Attachement Flashcards


What is attachement


Attachment is the bond or the relationship a child or a young person develops with their primary caregiver.

Becomes the basic for emotional
Attachement and baby’s future attachements

Secure attachment: positive nurturing , responses to the babies
Ya insecure attachment: fearful environment. Négligence, abuse

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Bowlby’s , attachment theory

What are the five main point of bowlby’s theory


1Focuses relationships human being share with other specifically
The long term relationship between children and parents and romantic relationships.

When the caregivers are reliable and responsive the child develops a sense of security

Due to the secure environment the child develops the ability to explore the world more

Attachement formed in early years have a lasting psychological connectedness.l between human beings.

Earliest bonds have tremendous impact that continue throughout life

•infants have an innate need to attach with a attachment figure
-biologically programmed with innate behaviors to establish attachment.
- introduces the concept monotrphy
- monotrophy - child is programmed to develop a special attachment with one person most usually the mother or a female figure
- monographic attachment is considered important
- if failed to establish➡️ leds to issues like to affection less psychotherapy
- also introduces the maternal deprivation hypothesis
- suggests that even mothers are genetically predisposed to care and respond to their babies

•a child should receive continuous care from the single most important caregiver approximately till 2year of life

  • if attachment formation is delayed for more than 12 months it can create complication.
  • known as the critical period
  • says that this period lasts up to 2 1/2 years of life rarely.

• there are long term effects of maternal deprecation
Separation or loss of the mother which leads to the failure to develop proper attachment has serious long term issues
- deliquesce , depression, affectionless psychopathy
Increased agression

• short term separation from the attachment figure leads to distress
Robertson and Bowlby ( 1952) claims that an intense distress is experienced by the child when separated with the mother. It occurs at three stages
Protest, despair.detachment

• attachment relationship with primary caregivers lead to the development of ab internal working model
Cognitive framework that comprise of mental representations for understanding the world self and others .
This working model guides future social and emotional behavior.

Attachment develops even if the child is maltreated. When the child is upset and sad in the absence of a proper caring figure the attach to the person who maltreats them.
External reward is not required but attachment is resistant to extinction.

As B says fathers are emotionally insignificant

Howver he has been criticized for the concept of

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Biology of dads

  • When the fetus is inside the womb , it responds to the dads voice too
  • Due to the activation of female hormones during pregnancy fathers too experience certain physical change. Prolactine
  • body produces a cocktail of hormones preparing the male for fatherhood
  • fathers presence during eases giving birth - ocsitocine.
  • at birth when the dad holds the child the dadd decision making part of the brain activates unlike the mothers
  • testosterone levels reduce healthy fatherhood
  • a dads style of playing fosters a child s independence, pushes them t risk a d explore the world.
  • fosters language dev
  • children raised with single dads are more independent, better able to maintain interest.
  • in teen years fathers try to discipline their children and preparer them for the world
  • in conflict with children they act like 👨🏽‍💼 partners, talks logically and with ration not with emotions like mothers.
  • often advices about adhering to rules and following principles.
  • in adulthood daughters often choose men who has a smilier appearance to their dada whenn choosing partner
  • a person who s raised without a dad is more mature
    And reach puberty early in order to search protection
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