BG Vocab., Book 5.24-25 Flashcards
peragō, peragere, perēgī, peractum
to complete, finish
siccitās, siccitātis (f.)
concilium, conciliī (n.)
gathering, counsel
prōveniō, prōvenīre, prōvēnī, proventum
to come forth, grow
cōnfīnium cōnfīniī (n.)
common boundary, neighborhood
hiemō (1)
to spend the winter
praeficiō, praeficere, praefēcī, praefectum
to put in command of, to make before
cōnscrībō, -scrībere, -scrīpsī, -conscriptum
to enroll, enlist
praesum, praeesse, praefuī
to be before, to be in command of, to be at the head of
distribuō, distribuere, distribuī, distribūtum
to assign, divide, distribute
inopia, -ae (f.)
need, lack, poverty, hunger
medeor, medērī
to cure, remedy
pācātus, -a, -um
to where, as long as, as far as, until
moror, morārī
to delay, hold back
mīlibus passuum centum
“within one hundred miles”
summō locō nātus
born into the highest rank
singulāris, -e
one at a time, single, remarkable
opera, -ae (f.)
work, exertion, service, pains, attention
openly, publicly
(it) is reported
auctor, auctoris (m.)
one who creates, instigator, advisor, author
Ille veritus
“he having feared”
vereor, verērī, veritus sum
to revere, fear, dread
impulsus, impulsūs (m.)ū
impulse, instigation
dēficiō, dēficere, dēfēcī, dēfectum
to fail, fall away, revolt
ad plūrēs pertinbat
it pertained to a large number of people
hōs comprehensōs
after they had been rounded up and arrested
muniō (4)
to fortify, to defend with a wall
certior factus est
“he was informed”