Benign & Malignant Neoplasms Flashcards
What is juvenile xanthogranuloma?
single spot, growing in kids, present at birth, asymptomatic, pink undertonem
How do you treat juvenile xanthogranuloma?
resolve by 5-6 yrs
What is a spitz nevus?
melanocytic nevus, beefy red color, kids
What is the treatment for spitz nevus?
if anything atypical - completely remove it
What is halo nevus?
normal, look at mole inside, if weird take if off, some of these moles go away
How do you treat halo nevus?
monitor - common in kids
What is nevus spilus?
present at birth
What is the treatment for nevus spilus?
monitor and biopsy anything weird = nodule or papules = bunch biopsy
What is becker’s melanosis?
teenage boy with light tan patch on chest and back, hairy, unilateral, shows up when hormones start
What is the treatment for becker’s melanosis?
nothing, cosmetics (laser hair removal?)
What is ILVEN?
benign, present on birth on extremity, ITCHHHYYY, resistent to tx, papules –> straight line
What is the treatment of ILVEN?
NONE, relieve itch, surgical excision
What is nevus sebaceous?
scalp, present at birth, greasy at puberty, has BCC within
What is the treatment for nevus sebaceous?
complete excision
What is neurofibroma?
benign tumors, look for cafe au lait, buttonhole sign, squeeshy
What is neurofibroma tx?
What is molluscum contagiosum?
contagious, shiny tiny umbilicated papule, viron in middle, croups, from fomites, itchy
How do you treat molluscum contagiosum?
Canthacur, veregen ointment In2
Can parents get molluscum contagiosum from kids?
What is mastocytoma?
single lesion, orange skin like spot, flat, when gets overhead then gets raised, then goes away –> mast cells in skin, run thumb over lesion in office and it will raise up
What is the treatment for mastocytoma?
resolve in childhood nonsedating H1 blockers/H2 blockers - 2 week trial of class 1 steroids under occlusion
What is nevus ota/ito?
ota = face
ito = shoulder
ipsilateral blue sclera
Asian population
What is the treatment for ota/ito nevus?
resolve by puberty
What is the treatment for hemangiomas of infancy?
What is the msot common benign soft tissue tumor in childhood?
hemangiomas of infancy
Who gets hemangiomas of infancy?
shite skin, higher in girls and premies
What are xanthelasma?
high cholesterol levels, increase risk of ischemic heart disease
What is the treatment for xanthelasma?
get blood work for lipis, numb and excisional surgery
What are milium?
tiny hard cysts, from heavy creams around eyes, make sure they are not something else
What is hidrocystoma?
tumor from apocrine or eccrine sweat glands
hotter climates
What are multiple hidrocystomas related to?
Schopf-Schulz-Passarge syndrom
How do you treat hidrocystomas?
CO2 laser, excision
What are syringoma?
benign, asian, high recurrance
What is trichilemmomas?
benign tumor, Cowden’s disease if multiple, for plaque, men in their 50s
biopsy maybe
What are mucocele?
rupture of salivary gland duct, blueish silver cast, translucent, inner surface of lips (lower)
How do you treat mucocele?
resolve on own, salt water rinses, surgical excision
What is lingual papillitis?
inflammation of papillae of tongue, due to trauma, stress, hormones, GI, spicy food, clinically dx
How do you treat lingual papillitis?
spontaneous resoluation, salt water rinses, local anesthetics, topical steroids
What can leukoplakia be?
squamous cell carcinoma
What are white patches on oral mucosa of lips?
Who gets leukoplakia?
What is verrucous carcinoma/SCC?
wart like, floor of mouth, soft palate, non smoking female, growing –>SCC –> ENT
What is pyogenic granuloma?
due to trauma/infection - vascular
blees a lot, crusted
What is the treatment of pyogenic granuloma?
surgical removal, silver nitrate or imiquimod, cauterize feeder vessel, make baby tourniquet with glove
What is acquired digital fibrokeratoma?
fibrous lesion on finger
idiopathic or trauma
What is the treatment for acquired digital fibrokeratoma?
cosmetic, surgical excision
What is subungual exostosis?
benign tumor, growth from bone or cartilage, DO NOT EXCISE
Who gets subungual exostosis?
femal and kids
What do you have to do for subungual exostosis?
x ray
What are myxoid/mucous cyst?
benign cysts, arthritis of DIP, nail dystrophy, connected to joint!, high recurrance
What are glomus tumor?
painful nail during cold temps, blanch nails see gray pink spot
How do you treat glomus tumor?
laser or surgical excision by hand surgery
What is onychomatricoma?
longitudinal ridging, curving nail, biopsy nail via window of back nail
What is the tetrad of onychomatricoma?
xanthonychia, longitudinal ridging, splinter hemorrhage, overcurvature
What is melanonychia?
longitudinal pigmentation of nailbed, dark skinned individuals, psoriasis, HIV, chemo, biopsy it, MEASURE WIDTH 3mm biopsy