Adolescent Psychology Flashcards
-Periods of transition
Child 🧒 ➡️ adult 👩
-great changes and challenges
- fundamentally different
- need to establish identity and independence
- emotionally driven in high emotion situs.
- cognition lags behind in high emotionally intense situs.
- rapid physical, brain and personality growth
Progress from
1 puberty to sexual maturation
2 emotionally driven behaviors ➡️ affect behaviors( consider consequences and act to reach goals)
3 peer dominated relationships ➡️ relationships with interpersonal intimacy and understanding
During adolescence
Establish personal identity, intimacy, sexual maturity, sense of accomplishment,
3 stages
Early adolescence - 10-14
Middle adolescence -15- 16
Late adolescence -17-21
Physical growth
Early and -rapid growth in height and weight
Middle Ad. Secondary sex characteristics
Need 9.5 hour sleep
Significant brain changes
Late Ad. -Sexually mature
- reached adult height. - final sculpting of the brain
Cognitive growth
Early and - higher reasoning, abstract skills
Middle Ad. Higher thinking skills in cold cognition situs but less in emotional
Late Ad. -affection regulation.
- act appropriately in emotional situs
Social growth - Early distancing from parents Identification with peers and relationships are important. Acceptance is important.
Middle More relationships Search for intimacy Sexual experimentation Establish moral beliefs but act differently
Late Establish relationships with parents Able to share thought in the same level Adults become reliable source of info Able to control behaviors with personal values.
Emotional growth Early Emotionally driven Risk taking activities Volatile, mood swings, lack of judgement in high intensity situs.
Skeptical about previously accepted values
Pursue their own truth
Struggle with personal identity
Self image and self identify is largely formed
Feeling and behaviors of adolescence can be categorized into five broad areas
- moving towards independence
- future interests and cognitive dev
- sexuality
- physical changes
- ethics and self direction
Early adolescence
Moving towards independence
- identity is affected by internal and external forces
- express one’s self through speech and mote through actions
- close friendships become important attention to parents reduces
- occasionally rude
- realization of parents’ and their own flaws
- find new people to love
- childish behavior under stress
- peer pressure and influence
Future interests and cognitive development
- increase career interest
- great ability to work
- interested mostly in present and near future
- abstract thinking
- girls grow sex characteristics faster than boys
- interest for privacy
- experiments with body
- worries about being normal
Physical changes
- rapid growth in weight and height
- growth of public hair
- secondary sex organs and physical characteristics develop
- increased perspiration
Ethics and self direction
- rule and limit testing
Middle adolescence
Moving towards independence
- self involvement
- complaints about parents interfering with independence
- lowered opinion and withdrawal from parents
- concerned about appearance
- feels strange in their own body
- examination of inner experience
Interests for future and cognitive development
- intellectual interests gain importance
- sexual and aggressive energies are directed to creative work
- anxiety emerge
- concerned about sexual attractiveness
- clear idea about sexual orientation
- changing relationships
- tenderness and feat towards opposite sex
- feelings of love and passion
Physical changes
- males grow in height and weight
- female growth slows down
Ethics and self direction
- ideals develop and role models are created
- consistent conscience
- capacity for moral reasoning
- goal setting
Late adolescence
Moving towards independence
- firmer identity
- think through ideas
- developed sense of humor
- emotional stability
- interests are more stable
- make independent decisions
- compromise
- concern for others
- self reliance
Future interests and cognitive dev
- defined work habits
- higher level of concern for future
- thought about one’s role in life
- serious relationship are sought
- clear sexual identity
- capacity for sensual love
Physical growth
- female are finished growing
- males still gain weigh, height, muscles and growth of bodu hair
Ethics and self direction Capacity for useful insight Concern for personal dignity and self esteem Set goals and follow them Self regulation Acceptance of social norms and values
Parenting styes
Diana Baumrind introduces 4 parenting styles based on control and warmth
Control : the degree to which the parents manage their child behavior
Warmth : the degree to which the parents are responsive and accepting their child’s behavior
P :Warm but firm
Allows independence within limits
Engage the adolescent in devision making
A: learn to negotiate
Learn self regulation and self worth
Authoritarian patent
P ; Highly controlling
Strict disciplinarians
Set rules and expect teens to live bound ti them
Do not involve the teen in decision making
Accept the rules without questioning
A : adherence to rules is valued over everything
Rebellious or dependent
Permissive P: doesn’t say no to child Passive participation in the teen life Allows teen to take their own decisions Dont view themselves as important in the teens life
A : no sense of boundaries and limits
Problems with self control
Uninvolved P: do not engage in the teens life Limits interaction Not bothered by the teens life Indifferent to the teens need
A: impulsive
Dont control themsleves