Basic components of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell Flashcards
The most primitive cell and have simple structural organization. Has single membrane system
Prokaryotic cell
They are included in kingdom Monera and super kingdom Prokaryota
Prokaryotic cell
They include bacteria, virus, blue-green algae, mycoplasmas, rickettsia, spirochetes, etc.
Prokaryotic Cell
Size of prokaryotic cell
1-10 um
3 main components of prokaryotic cell
outer covering, cytoplasm, nucleoid
Composed of inner cell or plasma membrane, middle cell wall, and outer slimy capsule
Outer covering
Made up of lipids and proteins; thin, flexible, and controls the movement of molecules across the cell
Cell membrane
Rigid or semi-rigid non-living structure that surrounds the cell membrane; thickness between 1.5 to 100 um
Cell wall
Chemically composed of peptidoglycans
Cell wall
Gelatinous coat outside the cell wall
Slimy capsule
Composed largely of polysaccharides and sometimes other compounds
Slimy capsule
It protects the cell against desiccation, virus attacks, phagocytosis, and antibiotics
Slimy capsule
Extends out of cell into the medium
Composed of many intertwined spiral chains of the subunits of a protein
Attaches the flagellin to the cell and generates the force to rotate it.
Basal body
Parts of the basal body
Shaft and hook
Evolved to have double membrane system
Eukaryotic cell
One that surrounds the cell, celled cell, or plasma membrane
Primary membrane
Surrounds the nucleus and other organelles
Secondary membrane
Occur in protists, fungi, plants, and animals
Eukaryotic cell
The human blood contains how many corpuscles
30 quadrillion
A 60 kg human being has how many cells?
60 x 3 raised to 15
This is where multicellular organisms begin their life
A single cell “Zygote”
How do multicellular organism become multicellular?
Mitotic division during development
The shape of the cell is correlated with?
Its functions like muscle or nerve cell
Size of Eukaryotic cell
10 to 100 um
Among the smallest cells having the size of 2 um long
Sporazoids of malaria parasite (Plasmodiom Vivax)
SIze of ostrich egg
175 x 120 mm
Size of human cells
20-30 um
Size of nerve cell
10-25 um
Thin elastic living covering that surrounds the cell and controls the transfer of material across it.
Plasma membrane or plasmalemma
3 components of the Eukaryotic cell
Cell membrane, cytoplasm, nucleus
Composed of lipid-protein complex, lacks respiratory enzymes, and allows endocytosis/exocytosis
Plasma (cell) membrane or plasmalemma
Crucial for maintaining the cell’s internal environment and controlling the passage of ions, nutrients, and waste products
Selective permeability
Shields the cell’s internal components from potentially harmful external factors
Cellular protection
Facilitate the movement of specific molecules into or out of the cell
Transport of molecules
This, proteins on the cell membrane, help cells adhere to one another and form tissues. Also crucial for the organization of multicellular organisms
Cell adhesion
Signals specific molecules, initiating intercellular responses
Receptor function
The cell’s primary energy source
Adenosine triphosphate (ATP)
Semi-fluid, homogenous, translucent, ground substance known as cytoplasmic matrix or cytosol which is present between cell membrane and the nucleus
Outer firm layer of cytoplasm
Inner layer around the central fluid mass of the protozoan cell
Streaming movement in cytosol
Organized structures having the specific functions, capacity of growth, and multiplication
Semi-autonomous organelle
Why is mitochondria called endo-symbiotic organelle?
DNA of mitochondria resembles the bacteria cell
Rod like or globule shaped structures scattered in the cytoplasm found single or in groups
a clear zone around centrioles, near the nucleus, that includes a specialized portion of cytoplasm
The matrix that bears two rounded bodies the “centrioles”
are paired barrel-shaped organelles located in the cytoplasm of animal cells near the nuclear envelope
These are the stack of flattened parallel-arranged sacs and vesicles found in association of endoplasmic reticulum.
Golgi bodies
In plant cells the Golgi complex is called… that secretes required materials for the formation of cell wall at the time of cell division
referred to as the “traffic police” of the cell because its enzymes sort out and modify cell’s secretary proteins
Golgi apparatus
s\is credited with being the first to observe plastids. In 1835, he used a microscope to identify these small, colored structures within plant cells.
Hugo von Mohl
are a group of organelles found in plant cells, and they play various roles, including photosynthesis (in chloroplasts), storage of pigments (in chromoplasts), and the conversion of starch into sugar (in amyloplasts).
are the minute structures covering the surface in some cells.
Both cilia and flagella originate from the?
basal bodies or blepharoplast
determine the cell shape and general organization of the cytoplasm, help in transport of water and ions, cytoplasmic streaming (cyclosis) and the formation of spindles during cell division.
made up of 13 individual filaments.
They are mainly composed of ribonucleic acids (RNA) and protein. They are mainly responsible for protein synthesis
is the fundamental unit of life, and it is the smallest structure that can carry out the basic functions necessary for an organism’s survival
prominent spherical organelle
bears pores for the exchange of materials between the cytoplasm and the nucleoplasm.
Nuclear envelope
a highly regulated membrane barrier that separates the nucleus from the cytoplasm in eukaryotic cells
Nuclear Envelope
delicate membranous network in the cytoplasm.
Endoplasmic reticulum
The people and year who noted a delicate membranous network in the cytoplasm.
1945, Porter, Claude and Fullman
Given various names: Nissil substance, ergastoplasm, basophilic bodies
Endoplasmic reticulum
Ribosomes are absent on the walls of ER
Smooth/agranular ER
Size of the tubules
500-1000A in diameter
characterized by the presence of ribosomes on the surface of reticulum - 400 - 500A
Rough/granular ER
Who said cell is a structure containing a mass of cytoplasm surrounded by semi-permeable membrane called plasma membrane
Hans Ris in 1960s
Who said cell is defined as unit of biological activity delimited by a semi permeable membrane and capable of self-reproduction in a medium free of other living system?
Loewy and Siekevitz 1963