Amazon - Water And Carbon Flashcards
- south america
- contains over 300 million trees
- cover 68% of Brazil and parts of Peru, bolivia, columbia, ecuador, venezuela etc
- covers 8.2million km2
- world’s largest rainforest ecosystem
- largest example of freshwater runoff = 15-20%
- originated over 55 million years ago
- soils are fetilised partly by phophorus from sahara’s bodele region
Links to water cycle
- over 3000mm of rain a year
- avergae temp of 28C causing humid conditions
- 75% of total rain is intercepted by trees
- 25% of all reain evaporates or is returned to the atmosphere via transpiration
- of the remaining 75% half is used by plants and returens to the atmosphere
- other 50% is infiltrated
- deforestation may cause increases in surface runoff
- discharges 175,000 cumecs of freshwater into atlantic each second
- moisture released into the atmosphere impacts rainfall in USA, EU, SEA
- 50-80% of the water within the Amazon is recylced within the ecosystem
Links to the carbon cycle
- plants do photosynthesis releasing o2 and trapping CO2
- knowing as ‘the lungs of the earth’
- stores 20% of all biomass on planet
- only coral fixes a larges amount of carbon than tropical rainforests
- deforestation leads to soils being unconsolidatetd and so soil erosion
- soil erosion leads to carbon being washed away
- age of many plants in the rainforest means they are long-term carbon store
- regulate global atmospheric carbon levels
Links to environmental change and human activity
- up to 1960, shifiting subsistence cultivation by indigenous groups had little impact on the biome
- 1960s Brazilian government encouraged colonisation of large scale projects that exploited land
- it has lost approximately 17% of its primary rainforest in the last 50 years = 80% cattle ranching
- dought in 2005 and 2010
- 2010 drought - lowered the rio negro, islotaing local people who used it for transport
- forest fires release a large store of carbon
- deforestaion impacts albedo and transpiration
- large hydroelectric dams
- crops planted in deforested areas will fix some carbon and evapotranspire
- destruction of amazons coastal mangroves - rapid transfers in water cycle
- by 2080 current species wont be viable in the amazon due to temp and the cycle will shut down