Anatomy-Facial & Trigeminal Nerves Flashcards
CN V Sensory functions
Face, Cornea, Dura, Ant. 2/3 tongue, nasal cavity & sinuses.
CN V motor functions
1st pharyngeal arch muscles: MM MATT: Mastication, mylohyoid, Ant. Digastric, tensor tympani, tensor veli palatini.
Nucleus for trigeminal nerve motor fibers location in the medulla.
Motor nucleus of V. It is located superior to the nucleus ambiguus (arches 3,4,6). Note that it is still in the column of nuclei that innervate the pharyngeal arches.
What autonomic fibers are associated with CN V?
No pre-ganglionic fibers are, but many post-ganglionic fibers hop on CN V to get to their target tissue.
Where do the initial branches off the trigeminal nerve pass through?
V1) Cavernous sinus -> Superior orbital fissure on its way to the orbit. V2) Foramen rotundum on its way to pterygopalatine fossa. V3) Foramen ovale on its way to the infra temporal fossa.
What type of nerve fibers from CN V innervate the regions shown below?
These regions are innervated by V1. V1 is solely sensory.
What branches arise from V1 in the orbit?
“NFL” Nasociliary. Frontal. Lacrimal.
What clinical correlations are associated with the nasociliary nerve?
It gives off the long ciliary nerve which pierces the back of the eyeball to innervate the cornea. This is involved in the sensory component of the cornea reflex. The sympathetic fibers from the superior cervical ganglion also course with the long ciliary nerve to innervate the dilator pupillae.
What type of nerve fibers from CN V innervate the regions shown below?
V2 sensory fibers.
Where does V2 go after it enters the pterygopalatine fossa? How else does V2 branch?
Some fibers pass through the pterygopalatine ganglion (they do not synapse, they just divide) -> greater & lesser palatine nerve. The other branches of V2 are the superior alveolar nerves, zygomatic nerve and infraorbital nerve.
When does the maxillary nerve become the infraorbital nerve?
At the point where the posterior superior alveolar nerve comes off the maxillary nerve.
What nerve innervates the regions shown below?
V3. Note that it has both sensory and motor innervation.
How does V3 branch after passing through the foramen ovale?
Anterior division: all motor nerves except buccal nerve (sensory to cheek). Posterior division: all sensory nerves except mylohyoid nerve (motor to digastric and mylohyoid).
A patient present with loss of sensation to the face, cornea, conjunctiva, mucosa of the nose, mouth & anterior 2/3 of tongue. Physical exam reveals loss of direct & indirect corneal reflex when they eye is touched. She also has mandible deviation to the right side. Where is the lesion in this patient?
Up near the brainstem where you can lesion all right CN V fibers. You know it is right because she has lost muscles of mastication and the jaw will deviate towards the side of weakness.
A patient presents to the clinic complaining of excruciating pain in his face every time he chews, laughs or blows his nose. The pain lasts 1-2 minutes every time he does this. What is your diagnosis?
Trigeminal neuralgia. This can be caused by displacement of a blood vessel that compresses the trigeminal nerve.