BG Vocab., Book 4.26-27 Flashcards
subsequī, subsequor, subsecūtus sum
to follow closely
pugnātum est
“the battle was fought”
insistō, insistere, institī
to stand upon, to stand firm
ōrdinēs servāre
“to keep ranks”
alius aliā ex nāvī
“one man from another ship” OR “various men from various ships”
occurrō, occurere, occurī, occursum
to meet, to come to
adgregō (1)
assemble, join, attach
ubi. . . cōnspexerat
“whenever they had caught sight. . . .”
adorior, adorīrī, adortus sum
to rise against, to attack
animadvertō, animadvertere, animadvertī, animadversum
to turn the mind to, to notice
scapha, scaphae (f.)
skiff, little boat
in like manner, just so
speculātorius, -a, -um
spy, scouting [ship}
subsidium, -ī (n.)
help, reserve force
impetum facere
to make an attack
prōsequor, prōsequī, prosecūtus sum
to follow, pursue
nostrī. . . suīs ominibus
our men and all their comrades
cursum tenere
“to hold the course”
īnsulam capere
“to reach the island”
Hoc ūnum ad pristinam fortūnam Caesari defuit
This one thing was lacking from Caesar’s former luck
lēgātōs dē pāce
“negotiators for peace”
obses, obsidis (m. and f.)
polliceor (2)
to promise
together with
ōrātōris modō
in the manner of speaker, orator
eius reī culpam
the fault of the matter
(here): contulērunt
= “they ascribed [it] to. . . “
ignoscō, ignoscere, ignōvī, ignōtum
to forgive, pardon
imprūdentia, -ae (f.)
lack of discretion, prudence
Caesar questus (est)
“Caesar complained”
longinquiōribus, -a, -um
more remote, distant
arcessō, arcessere, arcessīvī, arcessītum
to summon, send for, invite
paucīs diēbus
ablative of time when
from everywhere