BG Vocab., Book 5.26-27 Flashcards
ventum est
“it was come”–they came
diēbus circiter quīnque, quibus
“within about fifteen days, during which”
repentīnus, -a, -um
sudden, unexpected, hasty
tumultus, tumultūs (m.)
uproar, confusion, tumult, uprising, insurrection
orior, orīrī, ortus sum
to arise, spring forth
at hand, ready (praesto sum–to meet)
concitō (1)
to stir up, rouse, incite
lignātor, lignātōris (m.)
wood gatherer
vāllum, vāllī (n.)
wall, entrenchment, earthworks
conclāmō (1)
to shout out, yell
Hispānīs equitibus ēmissīs
“after the Spanish cavalry were sent out?
suōs (in context)
their men
minuō, minuere, minuī, minūtum
to lessen, impair, diminish, settle
mōs, mōris (m.)
manner, custom, practice
colloquium, colloquiī (n.)
familiaris, -e–as noun
missū Caesaris
“sent by Caesar”
apud quōs
“in the presence of these men”
ad hunc modum
“in this way”
ventitō (1)–frequentative verb
to come and go (frequently)
stīpendium, -ī (n.)
tax, tribute
prō Caesaris in sē beneficiīs
“in respect of the benefits bestowed by Caesar on himself (i.e., Ambiorix)
obses, obsidis (m. or f.)
hostage, pledge, security
catēna, -ae (f.)
coāctus, coāctūs (m.)
sua. . . imperia
“his commands”
of this kind
minus. . . iūris
“less (of) authority” [partitive gentitive
furthermore, farther on
to such an extent, so much, so very; in fact
probō (1)
approve, demonstrate
imperītus, -a, -um
inexperienced, unskilled, ignorant
quā (in context)
especially, particularly
inīre cōnsilium
“to form a plan”
since, inasmuch as, because, whereas
pietās, pietātis (f.)
loyalty, devotion
hospitium, -ī (n.)
the reciprocal relationship that exists between a host and a guest, friendship, hospitality
biduum, -ī (n.)
period of two days
ipsōrum [Rōmānōrum] esse cōnsilium
“the most advisable plan is up to them”
“the most advisable plan is theirs to decide”
sooner than, before, until
to lead down, bring, conduct
to lead out, to lead forth; to draw (a sword)
adsum, adesse, adfuī, –
to be near, to be present, to be at hand
absum, abesse, āfuī, –
to be away, to be distant, to be lacking
a little, somewhat, slightly
amplius (adv.)
more, farther
tūtus, -a, -um
safe, protected, secure
polliceor, pollicērī, pollicitus sum
to promise, to offer
iūs iūrandum (n.)
cōnfirmō (1)
to establish, to strengthen, to encourage, to console, to declare
cōnsulō, -sulere, suluī, sultum
to take counsel, consult, consider
cōnsulō + dative
to take counsel for, to consider the interests of, to take care for
grātiās agere
to thank
grātiam referre
to return a favor
meritum, -ī (n.)
service, merit, favor, kindness, benefit
levō (1)
to lighten, ease, relieve
sentiō, sentīre, sēnsī, sēnsum
to perceive, to be aware of, to notice, to experience, to undergo, to realize, to know, to decide, to judge, to sanction, to adhere to