Avian and ferret surgery Flashcards
T/F - ferrets are omnivores
False -> obligate carnivores
Weight over season fo ferrets?
Variation over seasons ->
- Hob (male) and Jill(female) will lay down fat stores over winter
- Jills may lose weight in Spring
- Mals may ‘bulk up’ -> gain muscle , lose fat due to testosterone inc in Spring
Can ferrets vomit?
YES -> should be starved
GI transit time ferret?
Describe GI of ferret ?
- Simple stomach, very short SI & LI - No caecum
- Don’t starve as long as D & C due to risk of inducing hypoglycaemia (max 4 hrs) -> in geriatric ferrets subclin insulinoma is not uncommon
Ferrets reprod management?
- Unique -> female must be taken out of season
- If surgically neutered -> may predip to adrenal dx
Tip for ferret ventilation?
extend and straighten head and nec, body positioned to minimise abd conents impinging on diaphragm (place a folded cloth under thorax to elevate chest)
What normal TPR values of Ferret ?
T = 37.8-40°C
P=200-400 bpm
R= 22-26 bpm
How an we assess pain (other than grimace scale?
ORBITAL TIGHETNING - high sensitivity and specificity for detection of pain
- +Bhvr changes
- Inc depth & frequency of breaths
- Bruxism and/ or hypersalivation
- change of gait
- Arching back
- Vocalisation when touched
Maintenance fluids for ferret?
Where to place IV in ferret?
Cephalic / lateral saphenous vein -> application of topical local anaesthetic
Intraosseous -> proximal femur
Detail intubation of ferrets
Prevent laryngospasm with spray (liek cats)
Tie ET tube over the nose
T/F ferrets maintain some jaw tone even under good anaesthesia ?
What are ferrets prone to in anaesthesia ?
Hypothermia - bear hugger, plastic drape etc…
What is a sign of recovery?
Shivering thermogenesis
How to recover ferret?
- Maintain body temp
- Analgesia
- Fluids & nutrition (food as soon as awake)
- Therapeutic laser
- Phovia
What mass excisions do we tend to see?
- Mast cell tumours not uncomon -> benign in ferrets
- Excisional surgery - absorbable monoF suture
What skin surgery do we see in ferret?
- Lump removal -> Neoplastic/ cyst
- Abscess
- wound management
Describe reprod/ breeding in Jills
- Jills reach sexual maturity in first spring after bith at 8-12 months
- Occasionally see signs of oestrust in first AUTUMN if females born early in season
- Seasonal breeders March-September
What is Pro-oestrus inicated by?
Vulva size - lasts 2-3 weeks
When do hobs reach sexual maturity?
9 months
Describe disease prevention in ferret reprod management
- Induced ovulators - will remain in oesturs until mated & chemically brought out of oestrus OR day shortens
- Prolonged oestrus = higher risk of hyperoestrogenism
- Development of pancytopaenia due to bone marrow suppression
What lifestyle aspect of reprod management for owners?
- Reduction in smell in neutered females (may inc risk of adrenal dx).
- Inc testosterone results in inc activity of sebaceous glands
Ferrets - options
- Natural mating (vasectomised / teaser male)
- Delvosteron injection (jill jab) -> NOW NOT AVAILABLE
- Hormonal implant (Deslorelin)
- Surgical neutering (not preferable)
Signs of persistent oestrus? (after stabilizing & inducing ovulaiton)
- Pancytopaenia, subcut & mucosal petechiae, ecchymoses, swolen vulva, pale MMs, abd distention
What uterine dx might make us SPAY ferret?
Pyometra, mucometra, hydrometra
How do we do OVH in ferret?
● Similar to the ventral midline approach
to the dog.
● Incise approximately 1cm caudal to the
● Uterus is bicornuate and uterine body
is short
● Ovaries are dark and are situated in a
bursa of fat.
● Ligate vessels with absorbable
monofilament suture material.
● Routine closure
How to castrate ferret?
Open or closed
used monofilament
Vasectomised males - effect on smell?
Retain odour as depends on testosterone levels
How to do Vasectomy ?
- The spermatic cord is palpated cranial to the testis, and a 10 mm skin
incision made directly over it, approximately 20 mm cranial to one scrotal
sac - The vaginal process is identified. * The parietal tunica of the vaginal process is incised and spermatic cord is
exposed - The white vas deferens is identified and a short portion is separated from
the spermatic cord. - Double ligate at a distance of approximately 0.5cm and excise between the
ligatures. - Submission of excised tissue for histological examination is recommended,
to confirm proper excision.
Post op consideraitons of vasectomy in ferret?
- Mild scrotal swelling resolves 2- ays
- Should not be used til 7 weeks post surgery
What alternative approach to vasetomy?
- Palce ligatures around vas deferens
- Clamp on testicle side
- incise the vas above ligature nearest to testicle
- Move cut end down and passed the artery forceps, closer to testicle
- With ligature already placed tie around vas deferens -> create a blind loop in vas deferens
What to do after alternative vasectomy?
Look under mcirosocpe immediately -> motile sperm = vas deferens for sure
- store in formalin - 2 pots Left and Right
Often what are preputial masses?
Often malignat apocrine gland adenoCs
Advanced preputial masses?
May require peniel amputation, resection of the urethra and urethrostomy
What common GIt surgeries on ferrets?
- Enterotomy/ Gastrotomy forign bodies (enterotomy harder bc smaller) -> try to make incision 1cm distal to foreign body to minimise dehisence and stenosis
what other common abdo surgery?
Details fo spelnectomy?
- Ligate splenic artery and vein supplying the spleen under the visceral side
-> monofilament absorbable suture materal
-> Haemoclips - Caution -> avoid damaging the left lobe of the panreas
Urolithiasis/cystotomy in ferrets?
- Not as common in uk
- Similar to dogs
- Remember -> male has J-shaped penis and an os-penis
Adrenal dx in ferrets?
Loss of neg feedback -> inc in release of LH & FSH. -> persistently stimulate respective receptors in adrenal cortex
Eventually adrenocortical hyperplasia and tumor formation
HOw to Adrenalectomy
- Surgery - left adrenal gland easierto remove -> ligation of the phrenicoabdominal vein
- right adrenal gland more difficult - closely attached to vena cava and in close proximity to the liver
- Tend to avoid surgery in favour of implant
Describe insulinoma in ferrets
- Small tumours of pancreatic beta cells
- Microadenomas -> excess of insulin -> HYPOGLYCAEMIA
- Median age= 5 yrs old
Surgery for insulinomas ?
○ Pancreatic nodulectomy or partial
○ Inspect both right and left pancreatic lobes ○ Survival time of approx. 16 - 22 months (in
combination with medical management)
○ Not all of the diseased tissue may be
macroscopic. Macroscopic disease is usually
seen as discrete red raised nodules