axial bones book Flashcards
a hole in a bone is called a
If the hole is elongated into a tunnel-like passage through the bone, it is called a
or a meatus
A depression in a bone is called a
A rounded projection on a bone is called a
knob) or a tuberosity (TOO-ber-OS-i-tee), and a sharp projection from a bone is
called a
Most tubercles and processes are sites of
muscle attachment on
the bone
Increased muscle pull, as occurs when a person lifts weights to build up
muscle mass, can?
increase the size of some tubercles
The smooth, rounded end of a
bone, where it forms a joint with another bone, is called a
Body, shaft
Main portion
Enlarged (often rounded) end
Constricted area between head and body
Smooth, rounded articular surface
Small, flattened articular surface
Prominent ridge
Prominent projection
Knob or enlargement
tubercle, tuberosity
Large tuberosity found only on proximal femur
Enlargement near or above a condyle
canal, meatus
forms the central axis of the body. It protects the brain, the spinal
cord, and the vital organs housed within the thorax.
axial skeleton
The skull consists of __ cranial bones and __ facial bones, a total of ___ bones
8 ;14 ; 22
and protect the brain.
cranial bones and cranium
Both the exterior and the interior of the skull have visible
ridges and lines
The cranial bones are connected by immovable joints called
four principal sutures
(1) coronal, (2) sagittal, (3)
lambdoid, and (4) squamous
All other skull bones are held together by
The top of the skull, called the
often removed to view the interior of the skull.
form the basis of the face; contain cavities for the eyes, nose, and
mouth; and are the attachment sites for our facial expression muscles.
facial bones
The 8 bones of the cranium include:
(1) the frontal bone, (2 and 3) the 2 parietal
bones, (4 and 5) the 2 temporal bones, (6) the occipital bone, (7) the sphenoid bone,
and (8) the ethmoid bone.
connected to the two parietal bones by the coronal suture
frontal bone
The frontal bone is connected to the two parietal bones by the
coronal suture
most well-known at the “forehead.
frontal bone
forms the roof of both the orbit of the eye and the nasal cavity
frontal bone
The superior
border of each of the orbits contains a
supraorbital foramen, or notch
allows passage of a blood vessel and nerve for the eyelid and eye
supraorbital foramen, or notch
frontal bone; Between the two
orbits is the ____ a smooth region of bone
The frontal bone also
contains the ____ one of the paranasal sinuses
frontal sinus
the frontal bone forms the _______ which supports lobes of the
anterior cranial fossa,
form nearly half of the superior portion of the skull
paired parietal bones
The two parietal bones are joined by what suture
sagittal suture
The two parietal bones are joined by the sagittal suture and are
connected to the occipital bone by the
lamboid suture
Along with the temporal
bones, the parietal bones make up the majority of the
lateral portion of the skull.
are connected to the skull by the squamous sutures
temporal bones
The temporal bones are connected to the skull by the
squamous sutures
The term temporal means
related to time
the temporal bone’s name
is derived from the
observation that the hair on the temples turns gray as a person
The temporal bone is subdivided into three main regions:
(1) the squamous
part, (2) the tympanic part, and (3) the petrous part.
The _____ _____ of each temporal bone meets the parietal bone
squamous part
extends from the squamous part anteriorly toward the
zygomatic bone of the face.
zygomatic process
The zygomatic
(zie-goh-MAT-ik) process extends from the squamous part anteriorly toward the
zygomatic bone of the face. It joins with the zygomatic bone to form the
a bridge across the side of the skull
zygomatic arch
bone processes are
named for the bones to which they extend
an oval-shaped
fossa on the inferior side, called the
mandibular fossa
attachment site of the mandible (lower jaw).
mandibular fossa
______ of the temporal bone has the prominent external auditory canal
(external acoustic meatus), which transmits sound waves toward the eardrum, or
tympanic membrane. The external ear surrounds the external acoustic meatus.
tympanic part
tympanic part of the temporal bone has the prominent
external auditory canal
(external acoustic meatus)
which transmits sound waves toward the eardrum, or
tympanic membrane. The external ear surrounds the external acoustic meatus.
external auditory canal
(external acoustic meatus)
The _____ ______ of the temporal bone extends inward toward the center of the skull.
petrous part
a thick, bony ridge (petrous; rocky), is hollow, and houses the middle and inner ears.
petrous part