API 653 ASME V Flashcards
Placement of IQI what side?
IQIs are placed on the source side ,
If inaccessibility prevents hand-placing the IQI on the source side, it can be placed on the film side in
contact with the part being examined. If this is done, a lead letter ‘F’ must be placed adjacent to or on the IQI to show it is on the film side.
How are hole IQI placed?
Hole type IQIs can be placed adjacent to or on the weld.
How are wire IQI placeD?
Wire IQIs are placed on the weld so that the length of the wires is perpendicular to the length of the weld.
What is excessive backscatter?
Backscatter is a term given to the effect of scattering of the X or gamma rays,leading to an unclear image
How to determine if backscatter is acceptable/unacceptable?
- acceptable - dark image of ‘B’ on a lighter background is acceptable
- unacceptable - light image of the lead symbol ‘B’ appears on a darker background
What is geometric unsharpness?
Geometric unsharpness is a numerical value related to the ‘fuzziness’ of a radiographic image
What is IQI used for?
radiograph to be deemed ‘sensitive enough’ to show the defects
What needs to be visible for hole type/wire type ?
■For a hole type IQI: the designated hole IQI image and the 2T hole
■For a wire type IQI: the designated wire
■IQI identifying numbers and letters
What are the 3 PT type?
- Water washable
- Post-emulsifying (not water based but will wash off with water)
- Solvent removable
2 penetrant types?
visible or fluorescent)
The area of interest, and adjacent surfaces within_____, need to be prepared and degreased
so that indications open to the surface are not obscured
1 inch (25 mm)
temperature of the penetrant and the surface of the part to be processed must be between
40⁰F (5⁰C) and 125⁰F (52⁰C) throughout the examination period.
PT Exam technique steps(5)
- Use cleaner and dry with rags/air
- Apply penetrant (1dwell time table)
- Use cleaner again
- Apply developer
- Made with 10-60 mins after develop dries
Black lights shall achieve a minimum of
1000 μW/cm2 on the surface of the part being examined throughout the examination.
where is the ‘backscatter indicator’ lead letter
‘B’ placed?
On the back of the film holder
Liquid penetrant testing can be used to detect:
Surface breaking discontinuities
MT used for? what type of cracks
used to detect cracks and other discontinuities on or near the surfaces of ferromagnetic materials
Maximum sensitivity is achieved
when linear discontinuities are orientated perpendicular to the lines of magnetic flux.
For optimum effectiveness in detecting all types of discontinuities,
each area should therefore be examined at least twice,
Prod spacing must not exceed
but prod spacing of _________ are usually
not practical due to ‘banding’ of the magnetic particles around the prods.
less than 3 in (76 mm)
the magnetizing procedure for the prod technique
Magnetization is accomplished by pressing portable prod type electrical contacts against the surface in the area to be examined.
To avoid arcing, a remote control switch, which may be built into the prod handles, must be provided to allow the current to be turned on after the prods have been properly positioned
MT yoke technique method?
method must only be used (either with AC or DC electromagnetic yokes or permanent magnet yokes) to detect discontinuities that are surface
breaking on the component.
magnetic field strength ?
the applied magnetic field must have sufficient
strength to produce satisfactory indications, but it must not be so strong that it causes the masking of relevant indications by non-relevant accumulations of magnetic particles
Factors that influence the required field strength include: (5)
Size, shape and material permeability of the part
The magnetization technique
The method of particle application
The type and location of discontinuities to be detected
The ferromagnetic particles used as an examination medium can be either (2)
wet or dry, and may be either fluorescent or colour contrast:
UT temp limit for std equipment?
temperature not to exceed 200⁰F
UT uses what ?
pulse echo
Magnetic field strength can be verified by using one or more of the following (3)
Method 1: T-764.1.1: pie-shaped magnetic particle field indicator
Method 2: T-764.1.2: artificial flaw shims
Method 3: T-764.1.3 hall effect tangential-field probe
Which types of magnetizing current can be used with the prod technique?
DC or rectified
If the equipment is calibrated at ambient temperature, the apparent thickness reading displayed at an elevated temperature should be:
Reduced by 1 % per 100⁰F
Which types of magnetizing current can be used with the yoke technique?
What is pulse echo?
measures the transit time of the ultrasonic pulse through the part
What are the display element?
A-scan display, meter, or digital display
Thickness-measurement instruments are
divided into three groups:
(1) Flaw detectors with an A-scan
display readout,
(2) Flaw detectors with an A-scan numeric readout
(3) Direct thickness readout.
formula for UT?
Two ‘calibration’ blocks should be used for what?
one approximately the maximum thickness that the thickness meter will be measuring and the other the
minimum thickness.
What is Direct thickness readout.?
modified versions of the pulse-echo instrument. The elapsed time between the initial pulse and the first echo or between multiple echoes is converted into a meter or digital readout.
What is Flaw detectors with an A-scan
numeric readout
are a combination pulse ultrasound flaw detection instrument with an A-scan display and additional circuitry that provides digital thickness information. The material thickness can be electronically
measured and presented on a digital readout.
What is Flaw detectors with an A-scan
display readout?
Thickness determinations are made by reading the distance between the zero-corrected initial
pulse and first-returned echo (back reflection), or between multiple-back reflection echoes, on a standardized base line of the A-scan display.
What kind of calibration for MT?
- frequency - once/year (if not used more than one year needs calibration prior to use)
- Procedure - once/year (comparative reading shall be taken for at least 3 different current output levels)
- tolerance - not deviate more than +/- of full scale
MT exam preparation
- check of the examination surface shall be conducted to locate any surface discontinuity openings which may not attract and hold magnetic particles because of their width
- At least two separate examinations shall be performed on each area.
Dry particles
magnetizing current remains on while the examination
medium is being applied and excess of the examination medium is removed. Remove the excess particles with a light air stream from a bulb,
syringe or air hose
Wet particles
magnetizing current will be turned on after applying
the particles. Wet particles from aerosol spray cans may be applied before and/or after magnetization. Wet particles can be applied during magnetization as long as they are not applied with sufficient velocity to
dislodge accumulated particles.
RT identification?
Radiographs have to contain unique traceable permanent identification, along with the identity of the manufacturer and date of radiograph.
The information need not be an image that actually appears on the radiograph itself
RT Location markers?
which shall appear as radiographic images on the radiograph, shall be placed on the part, not on the exposure holder/cassette.
RT required marking? (5)
- manufacturer symbol name
- date of RT
- weld number
- component
- contract
Type selection number and placement of IQIS?
- IQI or pentameter (penny is used), penny is used to determine the sensitivity.
- determine thickness (thickness + reinforcement thickness)
- For wire type place directly across (perpendicular) to weld.
- for Hole IQI place on the source side
Put F if cannot be on source side.
What is sensitivity for RT?
defined as smallest or thinnest material change that a RT reveals.
measure the quality of an image to reveal the defects.
location markers for RT placement
Placed on the part not on the exposure holder/cassette. Their location should be marked on the surface of the part being radiograph. Does not interfere with area to be interpreted.
backscatter radiation symbol and size and location
lead symbol B with min 1/2” H, and 1/16” in thickness shall be attached to the BACK of each film holder. (B seen in film is no good)
Density limitations? (5)
- Max density is 4.0 for single / composite viewing
- area of interest 1.8 is min with X ray source
- area of interest 2.0 is min with Gamma ray source
- composite viewing of multiple film, each should have a min of 1.3
- tolerance of 0.05 in density is allowed between densitometer readings
what is densitometer/step wedge
measure amount of light traveled, film is placed between the light source and the sensor and a density reading is produced.
Record keeping of LP? (8)
- procedure identification and revision
- liquid penetrant type
- type of each penetrant, penetrant remove, emulsifier, and developer
- examine personnel identity
- map or record of indications
- material and thickness
- lightening
- date
PT ideal temp
40F to 125F
how often should a densitometer be calibrated?
every 3 months
density variation of radiograph?
-15% - (+)30%
what must be verified to assure the penetrant materials are acceptable for SS?
manufacturers certification of contaminant content for all liquid penetrant materials
When to reject excessive back scatter
WHEN light image of B appears on a darker background
visual inspection lightening for a piping weld requirement
100 foot candles
vision test how often?
testing restriction on dye penetration (2)
- intermixing of penetrant materials from diff families is not permitted
- Florescent exam shall not follow a color contrast test
when examiner is performing a wet particle exam, when can particle be applied by aerosol spray?
Aero spray should be spray before/after during magnetizing current application
when examiner is performing a wet particle exam, when can you apply particle direct to examination area?
magnetizing current shall be turned on after the particle have been applied
when dial type indicating and recording pressure gauges are used to monitor leak testing, what is the max gauged range shall not exceed1
1.5 x
provide acceptable evidence that a RT example technique is accordance
Proof IQI and density are within acceptable limits
min exposure for a RT DWE/SWV (single wall viewing)
DWV is limited to what pipe size?
What are shim dimension when perform with ahold type IQI?
at least 3 side of IQI image shall be visible
final interpretation of a PT exam conducted when?
not less than 10 min after dry developer is applied. nor more than 60 min after dry developer is dry
When performing LP/ MP, adjacent area shall be clean, how many inches?
MP exam with a black light, the intensity of the black light shall be verified?
prior and after completion
UT reference blocks are used
with known velocity or of the same material to be examined
When performing UT thickness on high temp material, the reading is …
1% / 100F (too high/too thick)
B should be what dimension
7/16 H x 1/16 T
MP exam black light intensity?
not less than 1000 uW/cm2
weight use to check the lifting power of magnetic yokes
shall have the weight stenciled on the weight PRIOR to use
MP AC current on yoke (10)
MP DC current/ permanent
40 lbs
dial indicating pressure gages calibrated
at least once a year
density limitation (5)
- wire type 1.8 min for SV
- 2.0 for gamma ray source
- composite set density min is 1.3
- max is 4.0 for single/composite viewing
- tolerance of 0.05 in density
shims in Rt should be placed, and material shall be
between the part and IQI, and shall be radiographically similar to the weld material
localized scanning search to detect in remaining wall, the scanning speed should be
stated in the procedure
when using hole type IQI, what hole must be visible