Arky Midterm One Flashcards
Who was Olof Ohman
Founded kensington runestone near kensignton minnesota that had viking writing. If legit would be proof that the western world was explored by the Scandinavian explorers in the New world in the 14th century
Who was Ignaz Semmelweis?
Used the scientific method to attempt to solve why there were so many maternal deaths in Vienna General hospital
Who is Ignatius Donnelly
Wants to prove that Platos atlantis story is true and that Atlantis was where people changed from barbarians to civilization
Who is James Churchward
popularized “Mu” as “Mother continent” and put it with another lost continent Lemuria. Lemuria was a continent land bridge that explained the presence of lemurs and other fossils in Madagascar and India. Wrote three books with Mu in the title and the Mu had the Naacal civilization the Mu was destroyed the same was as Atlantis. Mu was backed by some tablets that no longer exist
Who is Jose De Acosta
Argued that humans and animals came into the new world using the same route using a route between Eastern asia and western region of the new world. this is not to contradict with the bible
Who is Charles Darwin
Believed in the evolution from the apes
Who is Louis Leakey
Believed that tools found in south California (calico) were similar to the ones found in East Africa but they were actually formed by nature
Who is Ivan Van Sertima
Wrote “they came before columbus” his claim of African presence in the pre-Columbian New World
Who is Eugene Dubois
Discovered the Java Man which combined with a primitive skull and upright stature
Who is Raymond Dart
He claimed that a creature with an ape-sized brain could have dental and postural characteristics approaching those of human
Who is Charles Dawson
Discovered the first piltdown fossiles and was always involved for the finds related to piltdown
Who is Kenneth Oakley
Exposed piltdown man as a hoax by fluorine testing
Who is George Hull
Behind the cardiff Giant Hoax
Who is William Stub Newell
Farmer that comes across the petrified cardiff giant
Who is Graham Hancock
He believed archaeologist have ignored advanced ice age civilizations and atlantis
Who is Augustus Le Plongeon
Translated a maya Indian book troano codex with a alphabet that conected maya to ancient egyptians
What is paradigm
a way of looking at things and is a standard, perspective and set of ideas
Scientific process
Observation, induction (specific oberservation argue probable conclusions), deduction (generalities to specific), testing
Scientific processes are
testable and falsifiable
What is Pseudoscience
does not follow rules of logic and evidence
what is epistemology
A branch of philosophy concerned with the nature, scope, and limitations of knowledge (awareness of facts)
What is Uniformitarianism
Earth has always changed in uniform wats and that the present is the key to the past
What is Catastrophism
Describing earths history as being stable with intermittent short live, cataclysmic events drastically shaping the surface
What is phylogeny
the history of evolution of a species or group especially in reference to lines of descent and relationships among broad groups of organisms
What is Antiquarianism
The study of old and rare objects in their history
What is biblical literalism
That one regards the content of the bible as literal true
Define Diffusionism
culture are univentive and that new ideas are developed in very few or single places (egypt is the source of all Civilization)
Define Pareidolia
the tendency to perceive a specific often meaningful image in a random or ambiguous visual patterns
What is Cardiff Giant
petrified giant found by george hull and newell
What is the solid muldoon
another prehistoric “petrified man” was found in 1877 on the muldoon hill colorado
What is Gigantism/Acromegaly
A rare condition that causes abnormal growth in children’s and adolescents in increased height caused by growth hormone or tumor on pituitary gland Acromegaly: diagnosed in 30-50 adnormal growth of hands feet and face
What is Cro Magnon
Ancient not as older than neandertals but was more modern looking making first true humans to be French
What is piltdown man
Discovered by charles dawson and a hoax of a human skull and a orangutan jaw broken up
Taung baby
discovered by raymond dart and his interpretation of it was ignored
What is Homo erectus
oldest known earlyhumans to have possesses modern human like body
What are Homo sapiens
wise humans
What is neanderthalensis
Human from the neander valley
What is Clovis period
period of time named from its distinctive stone and bone tool industry originally through to be the first people in the Americas Meadowcroft pennslyvania and monte verde
What are assumptions of science
There is a real and knowable universe
the universe operates according to laws- laws are immutable- the laws can be studied and understood
What is Solutrean culture
Solutrean culture was short lived and dissapeared before clovis and neo nazis believed they were in America first using Solutrean hypothesis
Paleoindian period
End of the last ice age when humans first appeared in the archeological record in North America
Convergence of evidence
the way that different and independent sources all support one conclusion over another
Where is L’Anse aux Meadows
One of the villages where these norse visitors stayed has been found newfoundland
What is Polygenesis
The hypothetical origination of language or of a surname from a number of the independent sources in different places at different times
How is Onondaga important
area near new york where cardiff giant was found the Onondaga people had myths about giants called the Stone Coat
Point Rosee
Possible site parcak identified an area suggesting the presence of remains of norse structures
What is Zhoukoudien
Had one of the first specimens of Homo erectus
Neander Valley
fossil found that was similar to those of modern humans (neandertals)
What is Cro-Magnon
Southwestern france found modern skeletons that lookolder than neandertals
What is Trinil, Java
On the solo river where the java man was found
Where was taung baby found
Taung, South Africa
What is gault site, texas
Gault site is where clovis stuff was found
What was found in Sandia cave, new mexico
Stone arrow, baskey scraps and skeletal remains of ice age animals such as the mastadone
What was found in Monte Verde, Chili
Artifacts such as spears
What are Nephilim
the mysterious race of people referenced as the “giants” in the Hebrew bible
What is solutrean hypothesis
suggest that the earliest human entered the americas not from beringia but from Europe