BG vocab., Book 1.6-7 Flashcards
expedītus, -a, -um
unimpeded, without baggage; lightly armed
“erant,” “erat” at the beginning of a sentence
“there were,” “there was,” etc.
hardly, scarcely, with difficulty
entirely, only
singulī, singulae, singula (A Distributive Number)
one each, one at a time, single
perpaucī, -ae, a
very few
multō facilius
easier by much, “much easier”
nōnnūllus, -a, -um
“not none”–SO: “several,” “some”
vādō trānsītur
“it is crossed by wading”
not yet
“bonō animō”
“well-disposed,” lit. “with a good spirit”
patior, patī, passus sum
endure, suffer; allow
prōfectiō, prōfectionis (f.)
setting out, departure [from proficiscor]
rīpa, -ae (f.)
bank of a stream or river
māturō (1)
to hasten, to hurry
“ab urbe”
“from Rome”
“in Galliam ulteriōrem”
“into farther Gaul,” “into more remote Gaul”
rescindō, rescindere, rescidī, rescissum
to cut down, destroy
“certiōrem factus est”
“he was informed”; lit., “he was made more certain”
maleficium, -ī (n.)
mischief, harm, evil deed
rogō (1)
to ask
“sibi esse in animō”
“they (have–whatever necessary tense) have in mind”
licet, licēre, licuit OR licitum sum
it is permitted
“ut. . . sibi. . . liceat”
“that they be permitted,” “that it might be permitted to them”
“sub iugum”
“under the yoke”
concēdō, concēdere, concessī, concessum
to depart; to grant, allow (concede)
facultās, facultātis (f.)
power, opportunity, resources
“si quid vellent”
“if they wanted ANYthing” (remember “after si, nisi, num, and ne / all the ali-s fall away”)
dēlīberō (1)
to consider, deliberate, weigh well