Appendicular Skeleton Flashcards
Total of 126 bones which comprises the bones of the
upper and lower limbs, as well as the pectoral and
pelvic girdles
Appendicular skeleton
attach the limbs to the axial skeleton.
Pectoral and pelvic girdles
a place where two bones come together.
Functional classification of joints
Synanthrosis - non movable
Ampriarthrosis - slight movable
Diarthrosis - freely movable
Structural classification of joints
Consist of two bones that are unified by
fibrous tissue and that exhibit little to no
Fibrous joints
Joint held together with very short, interconnecting fibers, and bone edges interlock. Found only in the skull.
Joint held tpgether by a ligament. Fibrous tissues can vary in length but is longer than in sutures.
Joint held tpgether by a ligament. Fibrous tissues can vary in length but is longer than in sutures.
Peg in socket fibrous joint.
Holds tooth in socket
Peridontal ligament
Unite two bones by means of cartilage
and permits slight movement.
Cartilaginous joints
Bones united by hyaline cartilage
Bones united by fibrocartilage
Freely movable joints that contain
synovial fluid in a cavity surrounding the
ends of articulating bones.
Synovial joints
the articular surface of the joint is
covered by a thin layer of
Articular cartilage
the joint cavity of synovial joints is filled with
lines the joint cavity everywhere except the
articular cartilage.
Synovial membrane
The synovial membrane may extend as a pocket or sac called
shoulder girdle
Perctoral girdle
Pectoral girdle consist of 4 bones:
2 Scapula
2 Clavicle
attach the upper limb to the body and allows free movement of the upper limb
Pectoral girdle
S shape bones that can be felt along their entire course as they extend horizontally
attached to the sternum
Proximal end of the clavicle
First bone to begin ossification and last to complete
t is a triangular, flat bone, which serves as a site for attachment for many muscles.
consist of the bones of the arm, forearm, wrist and hand
Upper limb
Region between the shoulder and
the elbow. It contains the humerus.
Arm (brachial)
connecting the upper arm to the forearm. It is classed as a hinge- type synovial joint which allows flexion and extension
Elbow joint
Consist of two bones: the ulna (medial side) and radius (lateral side) Consist of two bones: the ulna (medial side) and radius (lateral side)
Forearm (antebrachial)
Slightly longer than the radius. It has the main responsibility for forming the elbow joint with the humerus.
Thin at its proximal end and wide distally
short region between the forearm and the hand.
Wrist carpal
Consist of 8 irregular bones arranged in two rows of four
bones each and form a light curvature (carpal tunnel)
Wrist carpal
The skeleton of the hand includes the Palm (Metacarpals) and Fingers (Phalanges)
They are numbered 1 to 5 from the thumb (lateral
side) to the little finger (medial side)
Each finger is composed of three small bone
named as proximal, middle, and distal phalnx
according to their position. The thumb has two
phalanges, proximal and distal.
Attach to the carpal and forms the bony framework of
the hand. The ends or heads of the five metacarpals
forms the knuckles.
Attaches lower limb to the axial skeleton
Pelvic girdle
Consist of 2 coxal bones or hip bones (innominate bone)
Pelvic girdle
Each coxal bone is formed by 3 fused bones
The ilium is the widest and largest flaring bone that forms the superior region of a coxal bone.
it is composed of a body, an inferior ramus and superior ramus.
received body weight when sitting.
Ischial tuberosities
It is the most anterior portion of the hip bone. It consists of a body, superior ramus and inferior ramus
consist of the bones of the thigh, patella, leg, ankle and
Lower limb
Region between the hip and
the knee.
is the only bone in the thigh and the longest
bone in the body.
triangular sesamoid bone enclosed
in the (quadriceps) tendon that
secures the anterior thigh muscles to
the tibia.
Region between the knee and ankle. It contains two parallel bones called tibia (medial side) and fibula (lateral side)
Main bone of the lower legthat receives the weight of the body from the femur and transmits it to the foot.
A sticklike bone with slightly expanded
ends. Not for weight bearing, but for muscle
The skeleton of the foot includes the tarsals, metatarsal bone and phalanges of the foot and are arranged and numbered in a manner similar to the metacarpal and
phalanges of the hand
a set of seven irregularly shaped bones.
Tarsal bones
are the 14 bones of the toes.
Consist of five long bones that is convex dorsally and consist of a head, neck, shaft, and base
They are numbered I-V (medial to lateral).
The three arches of the human foot.
Medial longitudinal arch
Lateral longitudinal arch
Anterior transverse arch