Appendix: Research in OB Flashcards
What is management?
The art of getting things accomplished in organizations through others.
What do many managers rely on instead of scientific evidence?
Obsolete knowledge, long-standing but untested traditions, personal experience, beliefs, and consultant information.
What is Evidence-Based Management (EBM)?
Organizational practices based on scientific evidence.
What are 3 benefits of Evidence-Based Management (EBM)?
1) Increases predictability
2) Increases odds of success
3) Increases your value to an organization
What is a theory in scientific research?
A theory is backed by evidence from multiple studies and explains why, how, and when variables are related.
What is a hypothesis?
A prediction that specifies the relationship between variables
What is the difference between independent and dependent variables?
Independent Variable: Predictor
Outcome, varies as a function of the independent variable
What is validity in measurement?
The extent to which a measure truly reflects what it is supposed to measure.
What is reliability in measurement?
The consistency of data; less reliability means more random error.
What are the types of research designs?
Case Studies
Observational Studies
Correlational Studies
Experimental Studies
What are the types of observational research?
Participant Observation: Researcher takes part
Direct Observation: No active participation
What is a correlational study?
A study measuring the relationship between variables without introducing changes.
* Surveys
* Interviews
* Existing (Archival) Data
What is an experimental study?
A study involving manipulation and random assignment to determine causation.
Lab or Field
What is a correlation coefficient (r)?
A measure of the strength (-1 to +1) and direction of a relationship between variables.
What does correlation not imply?
Causation. Correlation indicates association but not cause and effect.