AP11 - The Knee, ankle, and foot Flashcards
What is the patella connected to?
quadriceps femoris tendon
patella ligament
What are the 2 main articulations of the knee?
What does the patellofemoral articulation allow?
tendon of the quadriceps femoris to be inserted directly over the knee, increasing the efficiency of the muscle
reduces friction
What menisci are present in the knee?
fibrocartilage, median and lateral aspects on the tibia
What are the 2 main functions of the menisci of the knee?
depeens articular surface of tibia, increasing stability
shock absorption
What is the significance of the structure of the median meniscus?
it is attached to the MCL, so MCL damage usually results in medial meniscal damage
Which menisci is bigger?
the medial meniscus
What are the 4 bursae in the knee?
What form the genicular anastomoses?
femoral and popliteal arteries
Where is the suprapatellar bursae?
between the quadriceps femoris and the femur
Where is the prepatellar bursae?
between the apex of the patella and skin
Where is the infrapatellae bursa?
either side of the patella tendon
it has superficial and deep parts
Where is the semimembranous bursa?
posterior to the knee (popliteal fossa), between semimembranous muscle and medial head of gastrocnemius)
Which ligaments are on the medial side of the ankle?
The Deltoid Ligament
deep - posterior tibiotalar ligament, anterior tibiotalar ligament
superficial - tibiocalcaneal ligament, tibioavicular ligament
What does the deltoid ligament do?
prevents over-eversion of the foot
What ligaments are on the lateral aspect of the ankle?
anterior talofibular
posteroir talofibular
What 3 muscles are in the superficial posterior leg compartment?
What does gastrocnemius do?
plantarflexion, flexes knee
Which 4 muscles are in the deep posterior leg compartment?
tibialis posterior
flexor digitorum longus
flexor hallucis longus
What does popliteus do?
forms base of popliteal fossa
laterally rotates the femur
What does tibialis posterior do?
inverts foot
name the 4 muscles in the anterior comartment of the leg
tibialis anterior
extensor digitorum longus
extensor hallucis longus
fibularis tertius
What does fibularis tertius do?
arises from inferior part of EDl, and is hence not present in all individuals
eversion and dorsiflexion
What 2 muscles are in the lateral leg compartment?
fibularis longus
fibularis brevis
What nerve innervates the lateral leg compartment?
superficial peroneal nerve
What nerve innervates the anterior leg compartment?
deep sciatic nerve
What nerve innervates the posterior leg compartment?
sciatic nerve
What two nerves innervate the intrinsic muscles of the sole of the foot?
medial and lateral plantar nerves
How might the intrinsic muscles of the foot be divided?
dorsal and plantar aspect
What muscles are in the 1st layer of the sole of the foot?
abductor hallucis
absuctor digit minimi
flexor digitorum brevis
(plantar aponeurosis)
Whar muscles are in the 2nd layer of the sole of the foot?
quadratus plantae
What muscles are in the 3rd layer of the sole of the foot?
flexor hallucis brevis
adductor hallucis
flexor digiti minimi brevis
What muscles are in the 4th layer of the sole of the foot
dorsal and plantar interosssei (kinda not really)
Which of the plantar inerossei and dorsal interossei are unipennate and bipennate?
plantar interossei - unipennate
dorsal interossei - bipennate
What does the popliteal artery split into?
Anterior tibial artery tibioperoneal trunk (posterior tibial artery, peroneal artery)
Which tendons run under the lateral malleolus?
fibularis longus
fibularis brevis
Which tendons runs under the medial malleolus?
tibialis posterior
flexor digitorum longus
flexor hallucis longus
What 2 main muscle groups occupy the anterior thigh compartment?
iliopsoas (2) Quadriceps femoris (4)
What is the isliopsoas made of?
psoas major
What is the quadriceps femoris made of?
vastus lateralis
vastus intermedius
vastus medialis
rectus femoris
Name 3 muscles in the posterior thigh compartment
biceps femoris
How is the knee stronger when locked?
reduces muscle work to stand
medial rotation of femur tightens ligaments
broader articulation surfaces
body centre of gravity over the knee
Which muscle ‘unlocks’ the knee?
popliteus, by initiating lateral rotation of the femur
Which movements are possible at the ankle?
dorsiflexion and platarflexion
which movements are possible at the subtalar joint?
inversion and eversion
Which branch of the sciatic nerve innervates the dorsiflexors?
deep peroneal nerve
Which branch of the sciatic nerve innervates the plantarflexors?
superficial peroneal nerve
Which bone of the foot is palpebral?
navicular bone
What are the names of the arches of the foot?
anterior transverse arch
lateral longitudinal arch
medial longitudinal arch
What is a lisfranc injury?
metatarsal bones displaced from the tarsals