anatomy clinical head Flashcards
when can CN 1 likely get damaged
in head trauma
where can CN 2 be damaged
in the optic canal, orbit and subarachnoid space
where can CN 3 be damaged
midbrain, subarachnoid space, cavernous sinus, orbit
what is ptosis and mydrasis signs of injury to
CN 3
where can CN 4 be damaged
in the midbrain, subarachnoid space, cavernous sinus, orbit
what are signs of injury to CN 4
vertical diplopia
what nerve is damaged with trigeminal neuralgia
CN 5
where can the trigeminal nerve be damaged (general)
pons and posterior cranial fossa
where can the ophthalmic nerve of the trigeminal nerve be damaged
cavernous sinus, superior orbital fissure, branches in orbit and on face
where can the maxillary nerve of the trigeminal nerve be damaged
cavernous sinus, foramen rotunda, branches in nasal cavity and face
where can the mandibular nerve of the trigeminal nerve be damaged
foramen ovale, infratemporal fossa, branches ot mandible and face
where can cranial nerve 6 be damaged
pons, subarachnoid space/posterior fossa, cavernous sinus, orbit
what is cranial nerve 6 in direct contact with in the cavernous sinus
internal carotid artery
what are signs of injury to cranial nerve 6
horizontal diplopia, cannot abduct eye, esotropia
where can cranial nerve 7 be damaged
pons/medulla/posterior cranial fossa, temporal bone, on face (parotid surgery)
what nerve is damaged with bell’s palsy
CN 7
what does injury to CN 8 lead to
IL deafness, nystagmus, and dizziness
what nerves are impacted with vestibular schwannoma
CN 7, 8, 10 and 12
where can cranial nerve 10 be damaged
medulla/posterior fossa
what does CN XI arise from
neurons in C1-C4 spinal cord
what are the sensory ganglia in the head
trigeminal (CN 5), geniculate (CN 7), and superior and inferior (CN IX), superior and inferior (CN X)
parasympathetics in head
COPS- ciliary (CN 3), otic (CN 9), pterygopalatine (CN 7), submandibular (CN 7)
what nerves are involved with syndromes at the sphenoid fissure
3, 4, 5(2), 6
what nerves are involve in syndromes at the cavernous sinus
3, 4, 5(1), 6
what nerves are involved in syndromes at the retrosphenoidal space
2, 3, 4, 5, 6
what nerves are involved in syndromes occurring at the apex of petrous bone
5, 6
what nerves are involved in syndromes occurring at the internal auditory meatus
7, 8
what nerves are involved in syndromes occurring at the jugular foramen
9, 10, 11
what nerves are involved ins syndromes occurring at the posterior lateral condylar space
9, 10, 11, 12
what nerves are involved with syndromes occurring at the retroparotid space
9, 10, 11, 12 and sympathetic chain
what does injury to the neck of the mandible endanger
facial and auriculotemporal ns
what does injury to the superior ramus of the mandible endanger
inferior alveolar and lingual ns
what results from elongation of the styloid process or calcification of the stylohyoid ligament
eagle syndrome
what nerve is endangered during parotidectomy
CN 7
what is the autonomic innervation of the parotid gland
CN 9
what provides sensory innervation to the parotid gland
CN 5
what is anisocoria
left-right asymmetry in the size of the pupils
what is the pupillary reflex in and out by
in by CN 2 and out by CN 3
what is the corneal reflex in and out by
in by CN 5 and out by CN 7
what is the tearing reflex in and out by
in by CN 5 and out by CN 7