Ant Axioappendicular Muscles Flashcards
pec minor
med attachment: 3-5 ribs near costal cartilages
lateral attachment:med border and sup surface of coracoid
surface of scapula
N: medial pectoral nerve (C8, T1)
A: stabilizes scapula by drawing inf and ant against thoracic wall
pec major
med attachment: clavicular head– ant surface of med 1/2 of
sternocostal head– ant surface of sternum, sup 6 costal
cartilages, ext oblique aponeurosis
lat attachment: lat lip of intertubercular sulcus of humerus
N: lat and med pectoral nervs
clavicular head– (C5, C6)
sternocostal head– (C7, C8, T1)
A: adducts and med rotates humerus, draws scap ant and inf
acting alone: C head– flexes humerus
S head– extends humerus from flexed position
med attachment: junction of 1st rib and its costal cartilage
lat attachment: inf surface of coracoid process of scapula
N: subclavian nerve (C5, C6)
A: anchors and depresses clavicle
serratus anterior
med attachment: ext surfaces of lat parts of ribs 1-8
lat attachment: ant surface of med border of scapula
N: long thoracic nerve (C5, C6, C7)
A: protracts scapula and holds against thoracic wall
rotates scapula