AP06 - Skull and Meninges Flashcards
What are the articulating urfaces of the TMJ?
mandibular fossa and articular tubercle with the mandibular condyle
they are split by and articular disc
What kind of cartilage is used in the TMJ?
fibrocartilage, not hyaline cartilage
What are the 3 ligaments of the TMJ?
lateral ligament
sphenomandibular ligament
stylomandibular ligament
Which nerves might be damaged by anterior dislocation of the mandible?
auriculotemporal nerve
facial nerve
What is the divot above the orbit called?
the supraorbital notch
Which hole is placed latero-inferiorly to the orbit?
zygomatofacial foramen
What hole is placed inferior to the orbit?
The infra-orbital foramen
Which hole lies inferior to the infra-orbital foramen?
the maxillary foramen
What passes through the mental foramen?
mental nerve (infeior avleolar) inferior alveolar arteries
What structure marks to convergence of the sagittal and lamdoidal sutures?
To what structure of the skull does the SCM attach to?
the mastoid process
What is the protuberance at the back of the skull?
What is its’ highest point?
the external occipital protuberance
Which bones form the zygomatic arch?
zygomatic and temporal bones
Name 3 contents of the foramen magnum
apical ligament of dens
spinal cord
Name 1 content of the foramen ovale
mandibular nerve (CNV)
Name 3 nerves of the superior orbital fissure
occulomotor nerve
abducens nerve
trochlear nerve
What nerve passes through the foramen rotundum?
maxillary nerve (CNV)
Name one nerve and one artery passing through the foramen spinosum
middle meningeal artery
meningeal branch of mandibular nerve
Which 2 cranial nerves pass through the internal acoustic meatus?
facial nerve
vestibulocochlear nerve
What is more superior, the mandibular foramen or the myohyloid groove?
mandibular foramen
What lies anterior to the myohyloid groove?
the myohyloid line
What 2 structures lie on the posterior surface of the front of the mandible?
genial tubercles
digastric fossa
What are the 2 parts of the obicularis oculi?
palpebral (closes eyes gently)
orbital (forcefully)
What muscle sits on the bridge of the nose?
What muscle is both on the front and back of the head?
What 3 external muscles control ear movement?
superior auricular
anterior auricular
posterior auricular
Which muscles draw the eyebrow medially and downwards?
corrugator supercilli
What are the 2 divisions of nasalis?
What are the functions of alar nasalis and depressor septi?
alar nasalis - draws cartilage down and laterally, opening nostrils
depressor septi - pulls nose down
What is the function of depressor anguli oris?
draws corner of mouth down and laterally
What is the function of depressor labii inferioris
dras lower lip down and laterally
What is the function of mentalis?
bottom lip protusion lol
What is the function of risorus?
retracts mouth corners
What is the function of zygomaticus major
draws corner of mouth up and laterally
What is the function of zygomaticus minor?
draws upper lip upward
What is the function of levator labii superioris?
raises upper lip, helps form nasolabial furrow
What is the function of levator labii superioris alaeue nasi?
raises upper lip and open nostril
What is the function of levator anguli oris?
raises corner of mouth, helps form nasolabial furrow
Which 2 muscles form the nasolabial furrow?
levator anguli oris
levator labii superioris
What muscle closes and protrudes lips?
obicularis oris
What does buccinator do?
compresses cheek against teeth
What are the 4 muscles of mastication?
lateral ptygoid
medial pterygoid
Which TMJ ligament is strongest, what movement does it restrict?
ltaeral ligament
posterior dislocation
What nerve injury might effect facial muscle function?
extracranial lesion (facial nerve)