ATI Science- Antigens/ Immunity Flashcards
Universal donor
Type O
Universal acceptor
Type AB
formation of blood cellular components/ blood cell production
hematopoiesis occurs in
the bone marrow
How many organ systems are in human body
substance perceived by the immune system as dangerous
substance that stimulates production of antibodies
organs, tissues, cells of immune system you were born with (ex: skin)
innate immunity
immunity that develops over the lifetime
acquired immunity
type of immunity that develops in response to infection (natural) or vaccine (artificial)
active immunity
develops after you receive antibodies from someone (natural)/ somewhere else (medicines) (artificial)
passive immunity
immune response to specific traits of specific pathogens
adaptive immunity
Pivotal figure in microbiology
Robert Koch
Koch’s postulates were formulated as
guidelines for establishing that microbes cause specific diseases.
Which of the following is true if Koch’s postulates are met regarding a disease?
The disease is caused by a microorganism
Which of the following chemicals is released by one type of immune cell to directly activate another
type of immune cell?
Which of the following microorganisms lack their own metabolic pathways and can
reproduce inside a host cell
Immune response examples-
T lymphocyte activation and clonal expansion ; formation of memory B cells; complement proteins binding to and destroying bacteria
Which of the following allows the AIDS virus, which contains RNA to insert viral DNA into the DNA of a host T-cells after the AIDS virus enters the cells?
Receptor proteins located on the surface of the virus
Lifelong protection after exposure to a virus such as chickenpox is due to which of the following types of immunity
Which of the following actions does a hydrophilic hormone take to activate a target cell?
the hormone binds to cell surface receptors of the target cells
Which of the following is a protein that interferes with virus production?
proteins that are produced by cells infected by pathogens such as virus
specialized proteins that carry signals between cells
cytokines; type of interferon