Anatomy - Lab 1 Flashcards
Name the 5 layers of the scalp.
Skin Connective Tissue (Dense) Aponeurosis (of scalp muscles) Loose connective tissue Periosteum (adhered to bone)
What is the structure of the cranium?
Tabular structure - made of separate tables of bone
Thick outer compact layer (outer table)
Spongy bone in middle (dipole)
Thinner inner layer of compact bone (inner table)
Where is the cranium the thinnest?
Temporal region
Where is the cranium the thickets?
Frontal and occipital regions
Name the internal markings of the skull cap.
Middle meningeal artery
Superior saggital sinus
Arachnoid granulations
What does the middle meningeal artery supply?
Dura and cranium
Where does the superior sagittal sinus lie and what does it drain?
Between the periosteal and meningeal layers
Lies along superior margin of falx cerebri
Drains venous blood
What is the function of the arachnoid granulations?
Drain CSF from subarachnoid space into venous sinuses
What is the fissure called which lies between hemispheres?
Longitudinal fissure
What is the name of the dura running down between hemispheres?
Falx cerebri
What is the extradural space?
Space between bone and dura mater
What is the cause of an extradural haematoma?
Rupture of middle meningeal arteries
What is the dura mater?
Tough white membrane of FCT
What is the outer layer of the dura mater?
Periosteal layer
What does the periosteal layer of the dura mater contain?
Meningeal blood vessels
What is the inner layer of the dura mater?
Meningeal layer
What is the function of the meningeal layer?
Creates dural folds which prevent excessive movement of brain (e.g. falx cerebri, tentorium cerebelli, falx cerebeli)
Where are the venous sinuses found?
Between the periosteal and meningeal layers of the dura (e.g. superior saggital sinus)
What is the arachnoid mater?
A fine, translucent membrane
Contains no blood vessels
Lines the dura
Connected to pia by fine strands of connective tissue
What does the subarachnoid space contain?
What is a SAH?
Bleeding in the sub-arachnoid space = blood in CSF
What does the pia mater contain?
Blood vessels
Extends down into sulci of hemispheres
Name the layers to the brain.
SCALP layers Cranium Extradural space Dura Mater Venous sinuses Subdural space Arachnoid Mater Subarachnoid Space Pia Mater
What is the cortex (grey matter) made of?
Cell bodies
What is the internal capsule made of?
White matter (nerve fibres)
Name the large nuclei (made of cell bodies) near the internal capsule and their functions.
Caudate nucleus - control of movement
Thalamus - major relay station of incoming sensory info
Lentiform nucleus - control of movement
Where does the third ventricle lie?
Between two thalami
Where is the lateral ventricle found?
Anterior horn lies medial to caudate nucleus
Posterior horn more in occipital region
What are the veins called which are found on the surface of the hemipshere?
Cerebral veins
What are bridging veins?
Pass from hemisphere and enter superior saggital sinus
What does a rupture of a bridging vein cause?
Subdural haematoma
What are arachnoid granulations made of?
Collections of arachnoid villi
What lies between the superior sagittal sulcus and inferior sagittal sulcus?
Falx cerebri
Where is the central sulcus found?
Between the frontal and parietal lobes
Where is the lateral sulcus found?
On the side - between the frontal, parietal and temporal lobes
Which fissure separates the cerebrum from the cerebellum?
Transverse fissure
Which fissure separates the two hemispheres?
Longitudinal fissure
What does the mastoid process look like and where is it?
Temporal bone - pointy, posterior bit
Where is the glabella found?
Between the eyebrows
Name the sutures and their locations.
Coronal - separating frontal and parietal bones
Sagittal - separating two parietal bones
Squamous - separating parietal and temporal bone
Lambdoid - separating occipital and parietal bones
Name the two fontanelles.
Frontal and occipital
What is a fontanelle?
Soft parts on infants head where the bony plates have not yet come together
What is bregma?
The intersection of the coronal and sagittal suture
What is lambda?
The intersection of the sagittal and lambdoid suture
Which lobe lies in the anterior cranial fossa?
Frontal lobe
What lies in the middle cranial fossa?
Temporal lobe
What lies in the posterior cranial fossa?
Cerebellum and brainstem
Name the locations of haematomas and the affected vessels.
Extra/epidural haematoma - middle meningeal arteries ruptured
Subdural haematoma - bridging veins