Bhattacharya 2 Flashcards
- Part of the peripheral nervous system (along with spinal nerves)
- 12 named pairs of nerves indicated by Roman numerals I- XII (unlike spinal nerves)
- Primarily arise from the brain stem…..but there are some exceptions
Cranial nerves
Exceptions: Cranial nerves that do NOT arise from brain stem
- Olfactory (I) - Telencephalon
- Optic (II) - Diencephalon
- Spinal Accessory (XI) - Spinal Cord
Cranial nerves that arise from the Midbrain of the Brainstem
III Oculomotor
IV Trochlear
Cranial nerves that arise from the Pons of the Brainstem
V Trigeminal
VI Abducens
VII Facial
Cranial nerves that arise from the Medulla of the Brainstem
VIII Vestibulocochlear
IX Glossopharyngeal
X Vagus
XII Hypoglossal
Cranial nerves grouped by nerve fiber composition
Some Say Marry Money But My Brother Says Big Brains Matter More
M: motor
S: sensory
B: both
Parasympathetic: III, VII, IX, X
Cranial nerves are NOT formed by the union of ventral (anterior) and dorsal (posterior) roots. This means that NOT all cranial nerves are _____ nerves, i.e. not all cranial nerves carry both motor (efferent) and sensory (afferent) nerve fibers.
Some cranial nerves have _______ associated with them (similar to dorsal root ganglia for spinal nerves).
sensory ganglia
Spinal nerves have connections (rami communicans) to the sympathetic trunk. Cranial nerves _____ have similar connections to the sympathetic trunk
and _____ contain sympathetic fibers at their origin from the brainstem.
Some fibers NOT found in spinal nerves
• Afferent fibers of “special” sensation with receptors aggregated in “special” sense organs
(1) Olfaction – CN I
(2) Vision – CN II
(3) Hearing and Equilibrium - CN VIII (4) Taste – VII, IX and X
• Efferent fibers to skeletal muscles that arise from the mesoderm of pharyngeal arches.
Cranial nerve supplying the musculature of pharyngeal arch 1
Mandibular division of trigeminal (V3)
Muscles of mastication, mylohyoid, ant. digastric, tensor tympani, tensor veli palatini
Cranial nerve supplying the musculature of pharyngeal arch 2
Facial (VII)
Muscles of facial expression, post. digastric, stapedius, stylohyoid
Cranial nerve supplying the musculature of pharyngeal arch 3
Glossopharyngeal (IX)
Cranial nerve supplying the musculature of pharyngeal arch 4 & 6
- Branches of vagus (X) including superior laryngeal n.
(Muscles of soft palate EXCEPT tensor veli patatini &
Cricothyroid and muscles of the pharynx EXCEPT stylopharyngeus) - Recurrent laryngeal branch of vagus (X)
(Intrinsic muscles of the larynx EXCEPT cricothyroid)
_____ is a collection of nerve cell bodies within the CNS.
_____ is a collection of nerve cell bodies outside the CNS
- Nucleus
- Ganglion
Cranial nerves containing afferent fibers
Trigeminal (V) Facial (VII) Vestibulocochlear (VIII) Glossopharyngeal (IX) Vagus (X)
Location of Trigeminal (V) cell bodies containing afferent fibers
Trigeminal ganglion