Bible_Study_6 Flashcards
Benefits of Outpouring
Empowerment for understanding scripture.
The act of God, whereby He “sets the Holy Spirit as a Seal upon each believer for the purpose of keeping him until the completion of his salvation.”
Timing of Sealing
We are sealed at the moment of salvation.
Benefits of Sealing
•Sin grieves the Spirit because we are sealed. Sin does not and cannot break this seal.♦•Scripturally, this Security is used as an exhortation not to sin, not as an excuse for sin, as detractors wrongfully claim.♦•The message of God’s Word is clear: Because you are permanently sealed with and joined to God’s Holy Spirit, you are therefore to abstain from sin which will grieve the Spirit and defile His Temple.♦•An earnest is a deposit or down payment pledging eventual complete, full, and final payment to come.♦•The Holy Spirit is the “first-fruits” of all of our heavenly possessions assuring and guaranteeing us of our future possession of all the blessings of Heaven and our salvation.♦•It should be noted that the One (God the Father) giving the Earnest (the Holy Spirit) not the one receiving the Earnest (the believing sinner), is totally responsible for completing the transaction♦•The Holy Spirit is thus God’s solemn word guaranteeing the eternal security of the believer!
The conscious, constant, and complete surrender to God’s will and dependence upon the Spirit’s power to live the Christian life - for the purpose of producing the fruit of souls, the fruits of empowered ministry, the fruit of victory over temptation, and the fruit of the Spirit.
Timing of Filling
Occurs throughout the life of the believer.
Nature of Filling
♦This is the only ministry of the Spirit which we are commanded to seek. This verb tense of this verse literally means to “Be ye continually being kept filled with the Spirit.” ♦♦This is the only ministry of these major ministries of the Spirit to the believer which is repeatable. A comparison of passages in Acts reveals the same persons are repeatedly filled with the Spirit.♦♦This is the only ministry of the Spirit which can be lost and should thus be repeatedly sought.
Conditions of the Fullness of the Spirit
•Total surrender to His Will.♦•Total Dependence on His power involves:•Recognition of the weakness and inability of our flesh to please God.•Seeking or thirsting. This may involve asking.•Believing - We are filled by the Spirit just as we are saved by the Son. By admitting we can do nothing to save ourselves/serve the Lord and trusting entirely in Christ/the Spirit to Save/Empower us.•Having the right motive for seeking His Filling - to Proclaim Christ - the fruit of Souls.
The word “Witness” is found times in _____ Acts; however Acts only references believers speaking in tongues _____ times.
33; 3
The often made statement that “every time they were filled with the Spirit in Acts, they spoke in tongues.” Is simply not true.
However, every time that they were filled with the spirit in Acts, they did witness.
Nature of the Gifts
♦Scripture is clear that all believers have been given 1 or more spiritual gifts, but no one has been given all the spiritual gifts.♦♦All the spiritual gifts are given for the purpose of bringing praise and glory to God by building up the Body of Christ.
Scripture is clear that all believers have been given 1 or more spiritual gifts,
but no one has been given all the spiritual gifts.
All the spiritual gifts are given for the purpose of
bringing praise and glory to God by building up the Body of Christ.
Revelatory gifts were given to
convey new revelation and divine information in order to complete the New Testament.
Sign gifts were given to be
miraculous sign gifts to confirm the Revelatory Gifts and reveal the identity and authority of the Apostles and leaders of the Early Church as the true spokesmen to God and the inspired authors of Scripture.
Service gifts were given for
the purpose of edifying churches for the entire Church Age.
We may fail to put our gift into Ministry and therefore
cause our entire church to suffer.
We may envy the gifts God gave to others and
not realize the vital role that God has given us.
We may feel that our gift is the most or lease important
and feel pride or inferiority.
We may fail to use our gift in love to edify others and
instead wrongly use them to edify or exalt ourselves.
We may all seek
a single more prominent or showy gift.
Some may try to serve only in the area of our gift.
Not all have the gift of faith, but all are to believe. Not all have the gift of giving, but all are to give. Not all have the gift of service, but all are to serve. Not all have the gifts of evangelism, but all are to witness.
Two Views of Tongues
•The Heavenly Prayer Language♦•The Unlearned Languages
The Heavenly Prayer Language View of Tongues
This view sees tongues as ecstatic, angelic, heavenly utterances (above mere human speech).
The Unlearned Languages View of Tongues
This view teaches that all of the accounts of Bible tongues were the supernatural enablement to suddenly be able to speak of the message of God in a human language of which the speaker had no prior knowledge.
Arguments for the Unlearned Languages View
♦Pentecost Tongues were obviously human languages and this truth is beyond debate.♦♦Scripture never redefines/clarifies any distinction between tongues at Pentecost and later tongues.♦♦The Bible uses the exact same wording to describe the tongues in Acts and in 1 Corinthians 12-14, the only instances of tongue speaking in the New Testament.♦♦Peter said the later tongue speaking at Caesarea was identical to Pentecost.♦♦Ecstatic utterances would not be a miraculous sign to unbelievers, especially in Corinth where ecstatic utterances were common among the Pagan Mystery Religions.♦♦1 Corinthians 14:21 quotes Isaiah 28:11-12 as prophesying and explaining the sign of tongues. That Isaiah definitely refers to human languages is beyond debate.♦♦Jesus warned against non-thought out prayer or tongue-babbling in prayer.
Purpose of Tongues
♦Tongues were NOT for CHURCH Edification.♦♦Tongues were NOT for PERSONAL Edification.♦♦Tongues must be spoken in love and love “seeketh not her own”.♦♦Tongues that are spoken to edify self are just noise. ♦♦Not one verse in Scripture requires tongues for Salvation! The often used argument that “everyone got saved in Acts spoke in tongues” is simply not true. Some of those saved in Acts spoke in tongues while others did not.♦♦Even in Acts 2, only the 120 spoke in tongues - none of the 3,000 converts did.♦♦Tongues were never for all believers.♦♦It is a historical fact that tongues ceased from the days of the first century until the beginning of the 20th century (2000 years), when a modern Pentecostalism began.♦♦Tongues were not to prove Spirit Baptism or the Fullness of the Spirit.♦♦Tongues were a sign to unbelievers. 1 Cor 14:22 is the only passage in Scripture which states the purpose of Tongues. ♦♦The primary purpose of tongues was therefore to be a sign of (what) Judgment upon (Who) unbelieving Israel, which judgment took place in (when) AD 70.
Tongues were NOT for
CHURCH or PERSONAL Edification.
Tongues must be spoken
in love and love “seeketh not her own”.
Tongues that are spoken to edify self
are just noise.
Not one verse in Scripture requires tongues for Salvation!
The often used argument that “everyone got saved in Acts spoke in tongues” is simply not true. Some of those saved in Acts spoke in tongues while others did not.
Even in Acts 2, only the ______ spoke in tongues - none of the _____________ converts did.
120 ; 3,000
Tongues were never for
all believers.
It is a historical fact that tongues ceased from the days of the first century
until the beginning of the 20th century (2000 years), when a modern Pentecostalism began.
Tongues were not to prove
Spirit Baptism or the Fullness of the Spirit.
Tongues were a
sign to unbelievers. 1 Cor 14:22 is the only passage in Scripture which states the purpose of Tongues.
The primary purpose of tongues was therefore
to be a sign of (what) Judgment upon (Who) unbelieving Israel, which judgment took place in (when) AD 70.
Tongues are only to be used
to edify others, not self.
No more than ____________________________________ are to speak in tongues in a service.
2 or at the most 3
No _____ people are to speak in tongues or prophecy at the same time.
No one is to speak in tongues
without an interpreter. Five words spoken in an understood language are better than 10,000 words spoken in tongues when no one understands and therefore no one is edified.
All gifts are to be judged,
not accepted without discernment and examination.
All gifts are to be kept
under control. This is an astounding statement in light of the fact that the highest goal in Pentecostal and Charismatic services seems to be to LOSE control.
Cases where there is total loss of control when utilizing the gift of tongues are boasted to be the greatest manifestations of the Spirit.
However, the Bible states exactly the opposite as it declares that “the fruit of the spirit is …temperance” which means self-control.
Gifts are not to cause ________________
____________ are not to speak in the church (in tongues or prophecy).
Those claiming to be spiritual must
test their gifts by Scripture & submit themselves to these limits.
All services are to be
orderly not in frenzied imitations of the Mystery Religions.
1 Corinthians 13:8 states that
tongues…shall cease.
Tongues ceased because they were one of the
sign gifts and the purpose of the sign gifts ended with the completion of Scripture.
Tongues ceased because they were a Revelatory Gift
and the purpose of Revelatory Gifts ended with the completion of the revelation of Scripture.
Tongues ceased because they were a sign of
Judgment upon unbelieving Israel. This judgment was completed in AD70 (when Jerusalem was destroyed and Israel was scattered) and therefore, so was the purpose of tongues.
No verse in the New Testament ever commands believers
to seek tongues as a sign of salvation, a responsibility, sign of spirituality, or a spiritual exercise.
Evidence that the cessation of tongues and the other sign and revelatory gifts
took place in the First Century is the simple Historical fact that they did cease at that time.
Theistic Evolution teaches that God created man
by process of millions of years of suffering, agony, and death.
Theistic Evolution denies that death and suffering were the penalty of man’s sin and teaches instead
that they were created by God and were the tools he used to create man.
Theistic Evolution assaults God’s character by making him
the author of evil.
Theistic Evolution destroys the entire basis of salvation through the death of Christ.
If Death came before sin, then it cannot be the wages of sin. If death is not the penalty of sin, then the death of Christ did not pay the penalty of our sins.
Sacred Value of Life
Because he is created directly by God, because God directly breathed the life into man, and because he is made in the image of God, man has infinite worth and sacred value from conception to death, regardless of his age, health, intelligence, or ability to contribute to society.
God is
all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-present, and all-sufficient.
God has no need which man was created to meet.
God was not lonely or in need of companionship, love, praise, or worship.
The Purpose of Our Creation
•We were created to fellowship with God.♦•We were created to know God.♦•We were created to experience the Person of God.♦•We were created to experience the Love of God.♦•We were created to glorify God.
Pelagianism View of our Fallen Nature
There was no sinful nature which was passed on from Adam. God only olds individuals responsible for their own sin. Adam set a terrible precedent and left a poor example, but that’s all.
Arminianism View of our Fallen Nature
Man’s holy nature has been weakened, but not removed and man is therefore still capable of living without sin. This view of man’s nature always leads to theologies that include good works as part of obtaining or keeping salvation.
Augustinian View of our Fallen Nature
All men are born with a depraved sin nature and are therefore lost sinners from conception, incapable of true righteousness. (Biblical View)
All men inherit the ______________________________________♦ and are thus born as sinners. I sin because I am a sinner. I do not become a sinner because I sin!
Adamic Sin Nature
Man is guilty for three reasons. Because of:
•Imputed Sin♦•Inherited Sin ♦•Involvement in Sin
Imputed Sin
Because of the unity of the human race, the guilt of Adam was passed on to all of his descendants.
Inherited Sin
Because we are the physical and soulical offspring of Adam, we inherit his physical nature and his sin nature.
Involvement in Sin
Each of us has willingly chosen to commit and practice sin.
Depravity does not mean that lost man is incapable of
love, noble acts, good deeds, unselfishness, reverence for God, compassion, decency, morality, heroism, self-sacrifice for the good of others, or of responding to God’s love and grace.
Depravity does mean that all of these good acts
are utterly corrupted by man’s inner nature and therefore earn no favor before God.
Depravity does not mean that men are as bad (sinful) as they can be,
but rather that they are as bad off (guilty) as they can be.
Depravity does not mean that men live lives of utter wickedness,
but it does mean they have a nature of utter wickedness and were it not for restraints on our nature, we would all live lives of utter wickedness. The best of us has the capacity to be just like the worst of us.
The Two Judgments
•The Judgment of the LOST at the Great White Throne Judgment♦•The Judgment of the SAVED at the Judgment Seat of Christ
The Judgment of the LOST at the Great White Throne Judgment
All who are judged at this throne are lost and are, in fact, raised up from Hell to be judged both to officially pronounce their guilt and their sentence, but also to determine the degree of their punishment in the eternal Lake of Fire. The worse the sin of the lost man, the hotter his place in Hell.
The Judgment of the SAVED at the Judgment Seat of Christ
All who are judged at this throne are saved and are judged for the purpose of receiving rewards for their pure hearted service for Christ after their salvation.
The purpose of the Judgment of the SAVED at the Judgment Seat of Christ is
•NOT to determine Salvation. Your eternal destiny in either Heaven or Hell is already decided before you leave this life.♦•NOT to punish sin.♦•to reward believers for their pure hearted, good works after their salvation.
The New Jerusalem
•The city is approximately 1,400 miles long, high and wide.♦•The city is some FIFTEEN times the combined surface of the entire earth, including both land and water area!
The Nature of Our Resurrected Bodies in This City
•These bodies will be like His glorious body.♦•They will consist of flesh and bone.♦•Christ ate in His glorified body.♦•These bodies will not be subjected to the laws of gravity and time.♦•They will be recognizable bodies.♦•They will be eternal bodies.♦•They will be (as we have already seen) bodies in which the spirit predominates.
Lightbearer/Shining One
1 Peter 5:8
Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:
James 4:7
Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
Acts 1:8
But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.
Galatians 5:16
This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh.
Galatians 5:22-23
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.
Ephesians 5:18
And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit
;Romans 8:9
But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his.
Subtitle of 1 Timothy
Conduct in the Church
Subtitle of 2 Timothy
Paul’s Final Commission
Subtitle of Titus
Setting the Church in Order
Subtitle of Hebrews
The Superiority of Christ and Christianity / A Call to Faithfulness
Subtitle of 1 Peter
Strength for Suffering
Subtitle of 2 Peter
A Challenge to Spiritual Growth
Author of 1 Timothy
Author of 2 Timothy
Author of Titus
Author of Hebrews
Not named. Written from Rome by someone who had been or was in prison and who was a close friend of Timothy. All fits with Paul.
Author of 1 Peter
Simon Peter
Author of 2 Peter
Simon Peter
Author of Jude
Jude - the half-brother of Jesus (brother of James - Author of James & Pastor of Jerusalem church).
Recipient of 1 Timothy
Recipient of Titus
Recipient of Hebrews
A Group of Jewish believers under persecution for their acceptance of the Christian faith and now tempted to turn back from Christianity to Judaism.
Recipient of 1 Peter
Peter writes to Jewish and Gentile Christians scattered thorough 5 Roman providences. Basically, Peter is addressing all of Northern Asia Minor. Paul had traveled and written primarily to Southern Asia Minor.
Key Chapter of Hebrews
Chapter 11: The great faith chapter of the Bible, containing the Great Hall of Faith
Classification of 1 Timothy
The First of Paul’s 3 Pastoral Epistles
Classification of 2 Timothy
One of Paul’s Pastoral Epistles.
Classification of Titus
One of Paul’s Pastoral Epistles.
When was 1 Timothy written?
Between Paul’s 1st and 2nd imprisonments
When was 1 Peter written?
Before Peter’s arrest
When was 2 Peter written?
After his arrest, just before his execution
Key word of 2 Timothy
Key word of 1 Peter
Suffering (used 16 times)
Key word of Hebrews
Better (used 13 times)
Key word of 1 Peter
Suffering (used 16 times)
Key word of Jude
Contend for the Faith
Purpose of Hebrews
To Prevent his readers from abandoning their faith in Christ.
Purpose of 1 Peter
To enable believers to have hope and joy in the midst of suffering by looking at the eternal perspective by trusting in the grace of God and by submission to His will during suffering.
Theme of 2 Timothy
Encouraging faithfulness in the Ministry
Theme of Titus
Titus’s Leadership in Organizing the church.
Theme of Hebrews
The Superiority of Christ, Christianity, and the New Covenant/Testament
Theme of 1 Peter
The Proper Response to Christian Suffering
Theme of 2 Peter
Spiritual Growth
Theme of Jude
Defense against Apostasy
Content of 1 Timothy
Contains extensive instruction on proper Church Conduct.
Content of 2 Timothy
Paul’s final commission. In this book, Paul “passes the baton” on to Timothy. He commissions him to faithfully endure, to carry on and pass on the work which a condemned Paul must now leave behind. In this book, Paul challenges Timothy to Endurance in and Reproduction of the Pastoral Ministry.
Content of Titus
A Conduct manual for church living
Content of Hebrews
God spoke in various ways to our fathers through the prophets, but now he has spoken His final word to us in His Son…greater than any prophet: he is greater even than the angels….It was through the angels that Moses’ law was communicated and its sanctions were severe enough: how much more perilous must it be to ignore the saving message brought by no angel, but by Jesus, the Son of God!
Content of 1 Peter
Persecution can either cause you to grow or grumble in the Christian life. It all depends on your response …Growth or bitterness…In writing to Jewish believers struggling in the midst of persecution, Peter encourages them to conduct themselves courageously for…Christ. Both their conduct and their character must be above reproach. Having been born again to a living hope, they are to imitate the Holy One Who has called them. The fruit of that character will be conduct rooted in submission…to government…to masters…to husbands…to one another. Only after submission is fully understood does Peter deal with the difficult area of suffering. The Christians are not to think it ‘strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened to you’ (4:12), but are to rejoice as partakers of the suffering of Christ. That response to life is truly the climax of one’s submission to God.
Content of 2 Peter
A challenge to stand against false teachers and teachings through personal spiritual growth. It is a call to battle spiritual error with spiritual truth.
Content of Jude
The battle cry, call to arms, a commission to defend the Faith!
A. The Nature of their Struggle: Many Jewish believers, having stepped out of Judaism into Christianity, want to reverse their course in order to escape persecution by their countrymen. The writer of Hebrews exhorts them to “go on to perfection”. His appeal is based on the superiority of Christ of the Judaic System. There is more to be gained in Christ than to be lost in Judaism.♦B. The Nature of their Persecution: The high priest Ananias was especially hard and unrelenting. He had all Christian Jews automatically banished from the holy places. That was tough. All their lives they had had access to these sacred places. Now they could have no part in the God-ordained services. They were now considered unclean. They could not go to the synagogue, much less the Temple: they could not offer sacrifices: they could not communicate with the priests. They could have nothing to do with their own people. They were cut off from their own society. For clinging to Jesus as the Messiah, they were banished from almost every sacred thing they had ever known. Though in God’s eyes they were the only true Jews, they were considered by fellow Jews to be worse than Gentiles.
Peter penned this Epistle in response to the news of the growing persecution of Christians in Asia Minor
A. When 1 Peter was written, the Church was facing danger from without, in the form of growing persecution. While that persecution had intensified by the time of 2 Peter, his readers now faced a far more dangerous enemy, one that attacked from within.♦B. “Peter wrote this epistle in response to the spread of heretical teachings which were all the more insidious because they emerged from within the churches. These false teachers perverted the doctrine of justification and promoted a rebellious and immoral way of life.”
Timothy’s personality
He was youthful, and apparently timid and reserved individual who often suffered from poor health
Jude was written as a defense against an early form of libertine Gnosticism. These heretics believed they were more spiritual than ordinary believers and that they possessed a special knowledge which made them superior to “unenlightened” pastors.
Importance of Hebrews
Hebrews has been called the 5th Gospel. The Gospels describe what He did on EARTH, Hebrews describes what He is doing in HEAVEN. Hebrews describes Christ’s continuing ministry after His Ascension as our High Priest.
Importance of Jude
Jude is the only book in all of God’s Word entirely devoted to the great apostatsy which is to come upon Christendom before the Lord Jesus Christ returns. This brief message of 25 verses is the vestibule to the Revelation…Without Jude , the prophetic picture which begins with the teachings of Christ in the Gospels and continues through the epistles would be incomplete…Jude brings the teachings of the entire Bible about apostasy to a tremendous climax. He takes us back to the very dawn of human history. We are reminded of apostasy at the gate of Eden…Our thoughts are turned to princes and prophets, to saints and sinners, to eternal fire and everlasting darkness, to the sea and to the stars, to past judgments and future glory.♦Jude tells us of otherwise unknown facts about the spiritual battle over the destiny of Moses’ body and the content of the pre-flood preaching of Enoch. He does so by referring to 2 non-canonical books.
Timothy means
Honored by God or “Honoring God”
Paul wrote 1 Timothy while Timothy
pastored at Ephesus.
1 Timothy 2:5 refutes
prayers to Mary or Saints and confession to priests by telling us that there is only “one Mediator between God and man…Jesus”.
1 Timothy 3:16 declares
the Deity of Christ: “God was manifest in the flesh.”
Titus was
a young pastor on the island of Crete when he received this Epistle.
Crete is located
southeast of Greece in the Mediterranean Sea.
The highest mountain on Crete,
Mt. Ida, was the traditional birthplace of the Greek god Zeus.
The island of Crete was
150 miles long and 35 miles wide, the largest of the Mediterranean isles. It had 100 cities, many mountains, and fertile valleys.
During Paul’s 1st imprisonment:
•He was a political prisoner awaiting trial♦•He lived in a hired house♦•He was visited by many believers
The Cretans were the relatives of
the Philistines. They had a notorious reputation of being “always liars, evil beasts, slow bellies” (Titus 1:12). This testimony came from one of their own poets and prophets. The origin of the church on Crete is unknown, but it may have been started by the same returning Cretans who were present at Pentecost.
Titus 2:13
declares Christ’s Diety, by calling Jesus “the great God and our Saviour” AND gives a hint of the hope of a Pre-Tribulational Rapture by calling the Rapture the “blessed hope”.
Titus 2:11
declares that ALL men are drawn to and have opportunity for salvation by declaring “For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men.
During Paul’s 2nd Roman Imprisonment
•He is a condemned criminal awaiting death.♦•He is in a cold dark dungeon.♦•He is forsaken by all.
After his first Roman Imprisonment,
Paul was released and continued his missionary efforts, perhaps even traveling to Spain.
Paul was rearrested, apparently in the city of Troas.
His arrest was probably sudden, explaining why Paul left without his cloak, parchments, or Old Testament Scrolls.
During Paul’s time of travel after his first Roman imprisonment,
a severe persecution of all Christians by Rome began.
Paul wrote 2 Timothy
hoping Timothy would visit him before the approaching winter.
The insane and cruel Emperor Nero used the Christians as a scapegoat to direct suspicion away from himself after half of Rome burned in July of 64AD. Persecution became severe.
Out of fear for their own lives, many believers failed to support Paul after his arrest. He was abandoned by almost everyone.
The Purpose of 2 Timothy is
to encourage Timothy to continue in, carry out, and pass on the work of the Gospel Ministry.
The Early Church was not unified on the
authorship of Hebrews and there has never been universal agreement concerning the human author of this book throughout Church History.
Alexandrian Tradition of the Authorship of Hebrews
Believed Paul wrote Hebrews
African Tradition of the Authorship of Hebrews
Believed Barnabas, the missionary companion of Paul wrote Hebrews.
Roman Tradition of the Authorship of Hebrews
Anonymous, Luke, Apollos, Silas, Clement of Rome, Peter, Philip, Pricilla, Titus
If Paul was not directly the Author of Hebrews,
the author was deeply and directly influenced by Paul, in much the same way that church history records that Peter was the primary source of the Gospel of Mark, although Mark was the actual Author.
Old Testament Rest:
The Sabbath is celebrating God’s finished work of Creation
New Testament Rest
To have rested or “ceased from his own works” in an attempt to earn or keep salvation”. When we place all of our trust in Christ as the only hope of our salvation, we “rest” in the finished work of Christ and from all attempts to work our way into heaven or to earn or deserve God’s favor.
5 Reasons the New Covenant is Superior to the Old
- The dramatic significance of this truth cannot be overstated@ the blessings of the New Covenant are entirely dependent upon God, not man.♦2. It gives the inner desire for righteousness, not just external restrictions.♦3. It gives a permanent relationship.♦4. It gives the knowledge of God.♦5. It gives the forgiveness of sin.
1 Peter has over ___ parallels with _____________.
100; Ephesians
Our response to suffering should be
Peter was also familiar with
Romans and Paul’s other epistles (2 Peter 3:15-16)
It is generally accepted that the Gospel of Mark reflects the teachings of Peter.
There are striking parallels between Mark, Peter’s sermons in Acts, and 1 & 2 Peter.
How to Endure Suffering
Recognize we are called to suffer.
3 Things We Must know during our suffering so that we may rejoice:
o Our Trials are all temporary.•Our blessings are all eternal•Trials purify our faith.
Suffering is no excuse for:
oSin♦oBitterness♦oEvil words♦oRetaliation
The Authority of Scripture
o Peter declares that the written Word is surer and of greater value than even his eyewitness account of the actual Transfiguration of Christ (which is definitely more certain than any modern claim of any experience, vision, or revelation).•Scripture, not experience is always to be the source of truth and inspiration for the believer.
Wives are to surrender to her husband’s leadership.
o She is to be obedient.•She is to win her lost husband with her life, not her lips.•She is to be pure.•She is to be beautiful within.
She is to win her lost husband with her life, not her lips.
The principal here is that those under authority, such as wives or children are to win their loved ones by having respect for their authority and with their pure testimony, not with sermons, naggings, condemnations, or even tactful sharing of the Word.♦ This does not mean that they should never share the gospel, but they should not ever (always) be sharing the gospel.
Husbands are to surrender to the wife’s needs.
o He is to live his life with her.•He is to learn about her needs.•He is to esteem his wife of the highest possible worth, and to treat her with dignity.•He is to honor and protect her as a more precious and fragile vessel - like a piece of fine china. •He is to recognize that her needs take priority over his own. •He is to be considerate of her more sensitive feelings.•He is to value her role s his completer.•He is to love her as a spiritual equal.♦oHe is to recognize that failure to treat her properly results in unanswered prayers.
Baptism is not necessary for the salvation of our souls.
o The Bible never contradicts itself.•The Bible elsewhere teaches baptism is not necessary for salvation.♦•The thief on the cross was saved without baptism long after some key “proof texts” of baptismal regenerationists (such as John 3:5) were spoken.•Converts in in Acts 10:43-48 were saved, filled with the Spirit an performing miracles (tongues) before their baptism. •The Bible often explains how to be saved without including baptism.•Notice in Acts 3:19 and 10:43, Peter himself, the author of the passage we are discussing, gives the plan of salvation and does not include baptism.•The proof texts of baptismal regenerationists don’t hold water. Just one example of this is Mark 16:16, which says “he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved”, but then clearly explains which part is necessary to salvation by saying, “but he that believeth shall not be damned.”
The Bible elsewhere teaches baptism is not necessary for salvation.
Salvation is by grace through faith apart from anything or any works. Baptism is by contrast a work.♦ 1 Corinthians 1:17 separates between the gospel and baptism.
Baptism DOES save us from:
o In the Bible, as in everyday language, the word “save” can refer to the salvation of a soul, a life, or a thing. Which of these is in view can only be understood from the context.•How was Noh saved by water? Water here represented death and judgment. Noah and his family were only saved because they were in the Ark. The water without the ark meant certain death•This is the “like figure” (antitype) of how baptism “saves”. The Water of baptism pictures death and the judgment of sin on the cross, but only those in the Ark (picturing Christ) are saved.
In the phrase “Baptism doth…save us.” Peter does NOT mean:
Baptism wash es away sin. It is not a cleansing agent. “Not the putting away of the filth of the flesh” means more than that “baptism is not a bath”. Baptism does not cleanse us from sin.
In the phrase “Baptism doth…save us.” Peter DOES mean:
Baptism is the public profession or pledge (“answer”) that one has “a good conscience toward God”, a testimony of our salvation.♦ “Answer” is a legal term referring to a pledge to obey and fulfill the terms of a contract.♦ Baptism is a public pledge to obey God and serve Him, and to break with their sinful past. Thus baptism is a pledge that a person is saved and will live accordingly.♦ It thus “saves” us from the temptation (which Peter’s readers were facing) to return to their sinful past in the face of suffering.♦ Baptism “saves” from a bad conscience, not from Hell. No believer has a good conscience with God while he is in the disobedient state of refusing baptism.
The Word of God testified by eye witnesses:
Skeptics and liberals often claim that the miracle claims and teachings of Christianity were made up by the followers of Christ over a period of centuries after his Death. By contrast, Peter makes it clear that the entire message of the Gospel is based upon first-hand accounts and the eyewitness testimony of those who walked with Christ and saw His Glory.
In 1 Peter, Peter warned that Suffering is coming
In 2 Peter, he declared suffering is here.
The Understanding of the Scripture
o No passage of Scripture is of the writer’s own private interpretation or opinion - it is GOD’S word.•No passage of Scripture is to be of the reader’s own private interpretation or opinion. It is what GOD meant, not what YOU understand or feel it to mean that is important. We are to study Scripture in order to discover what God intended to convey, not to project our feelings, opinions, or experiences into or onto it, ignoring the original intent and context.
The Inspiration of Scripture
o No portion of God’s Word was ever written simply by the writer’s own will or to convey his own thoughts or opinions.•Instead of “holy men of God”, the authors of Scripture were moved, carried along, and guided by the Holy Spirit concerning exactly what to write. God’s hand moved their hearts, their minds, and their pens. Every word of the Bible is the perfect Word of God!
In 2 Peter, Peter warned that false teachers are coming.
Jude later declared, false teachers are here.
2 Timothy and 2 Peter were both written to
defend against false teachers.
2 Timothy and 2 Peter
were the final books penned by these leading Apostles.
Jude is very similar to 2 Peter.
19 of the 25 verses in Jude find parallels in 2 Peter.
Peter said, the Apostates are Coming,
Jude said, the Apostates are HERE!
MEMORIZE: 2 Timothy 3:16-17
All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.
MEMORIZE: 1 Peter 1:2
Elect according to the foreknowledge of God : This is evidence of the role of God’s foreknowledge in election.
MEMORIZE: 1 Peter 1:5
Who are kept by the power of God. This is evidence of eternal security.
God Breathed
Titus 3:5
Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost
A military term meaning “to be garrisoned or guarded about” and was used in 1 Peter 1:5 because of soldiers being placed around the city of Damascus to keep Paul in when he wanted to escape.
2 Timothy 2:15
Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
Hebrews 9:27
And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:
Hebrews 10:25
Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.
Hebrews 11:1
Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
Hebrews 12
This chapter tells of God chastening all his true children.
1 Peter 2:21
For even hereunto were ye called: because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow his steps:
1 Peter 3:15
But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear:
1 Peter 3:18
For Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the Spirit:
1 Peter 1:20-21
Who verily was foreordained before the foundation of the world, but was manifest in these last times for you, Who by him do believe in God, that raised him up from the dead, and gave him glory; that your faith and hope might be in God.
2 Peter 3:9
The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
Doctrine of Salvation
Why do all men need to be saved
1 Because of the Nature of God♦2. Because of the Responsibility of Man
What is the Nature of God
A. He is the Creator of Man.♦B. He is the Lawgiver of Man♦C. God is the Judge of Man
What is the Responsibility of Man
A. Man is Created in the Image of God to Know, Love, Obey, Fellowship with and Glorify God.♦B. Man is free. God created man as a free moral agent with the right of free will and choice.♦C. Man has chosen (sin).♦D. Man is a sinner.♦E. Man is separated from God.♦F. Man is condemned.
Why is salvation possible
I. Salvation is possible because God loves all men.♦II. Salvation is possible because God desires all men to be saved.
What is the Problem of Salvation
I. Man is hopelessly lost in sin and needs a savior♦II. God is righteous and must punish all sin.
Why is man hopelessly lost in sin and in need of a savior
A. Every man is a sinner by birth.♦B. Every man is a sinner by choice.♦C. No man can live up to the holy and perfect standard of God’s righteousness. God’s standard is perfection. Only one sin would be required to doom us to Eternity in Hell.♦D. Our entire nature is corrupt.♦E. Our corrupt nature corrupts any act of righteousness which we attempt, rendering even our righteousness as filthy rags. ♦F. Our hearts are desperately wicked and deceitful.♦G. To even think that you could be righteous enough to save yourself in itself is a sin of gross pride. The Pharisee in the parable of Christ went home condemned for this sin.♦H. To attempt to be rejected by saving any means other than Christ is to be guilty of rejecting Christ, as well as disobeying the Gospel of God, despising the cross of Christ, spurning the love of God, refusing the Holy Spirit’s call and conviction, trampling underfoot the very blood of Christ, and disbelieving the Word of god, which failure to believe renders us condemned already.
What are the 2 possible paths of salvation
Plan One: A home in Heaven for all eternity could be earned by good works of perfect and sinless righteousness.♦♦Plan Two: A home in Heaven for all eternity could be given freely without good works based upon God’s perfect and sinless righteousness.
Why can’t salvation be earned by good works of perfect and sinless righteousness (Man)
- This was God’s plan for the angels.♦2. This was NOT God’s plan for man. This would leave all men lost for all have sinned and fall short of God’s standard of perfect holiness.
What is God’s righteous and merciful plan of salvation
God will grant His own righteousness to sinful man:♦I. Apart from obedience to the Law or commandments of God.♦II. By faith.♦III. Apart from merit.♦IV. As a free gift.♦V. To the unworthy.♦VI. Through the payment of another.♦VII. Through His Son.♦VIII. Through the righteous satisfaction of justice.♦IX. Through the blood of Christ
False Counterfeits of Genuine Repentance
I. Repentance is more than moral reformation.♦II. Repentance is more than mere regret. It is more than being sorry that you got caught. Many lost men have had deep sorrow over the consequences of their sin.♦III. Repentance is more than penance. This is the attempt to do enough good deeds to make up for your bad deeds. It is the futile gesture of trying to cancel out the guilt of your sins by trying to do enough good so as to tip the scales of judgement in your favor.♦IV. Repentance is not the mere presence of weeping emotion, or tears.
Salvation includes repentance
Many have denied the role of repentance in salvation, due to their desire to defend grace coupled with a misunderstanding of repentance as being a human or meritorious work.
The Necessity of Saving Faith
Salvation had to be by faith for this is the only way it could be by grace and grace is the only way sinful man could be saved.
The Four Types of Sanctification
I. Preparational Sanctification♦II. Positional Sanctification♦III. Practical Sanctification♦IV. Permanent Sanctification
Preparational Sanctification
This occurs PRIOR to salvation to Set us Apart to the Propagating and Convicting work of the Holy Spirit in bringing men to Christ.
Positional Sanctification
This occurs AT THE MOMENT OF SALVATION to Set us Apart from Sin’s PENALTY.
Practical Sanctification
This occurs THROUGHOUT LIFE to Set us Apart from Sin’s POWER.
Permanent Sanctification
This occurs at the RAPTURE to Set us Apart from Sin’s PRESENCE.
Justification (Legal)
- Occurs instantly at the moment of Salvation changing our standing before God.♦2. Removes the PENALTY of sin.♦3. Removes the GUILT of sin.♦4. DECLARES us righteous.
Practical Sanctification (Love)
- Occurs gradually throughout the life of the believer changing our condition here.♦2. Removes the POWER of sin.♦3. Removes the GROWTH of sin.♦4. MAKES us righteous.
Distinction of Adoption:
A. The New Birth of Regeneration changes us and imparts unto us the holy nature of our Father as a child of God. ♦B. Adoption does not change our nature, but rather our inheritance as it grants to us our position and legal standing as sons of God.
First Century Illustration of Adoption
A. In New Testament times, the Romans had a custom called liberalia, a ceremony in which they adopted their own sons. ♦B. In the Roman family all were recognized as children, but only those who went through this ritual were considered sons.♦C. In the liberation ceremony, the father would take his 14 year old son and remove the toga of youth and replace it with a toga of manhood. Now he was declared an adult son.♦D. Until this time, the Roman child had absolutely no legal rights, no special privileges, no position as a son, and no right to an inheritance. In fact, adult slaves in the household had authority over the child. ♦E. At adoption, the child received the position of an adult son with the authority over slaves, all the rights and privileges of sonship, and an absolute guarantee of his inheritance. ♦F. Children could not be disinherited, but once adopted, these rights were irrevocable. Even today, you can choose to disinherit a natural child, but not one that was adopted.
Roadblocks to Answered Prayer
I. Lack of Faith♦II. Unconfessed Sin♦III. Selfish Prayers for human lusts♦IV. Hypocrisy♦V. Failure to hear or obey the Word of God♦VI. Failure to give to God or others♦VII. Pride♦VIII. Failure to properly love and honor our mate♦IX. Demonic interference♦X. Bitterness or unforgiveness
Keys to Successful Prayer
I. Praying in faith♦II. Praying according to the will of God♦I. Praying in Jesus’ name♦II. Praying in humility♦III. Praying with fasting♦IV. Praying with boldness, fervency, persistence, sincerity, and specificity.♦V. Praying in unity.
The Eternal Security of the Believer speaks only of the true believer. “Once Saved, Always Saved” speaks only of the truly saved.
The Scripture is clear that not all who claim salvation possess salvation. They may be those who “say” they have faith. They bay be wolves “in sheep’s clothing”, “tares” among the wheat, “Wells without water”, and those who “were not of us”.
What if someone says he is saved and then becomes a complete apostate, totally and permanently abandoning the faith and turning wholly to sin?
The question is not that he still is saved or that he lost his salvation, but rather that he never possessed it.
True children of God may backslide and become “Carnal…and walk as lost men”.
When they do, they will be convicted, chastened, and even called home, but they are still children of God.
The distinction between the false professors and blackslidden believers can often only be judged by God.
It may sometimes be discerned by their fruit, their heresies, their hatred, their abandonment of the faith, their total return to their sin, or their lack of chastening for sin.
Preservation of the Saints is a general truth of scripture and is given in Scripture as an evidence of genuine salvation. However, Scripture does teach that there are exceptions to this general rule.
Genuine believers will not finally and fully apostatize from the faith, but they may sin so as to be worthy of chastening even to the point of physical death.
Preservation is NOT a guarantee that all who profess Christ are genuinely saved,
but only that those who possess Christ will be preserved.
Preservation is not an excuse or license to sin
because believers receive a new nature and because sinning believers are convicted, chastened, and may even lose their lives.
General Teachings of Security
I. Salvation is wholly and solely by grace through faith from start to finish. If works have something to do with attaining or maintaining salvation, then grace has nothing to do with salvation.♦II. Any mixture of works to earn or to keep salvation means Christ died for nothing.♦III. Christ does not say “I once knew you, but no longer do.”♦IV. Since God’s standard is perfection, if we had to be good enough to keep our salvation, it would only take one sin for us to be lost. If this were true, no one would ever make it to heaven, because all of us sin.♦V. So-called believers who completely and finally abandon the faith only manifest that they were never saved.
Both election and predestination are based on
The only 2 passages on predestination teach that predestined for
glorification into the image of Christ so that we may bring glory to God as trophies of His grace
Election and foreordination no more rob a man of free will than they
rob Christ or the angels of free will
Many misunderstandings concerning election arise from not knowing that the context of Romans 9-11 is
the NATIONAL election of the nation of Israel rather than the individual election to salvation
* Total Depravity (Total inability to responds to God’s call-All men reject God)♦* Unconditional Election)God chooses some who will be saved apart from any dependence upon foreknowledge of their response.)♦* Limited Atonement (Christ died only for the elect)♦* Irresistible Grace (God unconditionally regenerates and then draws the elect irresistibly to believe and receive salvation.)♦* Perseverance (of the Saints (All the true elect will be faithful to the end.)
* Total Ability♦ (Denies man’s total Sinfulness)♦* Conditional Election♦ (God’s choice is based solely upon man’s response.)♦* Unlimited Atonement (Christ died for All)♦* Resistible Grace♦* Conditional Preservation (Based solely on man’s faithfulness)
* Total Depravity with Enabling Grace and Free Will (All men would reject God’s call so God therefore gives sufficient grace to enable all men to freely respond to His call.)♦* Conditional Election (Gods perfect foreknowledge of each man’s grace enabled, genuine, free will response to God’s universal drawing is involved with God’s sovereign purpose and choice. God also sovereignly chose the plan and divinely decreed that all of those in Christ would be saved entirely by grace.)♦* Unlimited Atonement (Christ died for All)♦* Resistible Grace (It is true that no man seeks ow would accept God. God therefore sovereignly chose to provide to all men sufficient Enabling Grace so that all men may freely accept or freely reject God’s call to salvation without any _______ on their part.)♦* Unconditional Preservation (Man’s preservation is not dependent upon man’s perseverance, but upon God’s sovereign grace.)
Regardless of your point of view, the following are Biblical truths:
I. Christ died for all men. (Hebrews 2:9)♦II. Christ bought even the lost. (2 Peter 2:1)♦III. Christ draws all men. (John 12:32)♦IV. Christ offers the free gift of salvation to all. ♦V. Christ shares the pre-salvation grace of God that brings salvation with all. (Titus 2:11)
We Are Eternally Secure Because:
I. We are kept by the power of God (1 Peter 1:5)♦II. We are kept in the hand of the Father and Son♦III. We are sealed by the Spirit♦IV. Christ never knew the lost♦V. Jesus promises the saved will never perish, be condemned, be cast out, or lost♦VI. Nothing can separate us from Christ♦VII. Sinning saints are chastened, not disowned,♦VIII. Those who totally and finally turn from Christ show they were never saved (1 John 2:19)