anatomy Flashcards
List layers of abdomem from skin to parietal peritoneum
Camper Fascia (fatty) Scarpa Fascia (membranous) Deep Fascia EO Int fascia IO Deep Fascia Transverse Abdominus Transversalis fascia Extraperiotonela fat
Which layer of fascia attaches to the thigh and prohibits fluids from entering leg
Scarpa’s membranous
What is the inguinal ligament?
lower border of aponeurosis of EO
Function of EO and IO
compress viscera
flex and rotate trunk
Vascular origination of Sup. and Inf epigastric vessels
Sup - internal thoracic
Inf - Ext. illiac
Which abdominal muscle is continous with the cremaster muscle? The Conjoint tendon?
The oblietared gubernaculm becomes what in males? in females?
scrotal ligament
round ligament of ovary AND uterus (2)
3 borders of inguinal triangle?
inguinal ligament
inf. epigastric vessels
lat. border of rectus abd
indirect hernias pass through which “ring”?
describe a variocele
dilated veins of the spermatic cord with inadequate valves
List layers of fascia over the testicle
Dartos Colles fascia Ext. spermatic fascia Cremaster muscle Int. spermatic fascia Tunica vaginalis testis
What is an omentum?
peritoneum that connects the stomach to another organ
The great omentm connects what?
stomach to colon
At what gestational age do the intestines recede back into the abdomen?
12 weeks
which parts of the colon are retroperitoneal?
ascending and descending
the greater omentum includes which ligaments?
gastrosplenic and splenorenal ligaments
The lesser omentum includes which ligaments?
hepatoduodenal and heptogastric
What is the portal triad?
common bile duct
hepatic art. proper
portal vein
name the omental foramen boundaries
hepatoduodenal ligament IVC caudate lobe of liver duodenum/hepatic art. gastro splenic - splenorenal ligament
what nerves supply the visceral peritoneum?
parietal peritoneum nerve supply?
intercostal nerves T7-T12
Phrenic nerve
left to right branches of the celiac trunk
left gastic artery
splenic artery
hepatic artery
Level of abdominal aorta and illiac artery
The common hepatic artery becomes the following arteries. name some additional branches?
hepatic artery proper –> R hepatic (cystic) and L hepatic -
R gastric
What are some branches of the splenic artery
L gastro-omental
Short gastric
Splenic vein
Blood supply to the pancreas is from which major artery?
celiac and mesenteric anastomoses
Common location for peptic ulcers?
Ampulla or duodenal cap
Common cause for hiatal hernia?
Laxity of LES
What are the right sided branches of SMA?
Right Colic
Middle Colic
Which part of small intestine have plicae?
llleum have the peyer patches
Which areas of colon are prone to ischemia?
splenic flexure
right colon
rectosigmoid junction
Name the branches of the IMA?
L colic
Sigmoid arteries
Superior rectal artery
Describe pain in early and late appendicitis
early - imbilicus
late - McBurneys
What are three veins that empty into the portal vein?
Sup. Mesenteric vein
Splenic Vein
Inf. Mesenteric vein
Veins involved in esophageal varices? caput medusae? hemorrhoids?
Azygos + L gastric vein
Epigastric + paraumbilical
inf + sup rectal vein
where does lymph from stomach and pancreas drain to?
cisterna chyli
the R crus of the diaphragm is also called this
Ligament of Treitz
name the 3 sides of the triangle of Calot
liver tissue
cystic duct
common hepatic duct
Embryologic remnant of umbilical vein
ligamentum terres
What is ductus venosus?
Shunt that directs blood around the liver from the umbilical vein to IVC
Suprarenal glands cortex and medulla are derived from these 2 cell types
mesoderm and neural crest cells
Origin of superior, middle and inferior suprarenal arteries?
inferior phrenic
renal arteries
What is nutcracker syndrome?
SMA and aorta compresse L suprarenal vein blocking the L gonadal vein
in horseshoe kidney what prevents the kidney from ascending in the pelvis?
The ureter runs along with which vessels?
under gonadal
near iliac
and under uterine vessels
Innvervation to diaphragm?
Motor = phrenic sensory = phrenic and T5-T12
What structures do the median, medial and lateral arcutate ligaments pass over?
median = aorta medial = psoas lateral = quadratus lumborum
Name the lumbar plexus nerves top to bottom
subcostal iliohypogastric llioinguinal genitofemoral lat. femoral cutaneous femoral obturator
Where does the vagus nerve enter the abdominal cavity?
Esophageal hiatus
Which structure is not a boundary of the pelvic outlet? pubic arch coccyx ischipubic ramu scrospinous ligament sacrotuberous ligaments
sacrospinous ligament
What is the most important pelvis measurement for delivery?
the obstetric conjugate- because it can be measured
true and diagonal not easily measured
what is the rectovesical pouch?
fold of peritoneum between urinary bladder and colon
In what area of the prostate are most cancers? location fo BPH?
peripheral (posterior lobe)
Name the portion of the broad ligament connected to the uterine tube?
The uterus is connected to the pelvic bones via these ligaments
uterosacral cardinal ligament (transverse cervical)
What two sympathetic nerves supply the inf. hypogastric plexus? parasympahtetic?
lumbar and sacral splanchnics
pelvic splanchnic
the male pelvis usually has a _____outlet and _____ pubic angle
muscles of the pelvic diaphragm? lateral wall and posteriro walls?
levator ani and coccygeus
obturator internus and piriformis
Name the branches of the anterior internal illiac artery
obturator umbilical vaginal inf. vesical middle rectal inf gluteal int pudendal
Name branches of posterior internal illiac artery
sup. gluteal
lateral sacral
what is the normal position of the utuerus?
anteverted and anteflexed
where does fertilization and implantation usually occur?
ampulla of uterine tube
posterior uterus wall
Name the fascia below the superficial pouch in females (2)
Deep perineal (Gallaudet's) Superficial perinela (Colles's)
Name the fascia of the penis.
blood supply?
superfical (Dartos) and Deep (Bucks) fascia
corpus cavemosum and corpus spongiosum
int pudendal –>perineal –> dorsal artery of penis
The pudenal canal contains what structures and lies medial to this muscle
int pudendal vessel and pudendal nerve
obturator internus
Palpate this landmark to perform pudendal nerve block
ischial spine