Aeneid, Book 1. 157-179 Flashcards
contendō, contendere, contendī, contentus
strive, hasten
cursus, -ūs (m.)
course; running, haste
vertō, vertere, vertī, versus
(over)turn, (ex)change
sēcessus, sēcussūs (m.)
REcess, inlet
efficiō, efficere, effēcī, effectum
to make, form
obiectus, obiectūs (m.)
projection, overhang
latus, lateris (n.)
side, flank
frangō, frangere frēgī, frāctum
to break
sinus, sinūs (m.)
fold; gulf, bay
scindō, scindere, scidī, scissus
to split, divide
rūpēs, rūpis (f.)
crag, cliff
redūcō, redūcere, redūxī, reductum
to bring back, lead back
scopulus, -ī (m.)
rock, cliff
vertex, verticis (m.)
summit, top
tūtus, tūta, tūtum
sileō, silēre, siluī
to be silent, still
minor, minārī, minātus
to threaten
scaena, -ae (f.)
background, stage
corruscus, -a, -um
waving, quivering, flashing
from above
horreō, horrēre, horruī
to bristle, shudder, tremble
āter, ātra, ātrum
nemus, nemoris (n.)
grove, forest
immineō, imminēre
to hang over, threaten
frōns, frontis (f.)
front, face, brow
dūlcis, -e
sweet, fresh
sedīle, sedīlis (n.)
seat, bench
vinculum, -ī (n.)
uncus, -a, -um
curved, bent, hooked
alligāre (1)
to bind, hold
morsus, morsūs (m.)
bite, bit
subeō, subīre, subiī, subitum
to go under, bear; approach, enter; arise
optō (1)
to choose, desire, hope for
potior, potīrī, potītum
to gain (+ abl. object)
harēna, ae (f.)
sand, beach
tābeō, tābēre
to drip, soak, melt, waste
artus, artūs (m.)
silix, silicis (m. or f.)
scintilla, -ae (f.)
excūdō, excūdere, excūdī, excussus
to strike out
suscipiō, suscipere, suscēpī, susceptus
to catch (up), receive
folium, foliī (n.)
nūtrīmentum, -ī (n.)
food, fuel, nourishment
fōmes, fōmitis (m.)
tinder, fuel
Cerēs, Cereris (f.)
goddess of grain
Cereālis, Cereāle
of Ceres
expediō, expedīre, expedīvī, expedītum
to bring out, prepare
frūx, frūgis (f.)
fruit, grain
torreō, torrēre, torruī, tostus
to parch, roach