AP Gov Ch.14 Jeron Tainatongo Flashcards
interest group
a collection of people or organizations that tries to influence public policy
Interest groups benefit businesses by persuading the government to let them regulate themselves.
American Anti-Slavery Society
interest group made to advocate for the abolition of the institution of slavery throughout the United States
Thanks to the American Anti-Slavery Society, slavery amounts have been deducted in the U.S.
Women’s Christian Temperance Union
interest group created in 1874 with the goal of outlawing the sale of liquor
The Women’s Christian Temperance Union finds going into a saloon to be wrong and it shouldn’t be happening.
The Grange
educational organization for farmers and evolved into the first truly national interest group by working to protect the political and economic concerns of farming communities
The Grange works hard to keep the right of farmers strong.
interest group representatives who seek to influence legislation that will benefit his or her organizer through political persuasion
Lobbyist can be found in many different industries, even including some food businesses.
progressive movement
political and social activists from the 1890’s-1920’s who opposed corruption in government
The progressive movement can be seen supporting regulation of monopolies.
public interest group
organization that seeks a collective good that if achieved won’t selectively and materially benefit group members
Public Interest Groups want all members included to be equally credited for their contributions.
American Federation of Labor
brought skilled workers together into one national organization for the first time
The American Federation of Labor would be see the union of several different workers to come together as a big group.
National Association of Manufacturers
organization founded by manufacturers to combat the growth of organized labor
Thanks to the National Association of Manufacturers, organized labor has had a harder time continuing.
U.S. Chamber of Commerce
major pro-business lobbying group
Politically, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce usually supports Republican political candidates, though it has occasionally supported conservative Democrats.
trade association
group that represents a specific industry
Trade associations won’t be seen supporting two different industries at the same time
Jerry Falwell
Baptist minister who founded the conservative religious interest group the Moral Majority
Jerry Falwell had decided to start the Moral Majority group in 1978.
Moral Majority
religious interest group credited with helping to mobilize conservatives Evangelical Christian voters from its founding in 1978
The Moral Majority was successfully founded thanks to the help of Ronald Reagan.
Pat Robertson
Southern Baptist minister and TV evangelist who ran for president in 1988 and in 1989 founded the conservative religious interest group the Christian Coalition
Pat Robertson is the current chancellor and of CEO of Regent University.
Christian Coalition
interest group founded in 1989 to advance conservative Christian principles and traditional values in American politics
Christian Coalition made by religious broadcaster and former presidential candidate Marion Gordon “Pat” Robertson.
National Rifle Association
major gun-rights lobbying group in the U.S. which opposes gun control and advances an expansive interpretation of the Second Amendment
The National Rifle Association had been founded back in 1871.
A large labor union founded in 1955 by the merging of the American Foundation of Labor
The AFL-CIO is an expression of the aspirations of the working people of America.
social capital
cooperative relationship that facilitate the resolution of collective problems
The social capital enhances from the involvement of community groups and activities with others.
civic virtue
tendency to form small-scale associations for the public good
Civic Virtue creates fertile ground within communities.
pluralist theory
theory political power is distributed among a wide array of diverse and competing interest groups
The Pluralist Theory doesn’t rely on one single interest group.
disturbance theory
theory public policies are the result of narrowly defined exchanges or transactions among political actors
Pluralist theorist David Truman explains his thoughts with the disturbance theory.
collective good
something of value that can’t be withheld from a nonmember of a group
A tax write-off or is a good example for collective good is present.
economic interest group
primary purpose was promoting the financial interest of its members
Economic Interest Groups can benefit its members greatly, making it great to have as support.
political action committee
fund-raising organization that represents interest groups and allowed by federal law to make contributions directly to candidates’ campaigns
The Political Action Committee and economic interest groups can get along to be something very beneficial.
activists of a group that seek to persuade political leaders to support the group’s position
Lobbying can be seen whenever a “good idea” comes to mind from a political group.
transaction theory
theory that public policies are the result of narrowly defined exchanges or transactions among political actors
The Transaction Theory arose out of criticism of the pluralist approach.
Marian Wright Edelman
lawyer who in 1973 founded the Children’s Defense Fund to protect the right of children
Marian Wright Edelman continued her father’s work as president of Liberty University.
person who finances a group or individual activity
Wealthy individuals can be called a patron if they provide crucial start-up funds for groups.
free rider problem
potential members who fail to join a group because they can get the benefit sought by the group without contributing the effort
The free rider problem is a downfall for when workers don’t benefit a group but still reap the rewards of the group’s activity.
Lobbying Disclosure Act
federal law that employed a strict definition of lobbyist and established strict reporting requirements on the activities
The Lobbying Disclosure Act devotes at least 20 percent of clients time to lobbyist activities.
Honest Leadership and Open Government Act of 2007
lobbying reform banning gifts to members of Congress and their staffs, toughening disclosure requirements, and increasing time limits on moving from the federal government to the private sector.
The passing of the Honest Leadership and Open Government Act of 2007 was congresses attempt at remedying the wake of a variety of lobbying scandals.