B4-020 Cell Biology and Histology of the Vascular System Flashcards
walls of ateries
- tunica intima (innermost)
- tunica media
- tunica externa (outermost)
lining of endothelial cells, subendothelian basement membrane and loose connective tissue, internal elastic lamina
tunica intima
concentric layers of smooth muscle, collagen fibers, external elastic lamina
tunica media
connective tissue
tunica externa
have many elastic lamella in the tunica media
large arteries
prominent internal elastic lamina
muscular arteries
- major determinants of systolic blood pressure
- regulate vascular tone
2-5 concentric layers of vascular smooth muscle in tunica media
large artery
medium/muscular artery
thin tubes consisting of only basement membrane
permit the passage of 1 RBC at a time
3 types of capillaries
- continuous
- fenestrated
- discontinous
continous capillaries can be found in what tissues
muscle, brain, thymus, lung
fenestrated capillaries can be found in what tissue
intestines, kidneys
discontinuous capillaries can be found in what tissues
liver, speen, bone marrow
what type of capillary requires vesicles?
continous capillary
fenestrated capillary
transport vesicle
- contractile cells surround capillaries
- thought to regulate blood flow
- role in angiogenesis
loss of pericyte function in the CNS causes
increased permeability of blood-brain barrier
preferred site of diapedesis
find: lymphatic vessel, venules, & arterioles
veins have […] to prevent the reflux of blood
- distinction between t. media and t. externa often unclear
- t. media thinner
how to risk factors lead to the progression of atherosclerosis and CVD?
cause oxidative stress –> endothelial dysfunction –> reduced NO bioavailability
lack tight junctions
lymphatic epithelial cells
lymphatic vessel
lymphatic vessel with valve
creation of new vascular network
sprouting from exisiting network
vasculogenesis and angiogenesis require
key mediator of vessel growth
EPO and VEGF lead to
increased oxygen delivery
EPO/IGF2 and GLUT allow for
oxygen deprivation survival
targets VEGF, EPO, GLUT
required for both vasculogenesis and angiogenesis
creates new vessels from endothelial precursor cells
creates new vessel via sprouting
breakdown of the vessels basal lamina is necessary for
hemodynamic shear forces are minimized in
post capillary venules
resemble continous capillaries with a wider lumen
do not have fenestrae
postcapillary venules
preferred site for leukocyte diapedesis
postcapillary venule
elastic lamella in tunica media
conducting arteries
internal elastic membrane is prominent
muscular arteries
elastic walls distend during systole and recoil during diastole so continous flow results
conducting arteries
longitudinal smooth muscle bundles in the adventitia and transverse smooth muscle in media
large vein
smooth muscle bundles run perpendicular to each other
large vein
lymphatic vessels drain into ducts that drain into
large veins
blood pressure is predominately regulated by
blood leaves the heart via
elastic arteries
gas and nutrient exchange
no gaps in endothelium
continous capillaries
lymph vessel drain into
lymphatic ducts
supplies blood to walls of large vessels
vaso vasorum
small endocytic vesicles and caveolae
continous capillaries
discontinous basal lamina and large gaps in endothelium
sinusoidal capillaries