Anterior Neck Flashcards
anterior triangle of the neck boundaries
Inferior border of the mandible
Posterior border of the SCM
Anterior midline of the neck
Roof: platysma and the investing fascia
mental triangle boundaries
Between two anterior bellies of digastric m. and the hyoid bone
muscular triangle boundaries
superior belly of the omohyoid
lower anterior margin of the sternocleidomastoid
median line of the neck
submandibular triangle boundaries
posterior and anterior bellies of the digastric m.
inferior border of the mandible
floor: mylohyoid, hypoglossus, middle constrictor m.
carotid triangle boundaries
anterior border of SCM
superior belly of omohyoid
posterior belly of digastric m.
Which vessel lies in superficial fascia lateral to the SCM?
external jugular vein
Anterior jugular v.s can drain into…
EJV or into subclavian v. (deep to SCM)
suprahyoid muscles
anterior belly of digastric
posterior belly of digastric
infrahyoid muscles
superior, inferior belly of omohyoid
the parotid gland overlays which muscles?
stylohyoid and posterior belly of digastric
Which a./v. cross inferior border of mandible and travel superiorly?
the FACIAL artery and vein
br. of external carotid a.
which nerves supply the digastric m. (anterior belly) and mylohyoid?
n. to mylohyoid (br. of mandibular division of trigeminal, CN V3)
Which n. supplies the digastric m. (posterior belly) and the styloyoid?
branches of facial n. (CN VII)
Inferior alveolar n.
br. of CN V3 (mandibular division of trigeminal)
(enters the mandible through the mandibular foramen, passes along the mandibular canal, exits through the mental foramen)
sensory to teeth
branches of CN V3 after it emerges from the foramen ovale
inferior alveolar n. –> n. to mylohyoid
______ nerve emerges from the stylomastoid foramen
facial nerve
two actions of the thyrohyoid m.
- depress hyoid bone
- elevate thyroid cartilage
ansa cervicalis
from C1-C3
innervates infrahyoid m. EXCEPT thyrohyoid
Innervation to thyrohyoid m.
directly innervated by a branch of C1 that piggy backs w/ hypoglossus n. (CN XII)
Which two roots of the ansa cervicalis piggy back with the hypoglossal n.?
Superior part of C1
Superior part of C2
Inferior loop of ansa cervicalis
descendens cervicalis
Superior loop of ansa cervicalis
desendens hypoglossi
upper loop of ansa cervicalis
lower loop of ansa cervicalis
thyroidhyoid and geniohyoid are innervated by branches of ___ that hitch-hike on the _________ n.
thyroidhyoid and geniohyoid are innervated by branches of C1 that hitch-hike on the HYPOGLOSSAL n.
all infrahyoid muscles except the _______ are innervated by ansa cervicalis
all infrahyoid muscles except the THYROHYOID are innervated by ansa cervicalis