and Deuteronomy 5
Where daily burnt offerings were made? (study sheet)
Brazen Altar
What is used for priestly daily cleansing? (study sheet)
Brazen Laver (SINK)
In the Tabernacle on what are 12 loaves of bread found? (study sheet)
Table of Shewbread
In the Tabernacle 7 oil lamps which continuously burned were located on the _________________ ________________. (study sheet)
Golden Lampstand
In the Tabernacle where is continuously rising incense found? (study sheet)
Altar of Incense
What is the Chest where once annually, blood was sprinkled on its lid (the Mercy Seat) to atone for Israel’s sin called? (study sheet)
Ark of the Covenant
Brazen Laver pictures what? (study sheet)
daily confession & Bible Study
Table of Shewbread pictures what? (study sheet)
Christ as the Bread of Life
Altar of Incense pictures what? (study sheet)
Brazen Altar pictures what? (study sheet)
the Cross
Ark of the Covenant pictures what? (study sheet)
Christ’s ascent to heaven
Golden Lampstand pictures what? (study sheet)
Christ as the Light and the Spirit as the oil
Leviticus main content deals with the worship and walk of Israel, describing the________________ ________________ and their duties, the SACRIFICIES, the shedding of BLOOD as atonement for sin, and all the laws for ________________ and ________________ and ________________ (268)
Levitical Priesthood; worship; cleanness; uncleanness
Theme of Leviticus (268)
Sanctification of Israel
Who was the author of Leviticus (268)
Leviticus is 1 year after the 1st Passover and exodus and spans _____________ ____ _______________ (how long?). (268)
exactly 1 month
Leviticus is a continuation of (what book?) ______ and is continued in (what book?) ________ (268)
Exodus; Numbers
The background of Leviticus is: the commandments of God for the ________________ , for the operations of the __________, for the restoration of the broken fellowship and for maintaining holy fellowship with God (269)
Importance and Distinctives of Leviticus: No other book claims divine inspiration as often as Leviticus…over ___ times. (269)
In Exodus, God speaks from ______________________ but God speaks from ______________________ in Leviticus? (269)
Sinai; Sanctuary
Names of the 7 feasts (280-282)
Passover, Unleavened Bread, First Fruits, Weeks or Pentecost, Trumpets, Day of Atonement, Tabernacles
This Feast was ______________________ and its New Testament type: speaks of Calvary as Christ was taken by the Jews on this very day (280)
This Feast was ______________________ and its Old Testament type commemorated the _________________ and the sparing of the Israelite _________________ on the night of the slaying of the Egyptian _________________ (280)
Passover; Exodus; firstborn; firstborn
This Feast was ___________ ___________ and its New Testament type speaks of the holy walk of the believer and of Christ as the Bread of Life (280)
Unleavened Bread
This Feast was ______________________ and its Old Testament type: speaks of the hasty exodus from Egypt the morning after Passover (280)
Unleavened Bread
This Feast’s New Testament type: the Resurrection of Christ (280)
First Fruits
This Feast’s Old Testament purpose: commemorated the crossing of the Red Sea historically and the beginning of the Barley Harvest annually (280)
First Fruits
This Feast was ____________ or ______________ and its New Testament type: Coming of the SPIRIT, which occurred on this day (281)
Weeks or Pentecost
This Feast was ____________ or ______________ and according to tradition, its Old Testament type ties it to the day Moses RECEIVED the Law on Mt Sinai (281)
Weeks or Pentecost
This Feast was ____________________ and its New Testament type represents the Rapture and 2nd coming (281)
This Feast was ____________________ and its Old Testament Purpose was memorial ____________________ were blown on the 1st day of the 7th month; reminding Israel of the ____________________ blown 7 times to command travel in the Wilderness Wanderings and as a reminder of the approaching Feast (281)
Trumpets; trumpets; trumpets
This Feast was ____________ of ______________ and its New Testament type represents the Tribulation (281)
Day of Atonement
This Feast was ____________ of ______________ and its Old Testament Purpose National ______________ (which means reconciliation or agreement) (281)
Day of Atonement; Atonement
This Feast was ____________ of ______________ and its order of service was that the __________________ would sprinkle the blood of the slaughtered bull and goat 7 times upon the Mercy Seat in the ____________ of ______________ (281)
Day of Atonement; high priest; Holy of Holies
This Feast was ____________________ and its New Testament type represents The Millennium (282)
This Feast was ____________________ and its Old Testament Purpose commemorated the wilderness ________________________ and God’s provision of supernatural ____________ and _____________ (282)
Tabernacles; wanderings; water and light
This Feast was ____________________ and its practice was a national “cook out” (pot luck style where the poor could all join) and a national “camp out” in temporary booths. Special ceremonies concerning water and light were also held (282)
What 3 Feasts required mandatory attendance for all adult Jewish males? (study sheet)
Passover, Weeks/Pentecost, Tabernacles
God must be approached by a ______________________ people, so there were Commands of ___________________ concerning Food (274)
cleansed; purity
Only animals with _________ __________ and which chewed the cud were to be eaten.
cloven hooves
Only fish with _________ and __________ were to be eaten.
scales and fins
The book of Numbers is the story of the _________ ___________________ of Israel. (286)
Lost Generation
Numbers is the sad story of an entire generation who died during the 40 years of ___________________ ___________________
Wilderness Wanderings
Numbers begins with Israel still at Mt Sinai, where they have received the Law and constructed the _________. (286)
The beginning of Numbers starts with the people being _______________ at _______ _______________ (286)
numbered; Mt Sinai
Numbers continues with the people being organized and instructed (Numb 2-9). They then travel to _________ - __________, but refuse to obey God and enter the _________ __________. (Num 10-14) (286)
Kadesh-Barnea; Promised Land
In Numbers, after Israel refuses to obey God, the entire generation is condemned to _____ in the Wilderness (286)
In Numbers, the new generation travels to Jordan River on the edge of the Promised Land, where they are organized, instructed and ________________________ (Numbers 26-36) (286)
In Exodus, the Divine Command is: (286)
Get Out!!
In Leviticus, the Divine Command is: (286)
Get Right!!
In Numbers Divine Command is: (286)
Get Going!!
But the lost generation said ________ to God’s Divine Command (which was “Go”). (286)
In Numbers God still shows His _______ and _______.
grace and love
It is estimated that it would have taken at least _____ railway boxcars of food per day and over ___ million gallons of water per day to provide food and drink for the multitudes in the Wilderness over the 40 years. (286)
50; 12
Who was author of Numbers? (287)
What were the dates that the book of Numbers portrayed? (287)
1444 BC to 1405 BC
When does Numbers begin, after the Exodus from Egypt? (287)
1 year and 1 month
Numbers is said to cover 40 years, but it actually covers? (287)
38 years 1 month
The English title of Numbers comes from two numberings of the people in chapter 1 and 26, what were the locations for these numberings?
Mt Sinai and the Jordan on the plains of Moab
Numbers title: Jewish writings usually entitle this book “___ ___ _____________”, from the 5th word of Numbers 1:1. This title accurately describes the book as it describes the almost 40 years of wandering ___ ___ _____________. (288)
In the Wilderness; “in the wilderness”
In Numbers there were 2 ___________ that gave this book it’s name. One occurred at _________ __________ and the other at The _____________. They represented the ___________ generation that came out of Egypt and died in the wilderness, and the new generation that grew up in the wilderness and eventually ________________ Canaan. (288)
numberings; Mt Sinai; Jordan; former; conquered
Who was a greedy prophet hired by the king of Moab to curse Israel, who blessed them instead? (study sheet)
Who was the harlot who hid the spies at Jericho?(study sheet)
Who took the accursed thing at Jericho, bringing Israel’s defeat at Ai? (study sheet)
Achan (A-Can)