Attachment: Schaffer’s stages of attachment Flashcards
What did Schaffer & Emmerson do?
- Who were the babies
- Where are they from
- They studied how babies attached to
- 60 babies from Glasgow
- Working class families
Method of Schaffer & Emmerson’s study
- What kind of study is it
- How did he do this?
- What were studied?
- An observational study
- VisIted babies attached home with parents
- Studied what stage did babies usually have separation and stranger anxiety
What age is asocial stage?
First few weeks of life
Bond formed here are basis of later attachments
Stage 1 - asocial stage
What behaviours do babies have in stage 1-asocial stage?
- Behaviour to inanimate objects and humans is simlar
- They show preference to be with humans but only those they are familiar with because they provide comfort
What age is indiscriminate attachment?
2-7 months
What behaviour do babies have at indiscriminate attachment?
- Clear preference to be with humans
- Recognize + prefer familiar people
- Accept comfort + cuddles from anyone
Do babies in indiscriminate attachment show any sorts of anxiety?
Babies do not show stranger and separation anxiety at indiscriminate attachment.
What age is specific attachment?
From 7 months
In specific attachment, who are babies attached to?
Attachment to one particular person (primary attachment figure), who usually responds to the babies’ signals
In specific attachment, do babies show any sorts of anxiety?
Babies show anxiety towards stranger if PAF is not present
What age do babies form multiple attachments?
After 1 year
What happens in multiple attachments, the last stage?
- Attachments have formed with others who spend time with the baby
- Stranger and separation anxiety is extended to other multiple attachments that they have also formed
Within a month of forming primary attachment, what percentage of babies form secondary attachment?