What is the principle behind the volumetric method?
Unknowns samples is made to react with a known solution in the presence of an indicator.
What are the example methods for volumetric method?
Schales and Schales (Cl-) and EDTA Titration (Ca2+)
This method is used to measure abundant large particles and bacterial suspension.
What is the principle behind the turbidimetry method?
Detects the amount of light that gets blocked by the matter in a turbid solution.
Turbidity depends on specimen (?) and (?) size.
Specimen Concentration and Particle Size
What are the other uses for the turbidity method?
- Protein measurements
- Bacterial growth in broth cultures
- Antibiotic sensitivities
- Clot formation
This method is used to measure the amount of antigen-antibody complexes in a solution.
What is the main principle behind the nephelometry method?
Determines the amount of scattered light by the particulate matter in a turbid solution.
What is the angle wherein scattered light by a particle is measured at from the beam incident on the cuvette?
15-90 Degrees
What is the diameter and wavelentghs of Ag-Ab complexes.
- 250-1500nm (Diameter)
- 320-650nm (Wavelength)
This method is more sensitive than turbidimetry method.
What is the light source of a nephelometer?
Mercury Arc, Tungsten Filament, LED, and LASER
Similar to Spectrophotometer.
This component of a nephelometer is used for producing parallel beams fo rays or radiation.
What is the photodetector of a nephelometer and what method is it similar to?
PM Tube, AAS
In nephelometry, what is the relationship between the detector output and concentration?
Directly Proportional