What does Beer’s Law state?
The concentration of an unknown substance is directly proportional to the absorbed light and inversely proportional to the amount of transmitted light.
The more concentrated a substance is, the more light is absorbed and the less light passes through.
This is the amount of light absorbed and it is proportional to the inverse log of transmittance.
Absorbance is mathematically derived from (?).
What is the formula in order to get absorbance.
A= abc= 2-log%T= -logT
What is the solution to get the concentration of an unknown susbtance?
Unknown= (Absorbance of Unknown/Absorbance of Standard) x Consentration of Standard
This is the ratio of radiant energy transmitted (T) divided by the radiant energy incident on the sample (I).
Percent Transmittence
What is the formula in order to get the percent tranmittance?
%T= (It/I0) x 100= (sample beam signal/blank beam signal) x 100
What are the colors absorbed for the following wavelengths:
- 350 to 430
- 430 to 475
- 475 to 495
- Violet
- Blue
- Green Blue
What are the colors absorbed for the following wavelengths:
- 495 to 505
- 505 to 555
- 555 to 575
- Blue Green
- Green
- Yellow Green
What are the colors absorbed for the following wavelengths:
- 575 to 600
- 600 to 650
- 650 to 700
- Yellow
- Orange
- Red
What are the complementary colors for the following?
- Violet
- Blue
- Green Blue
- Blue Green
- Green
- Yellow Green
- Yellow
- Orange
- Red
- Yellow Blue
- Yellow
- Orange
- Red
- Purple
- Violet
- Blue
- Green Blue
- Blue Green
What is the quality assurance done in a spectrophotometer?
Didymium Glass (600nm) or Holmium Oxide (350nm)
This is also called a wavelentgh quality control.
Absorbance Check, Linearity, and Stray Light.
This is a technique in which it contains a serum that does not have a reagent to complete the assay.
Blanking Technique
Ultracentrifugation of blanking process is not effective to (?) or (?).
Clear serums or plasma of chylomicrons.