Autarky- was it effective? Flashcards
What does autarky mean?
economic self sufficiency
requires that a country produce all of its resources itself, and does not need to import them.
V. rare to achieve
What was the dream?
Italy to produce for itself all its major needs, i.e. food, raw materials, manufactured goods
Why autarky?
1) NATIONALISM: to make Italy great and not dependent upon others
2) MILITARISM: to prepare Italy for war
3) To justify IMPERIAL EXPANSION, gaining spazio vitale
4) To avoid a repetition of the 1935-36 LoN sanctions
The reality: little raw materials
- virtually no coal supplies
- little iron
- no discovered oil
The reality: even by 1940 domestic production met?
only 1/5 of Italy’s industrial raw material needs
The reality: BfG
-cut wheat imports BUT other food imports ROSE
The reality: Italy really needed to increase its?
EXPORTS to pay for essential imports
The reality: what increased and what industries were hit?
Basic raw materials were very EXPENSIVE: the stats?
- coal was 3x price it was in England
- steel was 2x the price it was in England
Italy continued to suffer a balance of trade deficit which made it harder to?
import the RAW MATERIALS it needed
Trade stats: exports VS imports
Imports: 100
Exports: 100
Imports: 60
Exports: 160
Why did BM feel like he could experiment with autarky?
As the regime became more established, he was freer to indulge in his own priorities.
What further brought home the advantage of having a self sufficient economy?
- 1929 GD
- 1935-36 Imposition of economic sanctions
When did BM formally announce his autarky policy?
accompanies by a vast propaganda campaign
Was BM’s attempt to make Italy more self sufficient successful?
Neither economically/ militarily.
Although Italy became autarkic in grain, it still depended largely on imports for other basic needs
Why was Italy unable to join Germany in the war in 1939?
Due to a lack of foreign currency (caused by the neglect of exports) during the 1930s Italy was UNABLE to import the raw materials its MILITARY PREP required, which meant it unable to join NG in 1939, and then performed badly when it did join.
What are Morgan’s views on autarky?
~ “an unattainable goal for an ill resourced country like Italy, which would always need to import raw materials”
~ “but the fact that it was unrealisable in present conditions was the reason pushing FI towards war alongside NG”- NG made up for FI’s economic downfalls.
~ “Whatever the illusions of Abyssinia’s economic potential, the EMPIRE was an attempt to make Italy economically independent and powerful by war”.
~ “future expansion and conquest would achieve that redistribution of territory and resources which had always been behind F ‘revisionism’ “.