Anglais Flashcards
Télétravailler (3)
Remote work(ing)
Working from home
Travailler “en présentiel” (2)
In person work(ing)
Working on site
Equilibre vie personnelle - vie professionnelle
Work-life balance
Le trajet entre le travail et la maison
The commute
To commute
Déposer les enfants à l’école
Aller chercher les enfants à l’école
To drop off the kids
To pick up the kids
Les avantages et les inconvénients
The advantages VS the disadvantages / downsides / drawbacks
The pros and the cons (utilisés pour lister)
The disrupt
Advantages of Remote Work(ing) (6)
- Employees feel more free
- Saves time
- Prevent form negative in-person workplace environment
- Better for environment
- Cost savings for employers
- Rise of profuctivity
Downsides of Remote Work(ing) (3)
- widen existing disparities,
- polarized society
- prevent from benefits of social interactions
What employers want about remote working VS what employees want
Employers mostly want employees back to the office
Employees might prefer to find another job than having to work fully in-person
Ideas and opinion about remote work(ing)(5)
- Suggests to recognize the reality of the new labor market and adapt
=> try hybrid schedules and explore different approaches - There’s work to do with people at the office to resolve this pbm instead of hiding women and minorities at home
- Front-line workers* and blue collar workers can’t work from home => don’t have the same flexbility in their schedules
*maybe want to work with people and not through a screen - some employers raise/increase wages/salaries to encourage people to go back to the office
Downsides of commuting (2, 8)
- Takes a lot of time ; is getting longer and longer every year
- Depending on the type of transport it can be really bad for both mental and physical health
=> commuting increases : obesity, stress, anxiety, depression, high blood pressure, high divorce rate, neck and back pbms, shorter life spans
=> the mode of transportation change the way commuting impacts you
Advantages of commuting (4)
- Not necessarily wasted time (when you’re not driving) : do things we won’t do otherwise
- Alone time
- Work done (extension of the workday)
- Cut off with your work => separate your worklife and personal life
Who are digital nomads (2) and the biggest advantage of being a digital nomads (1)
- People that work fully online to be able to work from everywhere
- Love to travel all around the world
- Amazing opportunity to travel more, to have more time to discover new places and cultures, and not from a tourist POV but a resident one
Drawbacks of digital nomads’ lifestyle (6)
- Requires some material and technical adaptations
- Ecological impact (planes)
- Isolation / loneliness
- Need to be even more organized (can leed to burnout)
- It is expensive
- ‘home boy”
Un scientifique, une étude scientifique
A scientist
A scientific study
Une expérience, expérimenter (3)
Experiment (expérience scientifique)
Experience (expérience vécue)
To experience something (connaitre, ressentir, vivre…)
Mener une recherche/étude
To conduct / carry out research
Education, éduquer
Upbringing (l’éducation parentale, l’éducation que l’on reçoit à la maison)
Education (éducation reçue à l’école)
Parenting / to bring up a child / ro rear a child / to raise a child (élever un enfant)
Débat entre l’inné et l’acquis
Nature vs nurture debate
Trouble mental
A psychological disorder
Diagnostic, diagnostiquer
Diagnosis (le diagnostic)
To diagnose (diagnostiquer)
La génétique, génétique (adj)
Genetics (nom)
Genetic (adj)
To raise awareness about apbm / to make people (more) aware of a pbm
Etre discriminé
To be discriminated AGAINST something
Un cabinet privé
A privet practice
Présumer, supposer
Assume, assumption
To assume
Effective / Efficient
Conseil, conseiller
Advice (noun), To advise (verb)
Une question très importante
Un nombre important de chats
Un taux de chômage important
Un risque important
An important question (intellectual value, c’est la valeur qu’on y attache)
A large number
A higher unemployment rate
A geat risk
Je suis d’accord
I agree with
Selon moi, selon l’auteur
We use “according to” in reference to seomeone else, often an authority figure, or a reputable source
For oneself, say : in my opinion, in my view, to me, as far as i’m concerned
Le texte parle de…
The text is about / deals with…
To indicate / to specify / To say
“Precise” is an adjective : a precise answer, you should be more precise
Je m’intéresse à qqch
I am interested in smthg
En fait
Actuellement = at the moment
Actuel = present
ex : mon job actuel = my present job
D’un côté, de l’autre
Au contraire
On the one hand, on the other (hand)
In contrast
=> on the contrary is more rhetorical and rarely used in scientific english
A la troisième personne du singulier au présent…
On met un “s” à la fin
Les adjectifs sont…
Mots indénombrables
Information, advice, evidence, research, furniture, luggage, software…
For singular or plural → piece(s) of, bit(s) of, word(s) of (advice), some
This research is very interesting (= singular and plural)
De plus, en outre, par ailleurs (connecteur logique addition) (6)
- Besides (en outre, du reste, d’ailleurs)
- Furthermore (de plus)
- Moreover (de plus)
- By the way (soit dit en passant)
- Not only… but also… (non seulment… mais aussi…)
- Then (ensuite)
Pour, afin que (connecteur logique but) (6)
- For (pour)
- In order to (afin de)
- So that (de sorte que)
- So as to (+ verb) (afin de)
- For this purpose (à cet effet)
- To this end (à cet effet)
Parce que, à cause de (connecteur logique cause) (8)
- Because (parce que)
- Because of (à cause de)
- As (comme)
- Thanks to (grâce à)
- For (car)
- due to (dû au fait que)
- on account of (étant donné que)
- given that (étant donné que)
Comme si (connecteur logique comparaison) (4)
- As though (comme si)
- As if (comme si)
- As well as (de même que)
- In comparison (par comparaison)
Bien que, malgré (connecteur logique concession) (7)
- Although (bien que)
- Though (bien que)
- Even though (même si)
- In spite of + nom (malgré)
- Despite + nom (malgré)
- All the same (malgré tout)
- Still (quoi qu’il en soit)
Alors que, cependant (connecteur logique opposition) (8)
- Instead of (au lieu de)
- Nevertheless (néanmoins)
- However (cependant)
- Whereas (tandis que, alors que)
- Notwithstanding (néanmoins)
- Yet (pourtant)
- Conversely (inversement)
- On the one hand… on the other (hand)… (d’un côté… de l’autre…)
A condition que, sinon (connecteur logique condition) (6)
- As far as (dans la mesure où)
- As long as (tant que)
- Provided that (à condition que)
- Unless (à moins que)
- Otherwise (autrement)
- Else (sinon)
Par conséquent, de sorte que (connecteur logique conséquence) (7)
- So that (de sorte que)
- So much that (à tel point que)
- Consequently (par conséquent)
- As a result (en conséquence)
- Therefore (par conséquent)
- Thus (ainsi)
- Hence (d’où)