Anatomy Flashcards
The internal jugular vein is ______ to the carotid artery and _______ to the vagus nerve and all three are housed in the ________
lateral, anterios, cartoid sheath
The vertebral arteries are the first branches off the ________ artery
The ________ nerve keeps the diaphragm alive and if non-functional, may see paralyzed side on inspiratory x ray
In TOF, the more severe the _______, the more severe the diagnosis
pulmonic stenosis, b/c inc right to left shunting
coronary dominance is determined by which artery supplies the _________ descending artery. 70% of people are right dominant so the __________ artery supplies it and 30% are left dominant and the ________ artery supplies it. This artery also supplies the ______ node
posterior descending, right coronary, left circumflex, AV node
how can someone get horsiness from mitral valve stenosis
the left atrium can compress the recurrent laryngeal nerve
the femoral head is at inc risk for osteonecrosis and is supplied by the _________ artery
medial circumflex
The recurrent laryngeal nerve lies close to the ____________ artery and can be damaged in thyroid surgery
inferior thyroid
The superior laryngeal nerve branches off the ________ and supplies innervation to the _________
vagus, cricothyroid muscle
In the leg, what nerve innervates the anterior compartment
deep peroneal
in the leg, what nerve innervates the lateral component
superficial peroenal
in the leg, what nerve innervates the posterior compartment
tibial nerve
anterior nosebleeds are typically from the vascular watershed area of the _____________
nasal septum (Kisselbach’s plexus)
branches of the _________ artery are responsible for posterior nosebleeds which are typically more severe
blunt trauma can cause orbital floor fractures which commonly involve the ________ sinus
prolonged exposure to loud noises can cause loss of stereo ciliated cells in the ___________
organ of corti
hearing loss from the auditory nerve is typically due to a ____________
vestibular schwannoma
defects in the middle ear ossicles lead to ___________
hearing loss that affects air conduction
The __________ nerve mediates the afferent limb of the cough reflex above the vocal cords. Foreign bodies can become lodged in the _________ and cause damage impairing the _________ reflex
internal laryngeal, piriform recess, cough
The afferent limb of the gag reflex is mediated by CN ___and the efferent limb is CN ____
9, 10
The prostatic plexus lies within the ______ of the prostate and innervates the _________ which facilitates penile erection. Prostatectomy can cause ___________
fascia, corpus cavernosa, erectile dysfunction
The cremasteric reflex is from the _________ nerve
gentiofemoral (L1-L2)
Branches of the ________ nerve innervate the external urethral and anal sphincters. Injury can lead to
pudendal nerve, fecal incontinence, decreased penile sensation, external urethral sphincter paralysis
detrusor muscle overactivity leads to ___________
urge incontinence
The _______ nerve provides cutaneous sensation to the posterior external auditory canal via its small auricular branch
-can get vasovagal syncope from too much manipulation
inter scalene block of brachial plexus numbs the _________
diaphragm from C3-C5:phrenic nerve
The _________ artery supplies blood to the ventral 2/3rds of the spinal cord
anterior spinal artery
-so damage leads to pain and temp loss and motor loss
hypoperfusion of _______ artery would lead to loss of dorsal column function
posterior spinal arteries
Brown Sequard syndrome
ipsilateral dorsal column and motor and contralateral pain and temp 1 above and below the lesion
temporal lobe lesion leads to a ________ loop
contralateral Meyer’s loop affected “pie in the sky”
parietal lobe lesion leads to _________ loop
Baum’s loop “pie on the floor”
the subthalmic nucleus ______ the globus pallidus interna—-> ______ thalamus
excites, inhibits
-with hemiballismus, you have dec activity of subthalmic nucleus
Damage to the ________ is also known as Gerstmann syndrome and what do you see
left angular gyrus
- agraphia: inability to write
- acalcula: inability to do math
- finger agnosia: inability to identify fingers
- left right disorientation
Damage to the _________ cortex leads to global aphasia
left perisylvan
nerve pharyngeal arch 3
nerve pharyngeal arch 4
nerve pharyngeal arch 6
recurrent laryngeal : hoarseness
-innervates intrinsic muscles of the larynx
uvular deviation is mediated by what nerve?
LMN contralateral vagus nerve
tongue deviation is mediated by what nerve?
UMN ipsilateral hypoglossus nerve
______ nerve root supplies musculocutaneous, radial, and median nerves distally
The ______ retina is responsible for lateral vision
The _______ retina is responsible for nasal vision
The midbrain has CN?
CN 3,4 so mediating pupil findings
the thoracodorsal nerve innervates what muscle
latissimus dorsi
-shoulder extension, adduction, and internal rotation
_________ nerve damages the serrates anterior and leads to winging of the scapula
long thoracic
-commonly injured during lymph node dissection
common perineal injury presents as _________
foot drop and stoppage gait because can’t evert or dorsiflex the foot when damaged
berry aneurysm leads to an __________ down and out lesion
-commonly at posterior communicating artery
thoracic outlet syndrome is typically from compression of the ________ triangle and can present as numbness tingling, weakness of shoulder, hand, finger
wasting of the thenar eminence involves the ______ nerve and also innervates the _____ beds
median, nail
the _______ nerve innervates most of the _______ aspect of the hand
radial, dorsal
The right ovarian and testicular vein drain directly into the ______
sim for right adrenal veins
The left ovarian and testicular vein drain into what
left renal vein—> IVC
sim for left adrenal veins
______ bone is the wrist bone most commonly injured and its in the anatomical snuff box
inability to extend affect digit is a problem with
palmar aponeurosis (dupuytren fracture)
tissue of crutches typically leads to damage of ______ nerve and will see
radial, loss of innervation to dorsal thumb and lateral dorsum of the hand
compression of ______ nerve in cubital fossa will lead to tingling
shoulder dystocia during birth affects C____
C5-6 which affects axillary (C5-C6), musculocutaneous (C5-C7), radial(C5-T1), median(C5-T1)
which muscle supinates
biceps (musculocutaneous)
the axillary artery becomes the brachial artery at the inferior border of ________
teres major
inferior thyroid artery is a branch of ________
thyrocervical trunk
the external ear is from the first pharyngeal ______
cleft (external ear), middle ear is from 1st pharyngeal pouch
the right middle lobe is between what ribs
in the alveoli Hgb is in the _____ form and in the tissues Hgb is in the _____ form
relaxed, taut (low affinity for O2)
the bladder is anterior to the ________ and posterior to the internal urethral orifice is the ________
uterus, vaginal wall
ballooning of abdominal artery tends to happen between hat two arteries
renal and inferior mesenteric
The _____ part of the duodenum is adjacent to the pancreas
interstitial cells of ______ are the pacemaker cells of the small intestine
The ______ layer of Meissner and Auerbach’s plexus is affected in hirschprung’s disease
submucosa because other layers may appear normal if only a small amount is involved
The _________ artery connects the superior and inferior mesenteric arteries
areas distal to the dentate line drain in the ________ lymph nodes
superficial inguinal
above the dentate line drains into what lymph nodes
inferior mesenteric to internal iliac
The dural sinuses drain blood from the brain into the _________ vein
internal jugular
In a DISTAL clavicle fracture, the _______ draws the distal fragment inferolaterally, while the _________ and _________ draw a proximal fragment superiomedially
deltoid, trapezius and sternoclediomastoid
The _________ peroneal nerve tends to be injured by fighting fitting high boots (damage to fibular head) with sensory loss over ____ leg and ______ foot
-have a foot drop (inability to walk on heels), lateral leg, dorsolateral foot
The _______ peroneal nerve controls foot eversion
psoas muscle is from the ______ vertebrae and extends into what area
T12-L4, groin
iliopsoas test causes _______ muscle inflammation
psoas (flex hip against resistance)
the esophagus passes through the diaphragm and contains what
vagal trunks
aortic hiatus at diaphragm contains _____, ______, _______
aorta, thoracic duct, azygous vein
The superior laryngeal nerve splits into what two branches and what do they innervate?
the external branch travels with the superior thyroid artery and innervates the cricothyroid, the internal provides sensory info above vocal cords
recurrent laryngeals provide innervation to all of larynx except the ______. What artery does this nerve travel with
cricothyroid, inferior thyroid artery
what are they ONLY true muscles that open the vocal cords facilitating both inspiration and expiration
posterior cricoarytenoid
The trachea ends at what spinal level
T4-5 and then splits at carina
For thorancentesis it should be _______ a rib so you don’t damage the neuromuscular bundle. What are the 3 positions?
- 6-8th rib midclavicular line
- 8-10th mid axillary line
- 10-12th rib posteriorly
What is most at risk when placing a tracheostomy tube between the 2nd and 3rd tracheal cartilages
thyroid gland
Radial nerve innervates the BEST
Extensors of the wrist
nursemaids elbow damages the _______ ligament
-arm is extended and forearm pronated
damage to radial nerve at axilla–>____ drop and ______ triceps reflex
wrist, absent triceps and sensory loss over posterior arm, forearm, and dorsolateral hand
damage to radial nerve at midshaft humerus —>
weakness of hand/finger extensors with sparing of triceps and sensory loss over hand (wrist and finger drop)
damage to radial nerve in supinator canal—>
finger drop (esp if using screwdrivers a lot)
supracondylar fractures of humerus are more likely to involve _______ nerve
dislocation of lunate wrist bone may cause
acute carpal tunnel syndrome (damage median nerve)
thoracic duct empties at junction of which two veins
left jugular and subclavian
____ damaged from valgus stress
_____ damaged from varus stress
ureter is _______ to internal iliac