anterior and medial thigh Flashcards
sartorius m
the anterior superior iliac spine
below the medial tibial condyle; part of the pes anserinus
femoral nerve
flexes hip and knee joints
laterally rotates the thigh
medially rotates the tibia on the femur (when foot isn’t fixed)
what are the four components of the quadriceps femoris
rectus femoris
vastus lateralis
vastus intermedius
vastus medialis
quadriceps femoris
all four heads converge on the patella
through the patellar ligament onto the tibial tuberosity and retinacula to the tibial condyles
quadriceps femoris
femoral nerve
quadriceps femoris
extensors of the knee joint
rectus femoris
by a straight head from the anterior inferior iliac spine
and by a reflected head from just above the acetabulum
rectus femoris
weak flexor of the hip
extensor of the hip with the quadriceps femoris
vastus lateralis m
the upper end of the femur
lateral lip of the linea aspera
lateral intermuscular septum
vastus intermedius m
almost the entire circumfrence of the femur except the linear aspera
vastus medius m
from the medial lip of the linea apsera and the medial intermuscular septum
inferior fibers extend more inferior than the vastus intermedius
superficial epigastric artery travels where
branches off the femoral artery and goes toward the umbilicus
superficial circumflex iliac artery travels where
branches off the femoral artery and goes toward the gluteal region
the superficial and deep external pudendal arteries travel where
branch off the femoral artery and goes toward external genitalia
the lateral femoral circumflex artery travels where
large branch off the deep femoral (may come from the femoral artery)
gives off ascending, transverse, and descending branches
travels laterally toward the hip joint
the ascending branch of the lateral femoral circumflex artery travels where
passes above the greater trochanter of the femur and enters the gluteal region
the transverse branch of the lateral femoral circumflex artery travels where
below and lateral to the greater trochanter
the descending branch of the lateral femoral circumflex artery travels where
accompanies the nerve to the vastus lateralis into that muslce, supplying it, and then descending to the knee
the medial femoral circumflex artery travels where
branch off the deep femoral (may come off the femoral artery)
passes between the iliopsoas and pectineus
gives off an ascending branch and transverse branch
the ascending branch of the medial femoral circumflex artery travels where
appears in the gluteal region above the quadratus femoris
the transverse branch of the medial femoral circumflex artery travels where
appears in the back of thigh between the quadratus femoris and adductor magnus
name the branches of the femoral nerve in the femoral triangle
8 branches
nerve to pectineus nerve to vastus lateralis nerve to sartorius nerve to rectus femoris nerve to vastus intermedius nerve to vastus medialis saphenous nerve -infrapatellar branch
what nerve passes behind the femoral vessels
nerve to pectineus
what nerve accompanies the descending branch of the lateral femoral circumflex artery?
nerve to the vastus lateralis m
the nerve to sartorius may continue as what cutaneous nerve
anterior femoral cutaneous
what nerve travels with the saphenous nerve in the adductor canal
nerve to vastus medialis muscle
the nerve that provides sensation to the medial side of the leg and food is what nerve?
saphenous nerve
the saphenous nerve travels with which vessel where?
in the superficial fascia with the greater saphenous vein
the infrapatellar nerve branches from what nerve?
saphenous nerve
name the muscles in the anterior osteofascial compartment
5 (really 2 muscles)
sartorius quadriceps femoris -rectus femoris -vastus lateralis -vastus intermedius -vastus medialis
extensor compartment
the anterior osteofascial compartment is bounded by
fascia lata
medial and lateral intermuscular septum
pelvis above
upper tibia below
the medial osteofascial compartment is boundd by
fascia lata medial intermuscular septum posterior intermuscular septum pubis and ischium above lineal aspera below
name the muscles in the medial osteofascial compartment
6 muscles
pectineus adductor longus adductor brevis adductor magnus gracilis obturator externus
adductor compartment
what is the blood and nerve supply to the anterior/extensor compartment
femoral nerve
femoral vessels
what is the blood and nerve supply to the medial/adductor compartment
deep femoral artery obturator nerve (mostly)
the upper surface of the superior ramus of the pubic bone
on the pectineal line
below the lesser trochanter of the femur
nerve to pectineus from the femoral nerve
accessory obturator nerve if present
adducts the thigh
medially rotates thigh
flexes the hip joint
adductor longus
from the pubis
adductor longus
on the middle third of the linea aspera
adductor longus
obturator nerve
adductor longus
adducts thigh
medially rotates the thigh
adductor brevis
from the inferior pubic ramus
adductor brevis
on the back of the upper half of the femur
adductor brevis
obturator nerve
adductor brevis
adducts thigh
medially rotates the thigh
adductor magnus
from the ischiopubic rami back to the ischial tuberosity adjacent to the origin of the hamstring muscles
adductor magnus
along the entire back of the shaft of the femur down to the adductor tubercle on the medial supracondylar line
adductor magnus - upper fibers
posterior division of the obturator nerve
adductor magnus - lower fibers
(one of hamstrings of back of thigh)
tibial division of sciatic nerve
adductor magnus - upper fibers
adducts thigh
medially rotates thigh
assists in flexion
adductor magnus - lower fibers
extends thigh
medially rotates thigh
obturator externus
from around the obturator foramen and from the obturator membrane
obturator externus
in the trochanteric fossa of the hamstring
obturator externus
posterior division of the obturator nerve
obturator externus
lateral rotator of the thigh
from the margin of the pubis and inferior ischiopubic ramus
with the sartorius muscle below the medial condyle to the tibia as part of the pes anserinus
anterior division of obturator nerve
adducts thigh
assists in flexion of the leg at the knee
the anterior branch of the obturator nerve supplies what muscles and lies on which muscle?
lies on the surface of adductor brevis
supplies adductor longus
adductor brevis
the posterior branch of the obturator nerve supplies which muscles and lies where?
deep to the adductor brevis
supplies obturator externus
adductor magnus