B7-035 Visual System 2 Flashcards
rolling eye in
rolling eye out
the cross bar of the H tests [2]
horizontal eye movement via lateral and medial rectus
abducting the eye and moving it up (elevating) tests
superior rectus
abducting the eye and moving it down (depressing) tests
inferior rectus
adducting the eye and moving it up (elevating) tests
inferior oblique
adducting the eye and moving it down (depressing) tests
superior oblique
paralysis of the lateral rectus muscle
abducens opthalmoplegia
in abducens opthalmoplegia, the affected eye deviates […] at rest
affected eye doesn’t move laterally during lateral gaze
abducens opthalmoplegia
motor axons exit from the dorsal surface of the brainstem
(only one of the motor eye nerves to come from dorsal brain stem, damage is to nerve itself not nucleus)
which nerve controlling eye movements is most likely to be damaged in head trauma?
trochlear, exits dorsal brainstem
excess extorsion of the eye
loss of intorsion
trochlear opthalmoplegia
patient tilts head away from affected eye to realign visual axis
trochlear opthalmoplegia
(forces unaffected eye to invert)
abduction of the affected eye (down and out)
occulomotor opthalmoplegia
where are the frontal eye fields?
rostral to the motor cortex
UMN for control of eye movements
frontal eye fields
allows conjugate eye movement
frontal eye fields
left frontal eye field directs gaze to the […]
frontal eye fields direct gaze to the […] side
mediates gaze along the horizontal axis
Paramedian pontine reticular formation (horizontal gaze center)
(surrounds abducens nucleus)
how does the horizontal gaze center mediate voluntary right lateral gaze?
- signal from left frontal eye field goes to right abducens nucleus
- travels via right abducens to innervate right lateral rectus and
- signal simultaneously travels to left occulomotor nucleus via medial longitudinal fasiculus
- signal from left occulomotor nucleus travels through nerve to left medial rectus
damage to the horizontal gaze center causes
internuclear ophthalmoplegia
a lesion of the medial longitudinal fasiculus would result in
failure of the ipsilateral eye to adduct
(internuclear ophthalmoplegia)