Autonomic Nervous System Flashcards
What is a collection of nerve bodies called when its in the CNS and in PNS
CNS= Nucleus PNS= Ganglion
What does the autonomic nerves system control (+ divs)
- Involuntary motor system for smooth, cardiac mm + glands
- Has sympathetic+parasympathetic+enteric div)
What does the spinal nerve divide into and what types of nerves are they
Anterior Ramus
Posterior Ramus
-mixed nerves (both afferent + efferent)
what kind of pathway does a somatic fibres take
Single neuron pathway from CNS to effector organ (ex MN located in CNS crosses all the way to big toe)
What kind of pathway does visceral fibres take
Two neuron chain pathway- preganglionic neuron to postganglionic neuron
What types of neurons are visceral sensory + general and where are there ganglia located
Pseudounipolar with cell bodies located in the ganglia (outside of CNS)
what is the path of sensory somatic inf
Info picked up and sent to ganglia and dorsal aspect of horn
What is the path of visceral sensory info
Info picked up and sent to to dorsal root and dorsal root ganglia, thru rootlets into dorsal horn
What is the path of somatic motor info
Exits out ventral horn then straight to effector organ
Autonomic multipolar MN path
Preganglionic mn exits out of ventral horn and synapses with post ganglionic mn at ganglia
Where is the sympathetic div located in the spinal colum (preganglionic)
Sympathetic neuron cell bodies located in interomediolat cell column of t1-L2 (lat horn)
Where is the postganglionic div of sympathetic div found (2)
Paravertebral ganglia- form sympathetic trunks (chain) on either side of vert column
Prevertebral ganglia- found at base of the main branches of the abdominal aorta (eg. celiac, aorticorental etc)
What are the 2 dif paths that preganglionic nerves can travel
- Preganglionic neurons exit ventral root and go to paravertebral gangloa where they synapse
- Start in lat horn and pre ganglionic neurons exit ventral horn and pass thru synpathetic chain ganglion and make way to prevert ganglia
where are preganglionic parasympathetic neuron cell bodies located (2)
- brainstem of nuclei of CN 3(cillary) ,7 (pterygopalantine, submandibular) ,9 (otic) ,10
- Sacral spinal cord segments S2-4
Where are post ganglion parasympathetic neuron cell bodies located
Parasympathetic neuron cell bodies are located in ganglia near the wall of the target organ.
Overall- long preganglionic neurons, short postganglionic neurons