Airway Management And Ventilation Flashcards
Lung collapse , prevents the respiratory exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide
Low carbon dioxide levels also called hypocapnia
Decreased oxygen in the arterial blood
Decreased oxygen in the tissue level
Intrapulmonic pressure
Pressure of gas in the alveoli
Intrathoracic pressure
Pressure in the pleural space
Pulmonary ventilation
The movement of air into and out of the lungs . Brings oxygen into the lungs and carbon dioxide out
Tidal volume
The volume of air inspired or expired in a single resting breath
External respiration
The transfer of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the inspired air and pulmonary capillaries
Internal respiration
The transfer of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the capillary red blood cells and tissue cells
Chest wall expands increasing the size of the thoracic cavity and expands lungs
The diaphragm and intercostal muscles relax and allows elastic recoil of the lungs and decrease the size of the thoracic cavity
Inspiration reserve volume
Exploratory reserve volume
Residual volume
Sea level
760 atmospheric pressure
Molecules to move from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration
Vagal reflex
Hering Breuer reflex
Most common cause of foreign body airway obstruction
Normal respiratory rate in adults
Pulsus paradoxus
A fall in systolic blood pressure of 10 mm or more
Oxygen delivery
Nasal 14-44 Simple face mask 35-60 Partial rebreather mask 35-60 Non rebreather 80-95 Ventury mask 24-50
Laryngeal mask airway
Used on unresponsive patients Contraindication Presence of a gag reflex Caustic ingestion Esophageal trauma or disease
Convi tube
Contraindication less than 5 feet
Caustic ingestion
Gag reflex
Esophageal trauma or disease
Cystic lesion on a line of the lung