BG Vocab., Book 4.24-25 Flashcards
egredior, egredī, egressus sum
come forth, depart, march out
essedārius, -ī (m.)
soldier who fights from a 2-wheeled British war chariot
plērumque (adv.)
mostly, very often
PROHIBEO, prohibēre, prohibuī, prohibitum
keep out, away from; to prevent, prohibit
quō . . . genere. . .
“with which kind. . .”
except, unless, if not
Passive Infinitive; with ships = “to be anchored”
impediō (4)
obstruct, hinder, delay, with feet = “to entangle”
dēsiliō, dēsilīre, dēsiluī, desultum
to jump down from
cōnsistō, cōnsistere, cōnstituī, —
to take a position, to stand, to keep one’s position; to stop, halt, remain, stay
aridō (as substantive)
the dry land
paulum (adv.)
a little, somewhat, slightly
expedītus, -a, -um
unimpeded, with light arms, without baggage
bravely, daringly
coniciō, conicere, coniecī, coniectum
to hurl, throw, cast
insuēfactus, -a, -um
incitō (1)
to set in motion, urge on, excite; to exasperate
perterreō (2)
to frighten thoroughly
imperītus, -a, -um
inexperience, ignorant, unskilled
at all, altogether, only
pedester, perdestris, perdestre
on foot
studium, -iī (n.)
eagerness, devotion
here: “they were showing”
in pedestribus
here: “infantry battles on land”
animadvertō, animadvertere, animadvertī, animadversum
to turn the mind to, to notice
speciēs, specieī (f.)
sight, appearance
inūsitātus, -a, -um
unusual, startling
mōtus, mōtūs (m.)
motion, movement; uprising, disturbance
ad latus apertum
“on the exposed flank”
aperiō, aperīre, aperuī, apertum
to open
onerārius, -a, -um (with ships)
transport or freight ships
funda, fundae (f.)
tormentum, -ī (n.)
rēmus, rēmī (m.)
sagitta, -ae (f.)
“ūsuī nostrīs fuit”
it was of great use to, for us
figūra, -ae (f.)
form, shape
modo (adv.)
only, just, at least; (with time) just now
permōtus, -a, -um
thoroughly frightened
paulum modo
just a little
pedem referre
to retreat
cūnctor, cūnctārī, cūnctātus sum
to delay, hesitate, be reluctant
aquila, -ae (f.)
eagle; military standard
maximē (adv.)
obtestor, obtestārī, obstetātus sum
to call to witness, beseech, entreat
commīlitiō, -ōnis (m.)
fellow soldier
prōdō, prōdere, prōdidī, prōditum
to give forth, reveal, betray, hand down
praestō, praestāre, prōstitī, prostātum
to stand or place before, exhibit; be superior, excel, surpass
sē prōicere
to cast oneself, to jump
cohortor, cohortārī, cohortātus sum
to encourage greatly, cheer
inter sē
“each other”
dēdecus, -oris (n.)
dishonor, disgrace
admittō, admittere, admīsī, admissum
to admit, commit, incur
appropinquō (1)
to come near to, approach
ūniversus, -a, -um
all together, whole